
Global warming or mother nature?


Posted by: Rainbow

2nd Nov 2012 01:58pm

Do you believe this recent storm in the US is directly attributed to global warming or is it simply mother nature at her worst? There are really two definitive schools of thought relating to this topic... The prophet Nostradamus predicted the world would end in 2012 on the 21st of December. Perhaps he could foresee the destruction this planet is enduring? On the other hand, some would say that hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis and tornadoes have been wreaking havoc on the planet forever, so can we really blame global warming for the recent destruction?

Comments 407

  • 4th Mar 2016 03:54pm

Global warming, pollution and more solar activity reaching the surface of the planet all contribute to the natural destruction endured by Mother Earth. Sure, there have been hurricanes, cyclones, etc in the past, but not as many or as frequently as now - plus the melting of polar ice is a huge problem - we are destroying our atmosphere, poisoning our oceans and creating our own demise unless we change our attitudes very very soon!

  • 3rd Mar 2016 08:31pm

I agree totally with Rick


  • 3rd Mar 2016 09:13am

OUR Planet Re-Invents it's selfe 4m time to time, So we're possibly entering A mini TEMPERATE period, Thus Elevating Sealevels Temporarily !! NO NEED 2 Panic IT will happen again & again AS in the Past & SO the FUTURE, Live with IT 'eH????

  • 1st Mar 2016 07:36pm

I'm sorry but the information that has become available from reputable reseachers ( not the ones that live on Governments grants or write attention grabbing books) seems to indicate that Mother Nature should take most of the credit.

  • 25th Feb 2016 10:45am

can you explain the highest winds ever recorded in this hurricane........keith

  • 24th Feb 2016 05:29pm

I have been around for 80 years, As long as I can remember the changing state of globel world has been changing . And for the next 80 years it will continue to change, differently in some places , so hotter , some colder , and some will stay the same. My advise to all is , live today and enjoy all the good things we have.
Regards to all

  • 23rd Feb 2016 10:44pm

Either way it behoves us to take care of the planet

  • 14th Feb 2016 12:36am

global warming

  • 22nd Jan 2016 01:00pm

yup just mother nature keepng things in order

Anne Collins
  • 13th Jan 2016 01:13pm

Well, I didn't think there were still so many climate change deniers. To me it is obvious that all the recent climate & environmental phenomena that we have experienced cannot be just attributed to "Mother Nature". Man is the main culprit and it is up to us to find energy solutions that don't pollute the atmosphere and cause so much destruction to our world through mining and land clearing.

  • 17th Dec 2015 08:50pm

global warming is a fact; however, being caused by humans is a con-job by people in high positions who are making millions from those who believe their rantings. the planet will start to cool in its own time, sun permitting.

  • 12th Oct 2015 05:08pm

There have been many besides Nostradamus predicting the end of the world, nothing new. There have also always been hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and draught too. However, humans have contributed to global warming, a scientific fact.

  • 7th Oct 2015 07:45pm

This is the first year that we have turned the electricty booster off in sept. as the water was starting to get just too hot, and it is a case of running the cold, and slowly adding the hot.. turn the hot water on and you would e nd up in hospital with terrific burns... anyone else find this is happ ening. I would consider that it is the environement that is being altered thru man made items.

  • 17th Nov 2015 02:41pm
This is the first year that we have turned the electricty booster off in sept. as the water was starting to get just too hot, and it is a case of running the cold, and slowly adding the hot.. turn...


  • 26th Sep 2015 06:53pm

no it is mother nature for sure only

  • 19th Sep 2015 07:48am

It's global warming and if you don't think so just look at it this way the earth is one big living human and we are like germs to her. the more sick we make her the more her anti-bodies fights back in the form of storms, a different storm for each bad thing we do to her and if we keep making her sick then she'll have no choice but to find a vaccine that will wipe out the worst of us or all of us but if we keep acting like a deadly disease the earth will die young and the next Gen kids wont have a future to look forward to can you really continue destroying the earth knowing your kids might not be able to live life past 18 because you didn't help keep the earth clean and remember the most littlest thing can make a big difference

  • 14th Sep 2015 11:41pm

I think that both Global Warming and Nature itself are responsible for the phenomena. Global Warming increases the frequency of the phenomena that happen in the world.

  • 13th Sep 2015 01:59pm

We cannot be doing a lot of good polluting rivers and cutting down forests. I do know that flooding is worse because standard flood maps do not allow for lazered paddocks and extensive road work. I was involved for several months in outreach work to a rural area where the local hospital was inundated because the flood maps were out of date and no action was taken to protect the hospital. It could have been saved with sandbagging. The wain was a 100 year event but the resultant flooding was down to people.

  • 1st Sep 2015 01:31pm

I must admit that it is simply mother nature at work. The world has not come to an end, and nor is it likely to. The planet has been through Ice ages and heat ages before today, and man seems to think that he is important, but in the bigger picture, he is no more relevant than an ant.As to Nostradamus, it is so encrypted that one can change the meaning to suit ones own views. I remember years ago that according to Nostradamus World War 3 would have started early in the 21st century, and by 2008 the world as we know it would have been destroyed.

  • 29th Aug 2015 11:20pm

I believe It is just mother nature ,if we can call it that instead of just weather patterns. we can see the effects of the weather destruction all over the world and as it has been happening for millions of years .i think it will keep happening without our help.

  • 15th Aug 2015 07:00pm

I tweeted to Bill Gates as said " If you change the way somethings looks you change the atmosphere and change the world"
So put a flower in the window,not only do you change the imminent atmosphere you change the entire world and how it works.
Chop down all the trees in a small sub climate and dark becomes cold and day becomes heat,what would one expect,and that is only a sub climate,small species such as moss have a very fragile sub climate.
The way to fix global warming is to take back time and put Back older Forrest's than we have before with bigger Giant trees than we had before and that way everyone is happy,the climate the animals and the people.

  • 12th Aug 2015 05:07pm

The earth is on an orbit around our solar system for which we have done one tenth of 1% so far. So why wouldn't we suffer gradual changes in our environment. Our magnetic poles have changed twice that we know of and we have had 2 ice ages. All of this the doomsayers tend to ignore in favour of we are causing global warming. Even the experts cant get their climate modelling right as the earth hasn't heated up like they said it would and they have to keep modifying their model. If Australia had kept Labors carbon tax we would have made 0.0004% difference to world climate. Just not worth it.

  • 12th Aug 2015 10:56am

We take Oil, Gas, Coal from the earth and we use it against the earth - Pollute it.
Yes Mother nature maybe fighting back but we are not helping.
Then there is mining of other things like Uranium which do more damage and we cant dispose of the of the waste material.
We are destroying ourselves , we are bringing about the end of the world , No Prophecies, No predictions except one " Man will destroy Man " it was written and so it will become.
We are destroying Ourselves

  • 24th Jul 2015 11:19pm

the earth has been a habitable planet for millions of years, and during that time it has undergone immense climatic changes.outback Australia was once ocean, civilizations have perished due to climate change. recorded history doesn't even make a dent on the global climatic changes and we are living in a somewhat volatile period.
climate change is an inevitable part of planetary history and evolution. the only diffenence now is that we have the means to record and compare

  • 23rd Jul 2015 12:56pm

Global warming is happening, I don't doubt it. But caused by mankind? I don't buy that for a second.

  • 15th Jul 2015 01:47pm

If its mother nature in a cycle then why have we had to put a new colour on the Bureau of Meteorology maps indicating temperature range. c/o WWW here is what I am talking about.
'It has gotten so hot in Australia this week that extra colors has actually been added to the country’s temperature maps — dark purple and magenta. The new color is for 51 to 54 degrees Celsius (123.8 to 129.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Previously, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology used the color black for the hottest temperatures on the map, which went as high as 50 degrees (122 degrees Fahrenheit). The extreme heat, of course, has broken temperature records in the country.

Australia’s average maximum temperature of 39 degrees (102.2 degrees Fahrenheit) has been exceeded for seven consecutive days.

The last time anything similar happened was when it was exceeded in 1973 for four consecutive days.

Therefore if we are in a cycle we should NOT be continuing to add colours for high temperature range. Do you notice we are not also adding new colours at the cold end of the scale?? This to me is a true indicator that we are in a state of global warming.
Our glaciers are in a continual melt, they are disappearing, our seas ARE rising and warming as a result our coral reefs are under threat from bbleaching and dying and sea side villages becoming homeless as their communities are swallowed by the rising seas.

  • 17th Jul 2015 05:01pm
If its mother nature in a cycle then why have we had to put a new colour on the Bureau of Meteorology maps indicating temperature range. c/o WWW here is what I am talking about.
'It has gotten...

It is obvious weather patterns are changing and being influenced by a lot of man made factors

Burnt Out Digger
  • 8th Jul 2015 09:35am

Nature is acting as it always has, but global warming has been contributed by man's pollution, thereby, amplifyingits effects.

As for Nostradamus, my understanding is that virtually anything can be read into what he said. I also note that the prediction tha the made for the end of the world has come and gone.

  • 7th Jul 2015 04:44pm

Lots of comments on this. Now for reality. Both sides are correct. There will always be natural cycles, some measured in years, others decades, centuries and millions of earth years. The catch is, some cycles are being hastened along by humankind's fixation in the past century to eradicate non renewable resources in the false assumption of improved standard of living. In the short term they are correct. Living standards have improved measured by health, life span, luxury comfort items, world wide transport etc. The catch is future generations will have limited or very expensive access to what these limited resources currently provide. What people will learn sooner than otherwise may have been the case is that money is of an unlimited nature (just print more) but it cannot sustain the real sustenance of life (eat, breathe and drink), the quality of which is actually degenerating in line with the hastening of what would have been the natural cycle periods. Most people have locked themselves into urban life where the effort and knowledge is limited to just going to a supermarket for food, or turn on a tap for water or a switch for power and pad out a timecard for more money. Venture out into the rural areas where the sustenance of life is sourced (but not just a day trip) and a whole new picture of reality kicks in. Put drugs into a human body and the molecular structure is affected, some quickly and others over generations. The same long and short term effects occur in nature if unnatural elements or volumes of elements are injected or ejected into the environment. So yes, both camps have an element of correctness but swayed on short term self interest or a longer term outlook for generations yet to be born.

  • 5th Jul 2015 08:44pm

its us, human, we dont look after the planet, we are too busy competing who get the biggest house, how many cars we have we forget to look after our own planet

  • 28th Jun 2015 11:24pm

Its Mother Nature saying,,,,,,,,,What will be will be.

  • 20th Jun 2015 01:12pm

A combination of both, mother nature is always hard at work and keeping us on our toes, also you can't keep taking everything from the earth and redistribute all over the world without expecting to throw us of balance and upset mother nature

  • 18th Jun 2015 01:03pm

mother nature at her worst?

  • 15th Jun 2015 08:13pm

Mans destruction of the ozone layer causing global warming, by mining for example

  • 6th Jun 2015 06:03pm

i think mother nature is just a result of global warming, mmm i don't think is a thing that will end he world but is obviously changing it. and the people as well, if it is global warming or not what is causing this horrible things is changing the perspective of our thinking with just asking our self if …

  • 13th May 2015 06:59am

Hi everyone. I studied civil engineering and as part of my course I did a topic on environmental engineering which was pretty enlightening. I fully believe global warming is happening. The science makes perfect sense (i'm happy to launch into a huge explanation into why I believe it does) and we are seeing the results in actual data gathered by huge panels of scientists like the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change), there reports take years and years of work and the scientists are definitely not raking in millions, what would these highly educated scientists work so hard to create something which has been regularly dismissed with a wave of the hand. have to gain. People saying 'it is just mother nature giving her best shot' refuse to accept the human aspect of what is happening to the planet. The enhanced greenhouse effect is very real and I think if people educated themselves on both sides of the debate before making an opinion we would get a lot more done to combat global warming and many other problems.

  • 8th May 2015 03:49am

I think it is a bit of both mother nature has her job but I believe climate change is affecting how bad the storms are world wide but not just the storms earthquakes seem to be more powerful and destructive as well I think it is a balance between the two

  • 30th Apr 2015 12:21pm

I believe the actions of mankind are impacting on "Mother Nature" in ways that are speeding the whole thing up, and causing these terrible things to happen.

Burnt Out Digger
  • 26th Apr 2015 06:58pm

Global warming is a looming threat to the world. If one wants to see evidence have a look at what is happening to the islands in The Torres Strait, their sizes are gradually being reduced and king tides are becoming more prevalent, especially on Saibai.

  • 24th Apr 2015 02:07pm

forget about the debate on climate change but just think of environmental pollution. Do all the climate change skeptics think that people are not slowly destroying the world.

As a simple example I used to work in the railway amongst steam powered locomotives and all the houses in the streets near the round shed were filthy and covered in soot. The washing hanging on the lines to dry were never white.

Now the railway has moved completely to electric and diesel powered locomotives. The houses in the streets around the round shed are now completely different. The streets and houses sparkling clean and even the washing is now white.

If you believe that people do not need to reduce pollution then best of luck to you and your children. I a 71 years and wont be alive to see the denigration of the atmosphere but I can assure that the pollution is much worse than it was when I was a child.

  • 23rd Apr 2015 08:00pm

can't deny global warning is happening and causing drastic changes in the world weather; what i disagree with is the opinion it is caused by man. polar and temperate regions are having hotter summers and colder winters. that directly affects the rest of the planet.

  • 16th Apr 2015 07:15pm

throughout your life you will experience weather occurences that are more extreme then you have seen but if you check you will find they have occurred in the past before people were concerned about global warming. eg massive destructive bushfires in 1934 old col

  • 10th Apr 2015 05:59pm

It is Mother Nature for sure. Weather's been changing dramatically over the years. Not for the better!

Matty B
  • 6th Apr 2015 11:31am

Climate Change is scaremongering at its best. Fueled by lefty propaganda. Had to laugh recently when there was a scientific based study that showed that the arctic ice was at its largest coverage for decades but never made it to the mainstream media circus.

Cash grab for failed fiscal policy.

  • 1st Apr 2015 12:25pm

Mother Nature is telling us to stop with pollution and using earth as a dumping place. We should take better care of our world!

