Society & Culture

Have you ever seen a ghost or encountered anything spooky?

Society & Culture

Posted by: Rainbow

15th Aug 2011 10:44am

Perhaps you have a room in your house that never quite feels right. Do you hear bumps in the night or see shadows out of the corner of your eye? Are you a medium or clairvoyant who can communicate with the ‘other side’?

Comments 255

  • 10th Jul 2013 05:37pm

When my mother died I felt a definite presence when I went to bed that night and I thought it was her spirit. However, 33 years later I now be live there are good and evil angels and that was what I felt.

  • 13th Jun 2013 12:58pm

Once i was in my dining room & the computer chair turned in my direction - no doors or windows were open causing a breeze & to make sure i moved to another spot in the room & it turned towards me again. I kinda left the house to go & breathe again & think & i focused on what had happened & information kept coming in to me & i went back to confront "the person" visiting & it had been my paternal grandfather. I didn't like the man as he gave me the creeps & found out later in life he had sexually molested me when i was an infant - anyway i thanked him for visiting me & passing on his forgivness BUT i never wanted him to visit me ever again.

After that i felt lighter than i had for a very long time. Another time i was home by myself when i sensed i was being watched & knew there was a head peaking arounf the corner of the room checking on me to see if i was ok. I was my maternal grandmother & she was there with a light heart & just wanted to "be with me" which i felt comforted by so very much.

I have other "things that have happened but genuinely am blessed that i was chosen to be in contact with my loved ones. When i've gone to have readings done they phycics just say "why are you here - you can do this yourself" & i just smile & say i just wanted to check & see if i was on the right track. Since then i now trust my "gut" instinct - it never fails me like other humans have.

  • 30th Apr 2013 07:55pm

i am not a medium however i have seen spirts and can feel energys surrounding a place i have also been seen in two places at once and all kinds of scary stuff. there is definatly something out there. Been fortunate to not have encountered any demons but ive felt angels

  • 18th Apr 2013 12:17pm

I never saw this thing whatever it was I was at my home which is very tiny it was a one bedroom apartment my bedroom door was locked and i was on the second story so there was no way for anyone to get in or out I dont know how I did this but anyways I was in my bedroom it was about 10am I had just started to relax as at this time I was working nights so i was in bed watching movies well I was also smoking a ciggarette well all I remember is being woken up by someone or thing had slapped my forehead and this wasnt a tap it was a full on opened hand hard hit which was very lucky because as I opened my eyes my blanket was starting to become a huge fireball mind you the blanket was on top of me when this thing woke me my room was full of smoke and the blanket was ablaze so I thank whatever it was because really it saved my life ive never experianced anything like it since.

  • 24th Mar 2013 01:07am

Often there seems to be an emotional connection with these kinds of strange occurances,
that seems to be the catalyst, along with a time element.
I have had some dreams that have been a signpost about things I needed to change in my life. Some that have saved my life, through being given the information ahead of time, Like how to avoid a serious car accident, when car headlights came towards me, driving late at night, would have been a head-on collision.
The next morning my mum rang to see if I was allright, she'd had a nightmare where she saw car headlights coming towards her, and some how "knew" it was me it referred to.
Several other Dreamscapes have had significant impact on my life. They seem to come in clusters, then none for years.
Could be a combination of coordinates of 'time and space'? In 'the zone'.as it were.
Quantum time allows time to move in both directions, both backward and forward. This can explain these cases. The brain has parts that as yet, have not been ascribed a purpose. May it interact with Anti-matter, which permeates the whole universe, maybe moving back and forward in time?

  • 8th Aug 2012 09:36am

I haven't had any definite experiences but certainly enough to make me wonder - computers turning on by themselves, noises, chairs falling over... the previous owner of our house died here (of natural causes).

And I recently went to a ghost tour of the Casula Powerhouse (they are held monthly) and there were so many stories from all sorts of different people - security guards and artists - that it's hard not to be convinced there must be something going on. I certainly felt my hair stand on end once or twice!

  • 22nd Nov 2011 10:23pm

I was about 15 and heard my sister across the hall apparently pick up her bed, drag it across the room and put it down again. Very strange. After hearing this a few times I went to her bedroom to ask what on earth she was doing. She was sound asleep and her bed hadn't moved.
Hmmmmm. Next there were steps down the hallway stopping outside our doors. I was VERY frightened. When I finally got up the courage to have a look there was no-one there.
Then there was the sound of dragging under the house! Terrified I went to my parents room. "Just the house noises." I was told.
Then - the sound of someone pushing on my window from outside!!!!!
Frantic, with no help from parents forthcoming I turned on the radio (thankfully I had 1 in my room) and the light.
On the radio (this night and 3 or 4 nights on) was Arlo Guthrie's "Alices Restaurant". It's been a favourite ever since but I never did discover the secret to all those weird noises.

  • 20th Oct 2011 09:31am

Yes, I too have sen enough to write a book and throw in a few anecdotes from friends and family who have had many experiences to tell as well. Not only are they seen but can be felt and smelt as well...

My mum was a part of a group called 'The Ghost Busters' here in Godzone and they were very active doing on average 3 clearances per week. Sadly my mum passed away on the 27th of February this year and the group has not continued it's good work. Mums group changed many lives... They were filmed by 60 minutes and 20/20.

But yes, ghosts are an amazing anomaly that may or may not be a figment of the imagination....

  • 1st Oct 2011 10:49pm

yes when i married my dear step father had passed away 3 weeks before the wedding and he was going to walk me down the isle and give me away. i knew he wouldn't have wanted me to cancel the wedding, so we went ahead with it. 2 weeks after the wedding we were looking over a wedding photos and there beside my mother was a grey picture of my step father. i was not upset. it was his way of telling me that he was there with me every step of the way

  • 26th Sep 2011 07:56pm

Have not seen one but my husband and I encountered one when we visited the Monty Christo House in Forbes last year.The house is amazing but you can actually FEEL them.The house has quite an amazing history to it and there are quite a number of ghosts roaming around.On our way upstairs we felt that there was something.I went up first and my husband was trying to follow but the ghost would not let him.He finally came up.We wandered around and came back to the landing where there was a cold patch at the top of the stairs.We walked through the cold patch a couple of times and could not believe what we were encounting.It was a cold patch that was only about the size of a person but it was real.Apparently the ghost in question was the Lord of the place who lost his life and also those of his wife and a baby.There are supposed to be about 18 ghosts in this place.We could really feel a lot of them.The ghost hunters of the world have researched this house and have come up with some amazing photos of the 'residents' of the house.It was a great experience.

  • 26th Sep 2011 11:20am

A couple of days after i buried my son who was 14 at the time we were all home watching tv in the lounge and i was 7 and a half months pregnant so i had to go to the toilet which was right next to the room were he stayed and his tv was on so i switched it off and any way i went back to the toilet half an hour later and the tv was on again so i asked everyone in the house if they had turned his tv on but they said no this went on for 2 weeks it didnt bother me cos i knew it was him but it scared my younger sister and she was 13 at the time. I just think he was there to make sure me and his unborn sister were okay.

  • 25th Sep 2011 11:52pm

This happened, to me a while back? ! We were renting a 4 bedroom home while our house was getting built, my husband had left for work and I was laying in bed when the blinds in my bedroom started rattling, I thought it a bit strange knowing the windows were shut, I still got up and checked the windows ,but as I got up the stopped. I got back into bed and they started to rattle again. This happened many times, to the point I got up and sat in the kitchen, were I could see all corners of the house.'my husband did not believe me, he said was imagination,until it happened to him? ..... many strange things started happening from that point. Many mornings we would get up and our TV would be on with no picture just fuzzy screen. The worst was one evening I was on the lounge with my husband who was asleep and I seen the showdow of a person in black I started screaming, my husband awoke in shock. I was hysterical he walked me to the kitchen to get some water when the light went of and I swear I could feel some thing next to'me. Many things like that happened, the ghost or thing did not like females as I could never get out of the front door yet my husband never had any trouble. We had my brother stay with us one weekend, who was 16 at the time and was sleeping on our lounge, when he come knocking on our bedroom door frightened to death by noises and the TV turning on. He ended up sleeping in our room. This happened with our married best friends, they would not sleep in our house either. One night we left our house at 1 in the morning and went and slept at my mother in laws. As we could here tapping in our bedroom, it seemed to be coming from the floor, but again it would stop if we got up to investigate. It would be fair to say that the house had a ghost. I get goose bumps just thinking about it.

  • 24th Sep 2011 05:31am

kiaora koutou, hi im michael i come from new zealand ghosts or kehua are very real to me i have no doubts that on some level they exist , i was brought up with my grandparents on maori land we all had encounters there and still do today, some of them are absolutley frightening and some just seem to wonder around, the scary ones i dont like they tend to be disfigured and appear to you when you are on your own but not neccesarily some times a few togeather will see them, this is what makes them real to me

ive had encounters with other entities that caused me to sleep with my light on for 10 years it was that scary im not frightened so much now but the hair on the back of my neck still stands on occassion

i was nearly murdered by a man who had demons in him they appeared to two of us but they were after me it was a 3 hour horror movie at the end of it my friend stopped talking to me we both got paid nicely by the man although he did not recall anything that took place he actually woke up in the police cells very confused unfortunately for him he also lost his career through this phenominon....

ive got more stories but this one was the most scariest thing that had ever happened to me, it was very life changing for me i have no doubts that they exist

  • 23rd Sep 2011 08:59pm

I have had a few scary experiences, 1st was when I was aged 16 while in the car with my Mum & a friend. Mum was driving on a road we used often, it was a narrow road with many curves & blind bends. As we were approaching a particularly bad section of it I started to panic screaming at my mother from the back seat to slow down, fortunately she stopped & pulled over as 2 cars immediately came around the corner side by. Sadly years later I came into contact with someone who had been in the same situation on the same corner & she was severely injured leaving her in permanent palliative care, the local council has since fixed that road by taking out that bend as it was just too dangerous & had no room for error.
2nd time I was on my lunch break & decided to go to a local spot overlooking the ocean to read a book, I parked my car under the trees some distance from the edge of the cliff which was not fenced off. This car my family & friends refused to drive as they felt something was weird when they had done so before but I had no problem before this. I was still seated in the car when someone yelled at me that my car was rolling towards the cliff, when I looked up I realised they were right. The car was an automatic & definitely in PARK with the handbrake on but it kept moving. I put my foot on the brakes with no result and I was pretty scared by then. My last try to stop it was to turn the motor on and put it into reverse, luckily for me it stopped the car going forward or I would have been history over the edge. The odd part about it all was that the ground where I was parked was not sloped towards to cliff but instead was quite level.
I had my car checked out by a mechanic who went right over it when I told them what had happened but they could not find any fault in the car at all and could not explain why it had happened.
These are not the only things that have happened but they are the worst ones I have experienced, other times have been harmless such as electric appliances starting up during the night when everyone is in bed sleeping & strange noises I cannot find a reason for or sensing that there is something about to happen or someone is nearby but in reality there is no one there. I experience déjà vu a lot & quite often if I think about a person I have not seen for some time they suddenly contact me without reason. I also pick up on other people’s emotions which is distressing for me as I do not know how to prevent it & quite often I will break down after it happens. I also have odd dreams that are related to a future event, I don’t know that it’s a future event until something happens & I recall my dream about it. I know there is something that causes all this but I do not know how to control or prevent it happening let alone understand why.
I did have a near death experience some time ago but these things were happening before that & it has only increased since my close call with death.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 07:48pm

One night as my husband and I were about to turn into our driveway after a night out with friends I saw a short stocky man in a trench coat and trilby hat standing in front of an old Morris Minor that was parked on a nearby naturestrip. Nothing unusual about that - except that he looked distinctly two dimensiona,l translucent, and ghostly white. I said nothing, assuming that I must have imagined it. When we both alighted from the car seconds later, however, instead of walking to the front door my husband turned sharply back towards the road. 'Where on earth are you going?' I asked in amazement. 'It's 1am!' There was a ghostly white man in a trench coat and trilby hat standing in front of that old Morris' he said. But it had gone. We never saw it again although we lived in that house for many years afterwards.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 05:37pm

I am unsure about ghosts but a few years back my uncle died and after the funeral we went back to the house he lived and died in and dads parents used to live in. i was in the kitchen there with my sister when i suddenly got a sense of something and a sudden coldness. my sister and i turned and looked at each other at the same time but then mum walked in and stopped and said do you feel that. Some how the three of us experienced the same thing and it wasn't a draught through the house. i don't know what it was, but when we told dad about it his response that it was probably his mother looking out on the proceedings.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 02:26pm

I do believe that ghosts are around. I don't get freaked out by anything but I was on holiday in Tasmania and was touring Richmond Gaol. I had gone into the woman's side o.k but when I went in to the man's side, I just couldn't do it. I definately felt something and I just had to get out. I have no idea what it was.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 01:04pm

i have always had small premonitions since i was little. i would have been about 6 when i told my mother her brother (my uncle) had just had a car accident. mum told me to "Not talk silly" 10 min later we got the call saying he had a car accident right outside another Aunts house. Lucky it was just a small one and he was fine. i have heard voices asking me to help them. and i have. They have not bothered me or been scary. I had reacurring dreams that i worked out was telling me my Mum was going to pass away soon, in the dream i saw and heard things that happened on the night my Mum left. (I wasn't there) Lots of other things also. i have had one very scary encounter that will stay with me forever. Also when i'm really missing someone i love that has passed away, i ask them to send me a sign that they are near me, i tell them what i'll look out for, and i always get the sign i ask for, with a real nice feeling to go with it.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 11:58am

I often felt a tap on my shoulder when I lived in my deceased grandmothers house.
I put it down to a "twinge' but I have never felt it since I moved out3 people had died in the house so I really think it was one of them.
My husband has often seen his grandfather

  • 23rd Sep 2011 11:35am

My daughter, who does not believe in anything supernatural, was very close to her grandmother . While sitting on her lounge one night, my daughter saw her grandmother's hand laying on top of hers. Totally freaked her out and then she just sat there and cried. When she told me, I also cried. For my daughter to have this experience, and being a true non believer, was wonderful.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 11:04am

No such animal as ghosts...only people with hyperactive brains.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 10:12am

Have encountered a few ghosts over the years - the first was when I was living in shared accommodation. Long weekend and my house mates had left for the beach and after coming home after a long day at work I was peeved to find out that they had not done the house work as promised. Needless to say I said a few things out loud. Fast forward to the next day - due to headache and a glass of wine and just the general need for sleep I woke quite late the next day. On walking into the kitchen the place was spotless with only a couple of dishes left out on the bench. There was a smell of lemon and lavender and wax in the house - not the usual smell after we had cleaned and polished furniture but quite nice.

I made tea and went out to the lounge room intending to call on of the housemate's Mums to see if they had come in to do some of the cleaning to which I received a reply that she was away. I then called our other regular cleaner only to be told that she was ill and had not been up to coming over.

Well what to do so I went and inspected the rest of the house - dining room clean and table polished, kitchen clean as was the lounge room, hmmm boys rooms all done and polished, beds made and clean clothes folded up on the end of the bed (washing was still in the baskets when I got home) and the bath was clean as well. Downstairs there was sheets on the line and my clothes were on the line under the house (my washing usually lived in a basket just inside my room).

The lady next door invited me over for morning tea and I asked if anything unusual had ever happened since she and her family had moved into their house. She replied that a couple of times when kids were sick and husband was really busy with work and she was dead tired that housework had been done. Next move speaking to another neighbour who was the local historian - the two houses were built on the site of one larger one which had been burned down during the fifties. A doctor had built the house and had a small practice there as well and employed a housekeeper who had died in the fire. Spooky but nice - housemates on return thanked me profusely for doing all the housework over the long weekend. I just smiled ...

Jules Vern
  • 23rd Sep 2011 10:06am

My deceased uncle visits me on a regular basis. I wake at night to see him looking around the corner of my bedroom door. He never approaches me but just stands there smiling and then vanishes. Also my neighbours have a ghost in their home. My neighbour told me that he was sitting in his loungeroom one evening and noticed a woman at the top of the stairs dressed in victorian era clothes. He did not mention this to his family but strangely enough the next morning, his six year old daughter asked him if the lady in the old dress had come to visit him to?

  • 23rd Sep 2011 09:57am

I don't believe in Ghosts or spirits! I have been completely unable to find any REAL proof that they exist for a start, then there's the fact that people who say they have seen one always say it was dressed in Roman centurion's uniform, or a crinoline, or carrying some object, such as a sword. Now, even if I DID believe that the human spirit was strong enough to get into some ethereal world as a ghost, I find it totally impossible to imagine that a uniform, or a dress would have the same capability! It's the same impossible problem as those films which show people reducing to inches tall, or becoming invisible - their clothes always go with them! Ridiculous!!

  • 23rd Sep 2011 07:34am

Bright Blessings Rainbow
I have a Little Gift that I was Born with and it has only Come into Full Fruitation in the Last 18months and I work in a Friends Clothing Shop and I have known this Friend for years and never said anything to her about my Gift and 18months ago it all came to a head as I saw her Dad and spoke to him and picked him out of a photo for her and also saw her little Dogs too .
To cut a long story short I now help others .
I have just recently lost my true Soulmate he was taken Horrificly and I saw everything when he was Missing but because I am Clarevoint The Police did not want to believe me so I have to wait for The Universe to intervine Kharma .

