
Does anyone else NOT believe that we are the cause of Climate Change?


Posted by: chips48

17th Jun 2011 01:44pm

As a senior citizen, many years ago we were all told that the world was heading for an ice aga because of the pollution in the air. Now, because the scientists have discovered that is not going to happen, to maintain a reason for their existence and for them to keep they highly-paid jobs, they have decided that the opposite is happening, and we are experiencing global warming. Yet, every time we hear weather reports about an exceptionally hot day, or an extra cold day, that we have experienced, the comment is always followed by "...since 1935 or some other date". The whole thing is just nature's natural weather cycle, and global warming is just a furphy, and we are all being conned.

Comments 68

  • 18th Dec 2019 05:54pm

Senior citizen means you are in maybe 70's or 80's?As a health professional, I have met many people from your era who were told to sit out in the sun for good health - would we do that now? No. A classic example is smoking was advertised and even endorsed by "doctors" on advertisements for cigarettes. Unheard of now. People tended to believe advertising then.Other examples I can think of - insect sprays with DDT in them - now known to be a deadly poison to humans and the environment and the promotion of bottle feeding infants instead of breast feeding by milk formula companies - only a few examples. - we did not have as much scientific evidence as we have now, and advertising false claims of products benefits without the harm they may cause - mostly not on in Australia or at least until scrutiny exposes false claims. Hearing since 1935 or dates shows that the scientists are collecting data and analysing it in line with if you haven't already noticed - the worlds extreme weather events not just here or there, but globally - the earth is in trouble and humans have caused it - we are facing more extinctions of native species, deforestation, destruction of natural environments, polluted oceans which kill fish life and we will be next - we are in a climate emergency, a global catastrophe and if you do not believe it, I really don't know what planet you are living on - it won't matter to you it seems when this planet Earth will not support human life - no trees, no rain, no oxygen, no food - no life.

  • 18th Dec 2019 02:28pm

Well...the summers have definitely got a lot hotter than what they were when I was a child and the winters are usually a bit milder than what they were back then...so I guess judging by those facts that there must be something to what the scientists are saying.

  • 17th Dec 2019 03:24pm

no i believe it's happening as we speak from petrol fumes and carbon dioxide you just have to see from far all the smoke in the day time into the city and you see all the smoke right around it

  • 11th Sep 2019 05:22pm

Senior citizen however old your are - you may also recall that many things change - what was once thought to be ok - after studies and scientific evidence come to light - they are found not to be so. For example - asbestos was considered a wonder material - now we all know about it - as a person working in the health field - I recall many so called "wonder drugs" were found to be not only bad for health but caused serious health problems - examples are thalidomide which caused serious birth defects. I have also been around long enough to know that there have been many other drugs in use in medicine which have been withdrawn due to bad effects or causing damage to health.
I could cite many other things like cars which use a lot of petrol - no one thought twice - now they are all energy efficient, workers being exposed to loud noises, workers using equipment with no guards or safety devices, indigenous people working without wages,etc: I could go on and on about many different "ideas" which were common and acceptable, but with input from science and thinking people we can now see that many of those ideas were terribly wrong, dangerous and totally unfair.
Global warming is not just natures cycle - this is now a world wide event destroying our home the earth and all who live on it. If I am guessing right as to your age group I know that many people in the seniors group were a lot more accepting of what they were told without questioning it - it was just like that in times past - people were more controlled and there was no avenue to speak up about things or question things nor share ideas - now we are able to do that with the advent of the TV and now the internet. We all share a lot more knowledge now as language barriers even are not so problematic.
I see that you have a dislike of "science" no they are not just saying things for money - science now has to have evidence and prove what is being said - unlike in the past when people were just told - this is ok.
Our planet is in dire straits and its not just some "natural" event - scientists have been warning about this for many years that the earth is warming - it started off with the ozone layer being damaged and since has escalated to much worse conditions - it threatens our existence and the modern way of living has caused it deforestation, chemicals and poisions used in the environment killing the bees - if you actually read about the environment and the land, you can see that if we have no bees to pollinate plants then we don't eat. No trees - no oxygen we die - I think you are living in a fantasy land if you think this is a "natural event" - and if it is as you think then what is going to bring us out of it?