  • 27th Mar 2015 01:48pm

I think it is Mother Nature taking her course. If you look back on global climate and weather over the centuries, one can pick cycles of hot spells and cold snaps. I do believe pollution should be kept to a minimal and that the environment is something we should conserve, but I do not believe humans are producing climate change.

  • 16th Feb 2015 01:32pm

Yes, it is the global worming, just look at the record and you can see the human been are responsable for these disaster.

  • 7th Feb 2015 01:32pm


  • 5th Jan 2015 03:25pm

Just mother nature reminding us who is boss!!

  • 3rd Jan 2015 01:25pm

It is not even a debate anymore since the effects of global warming are noticeable now. By the way, did the world end on 21 December 2012.

  • 16th Dec 2014 05:36pm

hell yea we can

  • 12th Dec 2014 08:46pm

The advocates of global warming or climate change make the point that : if man is contributing to these changes through adding extra CO2 into the system that cannot be processed by nature, then the future will see an increase in the frequency and intensity of weather and weather related events.
Time frames are always a matter of debate but in my lifetime I think there has been discernable evidence that the frequency and intensity are increasing. Ask yourself this as you grapple with mans impact on the planet, As a species when have we ever through our mere existence not contributed to an altering of the environment and all within that system and I'll answer that if its too hard - never.
If man producing CO2 ito a system which cannot cope with that tehn the greenhouse effect must be scientific bunkum but that effect is what gives us our weather and climate. Furthermore it would be very easy to prove in a simple lab experiement what role CO2 plays if any in relation to altering temperature in a closed system. I've seen such as experiment and the results are not pleasant.
Unfortunately this debate is not about truth but about being right and that may be the worst thing.

  • 21st Feb 2014 11:26am

There is no doubt we are in a period of climate change, or global warming. What concerns me is that it is an excuse for a "new" business that costs us all. I say this because there was no great alarm expressed by the relative global cooling period that existed between 1900 and 1960-61. Any farm owner who's been around a while will tell you that weather patterns are cyclical and normal. We experience drought about every 10 years here. Like any "new" concept, only time will tell if the predictions and forecasts of global warming will bear out to be true.

  • 21st Feb 2014 11:09am

There is no doubt we are in a period of climate change, or global warming. What concerns me is that it is an excuse for a "new" business that costs us all. I say this because there was no great alarm expressed by the relative global cooling period that existed between 1900 and 1960-61. Any farm owner who's been around a while will tell you that weather patterns are cyclical and normal. We experience drought about every 10 years here. Like any "new" concept, only time will tell if the predictions and forecasts of global warming will bear out to be true.

  • 23rd Dec 2013 11:16am

Man is the best example of wreaking havoc on the planet. I find it amusing that so many people believe that human beings are totally neutral regarding their impact on the planet and its systems.
Of course nature is creating all the natural disasters like floods, hurricane, cyclones etc , its ridiculous to pose that question.
The question should be is man through his activities contributing to the increased frequency and intensity of these natural disasters?
The answer for rational people is yes and that is climate change.
Anyone who believes that man exists on this planet and has no impact on its systems probably believes that as a species we are somehow different or unique compared to any other species that came before us or will come after us and as far as I am concerned we might think that but the evidence is totally the opposite.

  • 1st Dec 2013 12:53pm

I believe it is a combination of both, human beings upset the balance of nature...consequently, it comes with a vengeance of such magnitude that is beyond comprehension.

  • 22nd Nov 2013 10:31pm

it is both mother nature and global warming. because global warming is part of the natural cycle of the planet. we just happen to be living during a period of intense change.
as for the 21 st December 2012; that was the Mayan Calender that ended

Happy Feet
  • 1st Nov 2013 02:52pm

Their both the same thing global warming is afecting mother nature.

  • 28th Oct 2013 10:20am

The science proves global warming is real and weather events will become worse. Unfortunately the down side of human nature is to look the other way other wise they will have to take responsibility and that is too much like hard work. The world is too materialistic and it will never shift to take responsibility. People are too selfish and it is all about them. Nostradamus may some points down the track as the most intellegent creatures on earth who have done the most damage have 2 choices do something about it or assist mother nature to end their existence over the millenia and become extinct. Mother nature likes balance

  • 24th Oct 2013 12:10am

Mother nature is definitely unbalanced,and I believe human activity has contributed. Science tells us that there are definite reasons why humgan activity is contributing to climate changes. Ice has melted in the northern hemisphere so much that new shipping lanes have opened up in the artic region for the first time in history. Low lying islands are getting smaller and smaller especially in the pacific ocean. We believe in science for what it provides us in medicine based on a few trials, so why can't we believe in science when years of studying climate changes has shown that there is significant evidence that human activity is partly to blame? Maybe it is because we are not ready to give up fossil fuels,driving cars and living unsustainably,do you really care about the future for your children's children.

  • 29th Aug 2013 06:05pm

I reckon it is a combination of both. There was floods etc in some parts of SA before the first motor vehicles arrived and some areas didn't even have electricity of any type at all.

  • 25th Apr 2013 10:19am

Humans are causing so much polution which is causing global warming but i do not think that this issue is related with global warming

  • 6th Apr 2013 03:45pm

I agree with rick, she's letting everyone know who's boss and she likes to keep a clean tidy ship, so to speak, well honestly look what we are doing to the world and each other, we are self destructing anyway and until people get head out of bum its only going to get worse.

  • 3rd Apr 2013 09:47pm

As I have grown up I have noticed alot of changes in the weather and the way the environment is. Did you know it takes 500 trees for one persons life time of oxygen.

The seasons are changing the summer months is longer and hotter than when I rembember as a little girl, or going to high school. When it rained in the winter it was constant it never stopped.

the great
  • 25th Mar 2013 06:34pm

Nostradamus must have been wrong coz the world didn't end on 21.12.2012 ... but i believe old Nossy back 500 years ago knew more about science than people who deny the overwhelming scientific evidence that climate change is real and happening faster than predicted.. .. if you pump 6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air every year something has to give eventually... why do we get so many cyclones in eastern australia now ..because the ocean temp has risen about a 2 full degrees in the last 20 years .. the ocean is much warmerd so a lot more moisture goes into the air and comes back down as heavy rain

  • 12th Jan 2013 04:45pm

Could the people who think this is cyclical please explain their science.If as I suspect they have none then pop along to CSIRO website where they can see how serious climate change has become.

  • 13th Jan 2013 05:43pm
Could the people who think this is cyclical please explain their science.If as I suspect they have none then pop along to CSIRO website where they can see how serious climate change has become.

Dat people nowadays think that the modern way of thinking is global warming, climate change....rubbish, even the scientists are confused, people are trying to confuse them with all this modern jargon, I have lived in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria where we have large brown coal open cut mines, years ago we had a lot of brown coal dust on our window sills, on our washing, we breathed in the air every day, day in, day out, things ran smoothly for the last 50 years and all of a sudden, aha a big money spin is to be made, let the gullible people believe in climate change oceans rising, etc. etc. Even at Port Arthur in Tassie the mean tide has not changed for centuries, so what is all this rubbish about, we had heatwaves 7 days and nights in a row, we had snow, we had freezing weather, no fans, no airconditioners, no fridges, we had no problems, lived in Asbestos homes, asbestos brake linings for decades, breathed the air in, we were surrounded by it all. So what is their problem now? Nobody was around 1 million years ago, no records were taken that we know of then, so how can they say, this has been the hottest day since or the coldest day since...wake up Australia, Mother Nature is doing what she has been doing for millions of years and we are entering another one of her cycles as usual. So why are we hearing all this rubbish as if it is new? Do people want to make a name for themselves or what:

  • 10th Jan 2013 10:16pm

I do not believe in global warming or climate change.
I believe people should act responsibly because they care about what God has created.
Natural disasters occur because man sinned. The world was perfect prior to us deciding to listen to satan rather than God.
If you read the Bible - apart from God no one knows the exact date when Christ will return - therefore no one can predict the day that the world will end.

  • 9th Jan 2013 10:04pm

global warming is a reality and yes! it is causing weather changes. BUT!! global warming itself is a part of the planets' natural cycle. the only part of it that is caused by man is the money making scams that abound.

  • 9th Jan 2013 07:24pm

Climate change has always existed We are just able to record the events better & able to share the info world wide.
Mankind is but very small part of this planet but still needs to care for the planet

  • 9th Jan 2013 03:57pm

It is just Nature at her worst, Man himself creates no more than 2% of Global Warming, regardless of what he does, according to one of our weather sientists. And no matter what man does, he is not able to alter this phenominom.

  • 8th Jan 2013 10:26pm

I believe it is Mother Nature doing her thing but global warming could be making things a little bit worse.

  • 8th Jan 2013 09:51pm

Nature is always moving. There are destructive forces of nature constantly causing chaos. the recordings that have been captured world wide has shown this. I belive USA government has speculated that pollution may be one thing that has been alternating the temperatures and causing major distruption to evolve which include more severe storms and also more deaths in nature. This is why the government wish to make major difference to try and decrease pollution. However saying this, the warming might be a cycle that is a natural change. We once had dinosaurs which were wiped out by volcanic eruptions, drought, plant extinction, and earthquakes right? Well the change might be leading to a change that will make a difference to bloom and this change the category of environment in which we live.

  • 20th Nov 2012 09:15am

I agree with the majority that what is happening is mother nature. Do I believe in global warming, certinally not the Al Gore version. It was a con job and a money making venture.

Evolution has the world constantly changing. Events happen and animals and plant life evolve or perish.

I am still hearing CO2 being blamed as a polutant. Please check the meaning of a polutant. CO2 sustains all life forms. We wouldn't exist if it wasn't for CO2. What you see and smell coming out of chimney stacks is NOT CO2. Secondly why aren't we attacking water vapour, also a greenhouse gas, which has a greater presence in out atmosphere. Maybe because there is no money in it.

I was taught the sun is our source of heat, and sure greenhouse gases absorb heat and reflect that heat onto the earths surface, has done so for centuries. That why your mother proberly told you that there is a greater risk of sunburn in cloudy conditions. Earth core samples provide evidence that CO2 levels in our atmosphere have also fluctuated for centuries. There is nothing new in what's happening.

The earth surface heats up as greenhouse gasses increase, no argument. These gases exist in both our soil and water and are release via natural causes or via man. I can't see what difference it makes because the evolutionary time clock has remained constant. Do these gases trigger the events that are happening, in some way they proberly do but I believe it's out of our control. Eventually sun activity diminishes causing the earths surface to cool to the extent of an iceage (lasts approx 70 years). There is evidence that this is happening. During cooling our water ways absorb more CO2 thus reducing atmospheric CO2. And the cycle starts over.

Should we prepare, too right because it's going to get cold. Crops will fail, animals will perish, including us. So why are we pursuing a carbon tax and carbon credits. It's only making some rich and will not change a damn thing.

  • 16th Nov 2012 12:39pm

Yes, this is as a result of global warming.

  • 15th Nov 2012 05:33pm

Mother Nature trying desperately to correct her systems because of our meddling!

  • 14th Nov 2012 12:08pm

yes i beleive its mother nature trying to repair all the destruction we have done to the earth, only naturally, as we humans take so much from the earth and never seem to to put as much back and if people wish to belive the world is going to end on the 21st december 2012, then so be it they said it would happen in year 2000 and yet we are all still here......

  • 12th Nov 2012 09:10pm

Didnt the profits who said 21Dec 12 is the end also say the world was flat?anyway if Japans Tsunami hit next week everyone would scream "its begun its begun" truth is these freaky storms and disaster have happened throughout time but now we have instant news in our hands and better technology to give exact details of the size strength and aftermath.Also in Japan the ancient society put up markers of where not to build past for what reason? Tsunamis thats why because they hit there before.Ice caps are melting,pollution increasing so things will happen.Anyway buy the gifts and plan the holidays if it happens not much can do about it is there?"

  • 11th Nov 2012 03:22pm

I believe Global warming is the reason why there are tsunamis and the storms we have been having and that's all because of human beings causing war, bombs exploding, people being killed in certain countries, left to rot in the street and the public not caring for their countries in the correct manner. I have the Nostradamus book and not all his predictions have come true plus I don't believe the world will end on December 21, 2012 unless some stupid idiots blow up the entire universe.

  • 10th Nov 2012 04:36pm

I do believe that Global warming is happening longterm to our planet but that this storm was mother nature at her worst. I am religious and don't think that Nostradamus was correct in predicting the world would end at all as God has said that he "created the earth to be inhabited" and believe that it always will be, although big changes are coming!

  • 9th Nov 2012 11:52pm

as for Nostradamus i think that is a person calling himself a Prophet who can see no more into the future than anyone else.
the weather and its disastrous offerings have been affecting us for decades. i believe there are affects of global warming where low lying coastal communities have been displaced by the sea levels rising. storms hurricanes etc are not new to america it was just a 1 in a billion chance that 3 storm fronts met in an area not typically used to strong storms or hurricanes. as for the earthquakes and tsunamis there is definitely movement under the surface of the earth with the tectonic plates clashing regularly, i cant say what the reason for this is. i am not a scientist but i suspect it is something that has been occurring world wide for a very long time. it is just that we have seen a lot close to home recently therefore we are more aware of these disasters

  • 9th Nov 2012 11:52pm

as for Nostradamus i think that is a person calling himself a Prophet who can see no more into the future than anyone else.
the weather and its disastrous offerings have been affecting us for decades. i believe there are affects of global warming where low lying coastal communities have been displaced by the sea levels rising. storms hurricanes etc are not new to america it was just a 1 in a billion chance that 3 storm fronts met in an area not typically used to strong storms or hurricanes. as for the earthquakes and tsunamis there is definitely movement under the surface of the earth with the tectonic plates clashing regularly, i cant say what the reason for this is. i am not a scientist but i suspect it is something that has been occuring world wide for a very long time. it is just that we have seen a lot close to home recently therefore we are more aware of these disasters

  • 9th Nov 2012 07:53pm

I feel it is part of global warming as we are well overdue for our next ice age

  • 9th Nov 2012 11:44am

I think that it is just one of those freak bad accidents. I think that there is no reason for it at all that can be explained outside of science, and I definitely do not think that there is a religiously-related reason for it like there were lots of bad people in the area or anything like that.