Usually if things go missing ina House and then turns up there is an energy that is either Playful Mischievious and that can be imps lost children ect.
Blessings to all aphrodites

  • 22nd Sep 2011 11:07pm

I dont believe in ghosts, but I do believe in spirits. Im not a 100% sure what the difference is myself, but it may be the softer touch to the terminology that makes me think in favour of spirits but not ghosts. Whatever the perception, I believe the difference to be that spirits are all of living creatures that were once on this earth and have returned in invisible form to protect/look over their loves ones still alive.
I think in Japan, it is said that passed spirits take an year to part from earth to wherever they go, many of which would call heaven.
My dog passed years ago, and for the first time I experienced a ghost/spirit. It was weird as i knew when she was around in the house, or sitting close-by, and there was no way of explaining it other than that i knew. She used to sleep by my feet at every night for as long as i can remember, and on few nights, I had felt the weight of her on my bed, just as it felt when she was alive. I'm one that is scared of ghosts more than many others, but with my dog, it just made me smile of our memories and miss her a lot.
However, my mom commented "she hasn't been visiting you recently has she?" and we realised I had stopped sensing her almost exactly an year after she had passed. Its been over a decade and my dog's spirit still lures the house from the memories, but she is not "there" anymore. She seems to have visited once after when my sister went back few years ago to my parents' place- my sister felt her lingering the house for a day or two while she was there, but thats about it.
Funny how that is, but I have no choice but to believe after this incident that there must be invisible forms of life we are unaware of that maybe come clear to us at death... who knows?!

  • 22nd Sep 2011 10:43pm

Yes i had a spooky time when i was overseas my husband's relative was possessed, he was lying down on a matress with his eyes rolling and making funny noises, my son was standing next to him with a chocolate bar not opened yet, the possessed guy got up took the chocolate bar out from his hands and shoved the whole thing in his mouth with the wrapper, i grabbed my son and ran out of the house he started raoring i was terrified, and so was my son. ince then i had not seen that man. Until today's date he still get's possessed from time to time. I really do pity him and his growing family, although he has never hurt them

  • 22nd Sep 2011 10:43pm

Yes i had a spooky time when i was overseas my husband's relative was possessed, he was lying down on a matress with his eyes rolling and making funny noises, my son was standing next to him with a chocolate bar not opened yet, the possessed guy got up took the chocolate bar out from his hands and shoved the whole thing in his mouth with the wrapper, i grabbed my son and ran out of the house he started raoring i was terrified, and so was my son. ince then i had not seen that man. Until today's date he still get's possessed from time to time. I really do pity him and his growing family, although he has never hurt them

  • 22nd Sep 2011 10:06pm

I can't honestly say I have ever seen a ghost, but many of my family and friends have seen them and still do so.
I come from a family of 'intuitive' people. My mother used to tell us that Grandma, who had been dead for at least 10 years, used to visit her and talk to her about what we were doing and when we needed help, and generally she was right.
My sister and nephew both could predict what was going to happen and be right. My nephew often acted as a medium when others wanted to communicate with the 'other side'.
I did a course once on developing psychic ability, and found that I was able to 'see' what others were concentrating on, but I just don't have the same ability that others in my family have.
My neighbour has a spirit that visits her frequently and gives her advice.
I believe that we all have a spiritual guide and with meditation we can contact them. I have found that my intuition has become stronger and have come to trust my first impressions of people or places.

  • 22nd Sep 2011 08:54pm

About 30 years ago when I was growing up, a good school friend of mine committed suicide in scrub land very near my place, an old Queenslander. No one knew why he did it. He was very popular in school, good looking, the girls admired him, great sense of humour. It never made sense to his family, to anyone, to any of his good mates including me. He had hung himself in the scrub. Not long after, at night while I was fast asleep, I heard tapping on the glass of my bedroom window. I'm on the top of a double bunk bed, older brother down below. I look up and see my friend smiling and staring at me through the window. A window two storeys above the ground below. I put bed covers over my head hoping it wasn't happening and I'm dreaming. The tapping continues for what seems like ages then stops and I eventually fall asleep. I tell my brother next morning and he said he heard nothing. This repeated the next night and the night after. On the third night I gathered some courage to look back at my friend, he's still smiling and gesturing with his hands to come to the window and was pointing down. I sat up petrified on my bed and shook my head motioning I'm not going anywhere. He kept smiling, looking back at me for what seemed like ages then disappeared. I cried myself to sleep and never saw him visit again. This experience I've only shared with family, recounting it now. Back then I felt it to be so real and to this day I still think it happened and it wasn't a dream, especially the loud tapping on the glass.

  • 21st Sep 2011 04:36pm

Many years ago my now deceased sister lived with her husband in a farm house.
It had a verandah and a number of the rooms could be entered from the verandah. One day I happened to be on the verandah. I opened the door. This was a v ery nice big room -- the sort of room you would expect to be in use. Apart from the door from the verandah there was another door by which to enter the house. I walked in the room, and immediately noticed that it was unusually cold in there, and I felt distinctly uncomfortable. None of the other rooms from the verandah were like this. I would not under any circumstances have been willing to stay in that room. My sister told me that some peope felt noting, but others felt the same as I did. She also told me that she had been informed that the wife of a previous owner was believed to have died in there.

  • 9th Sep 2011 11:11am

When my husband passed over he came to me in a dream which seemed so real. In fact it seemed so real that I phoned my mum and told her about the dream. The most unbelievable thing happened my mum saw my husband in her dream on the same night and she dreamt exactly the same dream.
I have always had a belief that ghosts a real this dream confirmed my beliefs as I feel this was a visitation.

  • 28th Aug 2011 03:35pm

At a house in Tasmania where we lived for a couple of years my husband & I would hear footsteps in the passage at night & thought it was one of our young sons, but they were still in their beds asleep. The passage light would also turn on by itself. When mother-in-law or niece would babysit they told us they felt uneasy & that something didn't feel right.
Years after we left that house our eldest son who was about 7-8 years at that time, mentioned that he had nightmares about someone pushing on his chest & trying to strangle him, he felt very afraid & that something didn't want him in that bedroom. We were also told after we left that house that an old man had died in that same bedroom.
However, my husband & myself never felt that the presence was evil, just that something was there, not knowing at the time what our son was going through, wish I had known I would have tried to do something about it.

  • 26th Aug 2011 10:48pm

Cool. My favorite topic. Supernatural & spookiness!

Yes, I've seen ghosts. At the last house I lived in, things would move, doors would open by themselves & I would see things I couldn't explain. The spookiest ghost encounter happened with a black cat that we had to put down. My dad put the cat in a mainly unused room until he could bury her later that day. That night, after he had buried her, I went to get something out of the room only to see a black cat run past the room. Now we had another black cat & I just thought it was him, as he probably stole some of mum's chicken again! As I left the room, I saw the black cat go through the wall into the room.

I have had other spooky things happen. One time I remember clearly was when I was walking down a pathway back in high school. I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. I turned around only to find that no one was there. There has also been plenty of times where I had been woken up to something breathing in my ear or the feeling of something on my bed, but no one & nothing visible is ever there. Of course, there is also that feeling that something is watching me but nothing is there, which happens every so often.

Houses carry feelings of the owners & previous owners, whether people realise it or not. I had a boyfriend that I didn't like to visit is his, 'cause each time I went there, there was this overwhelming angry feling in the house & I found that the longer I stayed in the house, the angrier I got. My current boyfriend's house I also don't like as it has this insecure, on-edge & depressed feeling to it & again the more I am there, the more I tap into those feelings. This is way I like the current place I live, because no one has lived here before.

I don't believe my mind is quite enough to hear the other side but I do hear drips & drabs every now & again.

  • 26th Aug 2011 10:45pm

Cool. My favorite topic. Supernatural & spookiness!

Yes, I've seen ghosts. At the last house I lived in, things would move, doors would open by themselves & I would see things I couldn't explain. The spookiest ghost encounter happened with a black cat that we had to put down. My dad put the cat in a mainly unused room until he could bury her later that day. That night, after he had buried her, I went to get something out of the room only to see a black cat run past the room. Now we had another black cat & I just thought it was him, as he probably stole some of mum's chicken again! As I left the room, I saw the black cat go through the wall into the room.

I have had other spooky things happen. One time I remember clearly was when I was walking down a pathway back in high school. I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. I turned around only to find that no one was there. There has also been plenty of times where I had been woken up to something breathing in my ear or the feeling of something on my bed, but no one & nothing visible is ever there. Of course, there is also that feeling that something is watching me but nothing is there, which happens every so often.

Houses carry feelings of the owners & previous owners, whether people realise it or not. I had a boyfriend that I didn't like to visit is his, 'cause each time I went there, there was this overwhelming angry feling in the house & I found that the longer I stayed in the house, the angrier I got. My current boyfriend's house I also don't like as it has this insecure, on-edge & depressed feeling to it & again the more I am there, the more I tap into those feelings. This is way I like the current place I live, because no one has lived here before.

I don't believe my mind is quite enough to hear the other side but I do hear drips & drabs every now & again.

  • 25th Aug 2011 08:03pm

I remember the first night we moved into our house, I was standing in the kitchen putting things in their proper place when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Both my husband and little girl were in the lounge room. I didn't feel threatened but strangely I knew it was my late grandfather (who died six months before I was born). When I mentioned this to my husband, he said that there was a soft glow in the kitchen and could not explain why. My sister-in-law is a well known oracle in Canada, and she has done a reading for me by phone, and the things she told me were so accurate that I thought my brother must have told her something. Even down to the family issues or should I say dysfunctional family issues. Things that have been revealed sent some shivers down my spine, while others have validated what I went through as a teenager. My mother passed away nearly 9 years ago now and I still feel her around me, and I'm glad.

  • 23rd Aug 2011 11:41am

Yes I have seen a few but the time that stands out for me was when I went to a massacre site if Indigenous peoples and heard and saw what happened. My husband and I lost agood 4 hrs,needless to say we never went back there again

  • 22nd Aug 2011 01:55pm

Im not sure to believe in ghosts or not. I only know that when my mother in law passed away,my husband and I was living in the same house.The house was like two separate homes but under one roof my in laws lived upstairs and we lived downstairs. Several days after my mother in law passed away for some reason I looked towards the stairs in the house aand I swear she was standing there like she was still alive just looking at me not saying a word. It was only that once

  • 22nd Aug 2011 01:45pm

I have not, but my mother-in-law has. While sceptics my say bull shit, I can only say my beloved (and I mean this) inherited relative was a guiding light in the old fashion way of passing down history. She was born in Sri-Lanka or should I say Ceylon in the British days of rule. She told me so many historical stories of what was done in the past and presenting history that needed to be past from one generation to the next. She said she had seen people from the past, and I believe her for what she said. Time will tell…….

  • 22nd Aug 2011 09:51am

I have seen and heard alot of different things. I have spent my life not really being afraid of the paranormal and I am open to alot of different things. I don't really see shadows as much as actual people but I do hear alot of bumps in the night.

  • 21st Aug 2011 07:02pm

I have quite afew moments were I know that I have been here and done this before and then I remember that I dreamt about it.

  • 21st Aug 2011 06:57pm

I havent actually seen a ghost, but I know my grandfather has visited me twice. He kinda spoke to me in my head, but I answered in a normal voice. I have tried to convince myself that I dreamt or imagined it, but I know it happened :)

  • 21st Aug 2011 06:50pm

  • 21st Aug 2011 06:49pm

I believe animals have psychic powers, even if I don't. My neighbour's cat wasn't well, and one night disappeared. We assume it crawled off to die. But at midnight it had run into our place as if coming to say goodbye, rubbed round my legs, and ran off - no doubt it was to die. This made me feel more confident that one of our cats came back to say goodbye after he had to be put to sleep. I felt terrible about it, and we buried him in the back yard. Later that night, I'd swear I saw him sitting there looking at me. I called but he ran off. I hope he was forgiving me for having him put down.

Signed, Hendrix

  • 21st Aug 2011 01:02pm

No, but I think I have met someone while astral travelling. Does that count? If it does let me know and I will tell you about it.

  • 20th Aug 2011 06:37pm

when i first moved into this house i live in now my son was proberly bout 3 years old i would put him to sleep for his afternoon nap and go outside and sit on the door step for a smoke, ten minites later i would hear thease foot steps an so thinking my son had woken i would go in side and he was always fast asleep, this happened for a few years then one night early in the mornig i woke with the most frighting feeling that some one standing over my bed watching me. i was so scared. After that night it never happened again and i never heard those foot steps again. SCARY>

  • 20th Aug 2011 04:56pm

I have never physically seen a ghost, but I believe that they exist and that people that pass over to the other side can be communicated with by people that have that ability.

  • 20th Aug 2011 03:43pm

I can recall a few years ago encountering something really creepy while looking after my nephew. My sister and her partner were renting a new house on a sub-divided section. I had gone to bed and in the early hours I felt this erie chill in the bedroom. It hit me with temendous force and lasted for several minutes. The next day I told my sister and she said that other people who had recently stayed with them had the same experience.

  • 20th Aug 2011 02:40pm

I have seen a few ghosts and felt others watching me in the house I previously rented. While in bed I felt as if someone was near me and rolled over to see who it was but no one was there. As soon as I rolled onto my back, a dark shadow pinned me down with great force. I was unable to scream for help and started praying saying whatever came into my mind before it let me go. The room opposite mine was always cold, even during summer and it only became warmer after my daughter was born. Rather weird!

  • 20th Aug 2011 01:19pm

We lived in a house which I believe definitley had 'spirit' presence.
I had a 'feeling' there was something there and one day someone pull my hair. I thought it was my son playing tricks. This happened a couple of times and I never discussed this with the family.Then my son came upstairs one day wondering why I was calling him, (which I wasn't).A week later he suggested that the house was haunted which did not surprise me but it is commonly known that children 'see' spirits more frequently than adults. Maybe they are more open to these things? Later we discussed these happenings and my husband then admitted he had 'seen' a spirit walking across the foot of the bed into the bathroom several times.Strange that none of us had said anything until we had all had something happen to us. Needless to say we didn't stay long in this house. There are far too many accounts of spirit for them NOT to exist.

  • 20th Aug 2011 10:39am

The frist week we moved into an old house, which was next to an old graveyard and church in Nelson, I was woken one night with my bed being banged on the floor. I felt like I had been dropped, then saw a white shadow at the end of the bed. I couldn't make out facial features, but there was an old cloak over the shape of a person. It was looking at me as if it was checking me out, then just faded away. From that moment on we had movement and noises whenever visitors arrived. I felt like it was a protector, not a threat, so I lived with it. I now own a house in Wellington, and that too has a ghost, who appears frequently. We all live in harmony, and we don't have too many problems with him there.

  • 20th Aug 2011 09:34am

Years ago we lived in a very old farmhouse that had strange goings on. The most common noise we heard at night was a door in our hallway being opened, it used to stick so had a distinct sound, of course there was never anybody there when we looked. Another time we heard what sounded like something being dropped and broken in the kitchen, though once again there was no evidence of this. When my in laws visited us for the first time there, my father in law rushed out of the house and refused to visit us there again. He never would tell us what he had seen, tt was only years later after we had moved out that we found out he had seen somebody in our lounge! I wondered if it showed himself to him to scare him deliberately because my father in law had been negative about the house from the moment he walked inside. Apart from the noises, we never did see it, though if we had, we would have left instantly!!

  • 20th Aug 2011 09:30am

I haven't. But an ex of mine swears he saw his deceased Grandad, standing at the end of his bed, when he was little.

  • 20th Aug 2011 06:54am

I lived in a house in England for a couple of months and something turned on a remote control fire engine in the middle of the night . To make matters worse, there were no batteries in the thing!! Moved out the next day!

  • 20th Aug 2011 01:15am

I do, i really do - Ive had plenty of strange things happen to me over the years and currently having more strange things happen in our place we are living at the moment .
When we first moved in it was fine nothing weird was going on but just lately we have been looking for things and just not being able to find them (yet we swear it was just in the place we thought) then randomly an hour or so later we'll walk into a room and whatever we were looking for it just sitting there in the middle of the floor (sometimes i can be hunting for like 30-60mins and just cannot find it and have a little break and then walk back in and there it is, right in front of me yet i have hunted and hunted and not found it). my husband has had tools move from where he has put them and randomly turned up in front of me yet i haven't moved and nothing dropped or fell, if it did we would have heard it and noticed as its not like these tools are light, they might quite a loud thud when dropped on the floor no matter the height. Also our dog has started growling and barking for no reason and looks past us (behind us) and its sooo like there is someone/something there that it actually makes us turn around and check no one is actually there. Also get cold chills 'like someone walking over your grave' feeling when the room is warm as heater on. Also have had her bark before and saw a shadow behind our stereo and wires moving etc and thought the cat was there but no he was outside. Just random things like that (most recent) but thankfully im quite a spiritual person so i believe in the after life and don't let it scare me. Also been hearing lots of footsteps at nighttime when in bed - have thought it was my husband until i got up and realised he was asleep on the couch with the dog and the cat...

