Arts & Humanities

What is true friendship?

Arts & Humanities

Posted by: sukhy

5th Dec 2011 09:14pm

Who or what is your favourite friend and what makes them your best it your partner..a girlfriend..male colleague..can your friends really be the family you get to choose..

Comments 26

  • 27th Oct 2012 01:21pm

I feel a true friend is someone you can be totally open with,without fear of being judged in any way.

  • 26th Oct 2012 11:25am

I've had many friends whom have come and go in my life but I must say that my best friend would be my sister. Although we have our differences from time to time she is always there in the end and I daresay always will be. My Mum would be the next closest person to me and fortunately I'm one of those ladies who get along very well with my mother. I do have other people in my life who I am close to but don't fret if I am on my own either.

  • 17th Oct 2012 01:01am

My best favourite friend is my family and it's my favourite because I love them and them also take a care of me. However my other favourite friends are anyone who wants to become friend with me and them could be my favourite friends because i would like get help from them.

  • 23rd Aug 2012 08:53am

My best friend is a girl who i worked with many years ago.We formed a friendship and she was matron of honour at my wedding 21 years ago.We have remained friends ever since and Kathy is always there to lend a hand or for a shoulder to cry on.Kathy has been a single mum to stewart and has worked hard all her life to support herself and I am glad she is my best friend

  • 22nd Aug 2012 11:46pm

True Friend Honestly Is Someone who is there for you no matter what. When they are busy, They will stop what they are doing and help you.

  • 7th Jun 2012 05:16am

A true friendship is that a man or girl who you believe will help you in bad time where no one of your family members aren't going to help you out.

A friend is a type of person who doesn't have any desire from you and helps you out withoout any desire.

In today's time it is very hard to find one but not impossible................

  • 7th Jun 2012 05:16am

A true friendship is that a man or girl who you believe will help you in bad time where no one of your family members aren't going to help you out.

A friend is a type of person who doesn't have any desire from you and helps you out withoout any desire.

In today's time it is very hard to find one but not impossible................

  • 19th May 2012 02:50pm

a true friend is sameone that will drop every thing to be their for you and does'nt ask for any thing in return.i have know my best friend for 39 years and all though we live miles apart we are still there for each other.

  • 17th May 2012 08:22pm

My bestie friends are the most wonderful people. We talk, we share, we take the milk and coffee when you know the other is struggling, there is no ground that we don't share which can be frustrating to our partners who sometimes think they are in a threesome! I am so lucky to have four best mates - two I have been friends with for half my life and the other two more recent but are definitely here to stay. My friends are definitely my chosen family.

  • 16th May 2012 01:49pm

I would have to say my partner and my best friend of 27 years,they are on par

  • 19th Feb 2012 10:50pm

My husband is my best friend. He accepts me and tries to make me feel good about myself. We talk, go through things together and are comfortable with each other.

  • 14th Feb 2012 04:12pm

Family I think are the most strong and important bond of friendship. As the saying goes blood is thicker than water and your family will always be there for you, well in my case anyway!

  • 14th Feb 2012 01:12pm

Yes your friends can be the family you need, in most cases we share and reveal information to close friends rather than sharing with family and worrying about the possible backlash or critisism.

A good friend should have the following traits - the most important would be TRUST as no relationship can truly survive without it, UNDERSTANDING - that you are unique in your own way, TOLERANCE - appreciates your differences and acknowledges your points of view.

A truly great friend is the person who agrees to witness your life there are billions of people on this earth and it is great to know that there is someone who will say hey you will not go unnoticed or unloved I will witness your life and you mine

  • 14th Feb 2012 01:12pm

Yes your friends can be the family you need, in most cases we share and reveal information to close friends rather than sharing with family and worrying about the possible backlash or critisism.

A good friend should have the following traits - the most important would be TRUST as no relationship can truly survive without it, UNDERSTANDING - that you are unique in your own way, TOLERANCE - appreciates your differences and acknowledges your points of view.

A truly great friend is the person who agrees to witness your life there are billions of people on this earth and it is great to know that there is someone who will say hey you will not go unnoticed or unloved I will witness your life and you mine

  • 9th Feb 2012 06:19am

My wife, and our dogs, for close undemanding affection and understanding in both sad and joyous occasions. Our married togetherness for over fifty years may indicate to some that we have no imagination whatsoever but, the joy that we now possess in maturity has taught us tolerance and the true meaning of love. Our respect for one another has grown over the years and has enabled us to express an outgoing concern for humanity founded on the deeper understanding that human beings are rarely all bad, seldom totally selfish and capable of deep and lasting compassion.

  • 31st Dec 2011 04:51am

I've had many friends but those who I call mate have been few and far between. This is my take on true friendship


Did you ever have a good mate, one who was true?
Yes, I guess you did, and I had one too.
Always together, we were closer than brothers,
Real good mates; we were attuned to each other.

Down on your luck, he’d share his last quid.
No questions asked; it was just what he did.
In troubles and triumphs, he’d be by my side;
Our mateship was something in which he took pride.

Out in the scrub, no chance of resupply,
So on your mate, you had to rely.
Without hesitation he’d share his last smoke,
Not even a quibble, he was that sort of bloke.

I remember the time in the bush, I got real sick,
But I knew that my mate, by me would stick.
The weather closed in, no dust-off in sight;
He tended my needs through the long dark night.