  • 8th Nov 2012 10:41pm

I am unsure. Nature changes all the time, I don't believe it's predictable. Was there a "global warming" following the Ice Age? If so what caused that? Or was it just a change in the weather? Global warming is blamed on humans, so what could humans have done to melt the ice apart from light fires? By keeping themselves warm was the affect of a few fires responsible? I tend to think it's all a normal reaction, like one season follows the other.

  • 8th Nov 2012 07:51pm

I believe it is just Mother Nature.

  • 7th Nov 2012 02:33am

If you are going to make the sorts of comments get your facts correct. Nostradamus did not make these predictions. They are based on the Mayan calendar.

  • 6th Nov 2012 11:05pm

the climate has been changeing since Noah was a boy but man has nothing to do with it. look in the history books and you will see the vikings settled in greenland 500 years ago , but were driven out generations later by ice formation making it impossible to grow food for the settlement. today greenland is again thawing and the boffins think this is something new caused by pollution from cars,powerstations etc. they have short memories when it suits them, but if they look back 500 years the vikings didn't drive cars or burn coal in power stations,so was this warmer greenland caused by the natural cycles of change on the planet?

  • 6th Nov 2012 06:57pm

I used to work for the weather bureau and I understand that there was a convergence of two storm cells and a jetstream so I don't believe that this event was created by Global Warming, but I do believe in Global Warming.
I would be very disappointed if Nostradamus is right as my birthday is the 22nd of December... no pressies!!

  • 6th Nov 2012 06:57pm

Hi, I agree with Rick,I think it's mother nature just cleaning up

  • 6th Nov 2012 10:20am

Michael Crichton wrote a book about this "Global warming" scare campaign. It is called "State of fear" and as always he brings a touch of common sense to this mass hysteria. I have to agree with Ricky. Our world is a subject to evolution and there will be always cycles and changes but to care for our planet ...we should.

  • 6th Nov 2012 09:36am

While Nostradamus predicted then end of the world, the Mayan Calender predicts that something will happen in December but not necessarily the end of the world.

As for global warming, it's amazing what can be made to look like fact when researching something. Just delete anything that indicates it isnt so and keep everything that indicates it is so. Even scientist can produce biased conclusions.

No I don't believe the recent storm can be attributed to global warming, if indeed global warming is occurring.

  • 6th Nov 2012 01:04am

I think with all the natural disasters happening we need to take a very serious look on how we treat our planet thats for sure.

Momma Bear
  • 6th Nov 2012 12:56am

I think Global warming has a lot to do with what is going on in the world.

  • 5th Nov 2012 11:52pm

I'm in Australia and can't really comment on what happening in NYC. However, I believe global warming is a lot of hype. The dinosaurs probably died out because their was some sort of global warming that melted the ice in their time, but you can't blame THEM for creating too much carbon driving their cars around etc. Also, I am very suss about that scientist in England whose report was suppressed because it didn't agree with global warming propnents.

  • 5th Nov 2012 09:37pm

I also agree with Rick and Pete.....Mother nature has done these kinds of things for as long as the earth has been here. I think Global warming is a way for governments to make money from taxpayers as they cannot prove it is really occurring. I wonder why so many countries are not doing anything about it anyway? Seems some of us a sheep and follow the leader in believing blindly what we are told.

  • 5th Nov 2012 08:22pm

I'm not at all convinced that Hurricane Sandy or others like it are directly connected to global warming. I don't believe the Nostradamus prediction because Biblical prophecy states that we can never know in advance when the world will end.

  • 5th Nov 2012 07:26pm

There is no doubt that humans have had an enormous impact on this earth in the last 2000 years. Whether the storms and violent weather we are experiencing is through our destruction of the earth or mother nature unleashing her wrath is unknown. I do know a lot of people have made a lot of money pushing the global warming perspective. I guess we'll never really know. But I do not believe the world will end this December 21st. If it does at least I'll go out enjoying myself, I'll be cruising.

  • 5th Nov 2012 07:25pm

There is no doubt that humans have had an enormous impact on this earth in the last 2000 years. Whether the storms and violent weather we are experiencing is through our destruction of the earth or mother nature unleashing her wrath is unknown. I do know a lot of people have made a lot of money pushing the global warming perspective. I guess we'll never really know. But I do not believe the world will end this December 21st. If it does at least I'll go out enjoying myself, I'll be cruising.

  • 5th Nov 2012 07:23pm

I feel it is a bit of both. Global warming is proven to exist but also mother nature can be very unpredictable. We know the world is heating up and that is causing the icebergs to melt. That would be having an effect on our weather and mother nature is helping with that by having worst storms, earthquakes, etc.

Lee Lee
  • 5th Nov 2012 05:50pm

I am not sure. I hope it is not global warming and is mother nature showing her fury. I do not believe that the world will come to an end on the 21st of Dec. There has been so many of these dooms day thingy's in the past and they are always untrue. However, I do believe that we need to look after our planet better and global warming is an issue we will need to face.

  • 5th Nov 2012 04:59pm

I think it is mother nature, global warming has nothing to do with it

  • 5th Nov 2012 03:50pm

Titch's reply. I believe it's mother nature at her worst.

  • 5th Nov 2012 02:57pm

Storms like this have happened numerous times in the past, and will do so again in the future. Every time weather forecasters say something like "this is the biggest storm since..." we should realise that it is nothing new. Cllimate changes like we are experiencing now have happened before, and nothing we can do is going to change that. There is more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere every day by volcanoes than we could ever produce, and trees rely on carbon dioxide to grow. What we should be doing is getting rid of the big trees and using them, and planting new young trees or allowing them to regenerate naturally, as young plants use a lot more carbon dioxide and emit more oxygen than old plants, as they need it to grow, whereas large, full-grown trees only need enough to sustain them. Scientists all over the world don't believe we are the cause of the changes happening, but no one ever hears from them, because it is not sensational news.

  • 5th Nov 2012 01:25pm

Climate change. Yes. But it is natural & nothing to do with human activity. The concept that human activity is the biggest fraud in human history. Check your latest energy bill.
The U.S. east coast experienced a similar magnitude storm back in 1951. The damage would have been similar except that the Jersey Shore was just a collection of fishing villages back then.

  • 5th Nov 2012 12:44pm

Mother Nature has a way of cleansing and reinvigorating things, from bushfires which causes regeneration of plants to massive storms which clean the air and the oceans. Mankind happens to "get in the way".

  • 5th Nov 2012 12:14pm

I agree that these things have been happening since time immemorial and its Mother Nature's way. The earth has always experienced unusual weather phenomenons over the centuries and these tornados, cyclones, earthquakes etc are just manifestations of that.

  • 5th Nov 2012 12:02pm

I also believe it is mother nature trying to get us back on track but at the same time, it wouldn't hurt us to help mother nature out by looking after global warming. Tell me who doesn't need help at some stage.

  • 5th Nov 2012 09:59am

All natural disasters are the work of Mother Nature herself.

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:37pm

"The prophet Nostradamus predicted the world would end in 2012 on the 21st of December. "
Nostradamus did not predict any such thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was a bunch of american archeologists, scientists and many religious groups.
maybe you should learn something before writing it and not worry if the world is coming to an end!!!!!!

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:21pm

I think its a combination of both. You can't tell me that all the pollution and damage humans have done to the earth in a relatively short period of time has no effect on the weather

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:17pm

I actually think that we are contributing to the new weather patterns. The seasons are changing and this is not all Mother Nature. We can all hide and say this is not true but how can we change what we are doing if we won't accept there is a problem to begin with. Industrial waste, gas hubs - not to mention the millions of cars on the road emptying this waste into our atmosphere which is clearly damaging our ozone layer and God knows what else. With the damage
that the earth has sustained over the last 100 years the effects will take a very long time to reverse - if it can t all - even if we started improving things right now. We have left more than our share of footprints behind and our children and their children will be the ones that will bear the worse brunt of this legacy.

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:17pm

Global warming. What a laugh. It depends on what part of the world you're in. I used to live in south Australia and I remember 40 C+ temperatures for 12 to 16 days straight in the 1970s 1980s. That was hot. As for the 21st December 2012 we will have to wait and see. I think mother nature is just letting us know who the boss is..

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:13pm

I actually think that we are contributing to the new weather patterns. The seasons are changing and this is not all Mother Nature. We can all hide and say this is not true but how can we change what we are doing if we won't accept there is a problem to begin with. Industrial waste, gas hubs - not to mention the millions of cars on the road emptying this waste into our atmosphere which is clearly damaging our ozone layer and God knows what else. With the damage
that the earth has sustained over the last 100 years the effects will take a very long time to reverse - if it can t all - even if we started improving things right now. We have left more than our share of footprints behind and our children and their children will be the ones that will bear the worse brunt of this legacy.

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:12pm

I actually think that we are contributing to the new weather patterns. The seasons are changing and this is not all Mother Nature. We can all hide and say this is not true but how can we change what we are doing if we won't accept there is a problem to begin with. Industrial waste, gas hubs - not to mention the millions of cars on the road emptying this waste into our atmosphere which is clearly damaging our ozone layer and God knows what else. With the damage
that the earth has sustained over the last 100 years the effects will take a very long time to reverse - if it can t all - even if we started improving things right now. We have left more than our share of footprints behind and our children and their children will be the ones that will bear the worse brunt of this legacy.

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:44pm

I think that global warming is creating more severe weather patterns and things will not settle down. Arctic ice is melting at unprecedent levels and it will be only time till the arctic ocean will be ice free. The increased fresh water in the oceans and the reduced reflection from the ice of the sunlight will change weather patterns as we know it. There is proof that arctic ice is melting. There is proof that an ice free arctic will change weather patterns and ocean currents. The extent of the change is what i am uncertain of. I fear we may be in for extreme weather over the globe on a more regular basis now.

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:35pm

Oh yes, this is Mother Nature at her worst.We all know that the climate has been changing for ever. Julia and her taxes will not change a thing.P.S. Mother Nature is a Bitch...I just have to look at my face to see that she is wreaking havoc here!!!!

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:22pm

I agree with Rick, there are short and long term weather cycles and as such we are in the middle of a long term event. Global warming is a part of that cycle. We know that there was a vast jungle in Antarctica and there was in the last ice age sheet ice way up to the equator. The amount of polutants we put into the atmosphere is an insignificant contribution to the global cycle. My concern is about the quality of the air I breath which is what is the outcome of man-made polution. because it is in part trapped in the lower atmosphere and hence available for me to breath.

  • 4th Nov 2012 09:29pm

I dont think the world will ever end

  • 4th Nov 2012 09:23pm

Too many scientific studies which determine that global warming is indeed causing much more environmental chaos. The warmer the planet becomes the greater the storms in both the land mass they cover and their ferocity. Rise in sea levels which will create sooner than later environmental refugees. The seas are now becoming more acidic which has happened previously in Earth's history creating all those oil reserves. But in the long term acidic seas will destroy both sea fauna and flora altering the balance in earth's eco system.

  • 4th Nov 2012 09:07pm

There is absolutely no evidence to connect the two. To say Sandy is a result of Global Warning is an illusion!

  • 4th Nov 2012 08:48pm

I don't believe the storms that occurs, is due to global warming. It's a phrase that is thrown around often without much thought.
There is no hard concrete evidence that the earth is warming up. There are certain areas off the Arctic Ocean that ships find it hard to break through the ice, because the ice is so thick. In addition, the human race is releasing less fossil fuel emissions now, then they were during the Industrial Revolution, when factories on almost every corner, and during the winter, the snow would be black from the amount of smoke.
Nobody paid any attention to global warming back then, and they shouldn't pay any attention to it now.
However, humans are affecting the earth's weather patterns, particularly with the destruction of millions of hectares of trees every day. The earth was designed to handle the waste of human beings, but when vegetation is removed in certain areas, at the high rate that it is occuring now, there is an imbalance in the natural ecosystem.
The frequency of the earths natural disasters indicates, that the imbalance is worsening. It also indicates that the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ is very near, as it was prophesied, not by Nostradamas, but by scriptures in the Bible, Luke 21:11 says, "There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven".
In verse 25 says, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexing at the roaring and tossing of the sea".
How true about, how much the nations are in anguish!
Verse 31 says," Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the Kingdom of God is near".
Never before in history, has the storms and other disasters, been so rapidly increasing.
Whether December 21st of 2012, is when Jesus returns, and takes His true followers up to be with him, in the event Christians refer to as the "Rapture" or whether it's a few more years from now, the earth in it's own way, is telling us all, He's coming soon. Be prepared!

These details were found by our family.
Thank you for allowing us to share.

  • 4th Nov 2012 07:46pm

depends on which studies you listen to, global warming isn't really a man made thing anyway - history will tell us it's cyclical, and nothing we do is going to stop it. As for the predictions, phtf. Load of hogwash.

The bible says the earth is a finite resource and we are to look after it but it also says we don't know the time, day nor hour but there will be signs to watch for. Yes, I think these things are increasing over history. I have a book which has a timeline of history and the disasters are more commonplace but narrowing it down to a date... sorry, I don't believe it. If, however, I am wrong, I am prepared for that too.

  • 4th Nov 2012 06:39pm

Both and if it is the end of the world what can you do about it.

  • 4th Nov 2012 06:29pm

I think that there have been natural disasters for many years, the biggest thing these days is the increase in housing, population and therefore the potential for more damage. Also we hear about things so much easier these days.

  • 4th Nov 2012 05:44pm

Yes, I believe the recent storm in the US caused by climate change, the global warming will increase the extreme weather events and the warming of the oceans is the main reason for storms to become more powerful than ever as well as the rising temperature.

  • 4th Nov 2012 05:30pm

Yes.. I believe it's global warming due to all the fossil fuels that is being emitted into the atmosphere. Thus the ozone layer getting thinner and the suns rays not having any thing to stop it getting through to the earth.

Although cyclones, tusmamisk and tornadoes have been around they have increased a lot and there intensity has increased also.