Also a few years ago my granddad was really sick in hospital and we all had to go and say our goodbyes as he was leaving us/passing away, that night i found it very hard to sleep, finally managed to after crying myself to sleep. At about 2:30am i woke (not sure why) and was trying to go back to sleep when a txt message came through - i knew what it was going to say without even reading it, i knew my granddad had passed.... i had this feeling that he might come and say goodbye to me somehow so i hid under the covers. my husband was asleep & i didnt want to wake him with just a weird feeling, so im under the covers in complete darkness when all of a sudden there was a light in our bedroom, it had to be pretty bright as i could see it even though the covers as i was still hidden, i finally picked up the courage to have a look and it was our dvd player (with a digital clock),it took me a little bit to focus on the brightness of the light and realised it was the clock but the clock wasn't saying a time it said I LOVE YOU. i then hid again and somewhere in the next few hours managed to fall back asleep. In the morning i was trying to work out if what i saw was real but then i realised using digital numbers there are certain letters you can not make. a V for instance and a Y. When i told my husband about this (took me a few days as i didnt know if he'd believe me), he then went and tried to work it out too and he also realised the same as me, you cant make certain letters out of digital numbers, Digital numbers are always a straight or flat lined, not vertical in anyway. He said he had no doubt it would have been him saying his final goodbye and letting me know he was still around even if not in person. I'll never forget this as its soo vivid in my mind even to this day.
Ive had friends since not believe me when ive told them as they dont believe in things like this but hearing them to try explain it any other way is quite funny as they never seem to make sense, guess it just freaks some people out.
Ive had other experiences as well but i think this post is long enough, sorry if i have gone on a bit. Hopefully other people have also had these kinds of strange experiences... and also believe me. :)

  • 20th Aug 2011 12:01am

Not a Medim etc, Have not seen or heard any ghosts

  • 19th Aug 2011 10:27pm

Yes 4 people in my home at the 1 time experienced our ghost, who has been around for many years, throw 1 of those old wind up clocks so hard down onto the floor it smashed the glass. There is no way the clock could have fallen on its own as there is a lip on my glass cabinets to stop anything from falling off the top.

  • 19th Aug 2011 07:56pm

once, during christmas dinner at my aunt's house, she saw a figure run through the hallway from the front door. my aunt and uncle have complained of hearing footsteps upstairs. they live next door to an old church....spooky

  • 19th Aug 2011 06:45pm

Yes we had a ghost when I was growing up, it would check on us every night went from room to room. I also show my daughter before she was born, a little girl walked through my house then just disappeared, a couple of years later I gave birth to my daughter and when she was a toddler she was identical to my vision.

  • 19th Aug 2011 06:17pm

Never!!! How unspiritual am I?!!

  • 19th Aug 2011 06:05pm

It didn't happen to me but to my Dad in 1956. He was in hospital in London after having his tonsils out. Around 9pm one night he saw my Mum's father at the end of his bed and wondered why he was there. The next day he found out that Mum's father had passed away 9pm the previous ngiht. He never forgot that experience.

  • 19th Aug 2011 06:04pm

I sometimes sense that my dead husband is doing things to get my attention.

  • 19th Aug 2011 06:01pm

It didn't happen to me but to my Dad in 1956. He was in hospital in London after having his tonsils out. Around 9pm one night he saw my Mum's father at the end of his bed and wondered why he was there. The next day he found out that Mum's father had passed away 9pm the previous ngiht. He never forgot that experience.

  • 19th Aug 2011 03:47pm

When i was little, I had moved into a new house in London, it was huge...but yellow :) for some reason i used to feel too scared to go to sleep at night. I asked my sister after a few months of restless sleep if she had seen anything (she could see right into my room from her bedroom) and she told me she saw a black figure standing by my bed watching me sleep every night. She said she always thought that it had been mum but was never sure. Whenever i went into the backyard and looked at my window on the second floor, it looked like there was a shadow standing there and it always freaked me out. We moved back to NZ after that and in my new house (i was older) i stayed up late one night to straighten my hair. I left my bathroom door open so i could put the straightners away when i was finished. It was around midnight and i was the only one awake. I went to turn the kitchen light off so i wouldnt forget. when i returned, my bathroom door was closed. I was a little freaked out so i went to bed and turned out the little light by my bed. i rolled over and went to sleep, but five minutes later there was a bright light and i rolled over to see my lamp was back on. I panicked out a little and turned it off, deciding that if it happened again i would tell my dad. I rolled over going back to sleep. around ten minutes later it turned on again and i shot out of bed and ran to my dads room. on my way i noticed that the kitchen light was back on when i distinctly remember turning it off. I told my dad and he said it must of been something going on with the fuses but he couldnt explain the bathroom door, so he opened it so it would be open for me in the morning. I went to sleep and when i woke up the bathroom door was closed again. I was the only one awake. Stuff like that has been happening ever since like when my friends came to stay the windows of my room would be open thier full extent and everytime i closed it it would happen again a few minutes later.
thats my story, and i still live in this house..

  • 19th Aug 2011 03:11pm

I have never seen a ghost. We purchased our house from an estate sale. For the first 12 months everytime I went into the spare room it looked like someone had been sitting on the end of the bed. I would straighten it out and leave the room but the next time I would go in there it would again look like someone had sat on the end of the bed. I found out after a while that the elderly owner of the house slept in that room and actually died their. So i would then go into the room and ask her nicely to please straighten the covers before she would leave. I think she stuck around long enough to realise that we love this house as much as she did and now she knows it she has moved on.

  • 19th Aug 2011 02:43pm

A house I used to live in was over 100 yrs old and one room in it was particularly cold. Small objects like pens, the cat's toys etc used to disappear from around the house and a relative staying in the room claimed she saw them appear in mid air and drop on the floor of that bedroom. Once when we were going to bounce a cheque, to make the most of a sale on an item we really needed, my husband grabbed the cheque book and put it in his pocket and when we got down to the shop we couldn't find the cheque book anywhere - I had seen him pick it up and put it in his pocket before we left but it was gone, we searched the entire car. When we got home it was back where we normally keep it, but we both knew, he hadn't forgotten it......we figure our ghost didn't want us bouncing a cheque.

  • 19th Aug 2011 02:31pm

i was house sitting for my sister a few years ago and me and my son were the only ones in the house we slept down stairs and i could could hear footsteaps up stairs and the sliding doors opening and closing i almost had a heart attack. these days i have to ghost friends living with me a women dressed in white and a man dressed in black i was scared at first but now im use to it

  • 19th Aug 2011 11:36am

I have seen a "ghost" when we (my sisters & I) were sleeping one night, there was a figure standing at the bottom of my sisters bed lifting the covers & tickling her feet...also just after 1 of my sisters passed away my 3 dogs were acting really strange ( I have the timber around windows where 1 dog tried to get out by chewing & clawing) this happened for about a week, no sleep was had, I said to no one (my sister) if thats you Lori, you are scaring my babies, can you please stop, as I walked into my bedroom the video started to re-wind and IF it was her she didn't come back, but i did have some very strange dreams for a while, now just every now & then, I think she is telling me all is OK :)

  • 15th Sep 2011 01:03pm
AND ISN'T THIS WEIRD.... she died on the 19/08/2004 ... i have just got this email, & filled it in right away maybe you know more than you think "rainbow" this can be proven may you rest in peace...

Hi Keno, I just read your post. There was a huge response to this topic, which I'm thrilled about! I'm glad it could get so many people thinking about their loved ones, particularly you with Lorraine. I'm sure she is in a wonderful place right now, but still manages to keep an eye on you in good times and in bad. All the best Keno :)

  • 19th Aug 2011 11:46am
I have seen a "ghost" when we (my sisters & I) were sleeping one night, there was a figure standing at the bottom of my sisters bed lifting the covers & tickling her feet...also just after 1 of my...

AND ISN'T THIS WEIRD.... she died on the 19/08/2004 ... i have just got this email, & filled it in right away maybe you know more than you think "rainbow" this can be proven may you rest in peace Lorraine xxx

  • 19th Aug 2011 11:26am

Several members of my family have lived in houses where they have seen ghosts. Some nice and some nasty. One house in Nth Qld had a ghost of a man that would shout at my young neice and threaten to kill her. Only she and her brother could see him. Their dog would bark constantly when this happened. That house also had a ghost of a young girl who looked like my neice. Her parents saw that one.
I have never seen a ghost but I have felt them. I had several 'feelings' at Port Arthur.

  • 19th Aug 2011 11:25am

Several occurances in my lifetime so far. When my Fiancée died after a crashon my motorbike many years ago, weird things happened. I went to Alice Springs where I worked on the Hospital site extensions, doing the suspended ceilings, working from 3am till 2pm daily. We lived in separated areas of containers and were fed at a place called Malanka, where we showed a card to eat. At the entrance were three public phones. One day I went in to eat and saw the phones were all being used and had intended ringing my Fiancée's Mother, so decide on the way out after eating. As I came out one of the phones rang, all were vacant, I was surprised, so went and answered the phone. It was her mother, she told me she for some reason just had to ring the number that was annoying her for some reason, not knowing it or why it was annoying her. She was never given the number by me or anyone, she didn't even know I had left for Alice Springs. Days later a letter arrived which was almost word for word what I had written to her. Checking the dates and times on the letters, we would have been writing these letters at the same time on the same day. weird!! but why question things you do not understand, eh?

  • 19th Aug 2011 10:18am

We used to have a presence in our old house like we'd think we saw someone pass the window but it was nobody or the doors would randomly just open. Mum thought it was a ghost, but a friendly ghost and decided to call her Jenny. A friend of mine came over with her mum one day and told us that her very best friend used to live in our house but she was tragically killed at 16 years old crossing the road. Her name was Jenny.

  • 19th Aug 2011 09:48am

One day I was laying on our bed, when I felt a number of beings passing by. Later when I inquired about the sensation, I was told by a well known and respected medium, that our bedroom was most likely a door way for spirits to pass from one place to the next. These beings caused me no harp or fear, they just were. However I burnt Rosemary and lavender, that appeared to have closed the door. But I miss the free feeling I had in that room, when meditating.

  • 19th Aug 2011 07:50am

I had a house where the dead owner used to come up the stairs, down the hallway and into the bathroom. Sometimes they would open the front door and leave it open. At that time I thought I was going crazy. I learnt to send them to where they were suppose to be or to ask them to leave in Jesus name and eventually they left.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:53pm

When I was about 10, my bedroom in the house we lived it in looked out towards the kitchen. I had 2 beds in my room and I always slept in the one that could see straight into the kitchen. One night I mustve heard a noise, I opened my eyes and looked out the door into the dark kitchen. What I saw freaked me out and 30 years on I can still the image. There was a woman dressed in a old day maids outfit, with the apron and frilly hat cooking at my mums stove. I closed my eyes and hoped I was dreaming but when I opend them again, the maid was still there. From that night on I moved into the other bed in my room so I couldnt see out the door anymore. What also freaks me out is how i have saved a few friends lives by telling them not to drive on a particular road, I have know idea why I knew to tell them that, but at the time they would have been driving along the road, there was an accident where someone was killed. I have also dreamed about my bosses wifes pregnancy before he even knew she was!!!! i went into work one day and asked him if his wife was pregnant, he said she wasnt, but the next day when i went to work he called me over and said guess what......shes pregnant!!!!!!! neither of us could believe that one.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:36pm

I have a hobby of photographing headstones (for genealogy research), and have visited well over 200 cemeteries. I personally have not had a paranormal experience. (That said I only visit during the daytime since you go through too many batteries using a flash.)

However I was in contact with a yahoo group who had quite a number of images of 'orbs'. Some I am sure were just flare, but perhaps not all.


  • 18th Aug 2011 10:04pm

Yes! every morning when I look in the mirror to shave, but to be honest is there anyone out there who can definitly say there are no such things as ghosts.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:52pm

Yes, the house i grew up in had an extra guest, a young boy had accidently hung himself in one of the rooms before my parents had bought the house. When i was younger he used to play tricks on me & move my things around & i also encountered him coming down the hallway one night when i was home alone & he used to make the house go really cold & there have been other people who have encountered him as well.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:39pm

my childhood home i believe had somethin spooky about it..we lived in a creepy old town nestled among the hunter valley and each home had a story to it..our home was over 200 years old and we lost my great great uncle , my great aunty , my great uncle , my uncle and my mum in our house..all under very weird circumstances..even our mines got shut down because of to many weird deaths above including goin insane and jumpin off a building..the school even was spooky weird noises and the sense of sickness..the school was built on a ground where hangings use to take 30 now and i use to remember just feelin i'll all the time..maybe it was because of the stories i was told when i was a kid..but when mum died i left and never went back out was crazy

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:49pm

I have many times felt someone in my house, i am just aware that someone is there, and one time i smelt a womans frangace, that was really a funny feeling.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:40pm

I can recall a situation a few years ago,not exactly spooky but certainly enthralling,I had a out of body experience which I'm told lasted nearly 2 hours.What is most amazing that I could actually see my body laying on a carpeted floor in my brother-in-laws lounge,yet other form floated above the roof tops of houses & I was told I shivered with the cold sensation.I landed in a country that later I found out had changed its name.I described the clothes I was wearing & even went to a inn & demonstrated that I wanted a drink as I could not speak the language & then blew with my mouth froth of the beer that was offered to me.Absolutely amazing to this day I can recall this experience so vividly.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:15pm

nope i havent seen one

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:54pm

When I was in my early teens I woke one night to find a strange man leaning over me. As I stared at him I realised I was looking through him, he stood up and began walking away from me and faded away.
I shared the bedroom with my two other sisters but I never said anything to them or anyone else about this experience.
35 years later two of my three sisters were over to attend my youngest daughters wedding. I spoke to them about it. Both sisters had seen this person at different times in the same room, always at night. My youngest sister is 19 years younger than I am.
Two of my daughters had also seen the nocturnal visits by this person/apparition while sleeping in the same room at my parents home. One daughter saw this person lean over her sister, while her sister saw this person walk past the doorway of the same room (my father was no longer alive at that time, so it wasn't him).
My youngest daughter was disappointed not to have had the same experience.
One of my sisters told me that the sister we shared the room with had also seen this apparition.
None of us had feared this person. There were no bad feelings of any sort emanating from him. I did have the impression that this person was looking at me and was surprised at my being there.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:33pm

I've had a few 'encounters' over the years, but the most significant moments were a few years ago now at my Grandmothers house. I remember one night trying to get to sleep, I could feel something pulling at my hair, I thought it was the cat, I sat up to look for him but there was no cat, all of a sudden the room went deathly cold I jumped out of bed and felt like I couldn't move, a horrible smell like burning rubber suddenly entered the room, I ran out of my room, then for whatever walked back in where I heard a voice yell, get out of my room now! I was only about 15 at the time and wouldn't sleep in my room for about a fortnight.
Fast forward a few years later and I was stuck in the middle of my year 12 exam, up late studying one night, I just threw all my books on the floor and turned off my light, I awoke in the middle of the night and saw a man holding a silver tray dressed like a butler standing over me, I blinked and he was gone, that morning my bag was packed! I asked my mother why she packed my bag and she said she didn't know what I was talking about, then I mentioned, I think we have a ghost in the house, and told her what I saw, apparently my grandmother had seen the 'same ghost' dressed like a butler but didn't want to scare me. So I feel that two people seeing the same 'encounter' must hold some water!

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:23pm

I would love to see a Ghost or witness something spooky. May be a "Gennie in the bottle" to grant me all my wishes? Unfortunately, even after spending long nights in a cemetry, no ghost had been kind enough to come and see me or make friends with me!

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:05pm

Oh sure I did see a ghost!

I never ever believed in ghost and things.. But there was that day when my uncle passed away suddenly. When I say suddenly, I mean it because he was young enough, healthy and fun. One day we heard he had a bad fever and we got no time to go visit him that we received the bad news.

It was a very mystery death because we all doubted that he had a suicide (there are reasons for us to believe that) or there was negligence at the hospital. so in both cases its was an anormal death.

And the night of his funeral was horrible. There was a weird feeling, like he is around. But I didnt care about it thinking I was just missing him. But i know it was a weird 'missing' kind. That night I was woken up by something I cant say what and guess what ..I saw him standing and watching me.. in a fraction of second he was gone thogh.. I was not scared of him but I couldn believe this.. I never ever believed in ghost! and here I saw one..

Eery feeling trust me!

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:05pm

I have never actually seen a ghost, but my sister used to live in a very spooky house that would always give me the creeps. She never believed in that kind of thing untill she lived there. Strange noises and doors randomly opening and closing, one night she locked the cat outside the house, locked her bedroom door and the window, to wake up in the middle of the night with the cat on her bed. Not sure how thats possible!

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:04pm

Oh sure I did see a ghost!

I never ever believed in ghost and things.. But there was that day when my uncle passed away suddenly. When I say suddenly, I mean it because he was young enough, healthy and fun. One day we heard he had a bad fever and we got no time to go visit him that we received the bad news.

