Arts & Humanities

How many artists / ceramists played mud-pies ?

Arts & Humanities

Posted by: simla

8th Sep 2012 10:51pm

I was wondering how many children who played mud-pies, ended up using clay in a creative manner?..............Are parents stifling their children`s creativity by keeping them too clean?

Comments 4

  • 6th Oct 2012 03:07pm

I played in the mud, making mud pies. As a child I was encouraged to play outside. My mother was a believer in the saying " a speck of dirt never hurt" This is very true and is how children acquire immunity from diseases. Today there are many more 'superbugs' as families are guilted into using antiseptics, antibiotics indiscriminately.
No I am not artistic, sadly. Definitely heading towards the sciences

  • 7th Oct 2012 12:44am
I played in the mud, making mud pies. As a child I was encouraged to play outside. My mother was a believer in the saying " a speck of dirt never hurt" This is very true and is how children acquire...

Hi gobbytart, unbeknown to you, that playing in the mud may have influenced you in a subconscious way. I'd just about bet you carry some of your creativity into the field of science. There are many ways to express creativity. It can be evident in creative problem-solving, lateral thinking, visualization, intuitive hunches. These seem to be present to some degree in the "Great Scientific Mind." I wonder if Einstein played mud-pies?

  • 2nd Oct 2012 02:44pm

I donot think people glad their children played mud-pies,it is quite dirty i think,also it is unsafe ,such like a age 2-5 years children some can eat really dangerous...also mud is not locate every where....

  • 2nd Oct 2012 10:23pm
I played in the mud, making mud pies. As a child I was encouraged to play outside. My mother was a believer in the saying " a speck of dirt never hurt" This is very true and is how children acquire...

Hi surina, you have a valid point. Extremes are to be avoided, travel 'the middle road'. I was lucky enough to grow up in a comparatively clean environment, no chemical dumping, stagnant water. We played in the mud made from storm-water run off,after the rain. There were times at the beach, building sand-pies,(sand-castles) in dry times. A sand pit is really cool in the back yard. Creative development starts early. Allergy specialists say that if kids stay too clean, it upsets the allergy responses. There should be a happy medium and common sense supervision,in my opinion. Cheers,Simla.

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