I remember being able to know what the weather would do for each month and how long it would be till the next month, but now I've noticed that the months have changed and are now the Atunm and Winter months are lasting longer and Spring Summer shorter.

  • 4th Nov 2012 05:27pm

Yes.. I believe it's global warming due to all the fossil fuels that is being emitted into the atmosphere. Thus the ozone layer getting thinner and the suns rays not having any thing to stop it getting through to the earth.

Although cyclones, tusmamisk and tornadoes have been around they have increased a lot and there intensity has increased also.

I remember being able to know what the weather would do for each month and how long it would be till the next month, but now I've noticed that the months have changed and are now the Atunm and Winter months are lasting longer and Spring Summer shorter.

  • 4th Nov 2012 05:17pm

It is just mother nature, the fact the world are more densely populated there is more damage. And there is a news crews there to show the world, we all know first hand what is happening.

  • 4th Nov 2012 04:56pm

The troubles in the US are a combination of the effects of global warming and natural changes in the environment. They are, fo course, bot only effecting the US - mant other placed on eartth re currently undergoing considerable environmental upsets due to glabal warming.

  • 4th Nov 2012 04:54pm

I believe the storm was just mother nature and as most of the weather issues are seasonal the people living in areas affected usually are well prepared.

  • 4th Nov 2012 04:53pm


  • 4th Nov 2012 03:25pm

Yes...I do believe that the storm was caused by global warming. Most of the natural disasters that have occurred recently such as the floods here in Australia and also cyclone Yasi, can be attributed to global warming....the earth can only take so much of the abuse that mankind has heaped on it over the years.
As for the prophet Nostradamus ..well some of his predictions have already come true so perhaps he foresaw all the calamities that have occurred and identified it with the end of the world

  • 4th Nov 2012 02:33pm

I believe it is mother nature do in gher darndest. Every thing is blamed on global warming these day.
Is the world going to end next month. For some people yes for the rest of us no..
As far as I'm concerned I'll be here for many more years yet.

  • 4th Nov 2012 02:17pm

Perfectly normal storm damage,highlighted because it occurs in US.Not worth a paragraph if it occurred in Asia.

  • 4th Nov 2012 01:28pm

My points of view is........Well I strongly believe - since going back a few years ago now, Scientists in EU did the reverse magnetic pull and put the earth axis off balance and since then more and more you see and hear about old volcanoes have waken up, earthquakes have moved from their normal fault lines, flooding etc....... hmmmmm

  • 4th Nov 2012 01:15pm

Inclined to agree with Rick. Climate change (Global Warming) has not been established as a definite scientific fact yet, in spite of all the hype about it. I read recently that some climate scientists have revised earlier statements and now believe there has not been any significant rise in global warming in the past 16 years. I guess we will have to wait till a lot more information is collected and established before we can make a judgement. In the meantime we are paying significantly more for water, gas and electricity because of carbon tax, a yet-to-be used desal plant and a yet-to-be used north/south pipeline all of which were, I believe, unnecessary knee-jerk responses to wilod claims by some climate scientists.

  • 4th Nov 2012 12:36pm

I don't believe the storm in the US is directly related to Global Warming, it would of occured anyway. I do however believe in Global warming. Just look at what is happening in Antarctica. The Ice shelf is melting and this is having a dramatic impact on the penguins. We can't deny it's happening but not every natural event is because of it.

  • 4th Nov 2012 11:26am

All things that happen.They happen to try and show how we are still learning.There is no reason that we have to learn through havic.

Magenta Bruine
  • 4th Nov 2012 11:07am

This chat seems to be very biased towards non climate change believers. I'm not sure personally but it would appear that we are in the middle of a severe 'la nina' phase, which will probably last 10-15 years, with cyclones and storms more severe and further away than usual.

In any case, climate change or not, it's a good thing if we all try to reduce our carbon footprint and become more environmentally minded. Whether this will have an impact on major storms etc remains to be seen.

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:11am

To quote from Michael Critchton
"You think man can destroy the planet? What intoxicating vanity. Earth has survived everything in its time. It will certinly survive us. To the earth.... a million years is nothing.
This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try. We've been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we're gone tomorrow, the Earth will not miss us."
Maybe the world will end for humans as we are now but life will go on- we may be accelerating the changes for us, and maybe life more deserving of the Earth will come after us, but Earth herself, I don't think she notices!

  • 4th Nov 2012 09:47am

I agree to the majority, people forget that volcano's do the most damage to our atmosphere global warming is a myth

  • 4th Nov 2012 09:15am

I think this is the natural way of this planet, after all it's been a living thing for millions of years, humans won't make any difference to what is normal occurrance. No matter how much of the bunk and prattle about what we are doing to this planet goes on, earth looks after itself and will do until it comes to it's own end.

  • 4th Nov 2012 08:37am

I don't think anyone can truly predict the future, prophet or phony alike. Just as in the animal kingdom, animals eat animals to balance it all out, so Mother Nature will do what Mother Nature does, it's her way of cleaning up the mess that we have made of the planet and another thought, If the earth shifted all those billions of years ago, then why would it not happen again, why do people who believe in evolution not believe that things will not change/evolve again?

  • 4th Nov 2012 07:36am

I don't know really, however mother nature really has it in for us, I mean, she is telling us off left, right and center lol, no where is safe, New Zealand is still being rocked by quakes, tsunamis are happening, tornadoes, it is like a night mare that we all want to wake up from.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the citizens of The U S of A, hope you all remain as safe as you can.

  • 4th Nov 2012 07:04am

I tend think Mother Nature,But who Know"s by 2050 if the sea Levels have risen,I will be 80yrs old,Then all that talk about globe Warming was true!

  • 4th Nov 2012 05:12am

I believe the world goes through cycles. We may be warming up and this may be affecting our weather, but it is just the cycle we are in at the moment. Our pressure on the planet may just be shortening the time between the cycles.

  • 4th Nov 2012 04:38am

you can call it global warming or nature but it seems that the earth repeats these cycles, i'm more concerned if the nostradamus prediction is correct, well maybe the extreme conditions (like in the US at the moment) are just the beginning of many more before the end on the 21st of next month... i hope not ... but what if something happens to wipe us out...

  • 4th Nov 2012 03:17am

This golbal warming has been blamed on pollution. Yet there are too many factors involved that anyone can say for sure that this warming is directly related the man's polution. Golbal warming is a natural event and the world has gone through stages of warming and then having an "Ice age" where the world has an increase of ice over the atlas in the northern hemisphere down to about the top of the British Isles. Then it (Global warming) could be the cause of the increase of the ozone layer, the depletion of fish stocks, deforestation of our forest (In particular of note the Amazon forests. But what ever the cause we should be taking precautions to prevent the same destruction of nature. This would mean there needs to be a gape between the ocean and any living structure. Perhaps the building of a series of sea walls, to slow down the oceans invasion of the lands. What we should be doing is to blame man for this destruction, and to improve our behaviour.

  • 4th Nov 2012 12:58am

Depends on how you look at it & what your beliefs may be. 2012 has been known to be the year of change. Looking at it from an Astrologist's point, mother nature is currently is labor- giving birth to the upcoming year 2013. Hence why 2012 has been such a hectic catastrophe, not only within the environment, but also in individuals personal lives. If I was to look at it from facts, and past history, then I'm still not convinced that 'Global Warming' is to blame. NO ONE has lived to discover if the earth has a cycle for changes- in weather, tides, temperatures. Who is to say 'Global Warming' is even real?? The Governments are big businesses all in their own right, and due to their 'power' can get away with not playing fairly.. So many scare tactics are produced by the governments each and every year. Notice that each year there is a medical outbreak of some kind? (mad cow, swine flu, blah blah blah ) and it does nothing but scare EVERYONE, who in turn- buy things.
It could be a number of things, who is to know for sure- but I'm sticking with the stars- remember to nurture Mother Nature for the rest of 2012, who knows- it might just bring a happy 2013- wont hurt to try instead of worrying.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:28pm

Doesn't every thing in life come in cycles. Names, clothes etc. I think the weather comes in cycles as well. we have heat waves, droughts, size of crops go up and down, floods and so on. is there really global warming or is it just another cycle. I think every thing come and goes in cycles and the latest cyclone in NY is part of that cycle. have they had one before, when was it and how long since they had one last. When will they get another. Think about it guys and see if a pattern emerges. No it is a freak of nature in my eye and probably global warming in scientist and pollies.
Regards professor chrissy. LOL

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:53pm

It is all crap..natural dizaster happened before and will happen again,noone knows when this world will end only God,,our is to live and not to belive in crap that media is serving us with,,live,eat,drink,lough and respect each other,,,

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:15pm

I totally agree with everyone it is mother nature at it's worst. It has been going on for centuries, however, we hear more about these things now due to technology. A century ago there was no way to communicate what was happening across the world as we can live today.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:12pm

I think it's a bit arrogant to give ourselves credit for what nature does. The cycles go on, like it or not, and we have to try to adapt as much as possible.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:58pm

I'd say global warming (AKA climate change) is probably a factor. Our weather is getting more and extreme and odd and people most in denial would probably say there's no link!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:53pm

I think the super storm is a combination of a number of things global warming and and natural weather patterns as with the last 2 years here in OZ we have had a strong la' nina the oceans are getting warmer so these type of weather anomalies are sure to become more regular. there are to many of you out there that like to stick your head in the sand and avoid the obvious there has been a gradual change in our weather patterns , living in the west you can notice it most of all the south west corner is getting dryer and dryer , with less rainfall , and especially in Perth , we are getting more humid summers 25 years ago the summers were hot and dry heat was the norm . I lowered my carbon footprint by installing solar power i am heavily into sustainable living , permaculture gardening , i live in a house that has a small foot print as well i dont buy any thing i cant make myself and only by local produce fresh if i can if every one did one thing for the planet every week it would make a big difference over the long term.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:40pm

just mother nature doing what she does the storms earthquakes etc are more to do with the eclipses and the gravity changes global warming would only play a minor part if any of what climates do

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:14pm

Fight as much as you like, Nature will ALWAYS win.

Now, just wait for Julia to find an excuse to tax us for it....

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:11pm

Of course this storm should be attributed to Mother Nature. She was letting us mere mortals know that as usual, she is in charge. Many, many years ago, when I was in school, those who thought they knew everything, were issuing dire warning about global cooling and the return of the ice age. Fifty years later, the worm has turned. Get real! Scientists should admit this is a natural occurrence - has been going on for millions of years!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:55pm

I agree with Ric

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:45pm

definetley mother nature on a bad day interestingly enough i heard no mention of global warning maybe people are realising all the weather comes in repeating patterns every so many years

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:45pm

no its mother nature ,storms like these have happened before all over the planet,good old nostra if it happens on dec 21 i wont be posting anything again and nor will you lol.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:27pm

Global warming caused by humans is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the people of the world. Started by a disgruntled ex US vice president who personally has a greater 'carbon footprint' than a medium sized town. Continued on by rent seeking junk scientists and scaremongering media blowhards. No one can outdo the force of Mother Nature or even mildly influence natural outcomes. Glad to see people finally waking up to this.
P.S. Nostradamus sometimes got his dates mixed up. 21 Dec, just before Christmas. No way!!!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:18pm

Definitely Mother Nature, otherwise how do you account for other storms prior to this one. And Nostradamus has been found wanting many times - I believe another faux pas will occur on Dec 21.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:58pm

Its mother nature Glory

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:47pm

It's mother nature. Sometimes she's a bit cross and sometimes she can be quiet. Weather goes in cycles. Ask a person of the land

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:39pm

I think that we are definitely contributing to the changes going on in our world, but I do think that is "just" the world changing. It has been changing for millions of years. These changes just seem to be a little more drastic.
On another note, as far as the world ending, i will be most sad and so will my daughter who turns 13 on the 22nd December!!!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:34pm

I say No to Global warming and YES to MOTHER NATURE.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:07pm

Definitely believe in Global warming......If the human race continues to abuse our world, the resources and the people....what else can we expect!! Global warming on it's own will create substantial problems, but pollution, ignorance and overuse/draining of our resources will make it so much worse. The governments won't wake up to the facts unless the people learn to vote, want to vote, and continue to vote for what they believe in....don't be apathetic or we will get the government people we don't want and who won't do the right things as we would want them.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:36pm

Yes, it was a nice sunny day in the state of New York and then a cyclone turned the weather nasty, that to me sounds like a change in climate, or,as scientists say---
climate change.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:00pm

Mother nature...its been happening for eons and people have been wiped out before....I think that its possibly speeding up due to man's destructive disrespect for the planet and the animals.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:55pm

Mother nature. I don't think we should be arrogant enough to believe the schools of thought that claim we've been able to overpower her force.
Didn't realise Nostradamus predicted this as well as the Incas! Might be last minute Xmas shopping this year :)

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:50pm

There's no point in arguing whether or not global warming exists as it's a fact. Our planet has warned marginally and there's no denying the demise of the Antarctic.

I'm in two minds about it your question. I do agree that nature events happen in cycles, that's been proven in the past. But I think the rate to which massive changes are occurring is alarming and I think it is due to man's impact on the planet. I also do believe that the planet is 'hurting' and we need to change our ways.