It was a very mystery death because we all doubted that he had a suicide (there are reasons for us to believe that) or there was negligence at the hospital. so in both cases its was an anormal death.

And the night of his funeral was horrible. There was a weird feeling, like he is around. But I didnt care about it thinking I was just missing him. But i know it was a weird 'missing' kind. That night I was woken up by something I cant say what and guess what ..I saw him standing and watching me.. in a fraction of second he was gone thogh.. I was not scared of him but I couldn believe this.. I never ever believed in ghost! and here I saw one..

Eery feeling trust me!

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:55pm

yes I see them quite often

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:43pm

A few years ago, I lived in a beautiful mud brick cottage. One afternoon when I was working in the Kitchen, I heard my name called twice and quite clearly. I turned to look out one window and then caught the movement of someone walking past the other window out of the corner of my eye. I even went outside and could not find anyone around. This happened on more than one occasion, but only when I was in the kitchen?

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:25pm

yes I have, the ghost in question hada reputation of turning up at a given location on a regular basis.which had been her norm whilst she was still alive.Paid no attention to the fact that I was present in the same room.

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:05pm

I have never experienced seeing a Ghost !!! but my daughter has and a friend of mine saw the same apparition at the same place arround same time but different days.....

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:04pm

About 6 months before I seperated from my husband I felt someone sit at the foot on my side of our bed , they would be there for round 3-4 minutes then Id feel them rise up and leave that would happen at least a couple times a month and Ive alway's wanted to know who it was and if they were visiting because I was so unhappy ????

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:02pm

Many years ago, we had a visit from a ghost/poltegeist and it cause a havoc in teh hiuse for a number of weeks with item coming adrift of walls and other erie things happening. After speaking out one night saying we don't care if you wreck teh house, but do not harm us and our children, everything stopped and nothing more happened until we left the home.

Wally the Clown
  • 18th Aug 2011 04:54pm

I am a mentalist- and no I have never seen anything spooky. I have made a few others see such things however- it's too easy to fake it. Now that Richard Wiseman has his new book out, maybe more people will get wise to all the fake psychics and mediums (My wife always asks me why I say "Fake psychics" when there is no such thing as a real one- I really don't know just why I say it that way). No real hope though- too many exposed fakes and still people choose to believe in the face of the facts.

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:45pm

I have never actually seen a ghost but have 'felt' a presence on many occasions. I also dreamt about my perfectly healthy grandmother and woke up in shock. I discovered later that she had died at excatly that moment on the other side of the world.

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:39pm

We used to live with a ghost for years. My father was inthe army and we got posted to Brisbane. We went into an army house at Ferny Grove. When ever Dad had to go away on excersise the ghost would patrol the hallway of the house. You could hear his footsteps at night but he would always stop at the doorway of the bedrooms and just watch to make sure we were alright. You would be overcome with the feeling of being watched, but it was never a creepy or bad feeling. He just used to check up on us.

Also, just after my Great Grandmother died, I was sitting alone in her bedroom looking at the necklace she'd left for me. The photo of her and my great grandfather, sitting on her dressing table, lit up like it had a spot light on it for around 3 seconds, before returning to normal. That one freaked me out abit. I was looking straight at it!

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:34pm

I once did the Ghost tour at the Quarantine Centre @ North Head one night. I was a freaky evening and I'm sure that there were ghosts there that night.

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:20pm

Eeerie the amount of times, even in the early hours of the morning, that you glance at a digital clock to find a repeat of

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:13pm

i have not visibly seen a ghost but felt a presence couple of times , i was with my friend for a party we returned late , it takes 15 minutes from train station to my house we were walking suddenly he started talking in a girls voice and he was talking about the things unknown to me . i was really scared next day i reminded him of this he said he doesnot know anything about it .

  • 18th Aug 2011 04:07pm

Travelling overseas, the weekend of Diana's death rang home to touch base and when I hung up I wanted to ring my brother as something wasn't right. Other half talked me out of it. When we got picked up at the airport by my parent's Mum had had a car crash the same day and had just got out of hospital when I rang.

Other time was when I was abou 13 I knew that my Grandfather would die the next day (Christmas Day) and I wanted to see him one more time but he died before I could.

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:43pm

Going back 40 years ago, we lived in a new housing commission house that we bought, it was built over a swamp (so we found out years later), it was brand new, several nights our son approx. 5 years old we thought was walking in the hallway, we heard footsteps, the German Shepherd always slept inside barked and carried on, we got up and no our son was fast asleep in his bed, on other occassions the door to our bedroom opened, I woke up immediately, I can hear a pin drop 10 miles away, hubby was dead asleep, a bomb wouldn't wake him up, nobody was there but the door was open, so I closed it and it happened a few times later. I do believe in ghosts, always have and always will, I believe there are other dimensions in this world of ours and very unhappy souls walking about waiting to rest in peace, a few years later a friend from New Guinea visited, and the first morning afterwards, he slept on the couch in our lounge room asked us if there was anything peculiar happening in our house? he also sensed a presence in our house, till this day have never worried about it as we do believe in ghosts etc.

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:31pm

Years ago I woke up during the night and saw this dark figure come into the bedroom and go over to my husband's side of the bed. It bent over him for a couple of minutes and went out again the same way. It glided rather than walked. The next day my husband got a message to say his doctor had passed away overnight so his appointment would have to be changed. I believe the doctor came to treat my husband in spirit!

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:28pm

I don't know if this will be in this category, but 18 months after my son died I had a strange sweet smell in my house & a photo of him that is sitting on my mantel piece had a lot of pollen in front of it. He always had a very good sense of humour, as a little gold coated Buddah I have on the mantel piece went missing one day & about 3 days after I found it sitting in one of my pot plants & as there is only my husband & I in the house, there was only one explanation that I could come up with, & that was my late son's visit to us

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:27pm

I have times when I feel a presence. The lights are always being turned on in rooms even though no body has been in them especially the bathroom. My sons nightlight has been turned on while I was putting him to bed and it has been turned off while he is sleeping. I see shadows out of the corner of my eye and also I sometimes feel like someone taps me on the shoulder and once I felt a pull of my clothing on my lower back. Makes me feel a little scared sometimes especially if I am on my own I find it really uncomfortable.

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:21pm

I lived in a dorm when I attended uni. It was a 6 storey dorm. Each floor had one long corridor from one side to the other with a bathroom at each end of the corridor. A couple of years before I attended a girl committed suiside in one of the toilets on the 5th floor. It was quite scary because every night at a certain time the toilet of that particular cubicle will flash with no one in the vacinity.

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:14pm

not really i dont believe in ghost anyway cheers

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:12pm

Hi All, I actually run Brisbane Amateur Paranormal Invetigators. We're a not-for-profit company.

Come check us out on Facebook - We've uploaded some EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) data, aswell as info about locations we've investigated.
Links to our newspaper and radio interviews, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

If anyone believes they have a haunting, and you're in the SE Queensland area, feel free to get in touch. :)

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:14pm
Hi All, I actually run Brisbane Amateur Paranormal Invetigators. We're a not-for-profit company.

Come check us out on Facebook - We've uploaded some EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) data,...

Oops, typo. "Brisbane Amateur Paranormal Investigators"

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:01pm

I have been approached by people who were having scary things happen in their homes, when I was vicar of a Dandenong Ranges parish. Often it was a room which had a very scary feel to it, and family members were reluctant to use it. My usual approach was to go to the home, gather the family members for a prayer service which included ordering the evil influences out, and quite often a Holy Communion service as part of the service.
At one home, in the affected room, my wife said she felt something cold brush past her in a hurry to get out. The family later reported that the room was no longer scary, and they could be quite relaxed when in that room alone. Yes, there are spiritual nasties around!
- "Catenary".

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:56pm

So yes i do believe in ghosts

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:52pm

My parents bought a mental hospital, we didn't really have any problems with the house. It was a 100m hallway, 52 bedroom house our paradise. Me and my brother would love biking up and down the hallway. It would be when you were on your own when you felt aware of the house. We had been told what went on were in the house and when. That freaked me out, i would never go down the other end of the house by myself. It wasn't until later when me and my brother were bored as it was raining, that we heard footsteps coming onto the lino. We looked towards were the noise was coming from saw nothing. So we just thought that must of been something else. Mum was up the other end of the house (if you were wondering) Dad was at work. But then the footsteps happened again! it was getting closer. So then me and my brother ran for it!! We told our mum and dad but they never beilved us. I still remember that day.
But we lived there for 10 years! Miss that place

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:41pm

Hiya :) I have had one encounter with a strange light in the sky! We were holidaying at Hokitika in the late 1970s where we watched a light (which we thought was a plane) hover for a few minutes in the night sky, then do a rapid 360° turn and disappear upwards! I was only a child but can still remember my parents debating whether it could have been a helicopter until we turned on the local radio and there were other people reporting it.
My Mum and I had travelled to the Clarence river (near Kaikoura) when there were reports of UFOs in the sky. We camped there for 3 nights but didn't see anything :(

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:26pm

I went on a tour of Quarantine Island in Sydney a few years ago. While in the morgue I was talking photos on my digital camera. I noticed through the screen on the camera there was an outline of a head wearing a hood on the wall, however when I looked at the wall without the camera there was nothing there. I have several photos with the head in different positions under a power socket on the wall. There was no power to the building.

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:22pm

Hi Rainbow,

I have had two experiences that were quite erie. The first one was in a friends house in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in 1979. We went to his Mother-in-Laws house for lunch and he warned me that sometime the rocking chair in the lounge would start rocking for no reason and he said it was his Father-in-Law looking after Mom as there was a stranger in the house and sure enough that is exactly what happened after we had luch and went into the lounge for a coffee. I freaked out. The second one was when I worked for a charity and we had a warehouse we worked out of that people said was haunted. I didn't believe it but one night I had to go into the warehouse and get some items and while I was walking down the hall way of the area I was in I had this sensation of my face tightening and it was like someone was pulling my skin back. I took a couple of deep breaths and got the hell out of there.

The Yank

Jan the man
  • 18th Aug 2011 02:00pm

Have felt my bedroom get colder durning the night when it is very hot and this always happens when i am in my bed. Did not happen in this room untill my father passed so I think it is him watching over me.

  • 18th Aug 2011 02:00pm

I was nuseing in a small country Hospital, its midnight, I went to check on a young man that was pieing from cancer. He was very hot to touch” I said not much time left “ with that he died, I cover his body over with a sheet. Went to the desk to phone the Dr and then his family of his passing. I spoke to one of the staff about phoning and informing of their love one passing. When I saw the room with the patient, fill with smoke?, from the ceiling came a shape of a man – but not solid , and stop and stood at the head of the bed. The sheet that was covering the body rose off him, at this time I was in the process of dailing his wife, I was like a stunned mullet. The other staff member that was up the desk a bit further down only saw the smoke? Filled room and the sheet rise above the body.
The sheet then fell back over the body, the smoke? And the man went, as he had come.
I am not a man whom believes, but that night it made me think, and still to this day makes my hair stand on end.

  • 18th Aug 2011 01:50pm

My besty and I were house sitting for a week and we knew there was a resident ghost in the house due to the many stories told by the owners. On the second night of our sitting we also baby sat for her neice and nephew who were 3 and 6months old. The baby awoke crying and aunty went to pacify as she did I noticed a shadow through the glass doorway adjacent to the lounge for some reason I took this to be a woman perhaps instinct. The shadow was a dark silhouette similar to what you would see looking through frosted glass. I didn't feel any form of threat just a sense of warmth and there was no heating on at the time.
I shared this upon her return and she turned to me and iher reaction spoke volumes of fear. I mentioned the sense of warmth upon sighting the presence although this didn't deter her from placing a blanket over her head lol....Halfway through our movie I noticed the shadow again this time outside the doorway of where the children were sleeping. There was zero glass just a small entry into the room between where we were seated. We both looked at each other and she froze no sooner this occurred neice came into the room saying who is that lady in the room.

My besty started panicking I picked up her neice and said what does she look like she described the lady including the clothing she was wearing. I went into the room and saw no-one though felt something perhaps due to the what her tot neice had shared. I tucked her in sat with her for a while and felt a warmth around me, I returned to the lounge room where my friend was still under the blanket and she was adamant she wanted to go home upon her brother n wife collecting the children. After she calmed down we received a phone call from the next door neighbour sharing her cat was struggling to release himself from a fence wire on the roof of garden shed in the yard.
I took to helping the cat relax before releasing him to his owner, we got to chatting about the previous owners whom we discovered purchased the house as raised 5 children in their twilight years the husband passed and his wife resided there with a carer until she passed. I enquired as to what the owner was like and learned she was a very friendly person and made lots of friends and still visits the neighbours today the same way she had all those years ago. Through their kitchens, garden hedges and on the back steps of others. I described our experience and the neighbour brought a picture of her and the women ghost who had appeared before us. My besties neices description of the women was spot on down to the clothes. I also learned the room we put the children in was the room her grand children occupied when they were littlies.

This is not my only experience and I believe we all have the ability to tap into our inner selves and truly connect and on doing so we see the world in a different light.

Here is another experience I have warmly welcomed my besties Mom passed my sister was standing in our kitchen and saw her at the end of the yard smiling. She sung out to her to come and have a cuppa with Mom as this was her bestie and the very way she always arrived through the garden. The phone rang it was my Mom to she had this minute passed away. Upon sharing my sisters experience my Mom replied she wanted everyone to know she is fine and will be watching over us all. 30yrs on and I still receive dreams with her Mom pointing me in the direction of my besty when things are amiss and with each encounter it becomes evident she remains close to us.

Many years ago a flat mate and I decided to move on in doing so we encounter a property that made me stop in my tracks. He motioned on and I stood quite still at the gate with the agent encouraging us to the viewing.

He called out to me and urged him to come and speak with me for a moment. He enquired as to what the problem was, I advised the minute I set foot on the pathway it was like an angry person was beside me and the force of the anger was brutual to the point of feeling tight in my chest.
He said just come with me inside and if you don't like what you see or feel we'll leave. As I motioned forward the anger grew, I asked the agent whether there had been any form of trouble in the dwelling he said not to his knowledge. I enquired as to whether any consideration was given to seek such on account of what I was feeling. He suggested perhaps I was feeling ill knowing full well I wasn't.
I went into the doorway of the home and it smelt terrible, no sooner i entered into the main bedroom I near fainted. I felt someone pushing me towards the window with full force. My flat mate turned to me and said what the you've gone pale white are you ok, I shared my experience and he said we're outta here.

We went next door to the neighbours and learned there had been a terrible death in the house and someone died a tragic death in the very room I experienced unpleasantries. The neighbour also advised it started in the driveway where I stood and that since the property has remained unoccupied.

I challenged the agent with his denial of anything untoward and upon doing so other people who were viewing the property left in distaste sharing they felt the house was cold and for a summers day didn't make much sense.

I shared with the agent to be open and honest is the best policy and to have the home blessed to release negativity that bounds the home and the passed occupancies. He continued to deny anything untoward occurred in the property to his knowledge. My flat mate made a point of writing to the agency owners and in doing so received an apology with a view to seeking a minister to bless the home months later we passed the property and spoke to the neighbours who shared the property was leased for 2 short months the occupants left due to terrible things occurring in the property during their time. Eventually the property was demolished and made way for 2 dwellings interesting how things pan out we often wondered how the new owners felt on this block of uncleansed land.

  • 18th Aug 2011 01:31pm

I can't say for certain if I had seen a ghost. I can say there has been some very strange things happening at our last house. Things had gotten moved around on a table and when this happened the room went very cold. It gave the impression that a ghostly presence or spirit was in the room. I have seen a Min MIn light in my younger days while living in central western Queensland. These are the only spooky things that I have ever seen in my lifetime.

  • 18th Aug 2011 01:26pm

Yes, in England I saw 2 small girls dressed in Victorian era clothes one night near my bed!

And not spooky as such, but I reckon I saw a UFO too. I just stepped out one evening to go to the garage next to the house and I only had a second to take it in as it was going so fast and was so large but it went over the house and was gone. Weird...

  • 18th Aug 2011 01:06pm

No I have never seen a ghost, but have had a spooky experience, late one night my wife and I heard heavy breathing, it was so loud I got out of bed and switched on the light, the breathing continued, I left the room and could not hear the breathing, I went out of the house and around to the bedroom window, no breathing sound heard. I asked my wife through the window if it had gone, the reply was NO, yet I could not hear it. So into the house and I got my ladder and a torch and got up to the attic, shining the torch revealed nothing, listening, no breathing, my wife with the bedroom door open could still hear it inside the room. The house had a concrete floor.

We were leaving the rented house to move into our own which had just been finished, My wife said out loud,.... much to my amusement I may add, ....I don't know who you are, but you can come with us if you like.... amazingly the breathing stopped instantly... we moved and often speak of the event, bu have never had any occurrence since.... Strange things can happen ???????

