Arts & Humanities

Body piercings

Arts & Humanities

Posted by: jjdrer

29th Aug 2013 05:06pm

Do you like or dislike them ?
Are they allowed in your workplace ? The staff I worked with that were "in the public eye" in the office, especially the reception area were not to wear visible piercings such as eyebrows, nose, lips and tongue during office hours at all.

Comments 68

  • 23rd Jul 2021 11:57pm

I respect any kind of piercing or body art that is a part of someone's culture. As for anyone else...well, I've seen some body art that can be quite tasteful and enhance someone's natural beauty...I guess they could also be useful to disguise a birthmark of sorts. However, when they're done to the extreme...the only takeaway I can make of that is that they have issues. As for piercings ... no no no, not for me. I have a low pain threshold and I like to blow my nose unencumbered by metal. :)

They wasn't a problem in my workplace with tats or piercings. One of my friends had a few tats in his body but most were covered by his clothes. He in fact owned a tattoo parlor... Like it or not, these things come with assumptions and stigmas, so I can see how tattoos and piercings may be a problem for some organisations, when that look might work against the image they want to project.

  • 7th Jun 2021 11:52am

Tattoo's and piercing I hate, they look like criminals

  • 27th Mar 2016 11:47am

Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer visible type role & no visible tats or visible piercing (inc tongue). Out of site would be OK. On the calf or ankle means they would have to remain covered.

No customer contact I'd still prefer out of sight, but would possibly allow it.

  • 3rd Feb 2021 07:18pm
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

Agree fully. Especially the tongue piercing. Some people are hard enough to understand, that just makes it worse.

  • 21st Oct 2015 11:00pm

I like ear piercings and have a few but now only use one hole in each ear as I am a bit older. It is unfortunate but in this world we do get judged on appearances, especially in the work place.

  • 5th Oct 2015 02:38pm

I like them but they can tend to make people look tacky

shell bell
  • 26th Sep 2015 01:41am

Personal choice but definitely do not do the ear piercing with the spacers sorry

  • 24th Sep 2015 10:50am

I personally do not like body piercings of any kind.I dont even have my ears pierced.

  • 21st Aug 2015 08:19pm

Depending on the piercing, I don't really mind them. I wouldn't pierce myself all over, but I have no problem with seeing people who have their lips pierced in four places and stretchers in their ears; that's their way of expressing themselves. I do, however, have issue with wrist and collarbone piercings. They don't even look nice? Also they're a huge safety issue, and they're prone to infections.
I work in fast food, so no one is allowed piercings other than in their ears - it's a safety hazard in case your nose stud (etc.) falls into the food!

  • 11th Aug 2015 06:05pm

I do not mind body piercings but i think in a work place in a office it should be covered up just ears only and keep it to 2 in each ear not those great long hanging holes

  • 23rd Jul 2015 10:50am

They suit some people really well I don't mind if they have it at work so long as they are clean I personally only have piereced ears and wouldn't turn up to work with piercings everywhere but so long as the job doesn't suffer I don't have an issue with it

Burnt Out Digger
  • 17th Jul 2015 12:28pm

I tend o find the idea of body piercing to be somewhat offensive. Perhpas, I am being an old shellback but I have met a number of people who contracted some form of hepatitis form getting body piercings and tattoos.

  • 15th May 2015 09:21pm

I quite like them, they help give a voice to people and i see them as creative, bright, colourful and help portray the person and display their character. I had my nose pierced for a while, and will hopefully get it redone sometime soon, and i felt it helped make me who i was, i felt strange not wearing it. If i had a job that required me to not wear/have piercings/tattoos on display, i think i would probably not fit in as that is part of who i am. I think a lot of workplaces are relaxing their attitudes towards piercings and tattoos though, although of course you will sometimes get people who object to them, like anything i suppose, in my opinion they should be celebrated and colour and creativity should be welcomed in the world.

  • 29th Apr 2015 02:16am

I work in retail and you are allowed whatever ear piercings and a small nose stud but any others were to be removed or a clear labret put in. I am a fan of piercings.