On a side note, I think it's interesting how scientists can inform us of new discoveries, say with planets or medicine, and we are open minded but the minute they say global warming is happening and you need to change your ways people are reluctant to believe their findings. Some of us are a lazy lot, hate the thought of change.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:49pm

I feel very strongly that humans are contributing to climate change. Weather events these days are more frequent, wreak more havoc than ever before, and the US has had a big wake up call with hurricane Sandy. Unless every country tries its best to use renewable energy, cuts pollution and minimizes activities that create greenhouse gas, I fear for the next few generations.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:49pm

Yes I think that all the different weather conditions are due to global warming and climate change in the future the sourthern hemisphere will have northern hemisphere weather. I think that everyone should do a little to help with the impact on these conditions

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:48pm

When Nostradamus was alive, half the world had not yet even been discovered, and people thought the world was flat, so his predictions could only have been based on his LIMITED knowledge at the time. It is possible that the geographical world that he knew may change dramatically on that date, but the planet as a whole will not cease to exist.
Global warming has ACCELERATED and caused concentrated, extreme weather conditions, but not caused them. The weather and geography go hand in hand, and are part of this planet.
Our major problem is overpopulation causing rapid depletion of all our resources, multiple times faster than they can replace themselves.
The planet has a history of warming and cooling periods, and with those, came extintion of many species of plants and animals.
Unfortunately, because of human exploitation of plants, animals and minerals at unprecedented speeds, our current generations of people will still be alive to see the extinction of polar bears, penguins, etc. We may even see cannabalism return as a result of food shortages.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:46pm

Yes...I do believe that the size of the storm in the U.S can be attributed to global warming as have the floods as well as cyclone Yasi here in Australia.
The earth has experienced some pretty destructive natural events over the years but the frequency of them seems to be increasing and I believe they are the result of global warming.
With his prediction that the world would end in December 2012 Nostradamus was more than likely forseseeing all the catastrophic events the earth has been experiencing around this time and thought they may have signalled the end of the world.
Whatever the outcome one thing is certain...the planet can only take so much of the abuse we hurl at it.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:45pm

I think just the mother nature doing its act. By the way, I thought The Mayans predicted the world would end rather than Nostradamus. I have my religious believe so I won't believe who predicts when the world is going to end. If it does come, it will come in a way that no one can see it coming and not having enough time to prepare. So if you truly believe that, then you better hide somewhere now, otherwise just enjoy life.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:32pm

I think that it is a combination of both as humans don't take anything into consideration and just plow on never thinking about repocusions.The thought that it is muther nature is also a pliable reason as a lot of things are starting to happen my belief is that we are being tested with each thing happening at a greater scale

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:53pm

I think it is nature warning us that we need to respect it more and care about what we are doing and take more care to preserve what we have. Also, isn't it written in the Bible that no one will know the end of time - it may come like a thief in the night - totally unexpected. Well thats what I believe anyway! So many have tried to tell us dates and times no one has been right yet and I plan to celebrate christmas and New Year best wishes everyone :)

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:50pm

it annoys me that some people attribute everything to global warming. The globe has been warming since the ice started to melt millions of years ago. I also get annoyed when people talk about climate change. They do not differentiate between the natural changes in the climate (again since the ice age) and climate change supposedly caused by human activity.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:49pm

It seems that, today, everything is blamed on global warming. Since time began there have been extremes of weather and it's no different now except that there are millions more people so the affect appears greater. Also huge cities are built on the areas most likely to suffer the greater damage.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:45pm

The whole world is in the hands of God.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:42pm

global warming is a load lies from people who are making millions by hoodwinking our country and its people. A real disaster of lies ,especially from
left wing organisations

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:38pm

I believe in Karma....This is the Earth and Mother Nature getting it's own back on the human race. We practically destroyed the Earth and it is retaliating with a vengance. Plant more trees and renew the forrest's and flora and maybe, just maybe, things might ease a little bit.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:35pm

Hi all, certainly agree that Nature showed her might. This planet is a living planet and these events are part of the cycle. I feel sad for those who have lost their lives and those who have lost their homes, but nature does not have 'feelings' for our possions and just does what nature does. Hopefully the recovery for everyone effected will not take long. Maybe mankind needs to be more aware of where they build and live. Being so close to the coast is not a good idea, and that has nothing to do with climate change or global warming, it has to do with leaving a buffer between the sea and bulidings.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:22pm

just mother nature showing how strong she is

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:21pm

Global Warming is just a sientific jargon thing, with no actual prove to it. Nature is going through a cycle that it has been through before & it is here again, it affects so may more places & people this time, because the world has so many more people & building of all sorts within it now. It doesn't matter what man does, he does not produce more than 2.50% of global warming, this was stated by a very trust worthy sientist & weather forcaster of NZ just pryor to his retirement & untimely death. All this talk is only scare mongering by those who wish to control us to our detriment & their personal gain.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:21pm

Diane. No it's isn't global warming

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:06pm

Whether global warming is fact or fiction is totally irrelevant. I think there needs to be a whole lot more respect for mother earth/mother nature. We as humans are a damned destructive lot, destroying animal habitat for our own pleasure, "raping" oceans of fish in epic proportions and then wonder why shark attacks are on the increase, giving out baby bonuses to increase the population while other countries are actively trying to decrease. Mother Nature fights back to remind us with events like the recent storms to try and get some equilibrium and let us know who really is the boss! Events of such catastrophic proportions have been documented for centuries.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 01:18pm

No the world won't end 2012.. no its not even Mother Nature.. No it's not even global warming.. It is prophetically written in the bible .. that God will begin to judge all ungodly Nations.. those who do not acknowledge him anymore.. and the world is heavy under the weight of sin.. we only have to read the news everyday and watch it on tv to realise the world is out of control.. God .. is still in control.. He is calling all Nations to repent , and not to leave God out of everything. In the bible 2 Chronicles 7 v 14. it says to humble ourselves and repent and turn from their wicked ways; then will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.. I believe many Nations are in the process of God's judgement, he is coming back for those who know and love him, but before then.. the bible says, there is a time of judgement, a time to repent, and our creator will heal our land.. Blessings, i trust this is another way for some to look at the things that are happening in the world, wars, and rumours of wars, earthquakes in diverse places , floods, one world government, .. I cant wait for the return when a new earth will be created for God's people , no crying , no lack, a beautiful place of peace will all the things we love to do for eternity.. Jesus John 3 16.. God gave his only beloved Son so that we as sinners on the earth could be set free and follow His ways, on earth as it is in heaven.. Praise be to God , our Loving Father in heaven .. He loves you, and you, and he loves all sinners, he wants to know you!!,..

  • 3rd Nov 2012 01:04pm

No, and Yes.....

Nature is always changing, and this is the sort of weather we would have expected in the future. What i believe is that people and global warming have hastened the process to an unprecedented degree. This means that many of earths creatures and plants that would have normally had several centuries to adapt to these changes are having to contend with these changes happening over only a few decades. These creatures are losing their habitats and food sources in an expanding rate, and this IS caused by climate change.... IMHO.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:59pm

Mother Nature is a very tricky customer! Beware of her anger. She's been around forever and will always be so. We have to deal with her notorious temper and take whatever comes. Climate change is an easy 'cop out' to those 'greenies'. And if the world is to end on 21 December, at least I get my birthday in and what a birthday that will be!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:59pm

We were just in New York ,New England, Maine last month on our first over seas trip it's so sad to see all the destruction on TV . But I think it's just mother nature doing her thing. The same as in my home town of Grantham mother nature is either feast or famine especially here in OZ. At least they had some time to prepare and evacuate as many as possible.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:58pm

It is mother nature, we are in another cycle and storms will come and go. Weare crazy to be jumping on these band wagons everytime things are different The prophets can be interpreted any way you like, it is nonsense.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:57pm

No, nothing to do with global warming. We just need to look at how our weather has changed slightly over the years and is evolving. It would get boring if things stayed the same. As for the world ending in December ... who knows? Nothing we can do about it anyway - at least that way we all go together as one!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:37pm

I believe it is Mother Nature, bad storms have been happening to the US and the rest of the world for ages

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:36pm

Do we really understand this wonderful planet called earth. I dont think so, yes man has done damage to the environment, but it doesnt expalin evry aspect of changes in the climate over the millenia. "Sandy" was just a freak of nature a once in a thousand year event. Man makes the damge worst by reclaiming land, building to close to the ocean etc.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:36pm

Yeah, I agree fully with what Rick wrote.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:31pm

I believe it's simply mother nature as just like any living entity the earth is also constantly changing and ageing so weather patterns alter too. Global Warming is a natural phenomena as how else can you explain why the ice age ended along with the native animals and plants of that time to result in the current climate we live in today?

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:31pm

It might be a global warming or mother nature. No one knows why is this happening.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:25pm

I believe it is a bit of both! All the destruction humans cause to the Earth via mining, construction, over population and waste dumping to name just a few things...has got to be pushing 'Mother Nature' along her path much faster than she otherwise would have travelled!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:21pm

a natural occurence of this planet

  • 3rd Nov 2012 12:14pm

The loss of life and damage to property is tragic, but is graphic news and the sort of thing the media thrives on. Add to this the speed at which the media covers these events constantly increasing populations, ever expanding developement etc. and each disaster wreaks greater loss of life, devastation and even more detailed news coverage.

I am reluctant to join those who would site global warming as the basis for natural disaster appearing more intense or devastating.

As for the predictions of Nostradmus, his views are trotted out with monotonous regularity, If you look hard enough and long enough you'll probably prove some predictions correct. I suspect his prophecies will still be being talked about in 3012.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:59am

The recent storm in the US was due to global warning

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:56am

i believe an act of god or mother nature,as for nostradamus.my personal opinion only. is a load of rubbish

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:48am

Absolutely not. Dont waste your time conforming to this trite. The world is not going to end. Period. Fucking enjoy your life and get out there and do something productive.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:47am

Until we can cap every volcano and are able to measure the effect man is having on the environment, we cannot say global warming is caused by man. As our planet is now on her third atmosphere, who's to say she is not changing again. And there is nothing we can do about that!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:30am

It's just Mother Nature repeating herself. Is the World getting warmer? of course it is, ever since the last Ice Age. Do you want it to get colder and start freezing up again?

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:27am

mother nature at her worst yes because cyclones tornadoes have always happened, it just happens to be getting worse

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:26am

It wasn't Nostradamus, it's supposed to be a Mayan prophecy. (Nostradamus said year 2000, so he already failed.) And it's nothing to do with Nostradamus, the Mayans or 'Mother Nature', it is the planet we live on undergoing another extinction period. There have already been five, including the dinosaurs. Guess who's turn it is now?

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:15am

Global Warming is a load of crap. It is simply nature at work. The world has always experienced natural disasters and will continue to do so. Looking at the New York storm, does anyone really think we can control that?
The world ending on 21 December 202 is an ancient MAYAN prophecy, I don't believe Nostradamus was around then!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:05am

I look at it is both there is global warming attributable to what humans are doing and mother nature is doing what she does with the effects of global warming.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:02am

Global warming?... A giant storm in a giant teacup

Nanna 99
  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:55am

Mother nature for sure. Climate change is nothing but a get rich scheme.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:54am


I hope for one that your comments are not true as I think we would all like to live a lot longer especially the children of this world and the animals.
Nature acts in many different ways and I feel that this is just nature being itself again.
The Mayan Calendar also picked the same date as the movie 2012, but if we believe that we would already be dead.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:48am

global warming is a beat up by the scientific community to get more research funds that has been adopted by polititians to try and distract voters

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:44am

completely agree with both Rick & Peter - it's just mother nature at work

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:34am

I believe it is mother nature for the past 70 years there has been storms etc. if it is global warming nothing much has changed in that time

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:21am

In my opinion.
Research shows that the climate has changed from day one and will continue to do so.
Over the centuries many major climate changes have taken place because of nature.
Many climate scientists( including the UN) have had their tainted forecasts exposed.
The reason being that the most lucrative grants are available in the climate change industry and their incomes are of greater importance than integrity.
We cannot forecast the weather accurately even with supercomputers from one day to the next.
Finally the carbon dioxide tax is a complete nonsense imposed by a corrupt administration in a desperate attempt to fund more nonsense and try to balance a budget.
The Labor party exists only in order to look after the Labor party not in order to look after the electorate consequently global warming serves as a red herring to deflect attention away from the reality of apalling government.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:40am
In my opinion.
Research shows that the climate has changed from day one and will continue to do so.
Over the centuries many major climate changes have taken place because of ...

I mostly agree with you Colin

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:20am

This Global Warning is a normal procedure that has occurred right throughout history, and is not something new.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:19am

I believe it is all down to mother nature, if you look back over the past decades you can see all the changes that have occured, some are repeated years later. The scientists have to have some cause for this so they call it global warming.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:16am

We live in a world of abundance: billions of galaxies, air enough for all to breathe, sunshine, rain, storms; that's the nature of the universe. I'd love to see the words "global warming" and "climate change" eradicated altogether: while we argue about whether they are real or not, human-created or not, the environment continues to be neglected. Let's care for our planet as our home now and the home of future generations and let the weather do as it will!

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:13am

I agree completely with Rick, just look back over the ages, he right it will all right itself , back in the 60's I remember looking out the window thinking we are doomed THEN, but then it all turned good again :)

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:07am

No I do not think its global warming as mankind can't control Mother Nature which has changed the world many times since time began & will continue to do. We can though help the environment by recycling as much as possible & we need to stop using so many chemicals especially in food, as these large manufactures are only profit driven & have no conscience just as long as we keep buying their poison.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:02am

I truly think there is nothing we can do to stop or slow global warming or maybe should be called natural climate change. The best things we can do is prepare for these events, do not buy a house at the beach, do not put electric sub stations in car parks below ground level or replace them in the same position after a flood which they all have done. But mankind is most likely to end or destroy this world with a few more nuclear accidents and nobody will be safe no matter where you live.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:58am

As my wife said, this is mother nature on PMS.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:45am

This was just another storm which was very severe because of a combination of three different weather conditions all converging together at the same time. Global warming is the flavour of the month and is the first thing everybody thinks of when trying to place blame. Just a coincidence.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:29am

yes we need to start taking care of environment. Some say its too late but I believe every little bit helps

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:29am

I believe it is mother nature who is so annoyed with what us humans are doing to the earth that she is taking it out on us. The world ending has been predicted by so many people and a lot of people have taken to faith the Mayan prediction as well. Hey, we are never going to get out of this life alive so just enjoy the ride.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:29am

Mother nature or global warming however you classify it it's the same. I do believe that we are somehow responsible for what we do here on earth, how our actions also make a difference and could also contributed in our weather changes.
I do believe we have contributed to this so-called global warming.