He did his gun piquet then did mine too.
When morning’s light came he made me a brew.
Then he cleaned up our site without further ado,
Just said, “Take it easy mate, I’ll see us through.”

One day we were parted, sent different ways,
Not of our choosing, just the game fate often plays.
Typical of the Army, it did this sort of thing,
Never thinking of the hardship or sorrow it can bring.

I saw him much later, but the years had left their mark.
It seemed to me, he was stumbling in the dark.
I reached out to him to help pull him through,
He just smiled, said “It’s ok mate, you’ve had your hell too.”

He drank his beer and talked about fate.
I wanted to help him ‘cos he was my mate.
I guess life got too much, he gave up the race:
Disappeared one day, not leaving a trace.

To this day I miss him, my best mate,
And sometimes I curse this thing called fate.
It brought us together, then pulled us apart,
And the sorrow I feel, still drags at my heart.

Where is he now I often wonder,
Somewhere in this big land down under.
Wherever you are mate wherever you roam,
As long as I live you’ve still got a home.

©Copyright July 6, 1998 by Lee O’Neill

Author’s Note: Dedicated to mateship and those who shared it with me, especially Mick

  • 29th Dec 2011 12:37am

Hi I have a friend that Ive know for 20 years and she is the best.
We met when I moved into the street were she was living with her family. She came down and welcomed me and my family to the street and with this found out her name is the same as mine, we both had three children at the time and had alot incommmon.
She is the best because shes been there when I lost my parents, when I had marriage problems and when my first grandchild was born. I wouldnt be with out her. I hope some one else has such a good friend like me.

  • 17th Oct 2012 01:07am
Hi I have a friend that Ive know for 20 years and she is the best.
We met when I moved into the street were she was living with her family. She came down and welcomed me and my family to the...

Well! That is a truly friendship,

  • 23rd Dec 2011 02:01pm

I think a family member can be your best friend- mine is my daughter as we r on the same page level , we share all secrets and she is always there for me -im always there for her.

  • 22nd Dec 2011 09:48pm

I think they can be...a true friend is someone who knows to be in your life just enough but not too much...a true friend can not see you for a long time but its still okay and when you do catch up it's like you haven't been apart. This friend can be of the same sex or different. It can be a work colleague but sometimes that gets complicated. If it is your partner thats a bonus and great.

  • 21st Dec 2011 09:06pm

My husband is my best friend, as he loves me unconditionaly, I can tell him anything & everything, we have a fabulous relationship

  • 19th Dec 2011 07:46pm

They say you can't choose your family (not that I would swap mine I love my sisters) but friends is a whole different kettle of fish! I have a couple of very close friends that I have known and loved for over 40 years! We all live in different states nowadays so keep in touch with phone calls, emails etc(used to be by snail mail once!). and now we never let too many days go by without contacting each other via sms or other.ways. We met in Port Moresby in the mid 60's where we worked and joined a squash club where we were members. (our husband's jobs took us to PNG in the first place .) It is the kind of friendship that we cry together if one of us has something "bad" happen and laugh when things are great. We all have grandchildren now, and though we have never met the little ones, we feel like they are part of our families too. We swap pics and ofcourse "brag" about the latest cute thing one of them has done.

Thanks for posting this, it is lovely to share how I feel about my friends.

  • 11th Dec 2011 02:16pm

Absolutely....( the family you get to choose)

Thankyou for posting this wonderful me a chance to comment on my wonderful sister-friend.

We happen to share a birthday, though she is 5 years younger than me - and we did not discover this fact till we had been friends for a little time. And I don't know what it is that brought us together...we just 'recognized' each other. And though I might not see her for weeks, even months (years at one stage), we are able to pick the friendship up where from where we left it as if no time had passed at all.

I have other friends of course - but this relationship is special.

  • 27th Oct 2012 01:25pm
Absolutely....( the family you get to choose)

Thankyou for posting this wonderful me a chance to comment on my wonderful sister-friend.

We happen to share a...

Hi sherri,I have a friend that I also didn't see for years at a time,and could pick up where we left off when meeting up again. We have a special connection where we both now don't ever want to be apart for long now

  • 22nd Dec 2011 04:03pm
Oh that is so sweet and just the reason why I put this topic up for discussion.

As far I am concerned there is no greater love affair than the one we have with our special friends..That...

I agree with you whole heartedly sukhy. That is exactly what a friend is and I am very lucky to have about 3 friends like that.

  • 11th Dec 2011 05:21pm
Absolutely....( the family you get to choose)

Thankyou for posting this wonderful me a chance to comment on my wonderful sister-friend.

We happen to share a...

Oh that is so sweet and just the reason why I put this topic up for discussion.

As far I am concerned there is no greater love affair than the one we have with our special friends..That friendship can mean more than any blood relation or friendship defined by time..

It sounds like your sister friend is awesome..just the kind of friend you can rely you would want to share with..

I like to think that our true friends are those we can share with on a regular but not defined quanity of time...that friend can be seen everyday,,spoeak with constantly during the day..and then not see again for an age but the time is no issue..a true friendship is one whic is seamless..effortless..balanced..where you can totally be urself and not be afraid to expose your weaknessess and be proud of your strengths..

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