  • 18th Aug 2011 01:01pm

I do not believe in the's all in people's minds. The only thing I can claim to fame is lights in the sky, one night, over the north of the South Island of New Zealand. Renowned for UFO sightings, I happened to look up and saw lights following each other and then did a u-turn and went back. Strange......but probably a scientific explanation.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:57pm

I have a shadow man in my house who has appeared frequently my family and a freind have witnessed this also and my dog and cat always follow where he appears,they have even moved their head as if they are being patted, he is not scary so very welcome

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:45pm

My uncle died quite suddenly from liver cancer when I was 15. I never got the chance to say goodbye to him. The night before my 18th birthday he appeared to me in our house in the study waving goodbye to me. Immediately after his ghost disappeared I felt closure and at peace. I knew as I was walking up the hallway to the study there was someone in there and I knew exactly who the ghost was when I saw it.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:44pm

After my Mother died she used to visit me at night for over two years before I told her to go away and leave me alone. I have not heard from her since. Mind over matter how nones.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:37pm

Yes I have had encounters with a few ghosts. When I left home at 16 for work, my grandfather was with me in every place I lived, I moved around a bit when I could no longer afford the rent. I new he was with me as the lights of the room I was in would start to flicker, then 10 years ago when I started a new relationship he wasn't with me any more, he must have thought I'd be okay now. Another encounter with a ghost was in a house I bought, the previous owner was a full on smoker, he didn't believe in opening windows, doors or blinds so the entire house smelt of smoke and the walls were covered in tar, it stank. I'd cleaned the house inside and out within an inch of it's life, the smells were gone. The previous owner past away about 6 months later and decided too roam the halls of my home, how did I know. The smell of smoke that followed him. Another time in the same house I was taking photos of my son & daughter together on the lounge, behind them was an old antique mirror after having the photos developed I found one of the photo's had an image in the mirror and was not in any before or after it. I scanned the photo onto my computer and enlarged it, low and behold there is a spooky looking face.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:24pm

My mum passed away about six years ago and the night before the funeral I was sitting at home alone when I felt something brush my right wrist. I wear a medic alert bracelet and it suddenly fell to the floor. I picked it up and the chain and clasp were both intact. Very strange feeling but I just said I know you're here and i'll be ok.
The next morning when the clock radio came on it was on a different station and band,the one mum always listened to! That did freak me out. We were very close and I guess she was saying she was ok and not to worry.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:22pm

I have seen many ghosts in my life and my daughter and now her daughter have seen ghosts. my granddaughter is 3 and she often tells us when the ghost is around. They are sometimes people we know and sometimes people i dont know. I have never been afraid of them and i have never been hurt by one either. I quite often feel a hand in the middle of my back and its just to let me know someone is there, looking after me. I feel safe as i think they are just there to wath over me.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:55am

I have seen many strange things in my days, but Ghost's, shadows and the like is not one of them.

These stories are created by those who are either paranoid or are looking for attention.

Medions or Clairvoyants are just a legal way of being a professional con artist. Preying on the unaware or desperate.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:52am

I'm never quite sure that I have seen/experienced something "Spooky". Somethings can be explained quite logically, while others...well, can't. Has anyone else had that kind of experience?

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:43am

When I was a teenager I went through a phase of playing with ouiji boards. It was the middle of summer in the middle of the day and I was with my sister and two friends calling on any spirits to come and answer our questions. After half an hour or so we got fed up with what appeared to be little response or suspicious of each other for moving the upside down glass to the various letters to spell out replies. We all left the table and one of my friends commented that it was all a load of rubbish when the glass flipped itself off the table and shattered. No one was anywhere close enough to the table to have caused it to happen. I dont think any of us have " played" with ouiji boards since.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:38am

I saw what appeared to be the ghost of my sister on the night after her funeral. I wass awoken by the feel of a hand on my shoulder, I woke up - and there she was just staring at me!

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:42am
I saw what appeared to be the ghost of my sister on the night after her funeral. I wass awoken by the feel of a hand on my shoulder, I woke up - and there she was just staring at me!

Hopefully her appearance gave you some peace.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:36am

I remember waking up one night. Still quite dark but standing by my bed was a little girl. About 7 or 8 years old. I recall blinking hard as I thought I must still be asleep. Blinked again and pinched myself really hard. She was still there. I held out a hand and she laid hers on mine. My husband slept quite soundly by my side. For the following three nights she appeared. She had a slightly sad expression on her little face - hair was fringed and short - she was dressed as would have in the 40's or 50's. Our house was built in the 70's in a new suburb. Don't know where she came from and it really disturbed me. Definitely not my imagination, but a lovely little girl who appeared to be looking for someone. I missed her when she stopped coming. I know she was a ghost (for want of a better word). The air was cold when she was around and she did move around the bedroom. Watched me almost the whole time. I'll never forget her.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:36am

I remember waking up one night. Still quite dark but standing by my bed was a little girl. About 7 or 8 years old. I recall blinking hard as I thought I must still be asleep. Blinked again and pinched myself really hard. She was still there. I held out a hand and she laid hers on mine. My husband slept quite soundly by my side. For the following three nights she appeared. She had a slightly sad expression on her little face - hair was fringed and short - she was dressed as would have in the 40's or 50's. Our house was built in the 70's in a new suburb. Don't know where she came from and it really disturbed me. Definitely not my imagination, but a lovely little girl who appeared to be looking for someone. I missed her when she stopped coming. I know she was a ghost (for want of a better word). The air was cold when she was around and she did move around the bedroom. Watched me almost the whole time. I'll never forget her.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:36am

I remember waking up one night. Still quite dark but standing by my bed was a little girl. About 7 or 8 years old. I recall blinking hard as I thought I must still be asleep. Blinked again and pinched myself really hard. She was still there. I held out a hand and she laid hers on mine. My husband slept quite soundly by my side. For the following three nights she appeared. She had a slightly sad expression on her little face - hair was fringed and short - she was dressed as would have in the 40's or 50's. Our house was built in the 70's in a new suburb. Don't know where she came from and it really disturbed me. Definitely not my imagination, but a lovely little girl who appeared to be looking for someone. I missed her when she stopped coming. I know she was a ghost (for want of a better word). The air was cold when she was around and she did move around the bedroom. Watched me almost the whole time. I'll never forget her.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:18am

No can't say I have.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:11am

It was the end of April of this year 2011 when I had my 1st ghostly encounter. I remember it was late, around midnight on a Saturday night. I was seeing a couple of Police Officers outside my door. I had had a domestic dispute to deal with and was feeling rather shaken and upset when I felt what I thought was one of my Siamese cats brushing past me and running off into the middle of the night. Once the small cat reached my trees on the front of the property it seemed to disappear completely. The Police Officer shone his torch through the trees to no avail, the little Siamese cat was no-where to be seen. I went down to my back room and counted 5 sleeping Siamese cats, not a stir out of them. (I thought mmmm how strange). 4 days later Narla gave birth to 3 healthy pure Siamese kittens, 1 boy and 2 girls. Then I though about my experience and wondered if my little Simba had paid a ghostly visit on the anniversary of his death 1 year before this sighting occurred, sadly he passed away at 4 weeks and 2 days of an infection before he had his 1st vaccinations. I will never forget him struggling to make his final journey before his tiny body died on that fatal Saturday night. We have laid him to rest beside a beautiful miniature blood-red rose that blooms in the summer-time. Perhaps his little spirit awoke and he came to give Narla's 3 kittens a special blessing 4 days before their birth. I'de sure like to think that he is out there watching over all of my other precious cats! .

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:09am

When we took our 6 month old on a ghost tour of Port Arthur both he and I felt the presence of the past. He screamed in certain sections of the tour and laughed where there used to be a lot of kids playing in the kitchen. I felt the rooms to be cold with their presence and people constantly watching us.

I have had contact with many that have past since I was little and my parents have always allowed it so. They knew that my imaginary friends were not so imaginary.
I don't see them I sense and hear them.

My grandfather came to me the night before an operation to tell me that I would loose a lot of blood but it was not my time to go. I infromed the surgeon of my blood type and what would happen and he said that all would be well and not to worry. When I awoke they had replace 2 bags of blood because I wouldn't stop bleeding. I spent the next 2 days in ICU while I recovered. The surgeon and anaesthetists needless to say were a little shaken.

  • 18th Aug 2011 11:06am

I lived in a very old house in Waverly many years ago and there was a ghost of a young man (not a happy one either) he slammed doors, turned our stereo on in the night and even blew a window out from inside in the middle of the night, he spooked my 2 dogs constantly, when we decided we'd had enough and moved we learnt from the real estate agent that the previous tenant was a young man and had gassed himself in our kitchen! spooky!!

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:54am

I once saw my Dad after 15 years, he has died standing next to me as I was scared of a situation and this all ended well

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:53am

I was staying in a hotel in Las Vegas a few years ago. There was an strange vibe soon as I walked in the room. We settled in and started to wind down. My son who was 3, was first to have a shower. I went to grab a towel and when I turned around, there was a smily face drawn on the shower screen. I smiled and pointed but no one else could see it. We went to bed and I was woken by a childs voice saying 'mummy, mummy...where are you?' I woke to find my son asleep. I looked at the chair in the corner of the room and saw the outline of an African American man sitting there watching me. I stumbled out of bed and and something drove me to the cupboard. I flung open the doors and saw the outline of a woman. I ran into the bathroom and found that the towels had been rearranged. All I could hea ringing in my ears was 'Mummy... mummy' I turned around and shouted 'I'm not your mummy!' I was hysterical at this point and I rang security. I demanded to be moved to another room in another wing of the hotel. One of the security guys that came was older and had been working at the hotel for years. I told I had seen strange things and asked about a murder in this room. He hesitated for a minute and said that I lady with a child had been murdered by her boyfriend after a dispute! Wow, I was stunned.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:52am

I have never encountered anything myself, but my mum had a lot of spooky experiences. She would wake up in the middle of the night and would feel like she was pinned down and would see someone standing at the bottom of the bed, but when she was able to get her hand free and touch the lamp it would all go away with the light.
Another time she said she had a glass of water just sitting there and it just tipped over all by it's self.
Mum has passed now, and we always had a bit of a pact that when she died she would send me a sign, to let me know that there was another side, but I am still waiting to hear from her and it's been a year.
When my son died at 23 I expected to hear from him but never even dreamed of him, strange.
Maybe it's the spirits that are traped here on earth, that don't cross over for whatever reason, that are the ghosts that we see.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:52am

after the 1st Bali bombings friends took photos just after---------pictures taken of the Sari club showed lots of white dots in the air.Pictures were analysed as others taken at same time around about did not have these.We eventually thought they were the souls of the deceased rising.
When looking at houses to buy i went into 2 or 3 that had strange feelings and when questioned agents said yes people had died there
Have had many such experiences..

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:48am

I am currently experiencing spooky things, I can see them, I cannot hear them, if I don't wake up they wake me up by a variety of actions including pulling the blankets off me. Not only is it spooky it causes sleep deprivation and I would dearly love to get rid of them, yep more than 1 a lot more than 1, some nights I think I have lost the plot.

  • 20th Aug 2011 04:36pm
Polgara, tried that last week but not with any of those churches you nominated but rather a Presbyterian one, however the minister acutally believes, I have no idea what led me to that church other...

Presbyterian good mainline church, suggested the ones I did cause they wouldn't think you were nuts....they see a lot of Spiritual Warfare. Glad you got some relief and found good Presbyterian one. Since it is so close to your home, I hope you consider going along one Sunday. You have seen for yourself now a reality many are unaware of until it is too late.

God Bless.

  • 20th Aug 2011 11:09am
Polgara, tried that last week but not with any of those churches you nominated but rather a Presbyterian one, however the minister acutally believes, I have no idea what led me to that church other...

Polgara, tried that last week but not with any of those churches you nominated but rather a Presbyterian one, however the minister acutally believes, I have no idea what led me to that church other than it is round the corner. Just over a week on and they have only come back once, and the house feels a lot quieter, it is not so "busy". Thankyou for your suggestion.

  • 19th Aug 2011 03:33pm
I am currently experiencing spooky things, I can see them, I cannot hear them, if I don't wake up they wake me up by a variety of actions including pulling the blankets off me. Not only is it...

Hey daphne,

There really are ghostbusters around - go to any local Pentecostal church such as Assembly of God, New Life, Elim and tell the Pastor and ask him could he & a small group of believers, pray through your house and bless it.

You should have no further problems after that, with your 'ghosts or spirits'.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:47am

Everything is energy, us included. Einstein's famous "E=mc2". Energy cannot be destroyed. What we feel/see/hear that "isn't there" is this energy that's all around us, within us, and through us. And the more in-tune and accepting of this energy, the more we have these feelings/sightings/hearing.

Liza May
  • 18th Aug 2011 10:37am

Working in the Philippines (Mindanao) for an Australian aid project. An accompanied position.
I Woke during the night to see what appeared to be a middle aged Filipino lady standing by the bed. My wife remained asleep. (dare not wake her... she would have flown home within the week.HAAAA!).I was definately wide awake, sat up on the edge of the bed and spoke, asking if I could help in any way.
No reply. As I stood the phantom drifted away down a passageway. The following evening, the same lady(stood) outside the front of our home as I approached (alone).
As I approached, she once again drifted away. .
This is a true account.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:31am

When i was 13 we moved into my great grandmothers house for many nights we would hear the scuffling of her slippers down the hall night i had a friend over for a sleepover-we were alseep for quite a while when i was woken up well with what i can say i was forced awake and i saw my great grandmother looking through her old dresser which was in my room she got something out and brought it to me, i was panicking like crazy and my friend couldnt see any of this!!!..before my grandmother handed me the thing she disapeared and that was that!
everyone thought i was crazy and i started to believe i'd just had a odd dream.
Then this year i was woken up in the middle of the night- took my time for my eyes to adjust and standing on my husbands side of the bed was a man and i knew this time i wasnt seeing things because i could describe everything about him, he walked to the door, moved the door almost to closed and was gone seconds later my 8mth old woke up screaming (she Always sleeps through the night) its was too real for my mind to play tricks we still have doors move on their own even though there is no airflow to cause it and sometimes a creepy feeling about the house. i totally believe after what i've seen

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:29am

When i was 13 we moved into my great grandmothers house for many nights we would hear the scuffling of her slippers down the hall night i had a friend over for a sleepover-we were alseep for quite a while when i was woken up well with what i can say i was forced awake and i saw my great grandmother looking through her old dresser which was in my room she got something out and brought it to me, i was panicking like crazy and my friend couldnt see any of this!!!..before my grandmother handed me the thing she disapeared and that was that!
everyone thought i was crazy and i started to believe i'd just had a odd dream.
Then this year i was woken up in the middle of the night- took my time for my eyes to adjust and standing on my husbands side of the bed was a man and i knew this time i wasnt seeing things because i could describe everything about him, he walked to the door, moved the door almost to closed and was gone seconds later my 8mth old woke up screaming (she Always sleeps through the night) its was too real for my mind to play tricks we still have doors move on their own even though there is no airflow to cause it and sometimes a creepy feeling about the house. i totally believe after what i've seen

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:21am

when i was a kid we held a sayance and my grandfather who was dead at the time told me never to do it again, so i have not attempted it since that was over 40yrs ago. lol.

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:11am

when I was in Port Arthur (before the massacare) I was in a room which was supposed to be haunted by a lady. We took some photos of something in the room and when developed there was in the background a figure in a long white robe (which was not in the room before)

  • 18th Aug 2011 10:00am

I have seen ghosts on several occasions in homes I have rented in the years it is a bit daunting at first but I soon got used to them and just yalk to them and tell them the people they are looking for are no longer here .It has been an experience over the years and now am not bothered ny them in the least ..

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:56am

We moved an old house from Warwick onto our farm at Maryvale and proceeded to renovate. When we moved in there was a strange smell emanating from one of the rooms and down the bedroom wing. We searched high and low for something that had died cavities or the roof (remember we had pulled this poor house to pieces and rebuilt just about) we found nothing so we christened the smell Fred and everytime it was there we would say" its all right Fred now go away" and the smell would disappear. It never came to the Dining room or the Kitchen so what it was we will never know. It never bothered my girls but didn't come when other people were there. We lived there for 16 years we don't know if the people there now have experienced though. So did someone die in that house or what???

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:45am

Yes, on a number of occasions. I have even had my father's ghost come to me several times to ask for help.
It turned out that his ashes were placed in the wrong place in Perth (Karrakatta Cemetery) and as I am in Melbourne I needed to convince my brother that he actually came and showed me the problem. All visitations ceased when he was placed in the correct place, next to my mother.
I have had other experiences over the years and am happy to let the dead sleep in peace.

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:23am

I definitely have a spirit or something that comes into contact with me everynow and again. I have had the feeling of someone standing at my bedside. The feeling was that strong that I just froze out of fear with my heart pounding. I eventually whipped my head around to have a look and no one was there. I also get a few signals sent to me like a week before I unfortunately had a miscarriage a picture of a small white cross was sent to me and I immediately knew what it meant. Sounds crazy but it happened!

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:22am

When I was little I had two experiences that freaked me out!
The first was when I went camping down the creek on our family farm, I woke in the middle of the night and saw the shape of an aboriginal elder sitting beside the camp fire I had made at first I was scared but when I realized he was there only to deliver a message to me I calmed down.
The next time I was camping out on a cattle drive and I saw a min min light which I followed until I lost sight of it, I put a maker where I last saw it and came back the next morning to find it was right on the edge of a cliff!