Aunty Cush
  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:27am

It is mother nature doing her thing. History shows there have been many changes both ways warming or cooling. If Nostradamas is right It is not going to matter. We will not see anymore changes after the 21 Dec.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:25am

This is not global warming, it's just the earth natural cycle reacting with natures other eliments, wind, tides ,rotation of the earth etc.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:21am

Years ago sailing ships sailed around the north of Greenland!
The Bible warns us when all the things we see today start happening to look up because our Saviour draweth nigh.
The earth is in travail as time is getting short. Worse things are yet to come. It isnt about global warming but rather God is warning us to turn to Him and get right

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:16am

Since this is not the only manifestation of extreme weather that we've seen in recent years, it must add to the evidence that a massive global change is underway.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:15am

I believe it is due to global warming and what we are doing to the planet. I saw a scifi movie about superstorms occurring all the time all over the world and wiping out millions of people.

It's happening now.

Governments are not doing enough for the environment. They choose development and infrastructure etc in pristine areas which will destroy them.

No-one is addressing the population explosion.

I cannot understand why people in poor countries insist on having so many children and then they all starve. Or like in India and China, they kill their girl children.

What's the point of that?

I don't believe they know nothing about birth control.

Are they hoping the West will help them?

Well, America is in big trouble with their economy as are other countries, so where is the money going to come from.

Why do the governments keep their citizens ignorant with no education?

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:54am

I think that the recent storm in the US was attributed to mother nature.I dont think that it had any thing to do with global warming on the earth at this present time

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:47am

Global warming is a load of rubbish propagated by a bunch of do gooders who have nothing better to do. It is just mother nature being mother nature at her best (er worst) Not sure about old mate Nostradamus...I think he lost the plot and began writing weird things that nobody could understand...who knows what he was talking about????

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:42am

absolutely right

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:39am

Not Global Warming. We are just experiencing a continuation of different kinds of storms just as it has been since creation. The storms are not man made.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:38am

Mother Nature has been wreaking havoc with extreme events i.e. volcanoes, cyclones/hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and floods since history has been put in writing.
Having said that, we humans have a lot to be ashamed of i.e. burgeoning land-fills and the incredible waste that can be witnessed in restaurants and rubbish dumps, as well as irresponsible use of electricity and water.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:27am

I believe it is mother nature she is not happy with what we are doing we are taking so much from this earth and not replacing it we are constantly cutting down rainforests which destroy habitat for animals we are causing so much damage

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:19am

I believe these recent disasters are due to global warming, likely going back to the industrial revolution but it is up to this generation to try and put a stop to it.
We can't bury our head in the sand. People of my age, nearly sixty, are the most insistent that nothing new is happening, that's because we won't be around to see total destruction. Hasn't Nostradamus predicted the world's end before 2012 also.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:13am

I think global warming is also partly responsible for this storm.I think it's not only mother nature. Now a days from every where in the world we hear so many disasters that we heard never before.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:12am

I do not believe the world will end on the 21st December 2012. I do believe in God and the Bible. I believe strongly that we were warned of more frequent and chaotic happenings such as earthquakes etc but man has chosen to ignore nature and the signs of self destruction and now Nature is fighting back and changing.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:11am

All these natural disasters and still no one is listening to Mother Earth. When will civilization realise we've got to do something and we need to do it now. We recycle as much as possible, have got solar hot water, have got solar tubes in the house but when looking into getting solar panels for electricity discovered it is going to cost over $25 thousand for a family of 4. Where on earth is the incentive to be green ? We suffered with the earthquakes (more disasters to add to the list) and when we rebuild our house we want to be as earth friendly as possible. There is no help like other countries to help us achieve this. Come on government and manufacturers. If they decide certain items are banned then someone has to find an alternative..... oh, I could go on about this for hours but have a house to clean and children to look after. Good Luck !

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:00am

mother nature is just showing us her real strength

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:58am

I cannot believe the statements I have just read.Go to the CSRIO site and read how the earth is dramatically changing.
We continue to pollute and over populate this planet and ignorance of what is going on just helps this tragedy.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:23am

I believe that this is mother nature saying, "You messed me with me for too long, take that!"

We have always had natural disasters but not this many all at once. It is important to take action now to look after the environment so we don't damage it any more than we already have, or at least to minimise the damage we do.

Big boy
  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:59am

yes I believe that global warming or climate change is responsible for so many of the weather changes around the world

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:58am

I agree with most of the others. Mother Nature is probably trying to tell us something, but as usual, no-one will listen. Life will go on as before, until Mother Nature gives us another reminder that something is still wrong. Will we do something then. I think not, because we are all so consumed with ourselves that in the end we will not know what the message means.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:48am

Its probably a combination of a number of things. Sunspot activity or lack of it, natural cycles that occur over the years, and possibly a bit of global warming.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:37am

Mother nature. These events have been happening for years.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:34am

Time is man made... prophecies are predictions that are based on dreams or insights to a particular subject. Global warming is not to blame due to the fact that as the sun increases in size, it will effect the weather patterns of all planets associated in the system. If one believes they are truely sick all the time, (when their body is healthy), eventually the mind gives in and accommodates for the thoughts or "mind control". Everything occurs for a reason where there is good there is bad, where there is light there is darkness and so on.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:29am

Mother Nature. Easy for them to blame yet another thing on global warming. Yes man has done alot of damage but all these weather phenomenons have happened before and just another part of the cycle. Did you know there are more scientists against global warming! Its all part to scare us into stopping what damage we are doing. And no the world won't end in December, just the world that we know it, may change. Can't change it, lets hope what ever it is, isn't too destructive.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:20am

I Think their is a little of Global Warming ,but most of it i think it was Mother Nature at her worst showing what she can do.We have always had dissasters but i think this one tops them all,the amount of Distruction this time was Devastating.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:58am

All That Glitters are Not Gold - God Almighty has to decide on this issue and
NOT prophet Nostradamus - So wait and See

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:53am

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:26am

I do believe that mother nature is trying to warn us, the way we live and trying to go to other planets where we do not belong I know that Nostradamus was right about a lot of things but I believe this is God warning us.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:12am

I think it has nothing to do with Nostradamus's or Mayan's prediction. I had been followed Mayan's prediction for quite some time and if you get the translation right - it doesn't mean the end of the world on 21st Dec 2012. "A new cycle takes place to form a new world" is mis-interpretted. It simply means a new era - not the end of the world. We won't be dead before the Christmas this year. So calm down guys the only thing that I can see it really happen if we hit by a big asteroid or under aliens attack. To destroy our planet, the size of the asteroid must be really really big. In order to get this size, NASA would have detected it is already heading our way, but nothing happen and according to NASA, the closest encounter of the catastrophe collision will be sometime around 2300s which all of us would not be able to witness. So meantime we just have to worry about our human activities and green house effect, because these combined actions are more likely to be blamed for such terrible storms and other destructive weather patterns.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 10:07am
I think it has nothing to do with Nostradamus's or Mayan's prediction. I had been followed Mayan's prediction for quite some time and if you get the translation right - it doesn't mean the end of...

Yes Gooner, you are correct - Nostradamus had nothing to do with forecasting the end on 21.12.12 - it was the Mayans. Also the translation of the documents (for both) depends upon the correct interpretation. As I work in the translation field, I know a bit about how a translator can misinterpret the text - I can go on and on about this, but it comes down to how well the translator has done his job. I understand the Mayan's interpretation to be as a 'new cycle or a new awareness'. I still believe we have to act responsibly in cleaning up the land we live on, more trees, more recycling and using our resources responsibly, but as for Global Warning/Climate Change, sorry I think we are basing our knowledge on only a few thousand years (if that) - the earth has been changing for much longer.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:02am

I think it is incredibly naive to think that the destruction we are wreaking on our planet is not affecting mother nature. Maybe it is the lead up to the next ice age. But we truly need to wake up and take a look at what we are doing, or we are going to be the next ones to experience a global extinction event. Courtesy of Mother Nature

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:56pm

I think this storm was mainly Mother Nature. All through time events like this occur. I think it is different to Global Warming.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:49pm

It is Mother Nature at its worst.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:38pm

I hope it is Mother Nature & not as Nostradamus has predicted. I remember when I was a child we had some pretty radical weather & storms with massive flooding. Also today we do not seem to build in the right places, we are all packed in & on landfill etc. so naturally everything is going to fall or slide if the ground is wet enough.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:27pm

Simply mother nature at her worst. With today's communication we just get bombarded with all the bad news. It's been going on for ever...these bouts of awful weather, I mean. What about the poor folk in Haiti....hit again by Sandy when they lost hundreds of thousands of people a while ago...now their harvest has been destroyed.....my heart goes out to them and all the people who have suffered from this freak of nature. Be resilient...... people of the World! There will always be battles...but let our spirit WIN THE WAR!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:27pm

I'm going to say that it's a bad storm. . and there were a number of factors that combined to make it so bad . . and global warming has got to be one of them. We can't possibly think living on this planet and doing all the things we do would NOT have an effect on the environment.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:23pm

Nothing to do with so called global warming. Global warming is the same as global cooling except reversed. It's a natural occurance. Co2 does not cause global warming. This is just spin created by spin doctors for certain governments prosperity. (Just ask Al Gore. He started this because he has no freinds. Even his wife left him and he along with George W bush live in 2 of the most uninvironment freindly houses it the world!) They will tell you if the Earths climate rose 5c, the oceans would rise. Yes they would. between 1.2 and 1.7mm The amount of Co2 in our atmosphere is 1/27 of 1%. has been for centuries. Without it we would all die. Plants wouldnt grow and the oceans would have no life. Nostradamus did not predict the world will end on the 21st December 2012. The Mayans said it was the end of the world as they new it. In otherwords, their calander finished then. These storms are a natural occurance.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:02pm

I don't hold much faith that Nostradamus can predict the future any better than I can. I do however believe mother nature causes these major weather conditions to shake us up and to make us appreciate our world and its contents. To remind us that nature will always prevail over the human race and man-made objects.

b head
  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:00pm

All these disasters are caused by global warming, but the world is not ending now. The planet is a living being, and can change in response to the deeds of human being. If we can behave more responsibily, if we can extend our care and love to other being, including animals, if we can be more spiritually aware, the planet must change in order to accomodate this group of people with new consciousness. The reason that there is still so many hurriances is because Mother Earth is cleansing itselr, not satisfied with the way she has been treated, and she is undergoing detox. If we can response to her real needs more, we as human beings as caretakers of the earth and other earthlings, do you think we will still face such kind of catastrophe.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:56pm

I think it's natures way of dealing with overpopulation. Over the last few centuries, whenever mankind destroys too much or overpopulates a region, there always seems to be some sort of disaster. I do feel very sad for those who died and those who lost everything in the storms as no-one deserves it.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:40pm

Prophecies are nonesense. Climate change IS happening and man, with all his destructive habits, is pushing it. As the ice caps melt, the weather will increase in intensity. Get used to it.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:37pm

Why does the media insist on ramping up public opinion about December 2012?
We can all speculate as much as we like about this but whatever happens good or bad we are all inhabitants of this planet and we have nowhere else to go.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:36pm

It was the MAYANS not Nostradamus who made the calculation that the world would end on 21st December, why does everyone assume that it was Nostradamus ?

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:34pm

I think that mother nature is trying to ell us that we are damaging our planet and need to start repairing this damage but I also think that many things have happened in the past that were just as bad but our technology has improved so much we get to see everything immediately and don't have to wait for news reports to reach us.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:34pm

There have been many instances, throughout the ages, that have been recorded where 'prophets' have predicted the end of the world. In each event, the day passed, the world continued and the 'prophet' had to make up a reason for why the world did not end.

Was Hurricane Sandy a portent to the world ending? No, it was a storm, a storm which gathered in intensity as it travelled over water through it's life, then spent it's acquired energy when it reached land. There have been several such storms throughout history, each claimed to be the 'worst yet', but truthfully it is more likely that it is because our memory of the past is flawed.

So no, I don't believe that Hurricane Sandy, nor the earthquake in Canada, nor the tsunami in the Hawaiin islands, nor any other natural event in this world signals the end of the world. Nor do I believe that because the Mayan calendar ends this year, or that Nostradamus predicted it matters either.

It is a natural part of this world...and.... it happens.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:16pm

i agree that there are certain universal laws that mankind have taken advantage of mother earth its simple balance is out of wack coz man keep taking without giving a li back to the earth..

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:16pm

Global warming or Mother nature??---It is a bit of both,these storms etc have been happening forever, and now the human population is increasing drastically we are creating more and more pollution of all kinds. That's the bad news, the good news is that the human race will create terrible famine or disease thus reducing the world population drastically or we will find the secret to "Warp" type space travel enabling some (A few??) to inhabit another world. Whatever the result many people will die before things get better.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 10:02pm

Earthquake in California, 1906, over 3000 deaths. !900 hurricane in Galveston, Texas, 189 deaths. Since recorded time (first is 1138) there have been cyclones, earthquakes (see Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_disasters_by_death_toll ) . I am sure that mining, industry, the automobile have added to pollution of land , water and air. But the really BIG disasters are still Mother Nature.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:59pm

You have to be a bit niave to think it is Mother Nature that is creating these dramatic changes. Man has been changing the enviroment ever since he started toiling the soil. As we continue to disturb/change/modify the soil/air/water we will continue to have these adverse conditions. We cannot stop the changes but by careful management we can slow the change and make it better for the future.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:49pm

Hurricanes happens every years!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:40pm

as i'm not a meteorologist, nor an environmental scientist, nor an oceanographer, i would not presume to have an opinion about such a very complex question.
i do think that often when we don't understand something huge or life threatening, we feel very powerless we look for some prophet or prophecy.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:32pm

I agree with most of your readers in that Mother Nature knows what's best for our/her world as she has always done but I do feel we have to do our best too help in any way we can.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:31pm

Global warming has probably been happening for centuries, followed by ice ages. It could now be hastened by polution. As for Nostradamus' predictions - you can read anything into some of his predictions- usually after the fact so if the world does self destruct on 21/12/12 , who will know?