  • 17th Aug 2019 12:24am

You are missing the point, the records and scientific research has already proven that we are seeing changes that has never before been seen, the earth is heating up like never before, do be in denial and looking for excuses to continue life as we know it is selfish, ignorant and just plain stupid. Our great grandchildren are the ones who are going to be suffering the most if nothing is done to change things as soon as possible. Islands are disappearing, beach erosion is happening right now on Australian coastlines and the world, seas are rising, and weather patterns are erratic like never before. Please do not believe the climate skeptics they are all invested in coal, gas and oil and do not want to change their way of life, they are looking for excuses to continue destroying the planet, killing off wildlife, desecrating habitats, making more desert by tree clearing all for the dollar!

  • 20th Jul 2019 12:47pm

Perhaps you need to stop listening to media propaganda and actually reading the scienchttps://thelogicofscience.com/2016/10/18/debunking-25-arguments-against-climate-change-in-5-sentences-or-less-each/e. Here’s a good place to start:

  • 13th Jun 2019 02:15pm

No - you are talking weather not climate. Climate change is measure over a longer period of time. It is a fact that the world is warming up from the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So yes I believe in climate change and the warming of the planet. I also believe in weather patterns and changes in this too. These are separate things.

  • 2nd Jun 2019 05:08am

Nope, I don't agree with you

  • 13th May 2019 12:40pm

In my simple view everyone in modern society is responsible for climate change. Now people are more comfortable and they don’t like to do a little bit difficult work .. everywhere they like to use machine that run from petroleum. Diesel coal etc which results in producing more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. And I think carbon is the main cause of global warming .. if people use bicycle instead of car we can control global warming easily in few years ..

  • 14th Oct 2018 01:27pm

We are not the cause of climate change. Our development may contribute to our demise but the changing of climate has been happening since the earth was created.Yes these people creating the hulabalu are only creating a job and expense that we do not need. If they really wanted to create a better earth then they would look to what has been created and review what will enhance our earth e.g for every acre of land cleared we create and acre of treed land or edge the acre in trees. The life blood of our human race. Move water vie ducts or pipes in land to create a haven for the production of food.

  • 14th Mar 2018 09:05pm

Your question? My perspective is climate change ,well,it's a climactic cycle,and unpredictable.

  • 5th Mar 2018 09:05am

I completely agree with you, I think it is just mother nature running a cycle....I had to write an essay on climate change 2 years ago and I found that a couple of thousands of years ago the oceans were higher and the temperature was hotter than it is today and there were no business etc to cause pollution back then, so I think scientists just keep trying to find ways to get grants and validate their PhD's....

Sol Roper
  • 22nd Feb 2018 03:45pm

Climate change is absolutely as a result of human activities. Despite there being natural cycles in the Earths weather cycles of, on average, hotter weather and then, on average colder periods which happen at a regular and predictable rate, these periods have been extensively graphed and studied. What is seen is that the colder periods are becoming hotter and hotter with the hotter periods also rising so much so that if these points were condensed, the graph would be EXPONENTIALLY increasing and this exponential increase is seen to have started perfectly in line with human events such as the industrial revolution, indication beyond any form of doubt that climate change is absolutely a result of human actions.

  • 30th May 2017 08:04pm

All other autumns have been cold except this one with the temperature being up to 24c during the day being most unusual. Temperatures are changing because of climate change. Polar bears are suffering because the ice is breaking up with some of the bears drowning.

  • 25th May 2017 05:31pm

Climate change is happening and its about time people faced facts. We're only six days off the winter season and still having temperatures up to 23c which is most unusual. Usually its -2 during the morning, reaching up to 15c during the day but this hasn't been happening and the reason why is - Climate Change.

  • 17th Aug 2019 12:38am
Climate change is happening and its about time people faced facts. We're only six days off the winter season and still having temperatures up to 23c which is most unusual. Usually its -2 during the...

Yes the my birthday is in may and this year was the first year I ever had a nice sunny day to enjoy rather than a cold one, I am in my 50s.

  • 23rd Mar 2017 11:19am

I think it is naturally occurring.

Burnt Out Digger
  • 28th Oct 2016 05:01pm

IF you don't believe in climate change go to The Torres Strait and see the effects of rising sea levels on those islands and talk to the local people about the impact it is having.