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:22am

Never actually seen a ghost, but when I was living in England I was living in a house which was a converted barn. It was in a little village and around us were other houses.
One night I heard the sound of a little girl crying, which sounded like it was just next door and so when I heard the sounds I just thought it was the daughter of a neighbour crying.
The next morning, out of curiousity I went to have a look at the back of the barn and to my surprise the barn was completely stand alone and the nearest house was a good 25 metres away! It freaked me out and every night after that I slept with the TV switched on!

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:15am

I have seen 2 ghosts in my life, We were at a beach down the south coast of NSW au.I was told it was a lady waiting for her boyfriend to come home from the sea, she had on a flowing cape and there was no wind blowing,my husband got out of the car to see if she was ok and she disappeared ??
The other was when I was quiet young and we were going through Cambelltown in NSW au and there was a ghost sitting on a bridge, his name was Fisher and had been doing this at odd times through the year.

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:08am

I was waiting for a train at a tiny station called Camellia, in Sydney. It's near Rosehill Racecourse, sort've along Parramatta River. Behind the station is an old historic grave with a marker. The grave is from the 1800's and belongs to a woman who died trying to save her young son after he fell in the river. They both drowned. Anyway, one day I had about an hour to wait for the next train so I walked around behind the platform and sat down near this grave with my boyfriend. We were just chatting, it was a nice day and this was a lovely shady spot overlooking the river. We talked about the grave and the story on the marker, then eventually it was time to go, only I couldnt find my wallet. It had been sitting on the ground in front of me, then when I looked, it wasn't. We stood up, checked around, checked our pockets, emptied my bag. Nothing. I joked that the little boy must be playing games with us, and said out loud that enough was enough and we had to catch the train now. Then we looked down again and the wallet was there. Right there on the ground where it absolutely had not been before. It wasn't frightening at all, it just really felt like there was someone else there. You can go and visit this grave any time, it's not fenced off or anything, it's just right behind the station.

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:05am

Yes. More times than I care to think about. And yes, I can read tarots and other stuff. Yes, I'm a freak. Enough said.

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:03am

I was at my friends house and something flew past the door. She closed it and said "there's no such thing as ghosts." then the door flew open and she jumped on me in fright!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:45am

As a committed Christian, I have seen a few things, but ghost could just be, familiar spirits. You don't really believe, Ghost Busters, is real????

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:37am

I've seen ghosts many times. One is apparently my guardian angel which we all supposedly have. It turns out he is my great grandfather whom I never knew. I told Mum about it after many encounters, and after explaining what he looked like (well I could not see his face only the way he was dressed), she brought out a picture of her grandfather and there was my "ghost" Truly amazing. Also when I was pregnant with my first child who just turned 39 yesterday, I went into the nursery to put away some baby clothes ready for my homecoming, and there rocking the cradle stood a young girl. I knew instantly I would have a daughter and the "ghost" was that of my mother's sister who had passed at age about 14! Eerie, true and not a minute was I scared. In fact, I felt special and comforted.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:35am

I've seen ghosts many times. One is apparently my guardian angel which we all supposedly have. It turns out he is my great grandfather whom I never knew. I told Mum about it after many encounters, and after explaining what he looked like (well I could not see his face only the way he was dressed), she brought out a picture of her grandfather and there was my "ghost" Truly amazing. Also when I was pregnant with my first child who just turned 39 yesterday, I went into the nursery to put away some baby clothes ready for my homecoming, and there rocking the cradle stood a young girl. I knew instantly I would have a daughter and the "ghost" was that of my mother's sister who had passed at age about 14! Eerie, true and not a minute was I scared. In fact, I felt special and comforted.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:32am

However (following up on my last post), I do believe in spirits........

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:31am

No I have't seen anything spooky, nor do I wish to!!! The only bumps I ever want to hear in the night is me stubbing my toe or bumping into the furniture if I get out of bed during the night!!!!!!!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:27am

We moved into a 1950's house,in 2006 and we could hear a soft male voice in the back bedroom, first thought it was our imagination, but it continued, we made enquiries from older resdience in our area and they told us a maori young man had passed away at our address many years before, we contacted a maori elder and he came and blessed our house, and we have never heard him since, apparently he just needed help to cross over.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:26am

I dont beleive,both my parents have died and both said IF they dies they would try to communicate if they could. When my mother died nothing happened. When my father died ,plenty happened. I moved into the house where he lived and died. The main clock in the house went backeards when we moved in. We all saw it,kids and hubby. The same day in the masterbathroom the mirror had about 15 globes around it,hollywood style. The lights had been on for a short time,then they almost all burst/blew out one by one! Many of the globes had recently been replaced with new globes,so some were old some not,but they pretty much all blew.

Then the other weird thing was in the middle of the night I woke up to smell cooked biscuits. I woke up,walked around,went outside...on body was baking,and all our windows were shut.

My father did have a sense of humour so I really dont know what to make of anyof it,nor do the rest of us.

We took the batteries out of the clock to stop it going backwards!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:23am

Definately, my father died when I wasliving in Australia and pregnant, I couldn't get back home to New Zealand for the funeral, six weeks after my baby was born he visited me and my baby, he had never left New Zealand in his life time. something I will treasure forever.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:21am

I am on the fence when it coomes to spooks and ghouls, but did have an eerie experience. A few years ago when my grandad died he was in the Te Omanga Hospice and was in a coma. We were told to go and say our goodbyes as they expected him to pass away shortly. We went in and said our goodbyes (he was still in the coma). I was walking out to the parking lot and I had the most eeriest feeling. I turned around to his window and I swear he was sitting up watching me. We got home and had been there only a few minutes when the hospice rung to say he had died. Freaky. It was as if he had said goodbye to me. Make of it what you will but it scared me!!!!!!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:17am

I used to own a very old house in Christchurch. The whole time I had it we would have stray cats turn up. Sometimes we could not even figure how they got in! They would usually stay a few weeks, we would feed them & vet them if necessary. One night I was the only one still up, I was watching TV in the lounge. We did not always close the curtains because a big tree provided us with privacy. I turned to something catching the corner of my eye. There was a cat on the window sill. I turned back to the current cats favourite chair & she was there asleep. I looked back to the window & the cat was gone. I had this really strange feeling about it. I thought I must be seeing things because there was only a windowsill on the inside of the house.
I was still thinking about it the next day when I was feeding the cat in the kitchen when my partner walked in from the lounge saying 'cute grey cat on the window sill' . I ran into the lounge & searched for it .
A few nights later I ran into a friend who is wiccan. She also did numerology. She asked me for my house number. She said it was attracting people & animals who just need a short time to get sorted. She said the ghost cat we saw was like a guide.
I am a believer now.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:15am

I am not a medium or clairvoyant. This was my experience: My daughter passed away after a long illness. She died at 8.30 in the morning at home. Later that day, I went to bed for a nap. As I was waking - you know that time before being fully awake - I opened my eyes and above me I saw a snow-white free form floating above me. It was like the lightest cotton sheet I ever saw, almost mesh but I couldn't see through it. Then as I woke fully, it left. I know it was my daughter's spirit hovering over me. I have always been comforted by the experience.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:13am

The house we purchased 21 years ago had previously been rented by an American couple. One morning on the way to work the man was killed by driving on the wrong side of the road.

From the moment we moved into the house, my children could not be upstairs alone because they felt a presence. One of my daughters often felt him sitting on the bed. A friend's young daughter who is psycic visited once said she felt a presence. She spoke to him and said he was looking over our girls and not to worry, just tell him to go away if he bothered them which they did though my youngest daughter still refuses to be upstairs alone.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:12am

In the house I grew up in we had 2 ghost, an old couple. my parents would blame us kids for making noise up stairs when we were all down stairs, things would get moved around and sometimes we could hear an old wheel chair being pushed from the bedroom upstairs to the landing at the top of the stairs. We would go to school with messy rooms and come home to tidy ones, on some nights we could see them also. My sisters and babies life was saved by the ghost as it awoke her and she was rushed to hospital for an emergency c-section. It wasn't until all us kids moved out that our parents believed as that we had a ghost and they sold up and moved within weeks of me moving out. I was the last to go. One of my sisters lived next to an old Maori burial site and when people went on there to cut trees or try and redevelop it weird things went on also. The site has never been touched in over 80 years. I love ghost stories and the likes as we dont no whats out there. dodododododo you have now entered the twilight zone

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:07am

I would not call it a ghost, but when I moved into a unit two years ago. I kept seeing a white light. My now husband did not believe me, until one night when he was visiting the light showed itself to him. He was overawed by seeing it. Our light has followed us to the house we now live in. I like to think that it is our guardian angle.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:06am

I'm really into paranormal things,I'm interested in ghost, horror movies and stuffs like that but I never ever saw a ghost even once but it appeared in my dreams or am I really dreaming, I heard noises at night like creeking floors like there's someone walking and when I'm in the kitchen I always see someone in the corner of my eyes, a black long hair woman , watching me outside our screen door, And when I look back she's not there. Then this happened to me once and it's so frightening I woke up crying, I was dreaming and in my dream I was in my bedroom , sleeping then suddenly something grab me by the hand and drag me into the ceiling and when i look down i saw myself lying in bed. I found myself screaming but no sound came out of my mouth. That was the worst feeling I had experienced and I don't want that to happen again. Whenever I thought of it I got goosebumps all over me.

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:03am

Hi, my brother passed away 21 years ago, aged 19. About 8 weeks after, I went to a psychic,but was very careful not to tell her anything at all - yes, little sceptical. She started by telling me that there was a young man waiting to see me. He was with an elderly man with a bad cough, and a much shorter old lady, My grandfather had died of lung cancer, and my great grandmother was very short. I was a little shocked, but determined not to say anything. She said the young man's name started with 'R' - it did. She said that I was very sceptical but that the young man told her that my cat had got up on the kitchen bench the night before and broken a wine glass that I had received for my 21st birthday. That certainly got my attention, as that had happened!! She would never have known that. The young man went on to tell Mum that he was sorry he was gone, but he loved her, and the rest of us, and that he would look after the baby. My daughter was 3, and now at 23, she still has him visit her and guides her. Now my 12 year old son, has his mannerisms. So short answer is, yes I believe in them!

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:01am

Yes, while staying in a motel in Oamaru, we had an eerie experience. I felt uneasy the entire time we were there, constantly feeling like I was being watched. At some stage during the evening of our arrival, we lost an item and spent ages looking for it, to no avail. In the morning the item was sitting in the absolute middle of a cusion on the couch. We had not used the couch at all, but during our search we pulled off all of the cushions and checked just in case somehow the item had fallen there. It was definetely not there when we went to bed, and had reappeared at some stage during the night. I was very glad to leave.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:55am

I believe I've seen an angel but it wasn't at all spooky. I also used to see my old dog out of the corner of my eye after she had died. It was really nice having her around still, more comforting than spooky.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:50am

When i was about 20, myself & 2 other mates were living in Springhill, Brisbane, in the quaintest little workers cottage that was at least built in the late nineteenth century. We all fell in love with the place & its quirky nature, with the bathroom being on the back veranda & the unusual open wooden slats around the walls of the stairwell & the floor of the loft room.
One night while i was home alone & had gone to bed early, i awoke at what must have been early morning. I looked around my room to get my bearings right & to familiarise myself with the shadows when i noticed an outline i was not familiar with in the corner where my bookcase stood. While i tried to focus my sight, the dark shadow all off a sudden moved to side of my bed!! There was no noise & the only emotion I had at the time was fear! But the shadow was like that of a woman with long hair standing over me & crouching down to my face in the bed. I was petrified & closed my eyes & laid motionless till the morning.
When i told my housemates, no one believed me & after that, nothing ever occurred to me again. Although about a month later i had a friend from out of town come to stay & after some hours of clubbing, she went home early by herself one & apparently had the same encounter as i had after lying on the side of the bed that i had been in!

Another story i have, as i have had about 3 instances where i have seen ghostly apparitions, was when i was in grade 5, so i was about 11 at the time. Myself, my best friend & her parents had gone camping out at Penguin in Tasmania. We were staying in a secluded camping spot where we had driven down a very long dusty dirt road to get to the site near the beach.
Upon arriving, i couldn’t help but notice the only building standing in view, in the distance & alone in the middle of the paddock, alongside the road. It was an old wooden hay shed i believe, that stood by itself.
After we set up camp that afternoon, we had dinner & as my friend had 2 small dogs, we decided we would take them for a walk so they could do their business before settling in for the night. As the camp grounds were surrounded by trees & bushes, we were unable to see her parents once we walked around the corner. But in some attempt to be funny, my friend ran off playfully with one of the dogs while i trailed along the road alone. When i realized she was not ahead of me, i started to call out to her & the dogs, & i noticed in the moonlight that i had come to the entrance of the campsite & could see the road in which we had arrived on earlier that afternoon with the distant wooden shed in view. As my eyes began to focus on the road, i noticed 2 figures far off in the distance walking alongside of the road. As one person was considerably taller than the other, i just thought that it must have been my friend’s parents. But as soon as i noticed them stop & turned to the shed, they vanished!
As you can imagine, i ran screaming back to the camp, where i found my mate and her parents sitting around the campfire drinking hot chocolate, none the wiser. I told them all about the apparition etc & even though they all seemed to believe me, that night there was no way i could sleep & once morning had arrived, i was so relieved that we were leaving.
Some years later, i made the same trip with my own father down to the campsite on a day trip to the area. And once again, as we drove down the dirt road past the open paddock with the shed in the distance, i realized it had since fallen down & was no longer anything more than a flat bundle of wood. Thankfully, i never saw the figures again either & have only ever told a couple of people of the experience.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:32am

The night before I married my first husband, my father,who had been dead for 2 years sat on the end of my bed andspoke to me. I was in SA and he died inWA. He also visited my mother who was over here for the wedding. I believe in the supernatural, at least most of it.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:29am

Hi there, I lived on Norfolk Island for a while and the was lots of paranormal activity.
There was a lady that tourists quite regularly picked up offering her a lift up the hill and when they turned arround to let her out she had dissapeared.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:22am

Years ago I lived on the North Shore, Sydney. At that time I was renting a room in a very old sandstone house at Kirribilli. The room was bright and sunny. I shared the old house with 10 other people and wondered why they always gave me a strange look when I said what room I was in. It was a hot summer day when I decided to sit in the antique chair that was situated in the corner of the room. I tried to sit down but every time I felt cold and unwelcomed even though outside it was hot I could not sit down in this chair. I did not think much about it until I met a very elderly lady who knew about the history of the house I was staying in. She told me the house originally belonged to a very rich couple who lived there in 1905 and that the wife caught her husband cheating on her. She went on to tell me that the wife ended up hanging herself from a chair in the house. When I told her about what had happened to me she said to me; 'Yes, that is Mary.' I eventually moved out of the house because of all the strange things that happened to me in that room, like the following: a figure of the woman sitting on the edge of my bed, other figures walking down the hallway when nobody was there An old record player starting by itself in the middle of the night and the list went on I never believed in ghosts but after living in that house I changed my mind.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:16am

Yes I have seen ghosts and I have dealt with many spooky things. Most spirits are not dangerous a lot of them are just wanting to find out more things about life things they were not able to learn or know while they were alive.

A lot of the time there are bumps in the night it is a spirit being cheeky. They like to play games at times and they love trying to keep people awake for the fun of it.

I have even had a few spirits use me as a messenger for them so that they could protect those they care for and even those I care for.

I am an empath and I seem to have the ability to be used as a medium but I have no training so don't now how skilled I am. I don't mind having the spirit visitors I get most of them are just curious.

  • 18th Aug 2011 07:02am

A few weeks after my grandmother died I woke in the middle of the night and there was a strong smell of the perfume she always were - April Violets - which is very distinctive and I don't know of anyone else who wears it.

Also I firmly believe my lovely Aunt, who passed away last year, stopped me from leaving my work building and walking down the street to the CBD at lunchtime on the day of the February earthquake. Everyday I walk down to the cafes to meet a friend or my partner and on that morning I made a sandwich at home and took it to work. I can't explain the strong feeling to make this sandwich before I went to work.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:56am

Many years ago I was visiting a friend who lived next to a cemetery. I was looking at the cemetery and saw quite a few fast moving, white clouds close to the ground. They were whizzing around the tombstones.

Another time, a few of us went to a place in the bush that was renowned for ghost behaviour. A couple had been murdered at this spot under a forked tree that looked very ghostly in the dark.

An errie light suddenly came on in a bush near the tree and we were terrified. There were no houses or people there.