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:31pm

it is mother earth saying "stop destroying me" . all so these sorts of forces are cutting the population down. to many people not enough land, food, drinking water and what ever else there is not enough of! to many people that are in charge around the world that have no clue to what they are doing all talk no action on really saving this world. so the earth is doing its best to stay a live by destroying some of the humans and their ways. putting a stop to the cement towers that fill so much land. it is called pay back! no such thing as warming global. the high rollers just say that for they can introduce some other idea to get money and give them selves a pay rise.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:29pm

same as the rest, 'this has been the worst storm in 30 years they say', so what caused those storms 30 years ago, maybe all that manure... LOL
I believe in global warming but it is not have that direct influence

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:28pm

Climate change is said to involve 'extremes' in weather patterns, regardless of the cause. The clearing of vast tracts of land for grazing and farming increases the movement of air patterns, causing many more and severe tornadoes. Therefore it follows that the general weather patterns will increase in severity as well. As for Nostradamus, we hope he was wrong... NASA has been tracking many asteroids that are due to pass(hopefully) by close to Earth during the next couple of years. There many more than normal during this time.(some 319) Yes the planet will take the least line of resistance, when it deals with climate change. Unfortunately we aren't figuring in the plans being made by Planet Earth.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:23pm

The world is always changing, are we the cause no!. We weren't to blame for the ice age melting, nature changed. It bugs me when we hear the weatherman say is the warmest day for 10 years as an example. If the world was always warming wouldn't they be saying its the warmest day ever?

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:23pm

I agree with Rick it cause by nature the earth heats up and cools down we have ice ages and droughts for million of years , We have to look after our planet but Global warming is very trendy gives politican something to run around the world to have conferences.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:23pm

I agree with Rick it cause by nature the earth heats up and cools down we have ice ages and droughts for million of years , We have to look after our planet but Global warming is very trendy gives politican something to run around the world to have conferences.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:19pm

Answer to prediction - maybe/maybe not, we will soon know if he is right or wrong. Hope we will be still around for Xmas. On the other issue mother nature has been around for a long time, however civilization has not been earths best friend.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:12pm

Only Mother Nature at her best. My grandmother said that once we started sending things into space things would go wrong

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:09pm

No I don't believe it is climate change the world has seen Mother Nature at it's worst many times before equally we have seen it at it's best. These things goes in cycles. We have to take the good with the bad as many other generations before us have done. If that is the case why are we have unusually cool weather for Melbourne with the hot day once a week or so, so do we claim we are going into an Ice Age? I don't believe so maybe a few a few of these boffins should read Dorathy McKellers My Country which describes beautifully the changeble weather Australia has had since time began.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:01pm

No ido not believe in global warming, If you go back in history you will find that it has all happened before along time ago, if its happened before than it will happen again. it just will go in cycles even if it has been 50 years thats just its cycle

Here's Brucie
  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:57pm

It's all to do with Mother Nature........ There is always a cycle to corect the balance in nature that needs to be taken care of.... Without this cycle life wouldnt exist.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:56pm

Nostradamus is right about all the disasters some is nature but the rest is a direct result in people abusing this Planet we CANNOT keep destroying it we need to replenish what we take out and do everything we can to try and get the planet right other wise it will be to late if it is not allready

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:55pm

I think what Nostradamus meant by the world ending on that date was the world as we know it now, not the end as such. Climate change certainly has to some degree been caused by Global warming and yes it is true that all these tornadoes etc have been around forever but i feel they have become more frequent and stronger than before because of the Global Warming!!!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:53pm

I think what Nostradamus meant by the world ending on that date was the world as we know it now, not the end as such. Climate change certainly has to some degree been caused by Global warming and yes it is true that all these tornadoes etc have been around forever but i feel they have become more frequent and stronger than before because of the Global Warming!!!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:52pm

I believe it is just Mother Nature.... check out the List of New York Hurricanes on Wikipedia starting around 1278 then 1438 right on through to "Sandy" in 2012.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:45pm

I think it is mother nature - if you look back in history these types of things have always been around and the planet has gone through many ''unusual weather patterns'' such as the ice age etc. This is just the most recent weather cycle. Obviously the population and amount of infrastructure we have is a lot more than in the past so there is more damage and injury to people.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:36pm

No I dont believe the world will end for a while and beside I just found out that im pregnant again and due to give birth next year in june so it kinda cant

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:39am
I like you don't believe the world will end Dec 21 so have your baby and have joy watching him/her grow .

Well Done you will get a Email from Nostradamus confirming that the news about the end of the world is a JOKE

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:28am
No I dont believe the world will end for a while and beside I just found out that im pregnant again and due to give birth next year in june so it kinda cant

I like you don't believe the world will end Dec 21 so have your baby and have joy watching him/her grow .

old gray
  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:34pm

I do think we humans are having some adverse effects on the environment. Global warming is real and is increasing the effects and the frequency of extreme weather events. If we continue to pollute the world and the universe the situation we slowly but surely continue in decline to the point where it will be impossible for us to grow crops or indeed inhabit the planet .

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:15am
I do think we humans are having some adverse effects on the environment. Global warming is real and is increasing the effects and the frequency of extreme weather events. If we continue to pollute...

Most definitely , Humans are having adverse effects on the earth in more ways than one and the universe will continue to decline as you say Old Grey .

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:33pm

No I think its mother nature, over the centuries we have had lots of horrendous storms except no with technology and the rest of the world so close in contact we hear about more weather events than ever before. i don't believe it has anything to do with global warming.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:26pm

Oh dear.
When El Nino hits, it's global warming.
When La Nina hits, it's global warming.
When the tides are high, it's global warming.
When the snows are high, it's global warming.
When the hail stones are large, it's global warming.
It just goes on and on.

I agree, we must look after our world to ensure the continuation of natural resources. We must think about alternatives to massive waste production. ...and...all the other stuff that to me is just plain common sense.

However, we need to accept the fact that the earth is constantly changing and has done for a long, long time. I have always felt that when nature stretches her limbs it's the way that things have happened all along. If we feel that mankind is responsible for everything that happens, then I guess we might as well give up.

As I said before, we do have a responsibility to look after what we have and do so in a practical and forthright manner. For those who totally disagree with me, as you have a right to do, I'll ask this. Where are the dinasours? Meteor, or, global warming/cooling.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:23pm

If you want to start any dinner argument these days, then just mention the words Climate change or global warming, its guaranteed to warm up the conversation.
There is so much misinformation shrouded as fact about this topic that the sceptics have, as far as I am concerned won the battle but not the war.
This is the point, the sceptics dont need or want a rational debate they just want to sow enough doubt to forestall any action for as long as possible.
Eventually the overwhelming scientific evidence that man is the cause of this problem will win out just as it did in the smoking debate.
Does anyone these days in their right mind think that smoking is a good thing for human health and it doesnt cause cancer yet when the debate was raging over many decades there was plenty of so called scientific evidence that was no link between health issues and smoking.
Today even big tobacco has given up on the debate but not without contributing to untold deaths and reaping mind blowing profits feeding on human suffering
I have a basic understanding of the man made climate change and as far as I concerned I beleive that man is the cause.
Regarding the recent weather events, these types of events have occured in the past but most people who believe mans contribution to climate change is the cause will point out that as climate change becomes more prominent the severity and frequency of events suh as hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis and tornadoes, drought etc will increase.
People need to separate opinion and what sounds like fact from evidence and fact in this debate.
To paraphrase Darwin who postulated in his Origin of Species-theory of evolution " A species expands till it consumes its resources.
As we continue to produce more CO2 through our activities and that impacts on the weather and in turn on our resources, man will eventaully be unable to deny the consequences.
Most reasonable people will accept that man is impacting on the environment in his activities and as far as I can see man made climate change is the latest example.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:22pm

This was a category 1 hurricane so no it isn't anything particularly out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, there are so many people in the world that any storm does a lot of damage. The media attributes everything to "climate change" or "global warming" and the sheeple believe.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:20pm

this is an act of mother nature

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:20pm

Yes I do believe it was mother nature at one of natural disaster and a good one at that

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:19pm

It was actually the Mayans who predicted that the world would end on December 21st this year. Considering my birthday is not long after this date, I personally am not worried,anyway I really doubt that a Mayan thousands of years ago could predict a date with any certainty. As for Global Warming - it's now called 'Climate Change' so whatever the weather decides to do, the alarmists are covered - so if it gets hotter (as in the middle ages when wine was grown in the UK) or if it gets colder (as in the last Little Ice Age) then - hey they have it all covered under the umbrella of 'Climate Change'. Nah, this planet's tempreture has been changing for thousands of years - that's why Greenland was called 'Green-land'. It's simply cyclical. However in saying so, we still need to clean up our environment, the water, the land and the air for the next thousand years after all isn't it called 'Mother Earth' for a reason.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 04:27pm
It was actually the Mayans who predicted that the world would end on December 21st this year. Considering my birthday is not long after this date, I personally am not worried,anyway I really doubt...

Global Warming and Climate Change are two separate things. Climate change happens as a result of global warming or cooling.
I mostly agree with you, but I'm pointing out that there is a distinction between the two terms.
The earth has warmed and cooled throughout its life, and currently, it is warming. When the earth warms, our ice melts and evaporates, thus causing more cloud cover, more rain, etc.
The proof that the earth is currently warming lies in the Arctic and Antarctic circles where the ice shelves have shrunk, and the polar bears are loosing their habitats and ability to feed.
Mining companies are now making moves to drill where the ice no longer exists.
Small islands are now permanently inundated with rising water levels and the inhabitants are losing their homes and food. Look it up. It's a fact.
When we eventually have too much cloud cover, which the sun has difficulty penetrating, the earth will cool and eventually we will have another ice age.
That's basically how it works and we as humans, have accelerated this process by overpopulating and clearing rainforests at a rate of knots for timber, mineral mining, food growing and housing.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:34am
It was actually the Mayans who predicted that the world would end on December 21st this year. Considering my birthday is not long after this date, I personally am not worried,anyway I really doubt...

So true Marg. I totally agree.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:16pm

Mother Nature is very cruel at times and even though some people need to blame this dreadful occurence in the USA on global warming we need as you say to look back over the ages and realise it's just Mother Nature. No other rhyme or reason as far as I am concerned.

peanuts mum
  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:15pm

Definitely just an unfortunate coming together of horrific weather systems. Nostradamus has got it wrong before.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:11pm

The climate's changing as it always has and always will. A hundred years ago, IF we got to hear about it, it would simply have been described as a massive storm. Nowadays we can see it coming and the news services are hard at work making money by sensationalising it and getting people talking.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:26pm
The climate's changing as it always has and always will. A hundred years ago, IF we got to hear about it, it would simply have been described as a massive storm. Nowadays we can see it coming and...

So true, global warming is a money making scam with no truth to it...oh, oops, 'they' altered that to climate change, didn't 'they', when everyone noticed the weather was getting cooler :) Made Al Gore a packet out of Climate Change! Climate has always been changing, and that is just how it is. Where is the accountability in news media?

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:24pm
The climate's changing as it always has and always will. A hundred years ago, IF we got to hear about it, it would simply have been described as a massive storm. Nowadays we can see it coming and...

I agree

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:05pm

yes it is mother nature but climate is definitely changing

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:01pm

I'm with Nostradamus - he knew what he was on about. I think we have set ourselves up to be mother nature's prey in this current era. I don't think it is any coincidence that the world is getting back at us for the way we have poorly treated her over time.

  • 4th Nov 2012 07:23am
this comment from Bronny i agree with 100% it,s about time people started looking after the planet this is just the start

There are various predictions all over the world and no one knows which is true.
Certainly any one can agree with what Nostradamus has predicted If that is so
Let them Look before they Leap

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:00am
You are correct Briar - All That Glitters are Not Gold - God Almighty has to decide on this issue and NOT Nostradamus . Better Wait and See which is Gold

I agree that God and mother earth will have the last say not Nostradamus.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:03am
I hope its not Nostradamus , just mother nature saying enough is enough,I am moving house in December and its not just for 21 days

You are correct Briar - All That Glitters are Not Gold - God Almighty has to decide on this issue and NOT Nostradamus . Better Wait and See which is Gold

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:50pm
I'm with Nostradamus - he knew what he was on about. I think we have set ourselves up to be mother nature's prey in this current era. I don't think it is any coincidence that the world is getting...

this comment from Bronny i agree with 100% it,s about time people started looking after the planet this is just the start

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:06pm
I'm with Nostradamus - he knew what he was on about. I think we have set ourselves up to be mother nature's prey in this current era. I don't think it is any coincidence that the world is getting...

I hope its not Nostradamus , just mother nature saying enough is enough,I am moving house in December and its not just for 21 days

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:59pm

Mother Nature doing it what it does.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 06:37pm
Mother Nature doing it what it does.

It's all happened before and will happen again, mother at her best and worst.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:56pm

Mother Nature is just making sure we are still on top of it all.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:52pm

Global Warming is definitely responsible for the increased and frequent disasters such as Sandy.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:51pm

This is just mother nature letting us know she's still around and who's boss. Perhaps a little hint for us to make sure we treat our world with a bit more respect than we have been. After a temper tantrum like this she'll calm down again I'm sure.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:45pm

I really believe its Mother Nature,I was a child in the 40s,and can remember having scorching hot days,waiting for the southerly buster to bring relief and in winter when we went to school,doing exercises to warm us up,other countries had worst weather,yes its Mother Nature not global warming.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:45pm

Mother nature end of story. And also do not discount that the earth may be changing.....we need to have thorough knowledge of the activity below the crust. I also do like the American Indian - 'statements' - how long can we suck the Life out of the earth with mining, extraction of oil.....I say - something's gotta give.

  • 2nd Jan 2013 04:18pm
Just hope the human death toll is not climbing but sadly we cannot control everything.

Hi legend59, you have hit the nail on the head! The Earth will have to do what it's got to do, but what kind of world will us humans have to live in? That is if we don't kill ourselves off in the meantime with all the technology we have invented. We have had a number of close shaves.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:03pm
I totally agree. Mother Nature has played havoc with the Earth many times in the past and these days is no different.

Just hope the human death toll is not climbing but sadly we cannot control everything.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:29pm
Mother nature end of story. And also do not discount that the earth may be changing.....we need to have thorough knowledge of the activity below the crust. I also do like the American Indian -...