  • 25th Oct 2016 09:23pm

global temperatures are rising, but not because of human activity, it is part of a natural cycle. all one has to do is look at the history of the Earth to realise that the climate has changed so drastically in the past, that civilizations have either perished or had to move. what was lush and fertile in the distant past is now desert; what was underwater is now dry land; what was once land is now underwater.
as for carbon tax and the hype about changing our means of energy production; scare mongering by profit seeking people and organisations.
also, it is becoming apparent that the seasons are getting later each year.
have anyone ever considered the normal and natural tilt of the planet? the tilt is not constant, it varies in cycles.

  • 21st May 2014 03:13am

I believe climate science which is very accurate and reliable now. I cannot dispute their findings because in this age of connectivity, even I can find quality scientific facts in minutes.

I think people who deny climate change are either very poorly informed, in denial because to face facts would force them to look at their own impact on this planet, or some kind of religious zealot.

You believe your Doctor dont you???? You must look at the science and take responsibility!

  • 12th May 2014 07:00pm

earth has its own climate change. it gets hot everything gets dry we suffer drought. then the drought is broken by rain maybe after a fire. the ice will melt then re freeze again. the ocean will rise reclaiming land and giving land somewhere else.. they can tell by tested "ice" layers.. from 100's of years. time periods of droughts for years.ash from fires then long periods of rain and floods followed by ice..just keeps going round and round.. Australia (qld) had its higest flood records in 2011 since the 74 floods does that mean it was caused by human pollution? no

  • 12th May 2014 06:58pm

the plant has its own climate change. it gets hot everything gets dry we suffer drought. then the drought is broken by rain maybe after a fire. the ice will melt then re freeze again. the ocean will rise reclaiming land and giving land somewhere else.. they can tell by tested "ice" layers.. from 100's of years. time periods of droughts for year.ash from fires then long periods of rain followed by ice..just keeps going round and round.. Australia (qld) had its highest flood records in 2011 since the 74 floods does that mean it was caused by human pollution? no

  • 30th Mar 2014 07:55pm

The climate change does mean we're heading towards an ice age again, but that is a natural cycle that we can't control- however, we are speeding up the process with all of the pollution causing the ozone layer to weaken.

  • 24th Mar 2014 08:35pm

I do not agree humans are responsible.
1 x volcano eruption equals 1 year of human pollution.
No brainer

  • 24th Mar 2014 04:50pm


  • 23rd Mar 2014 03:39pm

The world is not in a good shape whether this is due to climate change or not. We have man made pollution which is affecting the earth. Sea creatures are fast disappearing along with the Great Barrier Reef. Whatever the causes of t he decline in our natural habitats we must work together to find solutions and look after this planet for future generations.

  • 22nd Mar 2014 01:41pm

Humans have changed the face of the planet since the beginning of farming and the first urban centres .England and Europe were once covered in forests and we have been stripping the land ever since

  • 12th Oct 2014 03:44pm
Humans have changed the face of the planet since the beginning of farming and the first urban centres .England and Europe were once covered in forests and we have been stripping the land ever since

I agree we have done a lot of damage as destroying trees has caused the salinity to rise in many areas in Australia maybe in Europe too I am unsure.
To conquer this many places are planting trees and scrubs etc and bringing back the paddocks and other areas to almost their original condition.

  • 22nd Mar 2014 01:38pm

Global change is real it has been going on since the beginning. The earth has has gone through many changes of climate in fact it was so very different to what is now millions of years ago.
The Sahara desert was once grassland , there was no English channel or Bering sea but land .Australia had active volcanoes in the distant past their remains can seen in queensland.
The last great ice age was about 10,000 years ago when vast tracts of the earth was covered in ice . What caused the ice to retreat?
The earth warmed up and that was a real problem for the people living in the areas of what is now the English channel and the Bering sea.
Not to mention the land that is now our present coastline.
What is different is there are 7 billion people and counting living on this planet right now and the challenge is to make it sustainable .

  • 18th Mar 2014 02:36pm

The world is always changing, and it is going through a cycle. However it is important to realise that we are contributors to global warming and just fastening up the process.

  • 8th Jan 2013 11:45pm

I stronglybelieve you are right and that what we are experiencing now is mostly due to natural occurances which have happened before throughout history. Though I do believe all the mining and ripping the centre of the earth and overconsuming are having an impact leading to some of the natural disasters that are being experienced therefore our overuse of resources is affecting our world in some ways. It would be nice to think that people would listen if we just said 'Hey do you think you could 'want' a little less to help the world' but that doesnt work. So honestly if we have to use scare tactics to get people to take notice then 'why not'!