I never went back there.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:51am

When i was in hospital after an accident, I had a chat with my dad who had died 10 years before. It was more confusing than scary. I had been in a Coma for about four weeks and only awake for about three days at the time. Since then I see people in my family that have just died. That is; I see them and then a couple of hours later get a call to say they have died and the funeral will be...
I find all this a bit weird, I am a catholic and don't believe in ghosts. If any one can explain this phenomenon I would like to hear it.
The last 'dead' person I saw was an aunt that I had not seen or heard from in years, so, no - I didn't even know she was sick or dying.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:49am

Hi there - I am sure that wherever we live, we take a friendly poltergeist with us! Things go missing, turn up in the strangest places and it is not just me who has had this happen to them. My husband also loses things and I cannot find them either, we then go to the fridge, and there it is, yet neither of us have been near the fridge! Someone is playing with our minds and it is in every house we have lived in, here and abroad. I quite like having a spirit around as it seems to look after us too.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:41am

i dont really know if our house is haunted,i quiet often turn around and i see a quick flash of i think its a person,then i get these erie feelings of some one watching me,and when we are outside ,my daughter said she saw someone looking out the window ,so i dont really know ,but it does put me on edge.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:34am

absolutley, it was the anniversary of my sister in laws passing and I went to the cemetary to put flowers on the grave. Since it was quite dark I took my torch to make sure I found the right one. Sure enough after a few minutes at the grave site the torch died, nothing worked. So I jokingly said ok you've made your point. I walked back to the car and hey presto within 10 feet of the car outside the cemetary the torch came on again.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:27am

I've had many experiences with the "other side" most of my life. Living at home during my childhood, there would be many unexplained incidences, including NDE. As an adult I asked my Mum about them and she said she seemed to attract "earth-bound" spirits before they fully passed over. I was taught how to "read" ordinary playing cards and would entertain my friends by doing readings. However, a couple of decades I stopped doing this because I freaked out one sitter so much by my accuracy that he accused me actually making it happen.
After a break of about 20 years I've returned to communicating with the spirit world, tho its still a bit haphazard at the moment. I met my beautiful granddaughter 6months before she was conceived & I've channelled & chatted with various entities over recent years. One entity enjoyed hanging around a local community centre because he liked joining in with some of the more educational activities.
As far as seeing ghosts, I've not had that skill until very recently. I've had 2 visual encounters over the past week in my house. Neither were frightening but were more "What the?" The first was just outside the room where my granddaughter was having her sleep & the other just yesterday hovering above my bed after I woke up from my Nanna-nap.
I enjoy having all these experiences :)

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:14am

I grew up in a very old house with a lot of history. We often heard footsteps in the hall that would go upstairs and close doors. This was so real that even the family dog would growl and chase the steps, barking at the doorway where they ended. Many things did occur there the entire time I lived there, this was just the most common occurrence, and even the dog responded to it.

I do not believe in 'ghosts', as in the spirits of dead people. I believe these are demonic visitations, often masquerading as dead spirits or other things, sent to deceive humans, and/or fill us with fear.

Harley man
  • 18th Aug 2011 06:13am

I am a strong sceptic and so the fact that I have a ghost story is un nerving in itself. I lived for a couple of years in a sandstone cottage built in 1826 called Emily Cottage and during winter enjoyed a big open fire. Each night I would load up the fire before going to bed to keep the place warm overnight. One night I had been out till about eleven and so did not load the fire up before going to bed. About 2.30 am I woke with a strong desire to go downstairs and load the fire it was a real compolsion. Even though I had an electric blanket on and was not cold. When I had loaded up the fire and it was raging I was standing in front of it and had a flash of movement from my right side and then there was a void of warmth coming from the fire in an area about the size of a small teenage person. My investigations showed that there was a girl of 12 who died in a fire at the house in the 1840's. Even though I am still sceptical I do know what happen and can not explain it.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:08am

I have been in places where there is an unaccountable coldness in certain areas, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I feel very uneasy, and I get away from that place very quickly. My ethnic origin is Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Jewish so I guess i am a bit susceptible. My grandmother used to say that I was fey.
I beleive that there are a lot of things we do not understand, and our hurried lifestyle tends to dampen any psychic qualities that we may have.
It would be handy if ghosts could let us know the Lotto numbers but I have never heard of any doing so. I often see shadows out of the corner of my eye. Wilhamina

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:06am

I have had dreams that come true - maybe someone telling me from the other side? I lived in Australia at the time and my brothers wife was pregnant, I dreamed she had a little girl named Jessa ( I hadnt heard of the name before and that was what it sounded like), then 9 months later Amy , another daughter,arrived . When I rang my Mum in New Zealand and told her she laughed and said we will wait and see what happens. Four months later Tessa was born and as soon as I heard that name it was the name in the dream, and then 9 months later Amy was born - Mum couldnt belive it!!! I just loved having seeing my neices before they were born and they looked just like my dream when they finally came out to Austraila to visit me.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:00am

Yes, on several occasions. One when I was walking the old city of Jerusalem in 1981. Passed several gates and was just approaching the Lions Gate and a man approached me and said,"Don't go in there! Something dreadful has happened!"
Seen men like him before, usually offer you a tour elsewhere and try to rape you.
So I ignored him and continued walking.
You know he wouldn't leave me alone and repeated the first statement.
"Don't go in there! Something dreadful has happened."
Just ignored him and kept going but I'll give him credit for persistence!
When he said,"Don't go in there! Something dreadful has happened a third time!"
Curiousity got the better of me and asked, "Why! What has happened?"
So I turned around and walked the other way and returned the way I came.
Miracles of miracles, he left me alone and didn't try to rape me.

When I returned to where I was staying the place was in an uproar!
"A mad american Jew walked into the Dome of the rock and shot 10 people, killed 2!"
This german tourist had rocks thrown at him in his bus because it was Jewish.
All the Arabs near the Dome of the Rock started throwing stones as Jerusalem is full of those.
The incident occured 2 minutes ago.

Saw a whole squad of Israeli policemen wearing full riot gear, blue crash hats with visor, breast plate, bullet proof clothing, blue and plastic shields, shin pads, knee pads, guns strapped to their arms and to their legs and knives as well, jogging towards the scene of the crime.

It took me 20 mins to return the way I came. The man warned me 18 minutes before the incident occured.

The streets in Old Jerusalem are so narrow, I couldn't miss getting a rock thrown at me and I would have seen some awful sights if I survived the shooting.

Do you believe in angels? Was it a ghost? Who knows..

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:12am

Not only have I not seen such a thing, I am sceptical that they exist at all. I could be convinced if there was testable, objective evidence, but to date I haven't seen or become aware of such evidence.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:53am

Years ago while travelling in Finland a friend and I broke down at night we had prepared to spend a cold night in the car when there was a knock on the window. A man asked us something in Finnish when we replied in English he said "your Aussies" we replied that we were and he said he would take us to the neerest town only 5 miles farther on the way we asked him how he had known we were from Oz he had said he had a brother Ivan who lived in Brisbane. On naming the suburb it turned out to be where I was from he told me his brothers name was Peter and he worked at .......... which was where my father worked and I had actually met his brother and it was his desciption of Finland that had decided me to go there when he dropped us at a hotel in the town I promised to say hello to his brother when I got home. On returning to Oz I told his brother about meeting him but He told me I must be wrong as his brother Ivan had died ten years earlier.

  • 18th Aug 2011 05:07pm
Years ago while travelling in Finland a friend and I broke down at night we had prepared to spend a cold night in the car when there was a knock on the window. A man asked us something in Finnish...

WOW! Rev! Thats astounding! Gave me chills!

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:16am

Yes, I've seen a ghost. My partner passed away in 2005. One night, about two weeks after his death, I woke up and walked out to the loungeroom where I saw him standing by the window. I was most surprised and happy to see him but not scared. I asked what he was doing here but he did not respond. I held my hand out to touch him but he disappeared before I could reach him. I think he was checking to see if I was alright.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:15am

Last year my Baby Brother took his own life, I was furious with him for doing this & leaving his wife & 3 beautiful Children. I called him for every horrible name imaginable, then I found out he was a very sick man & every single night since I pray & ask for his forgiveness. I was @ home last year about 2 months after his Death, & I am disabled & have a Carer, we were ready to watch a DVD, I went in the Kitchen to get a drink & when I came back in, the Movie was on but, my carer was staring @ the wall & he was grey, I said to him you know you have to watch the movie to know what's going on, He never answered me just kept staring @ the wall, He didn't look right so I went over to him & grabbed his hand & said to him are you all right? I had to say that about 5 or 6 times before he looked @ me & said, I'm allright Soss please don't worry about me, but used my real name, & he shortened it, & the only person who ever shortened my name & called me by this name was my dead brother, I didn't feel scared But I did feel scared for my carer as he looked like he was ready to have a Heart Attack.
With that my carer came to, & said what happened & looked very disorientated, He said he knows something happened to him but didn't know what, When I told him, he said C'mon you know I DON'T believe in that crap!!!!! I must point out that my carer is a Pom, & the voice that came out of his mouth was NOT my brothers but, IT WAS Australian, He was that shaken up over this, that he went to see his Dr about it & then visited a Shrink, also later on after this, I'd say about 15mins, He was looking @ the movie & without looking @ me said, "I'm So Sad I Feel Like I Wan't To Cry"!!!!!!!!!! when I looked @ him the tears were rolling down his cheeks, So my answer is YES indeed I DO BELIEVE.
Quite a few other things have happened to me & my Family as well & NONE of them can be explained, & WE ALL BELIEVE.

  • 18th Aug 2011 12:02am

I have been spoken to by several people who have crossed over. They have told me information I could never have known that has been confirmed by the families

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:34pm

I work in a hospital and on night duty we have a bell that goes off by it self and I always get the feeling that I am being watched

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:08pm

Dear Rainbow,

Ghosts, or any other so-called supernatural events, could merely be quite normal, 'natural happenings' we simply do not (yet) understand. Although I have never seen a ghost....

...once while painting away I suddenly got sick and had to go to bed.
On the next day, as I was lying fully awake in the dark bedroom,
suddenly there appeared a huge spiral galaxy against a star studded
universe on the wall, right opposite my bed, just like on a big cinema
The stars were brilliant and in such amazing sharp focus that I could have
easily counted every one of them. The spiral revolved anti-clockwise very,
very slowly, majestically around its bright glowing center.
Then - rolling like a movie title from left to right, these strange golden
metallic looking writing / hieroglyphic symbols appeared. They just
hung there, floating over the Universe and the spiral galaxy like a delicate,
yet very big spaceship.

After about 3-5 minutes it all faded away.

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:08pm

I don't believe in ghosts, per say, but there is something weird about some movements, at times in the dark of the night and when there is peace, I think there is something out there, I do believe but what I am yet to know, quite spooky!!!

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:07pm

Many years ago I had an experience when I woke in the night and there was this huge black mass overhead coming straight down on top of me. I shot clean underneath my startled husband. We moved house shortly afterwards but for a number of years I would wake in the night and see a mass or sense something standing by the bedroom door. This started about 43 years ago and lasted for about 35 years. The ghost seemed to follow us each time we moved house. I have not seen it now for about 5 years so think it has finally left me.

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:07pm

At least 2 events personally. Back in the late '70s, I was doing nursing training at Western Suburbs Hospital, Croydon, NSW and there was a ghost seen to alter the flow rate of intravenous drips of the patients on one of the wards. This was reported many times by many nurses.
Secondly, on the Princes Highway late at night, my husband and I were driving back from Wollongong followed by a motorbike. all of a sudden after rounding a bend, the bike disappeared from view. There are no side roads or trails there, as we had been travelling that road for 20 years. We were so concerned we turned around and went in search but there was no evidence of a bike or anything. To this day it is a mystery.

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:59pm

The answer to all questions is: no.

Jim 007
  • 17th Aug 2011 10:41pm

I lived in a house with srange happenings,our dog would sense a presence in our back yard,toys moved on thier own and our four year old son would have conversations in his room with a secret friend.But what took the cake was one night my wife and i went to bed,and we woke up to find a misty mould on our walls curtains dressing table.It is unexplainable how this could happen overnight.We were in the process of selling our house and it took a while to sell,maybe it was angry because we were leaving.Also they say a house with number 8 or adding up to 8 is more likely to have strange happenings.It turned out our house was 3+5=8 and the house behind and across the road were 8 aswell.The house behind us was a old house which once stood alone,and the jail also has been there for over 100 years.So i often wonder if an event took place on the land where our house was! I am a believer.Jimbo

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:35pm

I have had my own experiences with spirits/entities, however, one experience a friend had quite a few years ago was quite comical... he was staying with his sister and her husband for a while and was waiting up for his sister to return home and dozed off on the couch, only to be awakened by the spirit of an old woman who moved the couch; he was so freaked out, he jumped off the couch and into the bed with his brother-in-law and hid under the covers.

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:35pm

When I was 5 I saw a man on a horse, as i explained to my mother and uncle he had flowers in his hat, I used to see him on a regular basis. Turns out the flowers were feathers and he is in fact my Great Grandfather who was a Light Horseman in WW1. I feel I have been protected by him for many years. Yes there is such things as ghosts and children can sometimes see things that others cant. I also believe there is demonic out there. My Great Grandmother was asthmatic like me, I always wanted a horse and loved to ride, turns out that when she was feeding the horses the horse blew feed back in her face she then suffered an asthma attack and died. I dont think he wanted me near the horses, He could speak to me as clear as if he was alive. I know he is still around, I have a picture of him in my lounge room in his uniform.

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:33pm

yes when I was ten I was in bed and a man appeared in the corner of my room with a black top hat and suit with a penguin tail.My sister was also in the room and saw him to .He was coming over to me so I got under my blankets and held my breath.He poked me twice then went over to the corner again and disappeared .My sister said he is gone so I ran and told mum but she said its nothing go back to I did and never saw him again.Scary though.

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:28pm

My story doesn't involve a ghost but happened when I was working in 24 hour 7/11 type store.
One night at about 3am a man came in with a gun to rob the store.
When he pointed the gun at me his hand was really shaking and I vividly remember thinking "shit this guy is going to shoot me and not even mean it." Then something strange happened.
Instead of looking at the robber and his gun pointing at me I was viewing the robbery from above and watching me giving the robber the pittance of money that was in the cash register at 3am.
Afterward I was told that what I recounted as my experience was common as an "out of body experience" when you are in dire danger. Spooky!

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:21pm

My father came out of the 2nd World War in May 1945. In January 1946 he went out in a bay off the English coast with 2 friends. I was in bed with my brother as we only had one bed for both of us, there was a knock at the door and I turned to my brother and said"Dad has drowned" I was only 6 years old at the time and I am not even sure if I new what the word drowned meant/ The knock on the door turned out to be 2 policemen who had come to inform my mother (Who was 8 months pregnant) that my father and the other 2 friends had drowned.

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:19pm

Not being a believer in the supernatural I cannot say that I have had any encounters with ghosts. I think every bump or creak in the night has a valid explanation

  • 17th Aug 2011 10:14pm

Yes, I do believe in the paranormal. My brother in law passed away nearly a year ago, and when the service began a ray of light shone through a skylight, just at the postion of his head. After the service while having coffee and a catch up with others, I looked out the window and very gently blossoms ever so gently just blew past the window, and yet looking further over the grounds there was no movement of the trees. Another person saw the same.

As a firm believer, I then had a reading done and was told, that he was present, and he had relayed to her that at his time of passing over, there were 2 people present and then a while after there was another 3. This was so correct and I had never met the woman before. If my sister is around, there are shadows. My sister had a reading done as well at another time, and again he was present and even told her how my sister had picked up a piece of paper in the driveway the week before and the way she walks home from work.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:57pm

Yes, it is normally invisible, but it gives a clues to prove there is something which cant see. It is my practical experience, near by my house there was a huge big tree, one teenage girl commited suicide hanging her self to that tree, so people use to tell me not to go that side in the night, but for curiocity i went one day at 10.30 pm, when i was approching the tree started making funny noise and i was asked to go age was just 21 years. when i came back home i had 102 degree temparature. yes , i belive.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:57pm

I was at a friends place and they have a cupboard that they keep keys in one day we were in another room, All doors and windows closed and the little key cupboard door was moving back and forth like some one was opening and shutting it and the keys were rattling. The building is about 6 years old. I took a photo in another room with a smudge stick burning and when I saw the picture blown up there is a face in the smoke. Its interesting

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:28pm

Heaps of things.
1st. In the house I am renting now.. when i turn the lounge light on the stereo turns on sometimes.
2nd A house i lived in years ago the lights would turn on and off by themselves and music would turn on and off when no one else was around. I also had a very scary experience one night where there was "someone" in my room. My dog passed out and the room went really cold.
3rd. When my oldest son was very little he used to tell me that there was an older lady and man who used to stand at his bedroom door and look at him. He'd hide under the sheets he was so scared. This happened many times.. One day i said to him that maybe it was his grandparents (we were living in their house and they never met him as they had died before he was born) so I suggested he introduce himself to them. The next time they came instead of hiding under his blankets he sat up and told them that he was my son and his name and how old he was.. They never came back..
4th. Same house as 3. My grandfather told my aunt that he could see my grandmother standing in his room. She smiled and said that's nice and went to get his breakfast. When she came back he had passed away. We still to this day think Grandma came for him. So of course this happened before no 3.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:25pm

I used to see the ghost of my Grandfather when i was small. I didn't know him as he passed away when I was a toddler. The interesting thing is that my sister and I used to share a room and she used to see him as well. We only knew about each others sightings when we were grown and spoke about it with our Mother. She told us it was him by the way we both descibed him wearing the same clothes down to the type of hat he had on!