I totally agree. Mother Nature has played havoc with the Earth many times in the past and these days is no different.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:44pm

no not global warming just the earth correcting it self

Paul Robert Myers
  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:37pm

Mother nature, end of story. You can't state that a one off event proves (or disproves) global warming and I personal DO believe in geological global warming (aka mother nature?) but not Anthropogenic (or man-made) Global Change.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:54am
I believe that man is adding to the global change because of the pollution from the different factories and businesses around the world I also believe the good Lord is allowing these things to...

This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:42am
I believe that man is adding to the global change because of the pollution from the different factories and businesses around the world I also believe the good Lord is allowing these things to...

I agree with that it is Gods will as he has had enough of peoples wicked wyas and he is warning us if it doesnt stop then the world will

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:40am
Mother nature, end of story. You can't state that a one off event proves (or disproves) global warming and I personal DO believe in geological global warming (aka mother nature?) but not...

I believe that man is adding to the global change because of the pollution from the different factories and businesses around the world I also believe the good Lord is allowing these things to happen more frequently of late to warn the world of their wickedness .

  • 2nd Nov 2012 07:32pm

no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Happy Feet
  • 16th Mar 2016 07:51pm
It is Global warming all right , sadly man prefers to ignore it as it will impact on his way of life far too much , the greed for money comes first in this world , in return the world has global...

I agree man have destroyed natures gift to us.

Happy Feet
  • 16th Mar 2016 07:46pm
i completely agree mother nature at her worst

How blind are you it is our own fault we cannot see the destruction we are causing and are consistently doing,for blaming Mother Nature of our stupidity is unreasonable and pathetic.

Happy Feet
  • 16th Mar 2016 07:42pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Mother Nature provided us air and life not the opposite,it is our own fult we cannot look after the planet because of other people's selfish ways.

  • 10th Mar 2016 09:05pm
I totally agree that all of this weather is simply Nature. The Earth is becoming more densely populated by humans therefore causing more people and property to be damaged by extreme weather...

i agree totally and that is putting the subject so plainly.

  • 10th Mar 2016 09:02pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

rick it is so interesting to find you with the exact same opinion as myself. I get so frustrated with the folk just beating there own drum, forcing there own agenda to make there own jobs justified.

  • 3rd Mar 2016 08:29pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I agree with Rick

  • 3rd Mar 2016 08:29pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I agree with Rick

  • 1st Mar 2016 03:39pm
hello there fools I go fishing in the harbor for the last 50 years why has most of the marine life especially the large weeds which the fish feed on most of it has died through the increase in...

It is Global warming all right , sadly man prefers to ignore it as it will impact on his way of life far too much , the greed for money comes first in this world , in return the world has global warming , from pollution going up in to the atmosphere , where l live coal seam gas is a big problem in our Condamine river , killing fish the gas bubbles up out of the water , seen the council fastly picking up the dead fish in a boat early in the morning before any one seen them , but they could not get rid of the bubbling water , man will destroy the very place he lives in , in the name of greed for money , gas , mining etc also .

  • 24th Feb 2016 11:39pm
hello there fools I go fishing in the harbor for the last 50 years why has most of the marine life especially the large weeds which the fish feed on most of it has died through the increase in...

GLOBAL WARMING OR NATURE?? Is not just mother nature, we had finished all natural resources through the centuries, there is no much left, not water in rivers, vegetation in chaos, mining waste drop in the oceans, quimical waste damaging the fauna sauna, flora. killing acuatic habitat, animals in extintion. even humans killing each other, useless wars, weak and corrupted goverments. Drugs waste through urine to sewage pipes. genetic modified food in our daily consuming products. Quimical rapid growing eggs, plants, etc .Everything is changing so fast. We are destroying ouselves.

  • 12th Feb 2016 10:56am
some would say that hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis and tornadoes have been wreaking havoc on the planet forever.........although sea temps have increased dramatically.........usa still dumps most...

Is heating really to do with global warming or the sun?

  • 11th Jan 2016 04:21pm
I fully agree, Solar activity has lot to do with it plu the fact that we live in small world, News get around the world as it hepenning, we don't have wait for the next ship.

hello there fools I go fishing in the harbor for the last 50 years why has most of the marine life especially the large weeds which the fish feed on most of it has died through the increase in water temp increased7 degrees according to askin diver diving in harbor.........why do the fish lay there eggs later .because of climate change............why is there an elnino. o..because the seas have increased in temp........so the land has increased in temp if the sea has and what complications is that doing to the weather....its making more furious winds and tornadoes how do you explain that

  • 11th Jan 2016 03:47pm


some would say that hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis and tornadoes have been wreaking havoc on the planet forever.........although sea temps have increased dramatically.........usa still dumps most of her rubbish in the sea...causing a 333 square mile plume of plastics like a floating island.....we have experienced more hurricans than usual on east coast

  • 1st Jan 2016 04:39pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Yes it is Mother Nature but she is complaining all about the mess us humans have made by trying to control nature and making a huge mistake. All for the love of money .

  • 26th Nov 2015 09:59am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Of course and the thousands of climate scientists, prestigious science outlets like New Scientist,Nassa,Ameican Science and SCSIRO are all wrong.

  • 31st Jul 2015 09:20pm
The magic of instant communication!

It's really sad to see how people who are elected by the people to represent us is acting for their own self-interest instead for considering the entire communities interest.

  • 20th Jul 2015 08:28am
The magic of instant communication!

I agree with you brainwork but rick seems to know more then all the reputable Scientists.

  • 16th Jul 2015 11:05pm
The magic of instant communication!

I agree swadek......governments, some people, wankers, Uni twats want to make us believe in their bull.........Mother Nature is doing what she has been doing for millions of years, volcanoes have and will erupt whenever they will, it will rain, snow, we will have hot, humid days like we used to have.....I remember in 1955 or I should say sometimes in the 1950's we had all of the above...except for volcanoes.....we had no fans or air conditioners as we could not afford them then, we were young and got on with our work or school or whatever......we had floods and played in them the water was waist deep, being 8 years old we kids made the most of it. Now it really peeves me off watching the TV and they are saying that it has been the hottest or coldest day in a decade blah blah...or 300 years due to climate change......grrrrrr. I believe in Mother Nature and have lived here in Australia since 1949 and love it.

  • 5th Jul 2015 08:46pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

i do agree, but we di have a role to play in it too.

  • 15th Jun 2015 08:15pm
ABSOLUTELY agree,but Global Warming IS playing a part too and if we don't change our ways we won't have a planet to live on anyhow!

I agree with you mandy

  • 12th Jun 2015 08:19pm
Hello I am knew and I am wondering who is Rick.

Climate change is unpredictable sometimes

  • 26th Apr 2015 08:47pm


I fully agree, Solar activity has lot to do with it plu the fact that we live in small world, News get around the world as it hepenning, we don't have wait for the next ship.

  • 22nd Mar 2015 12:55pm
Yep, I agree with Rick.

The world does need help, as I believe we have contributed to global warming.

  • 6th Feb 2015 04:48pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

If that's mother natures effort then I will go for father time thanks as I wont be around to see the problems created by carbon pollution.

Profit is the driver of all successful enterprises and as more companies discover strategies to reduce pollution at a profit this will save the world but to say pollution is not causing problems world wide is just sticking your head in the sand.

Australia could of been one of the world leaders in reducing carbon pollution and selling the technology to the world. Instead we are continuing to subsidy large coal mines. Currently the price of coal is falling as countries attempt to use other methods.

If you do not believe that the by products from coal fired power stations then Shanghai.

  • 4th Feb 2015 09:40pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

what warming? Look all the snow everywhere in the northern hemisphere!

  • 12th Dec 2014 08:57pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Agreed the greenhouse effect is proven science - I dont hear any scpetics denying its existence Can I also add that the greenhouse effect didnt exist then this planet would be much much colder than now and probably not be able to support human life

  • 23rd Jan 2014 09:20am
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

But the logic behind this idea of Climate change/Global warming is that these Greenhouse gases being polluted by us are heat-trapping gases. So if you put these gases in the atmosphere you are going to get an increase in temperature, there's no denying that. As for the "Climate change" industry, it does not exist.

  • 22nd Nov 2013 10:35pm
ABSOLUTELY agree,but Global Warming IS playing a part too and if we don't change our ways we won't have a planet to live on anyhow!

nothing man made about the global warming. a natural occurrence that a lot of people are profiteering from. scare monger tactics to rake in millions

Happy Feet
  • 1st Nov 2013 02:50pm
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

Hello I am knew and I am wondering who is Rick.

Happy Feet
  • 1st Nov 2013 02:50pm
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

Hello I am knew and I am wondering who is Rick.

  • 16th Sep 2013 03:52pm
For sure - this is only mother nature tossing her toys

Totally agree. It's just mother nature at her best.
Reminding us who is in charge.

  • 6th Apr 2013 03:51pm
For sure - this is only mother nature tossing her toys

Live, Love, teach, learn and keep the soul smiling!

  • 6th Apr 2013 03:47pm
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

AGREE TOTALLY! Good to see some one with head not up bum, or blinded by the bullshit that the government hands out.

  • 13th Jan 2013 05:34pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Rick I agree with you as I have believed in Mother Nature for the last 63 years, have seen 7 days of straight heatwaves and nights, we had no fans, no airconditioners, being young, we did what we had to, put our feet into buckets of water or under the hose, we had no refrigerator and no icebox for a few years, so things had to be done without mod cons. but we survived and are still surviving, Mother Nature will as she has done since the beginning of time, whether it will be another ice age or whatever she has in mind, nothing we can do will stop it. All this climate change crap and oceans rising is a lot of money spinning rubbish. We had floods in the 50's in Victoria, we have had bushfires, we have had cold spells, snow, heatwaves they all come and go year in year out sometimes it may takes a few years between but that is life and no modern Univ wanker will change my mind.

  • 12th Jan 2013 03:39pm
What happens if you are wrong and the vast majority of climate scientists and facts on the ground are right.

Dat - great point, all the science tells us that our activities, such as burning fossil fuel, is causing the climate to heat up. There are almost no reputable scientists out there who try to deny this. Yet the media and politicians always want to give undue credence to the other side of the argument who say it is just cyclical and refute the evidence that is staring them in the face.

  • 9th Jan 2013 08:25am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

re rick.......he said it all

  • 8th Jan 2013 08:21pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Yep, I agree with Rick.

  • 13th Nov 2012 10:38pm


i completely agree mother nature at her worst

  • 11th Nov 2012 10:47am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Most certainly it is mother nature at her worst. I totally agree with what Rick is suggesting.

  • 10th Nov 2012 06:14am
I totally agree that all of this weather is simply Nature. The Earth is becoming more densely populated by humans therefore causing more people and property to be damaged by extreme weather...

ABSOLUTELY agree,but Global Warming IS playing a part too and if we don't change our ways we won't have a planet to live on anyhow!

  • 6th Nov 2012 09:27am
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

Well said :-)

  • 5th Nov 2012 08:56pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I agree with Rick. You can;t argue with or change Mother Nature

  • 5th Nov 2012 01:33pm
i totaly agree mother nature these things have been happening for centuries just we all hear about it more now

The magic of instant communication!

Tired mum
  • 5th Nov 2012 10:52am
You are absolutely right! Whatever man can do is miniscule to Mother Natures efforts.The earth has seen the end of dinosaurs, the ice age, etc. without mans help and will continue to do so.

I agree with you FOTZY.

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:42pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Yes rick, and no amount of taxes will change a thing.Nature will always take its course, and there is nothing we mere mortals can do about it!

  • 4th Nov 2012 10:19am
You are absolutely right! Whatever man can do is miniscule to Mother Natures efforts.The earth has seen the end of dinosaurs, the ice age, etc. without mans help and will continue to do so.

Man will kill each other before mother nature does

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:13pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

You are absolutely right! Whatever man can do is miniscule to Mother Natures efforts.The earth has seen the end of dinosaurs, the ice age, etc. without mans help and will continue to do so.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 05:53pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I to totally agree with Rick.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 03:51pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I totally agree, just mother nature not global warming.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 02:39pm
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

Right on chellecalling peace to you and may the world be good to you.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 01:34pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I totally agree. Mother Nature at work and what will be will be.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 01:10pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I agree with Rick, back in mid 90's a weather researcher compiling historical data said that the natural cycle of severe storms and hurricanes would put more severe storms on the east coast of the USA over the next 15 to 20 years and they would reach further north up the coast. I would say that he is correct

  • 3rd Nov 2012 11:22am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Agree with Rick

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:36am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

l agree with rick. Mother nature is constantly telling us to change the way we live & always care for the world to maintain it for our future

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:24am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

I totally agree with Rick on this

  • 3rd Nov 2012 09:24am


For sure - this is only mother nature tossing her toys

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:47am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

Agree agree agree

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:03am
You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying...

This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 08:00am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

What happens if you are wrong and the vast majority of climate scientists and facts on the ground are right.

  • 3rd Nov 2012 07:45am
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

You are so right rick. The climate change industry tries it very best to guilt people into taking the blame for natural changes from volcano eruptions etc.

They got caught out by saying global warming and then realised people didn't believe 'global warming' so they had to call it climate change.

It is just a distraction from the real problems in our world - economic collapse, constant outbreaks of warring factions, unemployment, poverty, hunger and on it goes.

Hop off the ficticious climate bandwagon and change the world by helping others.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 11:24pm
i totaly agree mother nature these things have been happening for centuries just we all hear about it more now

we are however possibly in the warm up prior to the next ice age!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:47pm
The world is forever evolving and Mother Nature drives the evolution!

I totally agree that all of this weather is simply Nature. The Earth is becoming more densely populated by humans therefore causing more people and property to be damaged by extreme weather occurences. With the technology we have available today, television news and computer information when these events are forecast causing us all to be so very aware of the climatic happenings all over the World in ways that were never previously available.

  • 2nd Nov 2012 09:18pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

The world is forever evolving and Mother Nature drives the evolution!

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:28pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself

i totaly agree mother nature these things have been happening for centuries just we all hear about it more now

  • 2nd Nov 2012 08:14pm
no i beleive it is mother nature giving us her best shot she is changing the world like she did all those centuries ago and it will all right itself



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