  • 15th Dec 2012 02:29pm

Hi chips like you i am also a senior citizen and yes climate change is a very big lie thought up by the green party and other so called yuppys yes the weather patterns have change but this just nature going through hot or cold cycles which will continue into the the future. Looking back to the 1960,s the summers were warmer on average then today and yes we had a droughts which was followed buy foods in the 1970,s So what has change we had droughts again in the in the last 10 years followed by you guessed it floods

  • 5th Dec 2012 09:22am

I agree with the general thread of the discussions. The planet is going through a natural cycle. And when you look at the pure chemistry and physics, the photochemical reaction is limited by the photon emission from the sun. As pointed out this is cyclic. Compared to the pollutants spewed out of active volcanoes, humans contribute very little to the atmosphere. My concern is the nature/ toxicity of the man-made pollutants. To that end, we went to solar power in 1986 and have been completely off the grid. We also have solar hot water and other energy saving devices such as hay cookers. I am not so much concerned with Global warming as what particulates I am breathing in: akin to smoking.

The politics behind global warming is to impose taxes. This is achieved by taxing carbon albeit badly implimented. In reality, if the big end of town say we are not going to do it, they the Government has no power. So the big end agreed to the carbon tax knowing that they would have extra write offs. Hence no tax collected.

If we do things such as plant a box of lettuces, spinach and other greens even if we live in a unit we can decrease costs and clean our immediate environment. It really takes nothing to pot a box on the bacony or in a window. Most people can't be bothered. Apathy is the real problem. We has a small aquaponics setup made from odds and ends 30 years ago on our bacony and successfully grew all our salad veges in 3 broccoli boxes using a 3w pump and some goldfish.

Over time it is amazing how many times the power companies and neighbours have told us we could not possibly survive on solar alone. But we do and very well. Climate change debate is nothing more top level scare mongering for a political end.

  • 24th Oct 2012 12:52pm

I tend to agree with all the people who have replied to your comments Chips. The earth's natural weather cycle is exactly what is happening. As far as global warming is concerned, I believe, it is just another way for our government to obtain monies falsely, by not only deluding themselves but most of our population as well who tends to 'go along blindly' with whatever 'invented environmental problem' that arises.

  • 12th Sep 2012 08:34pm

hi chips 48, i believe that this is one of the most important subjects up for debate as it concerns our very survival. all of the comments put forward here are valid as we are still investigating the nature of our planet and its origins. the last ice age, aprox . 30,000yrs ago, happened almost overnight, as can be seen in the discovery of the frozen mamouth found in siberia, with fresh buttercups in its stomach. the warm current in the north pacific, keeps europe from freezing over. if the ocean current changed course, it would certainly allow ice to build up,and an iceage could be upon us.i believe that it is the synergistic action of all these elements that will ultimately decide the fate of our planet.-enjoy whilst we still can.Simla

  • 14th Sep 2012 02:36am
hi chips 48, i believe that this is one of the most important subjects up for debate as it concerns our very survival. all of the comments put forward here are valid as we are still...

hi Simla here again,... i'd like to correct myself in what i said in that last post, it's the Gulf Stream, in the Atlantic Ocean [not the Pacific Ocean] of course that is the warm current that heats Europe, and keeps it from freezing over!cheers -Simla

  • 26th Jul 2012 01:56pm

Well done for being brave enough to bring this topic up.

It is always worth discussing controversial topics.

The reason the debate is around CO2 or as the media likes to summarise as "Carbon", is due to this being used a a base unit for comparisons among pollutants.

The terms Global Warming, Climate Change etc etc, all come from trying to convey a subject matter through main stream media. The concept is how these pollutants that are produced in large quantities by human practises interfere with natural equilibriums in the environment. ALL of the environment not just the weather, its effects on the ocean, soil (etc etc.), however, there 'is' serious concern around the interplay of these pollutants with the weather due to the high level of pollutants that end up in the atmosphere.

Hope those little bits of info helps with understanding some of this subject matter. (http://science.org.au/policy/climatechange.html)

Please also note that this is not stating that I agree or disagree with current policy from government etc.

  • 26th Jul 2012 01:29am

Yes, you are right !