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:25pm

Heaps of things.
1st. In the house I am renting now.. when i turn the lounge light on the stereo turns on sometimes.
2nd A house i lived in years ago the lights would turn on and off by themselves and music would turn on and off when no one else was around. I also had a very scary experience one night where there was "someone" in my room. My dog passed out and the room went really cold.
3rd. When my oldest son was very little he used to tell me that there was an older lady and man who used to stand at his bedroom door and look at him. He'd hide under the sheets he was so scared. This happened many times.. One day i said to him that maybe it was his grandparents (we were living in their house and they never met him as they had died before he was born) so I suggested he introduce himself to them. The next time they came instead of hiding under his blankets he sat up and told them that he was my son and his name and how old he was.. They never came back..
4th. Same house as 3. My grandfather told my aunt that he could see my grandmother standing in his room. She smiled and said that's nice and went to get his breakfast. When she came back he had passed away. We still to this day think Grandma came for him. So of course this happened before no 3.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:19pm

Yes. I herd my father's footsteps walking (timber floor) from the back of the house to the front of the house.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:10pm

"Hello Rainbow", Yes I have had a paranormal encounter around three years ago I was staying at my girlfriends house which is located in the mountains in the outer east of Melbourne, Victoria , Australia & funny enough I was standing at her kitchen sink washing her dishes for her, directly behind myself around two & a half metres away was my girlfriends round shaped dining table & upon it was her mobile phone as I was having a conversation with my girlfriend on my right about three meters away I turned around from where I was standing at the kitchen sink to see if there was anything I had missed on the dining table all of a sudden out of the blue at exactly the same moment I turned around my girlfriends mobile phone lept or jumped directly upward almost to the height of the roof & fell straight back to the floor as it came down from the air hitting the dining table & bouncing of where it landed. This was totally incredible for me to witness the whole event taking place within a split second in front of my eyes, so when I witnessed this all happen my reaction was to say " WOW" that was amazing & that it was . I have never seen anything as such before & as it happened my girlfriend also watched this happen as she was coming out of the laundry room to my right talking to me & she also had an energetic reaction of surprise such as I did. In summary of what we both amazingly witnessed we both took this paranormal activity to be a spirit trying to let us both know that we must always communicate with each other properly at all times. Hence I am 39 years old now & she is 40 years old & we have loved each other since the age of 20, However our relationship has not always shown the best of communication with each other up until now. So for both of us this spirit was obviously hurling her mobile phone up in the air because it was trying to give us both the message to better communicate with each other. P.s my partner & I have both always taken great interest in the spiritual world & she has clairvoyant & medium capabilities as do I myself ,we also have a very telepathic connection with each other & have seen other paranormal encounters together on different occasions. Regards macca !!

gone fishing
  • 18th Aug 2011 03:15pm
"Hello Rainbow", Yes I have had a paranormal encounter around three years ago I was staying at my girlfriends house which is located in the mountains in the outer east of Melbourne, Victoria ,...

What the hell were you smokin

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:09pm

My dad was working on an old hospital and I arriveed to bring him lunch. He isn't big and tough or anything but he looked realy shaken. Go up those stairs to the room I have just finished working on and tell me what you think. Cool! I thought attic room good view???? Got to the top of the stairs and stepped through the door only to have the strongest feeling of being pushed out and back down the stairs. Legend has it the matron had died in their and Dad had kind of calmed the pushing feeling to be alllowed in to repair the window and do some painting, but there was no way I was allowed in - I tryed a couple of times with the same reaction. I can't say that I was scared, otherwise I would not have kept trying, but I was really intrigued and even tried talking to the whatever to see if that helped - No, she just didn't like women???

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:05pm

Years ago we lived in a house built over an old Maori Burial Ground. One night some cousins came to stay over so we put a big mattress in our large hallway,using the front door as a headboard.
We were all drifting off to sleep when we heard running feet coming towards us down the hallway and the next minute we heard the front door open and then slam shut.
To cut a long story short,my mother woke to 4 of us leaping into bed with her!!
It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I found out about the Burial Ground.
Now,the house has been pulled down and it is used as part of a building supply site.
I BELIEVE!!!!!!!

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:03pm

When I visited a friend in Palermo, Sicily where he was employed as an official, he dared me to spend a night inside the Chinese Villa which is a big tourist attraction and allegedly haunted by three long-suffering Mandarins who are headless.

This interesting residence was built for King Ferdinando I of the Two Sicilies during his sojourn in Palermo while his mainland capital, Naples, was occupied by French troops.

Another resident of the Chinese Villa was Ferdinando's son and heir, Francesco I, who lived here with his wife, Maria Isabella of Spain, who gave birth to the future Ferdinando II at Palermo in 1810.

Unable to resist a dare at the best of times I was made comfortable in one of the smaller bedrooms and given three battery-operated torches which all worked when I checked them.

As darkness turned to deep night in the Favorita Royal Park near the hamlet of Pallavicino (where the Chinese Villa stands), I began to hear footsteps running along the corridor. Thinking it was a joke I ignored it for three hours until in the end I simply had to go and investigatge.

I took a torch in each hand and opened the door into the corridor. Suddenly it was very cold but in the room it had been warm. I tried to turn on both torches but neither would oblige. I walked back into the room and they both worked -- I tried them in the corridor and none of the three worked.

The noise in the corridor continued until daybreak and then suddenly subsided.

I left gladly when my friend came to collect me for an early breakfast and this is the first time since 1986 that I have had the inclination to recall the experiences of that night in Palermo, Sicily.

''' which all goes to prove that in Palermo there is more than the Mafia that goes 'bump' in the night.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:02pm

I have seen a couple of weird thing - When I was about 12 I work to see a dark figure floating down the hallway with his hand out to like stop - I had a life threatenng condition and I think it was a way of saying that I was not going to die.. I have seen a movement of a dark figure again in a house of a friend.. He saw something as well.. and also stayed at an isolated farmhouse. At night it became really cold in a room.. In the morning was told that a son of a previous owner had shot himself just outside the house. They continued to tell me that furniture had been moved and a flatmates room had been trashed whilst the house was unattened. Obviously the Ghost did not like that flatmate and neither did I.. - my nephew said when he was younger and staying at my house he saw a man on top of the stairs... I belive but dont obsess over it. Like watching sensing murder :) and the Sixth Sence was the best.

  • 17th Aug 2011 09:01pm

When I was about 10 years old my grandfather died. On the night after his funeral (which I wasn't allowed to go to) I saw him at the foot of my bed standing looking over me (I loved Pop very much and was extremely upset) he calmly said "Don't worry, everthing will be all right!" and then disappeared. This is my only experience with ghosts and the funny thing was that at such a young age I wasn't scared at all and when I think of it now it makes me feel safe and reassured!

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:55pm

YES & NO at the same time is the answer to the question, posed by you. I am a MEDICAL DOCTOR and thus a Science-oriented personality, which makes me conscious that what I am seeing/ hearing may be a delusion/ illusion/ hallucination. Thus many a time what I saw or what I heard as an abnormal or paranormal phenomenon was later reasoned as an impossibility and was explained by scientific delusion/ illusion/ hallucination mind-states.

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:54pm

I have 'feelings' of my own. I seem to know what is going to happen at times. 30 odd years ago I came out to Australia to live and I was waiting in the car for my now husband and when he came back I told him I thought there was a park not far up the road. Yep as we drove further up there it was a park!!!! I have had a lot of moments like that since. I house we lived in had a bedroom that was freezing cold even in the summer. I never felt bad or spooky feelings in there but I always wondered about it. I am very curious about the paranormal. Yes I'm a believer.

sue petrie
  • 17th Aug 2011 08:46pm

I have seen a ghost.Before i got that dreaded phone call I had a visit from the ghost of my aunty who was very close to me.Sh e said she would look after my father .I asked why he was not dead than my husband who had been chatting on the phone came in and told me my father had died .

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:46pm

I have seen a few ghosts in my life. When I was living in carlton, aged around ten, I woke up feeling someone was looking at me, there was a young girl and I think her mother as well. I tried to scream but nothing came out. they then disappeared. Another time was I was looking for a house to rent, one of the houses I felt cold and scared, I ran out as fast as I could.
When I lived in brunswick east, the front room was always so cold. I always felt someone was looking at me. When I would have a shower I would say leave me alone please. One day I was walking up the stairs to go to my room and I saw a old women with long grey hair and a white lace dress come out of my daughters room going to my room. One night while I was asleep I heard a voice saying to me 'get up chantel (my daughter) is going to fall out of her bed'. I got up just in time. I described the old woman to my partner and he said it was the lady who died there, he new her. When we lived there my daughter had an imagintive friend. When we moved her never had one again. I was never scared of her.And when we moved out I said goodbye.
When I moved back home the first week when I was asleep I kept hearing my name called out. I would ask my mum if she called me but she never did.
I have seen two evil ghosts in my room and I told them two leave and never come back. They never have so far.
I could go on and on about what has happen to me.

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:40pm

when I was a small girl, my family took a Sunday drive as we did back in those days. We stopped somewhere on the side of a dirt road. nearby was a field & a broken fence. I told my sister that there was a housae nearby even though I couldn't see it & I told her that there was a piano in that house. We asked Mum & Dad if we could go exploring & sure enough we came upon a house, the front door almost off it's hinges & once we pushed our way past the cobwebs and the partially open door, there was the piano. The room looked like the person had only gone for the day, but I will never forget the dated photos sitting on top of the piano nor my sudden need to get out of the place, as even as a young child I felt like I was intruding in someone's house. Still to this day, I wonder how I knew about the house & piano being there...I had never been to that location before in my life.

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:33pm

Long ago my wife was in hospital recovering from a operation, I parked in the visitors car park and proceeded to the ward with my wifes mother.
while crossing the car park i said to barbie that elaine has a visitor. she looked and said yes, i wonder who it is. (now before you advise i mixed up the windows, i did not as we both worked at the hospital and knew every part of it.)
Any way we continued to the the ward and kissed Elaine and asked her was visiting her and has just left. Elaine advised we were the first visitors she had had that evening.
Elaine's Father had passed very unexpectedly only a few weeks earlier. to this day we cannot think of who else could have been watching over Her.

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:31pm

my nonna passed over when i was 6 years old. a few days later we were at her house and she was sitting in her chair like usual so my brother and i went and sat either side of her like we always did


i knew a very well known medium who passed over a few years ago. one night i arranged with the girls to have a night out the following night. my partner was at work so even he didnt know about it. the following moment my medium called me and said:

medium - youre going out tonight with friends?
me - yes. how did you know?
her - please dont get in the car. catch a taxi home
me - why?
her - just catch a taxi home

the following night i went out and had a great time. at the end of the night i remembered the warning and i caught a taxi home. the following morning i was woken up with a phonecall telling me that the driver was in intensive care, the front passenger (where i would have normally sat) had been killed instantly and the 2 rear passengers were seriously injured


i had been with my partner for 9 years. one night i was on msn chatting to a friend who is a psychic. she told me that by my birthday i would no longer be with my partner. i would find out a terrible secret that would shock me to the core. i would travel far but it wouldnt work out and i would come back home. things would be tough but i would get a windfall that would change my life

i laughed it off because i thought we were happy and that everything was ok

3 weeks before my birthday i found out that my partner had a gambling problem so i left him. i went to queensland where things fell out of bed and i went home 3 months later. i rented a unit and had nothing to put in it so i worked around the clock to get everything i needed for the unit

every payday i would go to the club and have the $5 coffee and cake deal while playing $5 worth of keno. this day i was walking towards the cashier to pay for my keno when a pokie machine caught my eye. i didnt usually play the pokies because of the problems with my ex but i put my $5 in the pokies instead of playing keno like usual. i was pressing the button when all of a sudden i heard music and i hoped that the winner of the jackpot was someone who needed the money. little did i know that it was ME who won the jackpot! a lady told me i had won the jackpot and congratulated me. when the attendant told me that it was almost $14,000 i literally fainted!

everything my psychic friend would happen, did happen

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:26am
my nonna passed over when i was 6 years old. a few days later we were at her house and she was sitting in her chair like usual so my brother and i went and sat either side of her like we always...

Any chance of me being able to get in touch with your psychic friend? I really need to find some direction in my life and have never found anyone who I could really trust!!

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:31pm

I have seen enough to write a book!!

  • 19th Aug 2011 01:07pm
I have seen enough to write a book!!

Go Maria, some of the most sensible comments on the page, along with those of your supporters.
And oozzle, well, it wont be long before that book is underway with all this, my intuition tells me. And you wont even have to do any research either, just read up the stories on here

  • 19th Aug 2011 01:01pm
I have seen enough to write a book!!

Go Maria, the most sensible commnts on the list along with your supporters, not boring at all. And much more of this oozzle and you willhave that book underway, you wont even have to do any research after reading all this!

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:24pm

At the risk of sounding boring, I have never seen a ghost. As far as spooky goes, sometimes I feel like I am having premonitions of things to happen and other times feel like I am experiencing deja vu.....

  • 21st Sep 2011 04:43pm
At the risk of sounding boring, I have never seen a ghost. As far as spooky goes, sometimes I feel like I am having premonitions of things to happen and other times feel like I am experiencing...

I had one very strong premonition in my life. This happened 30 years ago. The premonition was that I if I bought a casket ticket I would win 3,000 dollars eventually. As a rule I didn't ever buy casket tickets, but from then on I would buy a casket ticket once a week. I truly believed I would win, and I did after 6 weeks of buying tickets. Somehow it actually happened. How great that was.

  • 21st Aug 2011 06:59pm
I agree with you Maria, I have premonitions of things that are going to happen - I have always put it down to being intuitive - and a Cancerian - I kinda "know" when people are going to die - I...

I also get these preminitions but not with enough info to know exactly what is going to happen or how to stop it. I just get a general feeling. Its usually something negative but not really bad IYKWIM

eg going to the train station I knew something was going to be wrong. Got there to find that the trains weren't running and we needed to get a bus. That sort of thing

  • 18th Aug 2011 09:41am
At the risk of sounding boring, I have never seen a ghost. As far as spooky goes, sometimes I feel like I am having premonitions of things to happen and other times feel like I am experiencing...

I agree with you Maria, I have premonitions of things that are going to happen - I have always put it down to being intuitive - and a Cancerian - I kinda "know" when people are going to die - I 'see" stuff happening - like my late ex-fiancee saw his incarceration in the Security Section of the Gaol in South Africa, back in the dark days when people were disappearing and could be held without charge for 40 days. "knew " that my uncle had died in RSA - all quite spooky

  • 18th Aug 2011 08:11am
At the risk of sounding boring, I have never seen a ghost. As far as spooky goes, sometimes I feel like I am having premonitions of things to happen and other times feel like I am experiencing...

yeah, it always happen to me too, when there's a scene in your life which u thought it happened already and you knew exactly what is going to happen but only for a short while. I would always say " this thing happen already I knew it ,she would do this" and after a blink of an eye it's done.

  • 17th Aug 2011 08:09pm

Yeah...jest up an toda right derz diz little burgandy frizzleheaded eyeless madooza called 'rainbow'
hea, hea, hea [slurp, gurggle, gurggle, slurp, ahhh!]

choccie mmm
  • 17th Aug 2011 07:52pm

we recently went on a ghost tour at the adelaide gaol. my husband took a photo from around 15m away of a brown door but saw something odd and zoomed in to find a pic of what is quite clearly a man, and a woman.

i cant seem to upload the pic here though....if someone knows how i can i will so u can check it out!

my husband and i are both interested in paranormal activity and so we have booked in to do the paranormal workshop at the gaol!

  • 17th Aug 2011 07:30pm

If you want to be freaked out about strange spirits, go an a camping trip with some aboriginal elders and get them to tell you a few stories about spirits like Featherfoot and the lady in the moon. You will see and hear things that will scare the wits out of you. Did this on a Year 10 camp in the Pilbara in WA. 25 kids came back with a whole new appreciation of aboriginal culture and some amazing stories to tell. 25 kids all telling the same story and all seeing the same thing at the same time. Had to be there.

  • 18th Aug 2011 06:52am
If you want to be freaked out about strange spirits, go an a camping trip with some aboriginal elders and get them to tell you a few stories about spirits like Featherfoot and the lady in the moon....

I was told those story's at school with a few of my mate's and man could i not sleep

  • 15th Aug 2011 10:49am

I'm still not sure whether I believe in ghosts or not but there were certainly some strange goings on in a house I used to live in....

Candles would come alight in the middle of the night seemingly of their own accord, there were strange banging noises that we could never figure out and one day I came home to find the attic door open - an attic door that required a ladder to get to and none of us had been up there.....

  • 18th Aug 2011 03:43pm
I'm still not sure whether I believe in ghosts or not but there were certainly some strange goings on in a house I used to live in....

Candles would come alight in the middle of the night...

I had a similar experience staying at my parent's house once....I heard someone walking down the hall in the direction of the laundry but no one was there. The manhole cover into the roof space suddenly lifted up and flung off to one side !!!! I was terrified !!!! Still gives me goosebumps. The house has since been demolished and the land subdivided with three new houses built. I wonder if they have inherited the Ghost !!!!

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