  • 20th Jul 2012 10:02am

Scientists, as are all of us, are affected by what's known as the shifting baseline syndrome, where individuals perceive the environment they are born in to be natural. When changes are observed some "unnatural" event is perceived by the individual.

  • 17th May 2012 07:48pm

I think weather patterns are changing.Perhaps we humans are partly responsibe for accelerating it but it is mainly a change of nature which is continualy changing. I often think back of what happened in the ice age-- no humans about then!!

  • 16th Apr 2012 07:09pm

I do believe that we are going through a process of climate change, however even if we are not. We are using resources at a rate that is faster than the resources being made. e.g. coal takes millions of years to form. So even if we are not experience climate change, perhaps slow down on the consumption of resources is still a good idea?

  • 10th Apr 2012 01:19pm

I agree that it is probably part of a natural weather cycle, but actually think it's great that so many people think it's caused by what we are doing. Hey, the more people being conscious of caring for our planet the better, climate change or not!!

  • 13th Feb 2012 01:13pm

Iam only 38 years of age and i have noticed when i was growing up around the age of 10 the weather was completely different summer was hot but not so dry , winter was cold but not as cold and windy like these days.
Summer stayed summer not a mixture of winter.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 05:17am

I tend to agree with you that people do like to blow things out of proportion. Yes the earth does go through definite cycles with regard to the temperature and the weather but not all of what we are seeing can necessarily be explained by nature. As a species humans are a wee bit self-centered and destructive and from the research that I have done I have to conclude that we have had an impact on this cycle. I don't think we can say exactly how large or small this impact is yet but humans have definitely influenced the earth in ways we don't even understand yet.
I am also very aware that scientists are paid by someone and this usually leads to the area of study being related to the paymasters best interests.

  • 18th Dec 2019 06:08pm
hi chips 48, i believe that this is one of the most important subjects up for debate as it concerns our very survival. all of the comments put forward here are valid as we are still...

Exactly - greedy commercial system based on money is at the crux of this - its an unsustainable system - as there will be nothing left to dig up or sell more so not enough oxygen or fertile areas, forests to sustain us with food or a decent place to live. The rape and pillage of the earths natural resources is the cause of the climate problems we have not to forget the damage done to the environment by plastic in the oceans, polluted air and destruction of natural environments - forests totally torn down, leaving nothing to replace and leading to the ruination of the worlds once great forests. Its very sad to be watching and living in as many continue to deny that what they are doing is "bringing in money" - what will they do with all their money when it won't buy anything? when there is no food or water to "buy" because everything has been ruined. Their money will be worthless.

  • 9th Feb 2012 12:01pm
I tend to agree with you that people do like to blow things out of proportion. Yes the earth does go through definite cycles with regard to the temperature and the weather but not all of what we...

I completely agree with you Sambi2. To think that the human race can continue to rape the earth of whatever minerals/oils/resources that our completely excessive consumer driven world pleases without having any ill-effect at all on the natural balances of the earth is just completely ludicrous. Society knows nothing of the natural ways of the world anymore and for some reason everything can be justified/influenced by a $ figure and ultimately a healthy bank balance. I don't think the orangutans losing their homes and the coral reefs disappearing and the great-grandchildren that will never see an old-growth rainforest, would be too impressed that we let it all happen because it was easier to continue without changing our ways, for our own selfish reasons. I can only pray that peak oil will help make some decisions for us. Do people really believe that the oil will never run out? Does anyone really believe that sucking gases and oils out of the earth will have no effect whatsoever?

  • 21st Jan 2012 02:13pm
I tend to agree with you that people do like to blow things out of proportion. Yes the earth does go through definite cycles with regard to the temperature and the weather but not all of what we...

What a relief to have such a balanced argument!

  • 31st Aug 2011 12:01am

Hi there everyone ! I have read most of everyone's comments and now my points of views of climate change have now changed. I have always been a firm believer that us humans were the cause of climate change and I had forgotten that our planet had been through many changes before technology and industrial plants were even thought of. In saying that, I do believe we could work more with our environment than against it. Thank you for the great write ups : ) ! ! !

  • 8th Feb 2012 08:44am
Hi there everyone ! I have read most of everyone's comments and now my points of views of climate change have now changed. I have always been a firm believer that us humans were the cause of...

Hi Rainbow, i too was a believer that us humans were the cause of climate change and even to the point to where it would be humans that would in the end, spin the world into Devastation and Distruction, but ive changed my view on things now after reading every ones comment ... and i do think also that we could be more caring and respectfull to our enviroment if we are going to leave it for future generations... Thanks..

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:53am

what we have is simply nature doing its thing the world has been changing for millions of years this is a fact and we are just going through one of its changes

  • 20th Apr 2012 08:44pm
what we have is simply nature doing its thing the world has been changing for millions of years this is a fact and we are just going through one of its changes

I agree with you ted.The climate is certainly changing but nature is just doing it's thing.I often wonder who they blamed for the ice age so very many years ago

  • 11th Jul 2011 11:06pm

Don't forget that sea levels were once a lot higher than they are today, also they were a lot lower as well. It changes all the time and it always will no matter what humans do, the only thing that you can count on is change. Once you could walk from Africa to Europe to Australia and the Americas. All this doom and gloom being sprouted by the lunatic greens is based entirely on ideology and not scientific fact.

  • 18th Dec 2019 06:02pm
You are right, of course, Boysie, and the Greens are responsible for the lousy employment situation we have in Tasmania at the moment. Timber mills are closing down all over the state, and just...

I have seen what happens in Tasmania - your socalled wood industry where the wildlife is poisoned first then they go in with chains on bulldozers and destroy the whole bush and for what - to turn it into woodchip so the world can waste paper on stupid brochures and printing off rubbish on a computer. The only way to log a forest is selective logging, taking the larger trees to allow others to grow and leaving the wildlife with a home and the trees to produce oxygen for us to breathe. The greedy commerical system based on money is a failed system - not sustainable - and based on taking more and more until there is nothing left. The system we are in has to change - money cannot buy everything - it can't buy health or environment or our planet. It just takes a long time for a failed worldwide system to run its race - only way out is that we go back to trading and living in villages - the greedy commercial money system is in its dying days.

  • 21st Dec 2012 04:40pm
You are right, of course, Boysie, and the Greens are responsible for the lousy employment situation we have in Tasmania at the moment. Timber mills are closing down all over the state, and just...

Hhi Chips, there is hope for Tasmania yet. Please dont be so negative in writing offTasmania to the rubbish heap just yet! There is GREAT need in Tasmania, Australia and indeed the WORLD for Tasmanian grown produce. We can be the food bowl of Australia, plus export to other countries. The northern hemisphere is in the grip of winter when we have good weather. The need to spray is almost non-existent here, due to our temperate climate, few bugs and diseases survive the cold winters meaning more profit for farmers. We are, compared to the mainland, drought free. There is room for expansion in all areas of Tasmania, plenty of under -used farming land, and this includes the former logging areas. Convert the labor- force to growing berries in particular because they can be frozen, no waste. Then there is all your other fruit and veg. We have to look to a bright future, not get bogged down in 'doom and gloom' regardless of who is in power politically. In politics, you can never please everybody, so just get on with what you CAN do and see as positive.

  • 14th Jul 2011 10:06pm
Don't forget that sea levels were once a lot higher than they are today, also they were a lot lower as well. It changes all the time and it always will no matter what humans do, the only thing that...

You are right, of course, Boysie, and the Greens are responsible for the lousy employment situation we have in Tasmania at the moment. Timber mills are closing down all over the state, and just today (13/7/11) we discovered that the biggest woodchip mill in the south of Tasmania has been sold to 2 Green-brainwashed multi-millionairs, who intend to turn it into a tourist resort. The problem is, there will be no one left in the town to supply the products for their resort, no shops to shop in, no bank, no cafes, no supermarket, etc left in the town. Before the mill was sold the town was nearly a ghost town, and now they have rung the death knell over the south of Tasmania, after already destroying the north and north-west of the state. Other states brand us as a basket case, living on welfare, and if that is the case, there is no group more to blame than Bob Brown, Christine Milne, and all their dole-bludging greenie supporters who have stopped people from doing their legal jobs and closed down towns all over the state. Good one, Bob. You've finally achieved what you set out to do.

  • 10th Jul 2011 02:09pm

The end of the great cycle of the planets occurs on 23/12/2012. The last time that the planets lined up was 3500 years ago. The next time that they line up will be 2000 odd years hence. The combined gravitational pull of the lined up planets acts on the Sun to create massive solar flares, which in turn, heats up the center of our planet. It all depends on how the sun reacts to the stimulus. If it stirs the sun up to any great degree, the sun will stay stirred up for some considerable time. In turn our planet will experience accelerated warming, more earthquakes, possibly more volcanic activity.

  • 21st Dec 2012 05:22pm
The end of the great cycle of the planets occurs on 23/12/2012. The last time that the planets lined up was 3500 years ago. The next time that they line up will be 2000 odd years hence. The...

Hi Yogi, an interesting point you make in explaining the part the line-up of the planets play in global warming. It is the Summer Solstice today, so I thought it appropriate that I make a comment! The thing that seems to be confusing to other readers is the subject of Global Warming verses Global Cooling, eg Ice Ages. As I believe it to be, the two go hand in hand.

First the Global Warming starts to create changes by melting the glaciers and permafrost, as has already happened. This creates a rise of 1 degree celcius, which equates to much more than this, as the 1 degree is an average. the fluctuations are more like 5 degrees up and down from that figure. Then the water temperature rises, causing havoc to sea creatures, allowing microbes to either overpopulate or die off. The weather becomes more violent and extreme:- cyclones, typhoons, floods then droughts. This warming in turn affects the ocean currents, which change their usual pattern of flow, eg: When the warm Gulf Stream changes course, which is the only thing preventing the Continents of Europe and Asia from freezing over completely, what then? Ice Age, and quickly it will happen. The recent estimates of a rise in Global temps of between 2 -5 degrees within the next few years is a serious threat to our present way of life, eg food production.

  • 10th Jul 2011 09:25pm
The end of the great cycle of the planets occurs on 23/12/2012. The last time that the planets lined up was 3500 years ago. The next time that they line up will be 2000 odd years hence. The...

Hi, Yogi

What you say is very true, and is one of the main reasons for natures normal cycle of heating and cooling, but how much is this truth told to the general public. The media don't tell us about it, and people have to go digging around and do their own research to find out the whole truth. Thank you for reminding me of this fact.

  • 4th Jul 2011 10:43am

I think pollution is having a negative impact on climate change. I just think that the scientist are not 100% sure on the impact pollution is having.

  • 25th Sep 2018 03:12pm
The end of the great cycle of the planets occurs on 23/12/2012. The last time that the planets lined up was 3500 years ago. The next time that they line up will be 2000 odd years hence. The...

Sorry nutalie , and most of the people comment here. - on a topic they apparently have not researched at all.

With Respect, give you a tip, stop reading greenies propoganda, and get real some qualtiy propoganda from USA. NASA, OZ gov, UK GOV, google patents is a mine of information.
Let see the following are all factual have patent and companies listed who claim to do the following.
Manipulate our weather [David Keith is one scientist]
Make fake clouds,
Make and control hurricanes, tornators, storm surges.
Make Earthquakes.
Solar Shield, to protect the earth from the sun so as to stop heating of earth, forget that this limits vitimin D
So called Vaccines which are full of aluminum, barium and other chemicals not good for man
Also check out EMPs, Weather Warfare, 5g
and ask yourself why is OZ, UK, USA, NZ and other countries not run by their constitution but are listed on US Stock Exchange with us as their slave they buy and sell.

Still not sure, find out why coutries have a yellow ediging in court room, gov deptment - denote maritime law.
check when you name changed to ALL CAPITALS instead of All Capitals and what that means.

Look up Ann Blessington an Australian ex politician who came accross some of this info put people are still busy hating muslims, while the real damage is being done behind their back.

The barrier reef is fine it goes in cycles the old dies off and new grows just like humansm, animals, vegetable etc.

Coal is not dirty,,, I have live in the middle of coal field and power stations and they used to be dirty but we have had the cleanest air, and best vegetation,,, in Victoria.

AND I have never been able to grow anything in the city. Now everything grows, nice to have plenty of Co2, and plenty of veg to turn the carbon monoxide into oxygen.








  • 23rd Sep 2011 05:11am
I'm sorry, nutalie, but I cannot agree with you. Everything that is happening in the world today has happened hundreds of times in the past, when therere was no man-made pollution, and this has...

Your argument makes sense but as a side note I thought I'd point out that when trees are cut down and destroyed they release quite a fair bit of the C02 they took up while alive. So logging does have an impact. In saying that another interesting nugget of info is that certain types of mosses and other bryophytes actually more instrumental in removing CO2 from the atmosphere that trees overall. Perhaps we should all be growing moss instead of planting trees:)

  • 10th Jul 2011 09:22pm
I'm sorry, nutalie, but I cannot agree with you. Everything that is happening in the world today has happened hundreds of times in the past, when therere was no man-made pollution, and this has...

I'm sorry, nutalie, but I cannot agree with you. Everything that is happening in the world today has happened hundreds of times in the past, when therere was no man-made pollution, and this has been proven in ice-cores taken in both polar regions. There have been several ice-ages and then heating of the planet, also without man-made pollution, and nothing we do is going to make any difference to what is happening. Young trees absorb more carbon than huge old, half-dead treers do, so sustainable logging is a necessity if you do believe that we are causing pollution, but all "green" groups demand that the opposite should be taking place. Planting trees where there were originally no trees will not work, either, because the locality will not sustain them. If you do your research, you will find everything I have said has been discussed and documented my thousands of genuine scientists areound the world, but what they have to say is never published by the general media, which also needs the global warming lobby to keep their newspapers in business. So, I'm sorry, but we are going to have to agree to disagree with this subject.

  • 8th Jul 2011 08:53am
Do not confuse pollution with the Co2 debate. Scientists aquite a time ago also said that Organ transplants were impossible,is this so now?. The evidence points to a climate change,but scientists...

Co2 is only one debate of how we are polluting this world. Atomic halogens have contributed to the destruction of the ozone layer. The main source of these halogen atoms in the stratosphere is photodissociation of man-made Halocarbon refrigerants (CFCs, freons, halons.). Therefore, the massive ozone hole has been created from the technological advancements we have made.
Currently there is an ozone hole 3 times the size a USA over antartica. Over the past century, most of the world’s mountain glaciers and the ice sheets in Antarctica has lost mass. This naturally leads to an increase in sea levels.
As the world's oceans rise, low-lying coastal areas will disappear which will severly impact on NZ and other pacific countries. Flooding of coastal areas will become more common and more severe as storm surges have easier access to these lower-lying areas.
We are having a direct impact on our environment and need to make changes. It is not just mother nature that plays a part in climate change.

Big peter
  • 5th Jul 2011 10:51am
Do not confuse pollution with the Co2 debate. Scientists aquite a time ago also said that Organ transplants were impossible,is this so now?. The evidence points to a climate change,but scientists...

Do not confuse pollution with the Co2 debate. Scientists aquite a time ago also said that Organ transplants were impossible,is this so now?. The evidence points to a climate change,but scientists can not agree what it will be,HOT or COLD. WE humans have little or no control over climate change,mother nature is deciding. Our politicians and other groupes will be the only beneficiaries of this carbon TAX. Carbon in it's self is not a pollutant,but other forms of Rubbish,chemicals,are first lets clean up our rubbish (Plastic bags,bottles,nappies,etc) then we wont have many problems to worry about.

  • 29th Jun 2011 11:30am

I'm inclined to agree to be honest. I am not sure about the so called scientific research and results given by the scientists, but I honestly believe that it is the earth going through a natural cycle and tend to be very sceptical about the pollies and the statements they make regarding climate change.

  • 17th Sep 2011 06:38pm
I'm inclined to agree to be honest. I am not sure about the so called scientific research and results given by the scientists, but I honestly believe that it is the earth going through a natural...

I'm about to agree with you Proteus. It is the natural cycle of environment that revolves the whole plethora of climate change. Of course, it starts from the human cycle issue, animals and the vegetation around us.....each cycle upscales the other, then when it comes to climate change....we human are surely highly affected as we breathe in them and to survive means to deal with it further!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:20am
Hi, Proteus.
You are so right. If you google the research on the subject, there is heaps of scientific evidence against the fact that we are experiencing global warming and for the fact that...

I support your comments 100%. although I must admidt I recycle on a regular basis.

  • 29th Jun 2011 03:17pm
I'm inclined to agree to be honest. I am not sure about the so called scientific research and results given by the scientists, but I honestly believe that it is the earth going through a natural...

Hi, Proteus.
You are so right. If you google the research on the subject, there is heaps of scientific evidence against the fact that we are experiencing global warming and for the fact that it is just a natural cycle of our wonderful planet. The present problems with the dust cloud from the volcano is causing more damage than everyone in Australia could cause in our lifetimes.

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