Burnt Out Digger
  • 26th Apr 2015 06:36pm

I tend to find much of the body piercing fad to be rather off putting, but then again, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

  • 29th Mar 2015 01:11pm

I have had my belly button done wasn't even painful and now i have a beautiful belly bars now that i can wear. i love only belly bars not the rest they look ugly no affiance

  • 29th Mar 2015 12:17pm

I have piercings myself, some you can see and others you cant. piercings don't make a person look bad or horrible they are a form off art, some people like to express themselves through painting, ect and others like to do it through body art such as piercings. Every place I have worked in the past have aloud piercings as long as they are covered and cant be noticed.

  • 27th Mar 2015 06:13pm

there ok in some places

  • 18th Mar 2015 09:21pm

I have a small/tiny stud in my nose and have never had trouble getting work anywhere I have applied. I guess I am lucky that my places of employment have valued work ethic and performance against appearance.

  • 15th Mar 2015 07:58pm

I really hate body piercings as it gives bad impression as a human being. We human being are so conscious of our look but on the other hand piercing our body make it worst. Most of the men who have got pierced eyebrows are gay and sometimes they do it under the influence of drugs.

  • 14th Mar 2015 11:22am

i absolutely adore piercings, and theirs no need to hate, as this is my opinion which i value. We are not aloud piercings at my workplace also.

  • 7th Mar 2015 02:38pm

I don't mind discrete piercings. For some strange reason, eyebrow piercings bother me. No idea why! I have my nose pierced, and wear a very small stud.
I'm curious what people will think when they're older, and have a huge hold through their ear, etc. Will they regret having that? Or will it be cool for older people to have them? Interesting thought.

  • 1st Mar 2015 12:00pm

I seemed to have hit conservative middle age. In high school I had three sets of ear piercing but now I get all disapproving when I see lip and tongue piercing

  • 9th Jan 2015 07:32pm

I believe people need to get with the times and accept people for who they are. I have no problems with body piercing. I only have my nose pierced but I am happy to be served by anyone anywhere with body piercings. I believe people are entitled to their individuality.

  • 22nd Oct 2014 02:27pm

I don't mind looking at piercings and I even attempted to talk my mother to buy a small studded diamond for nose on my birthday years ago and I am glad she disagreed now. For me I love looking at piercings, work places have become a lot more diverse these days (not like before when you dressed for the employer), but I feel that most people go through a stage because what I am seeing more and more of lately is piercings with out the ring. So just the hole is left and it looks as though some has just picked a black head out of their face.

C Strife
  • 15th Sep 2014 05:08pm

personally, i do not mind piercings.

However i do see why they are prohibited in workplaces where they are seen to the public eye, as i believe most members of the public associate facial piercings with negative vibes.

As wrong as it is to judge people this way, its the way society is today, and people don't have as much freedom in the workplace as they sometimes would like to have

  • 10th Sep 2014 07:16am


  • 8th Sep 2014 10:36am

have 3 pairs of piercings in my ears. hate nose piercings and sexual.
went with my daughter for her to get an eyebrow done when 18. could not stand to see her mutilated. although when she was 2 i had her ears done.

  • 18th Aug 2014 11:33pm

Hi I work in hospitality as a barista in some specialty coffee places around Brisbane and I have also worked in clubs and bars. I've had one ear stretched to 10mm but took it out after a few years when the "cool" thing was for guys to have both ears done and I couldn't be bothered piercing and stretching the other ear haha, but never felt like it was inappropriate and my boss never said to take the spacer out. Then I had derma logical studs in my neck and now I've taken them out and I just have a nose ring. Never had anyone say it was inappropriate or to take them out, the neck studs got a bit too much attention though...

  • 3rd Aug 2014 10:11pm

They are not for me but I have no moral objection to them. I figure it is the persons body who want to do it so that is their business not mine.

  • 4th Jul 2014 05:09pm

I like body piercings and have had a few but I think that they shouldn't be a part of the workplace look as some can be excessive and because it is not everyones personal preference to have them or like them it may take away from the professionalism of the business

  • 3rd Jul 2014 11:58am

I don't mind them, some of them look rather ridiculous, if someone wants to looks ridiculous they should be allowed to.
They are allowed in my place of business, as long as the people are friendly and doing their job they can wear what they like

  • 27th Jun 2014 12:18am

I don't care for them but believe that each to their own regarding their own body and don't believe that a workplace should be able to tell them what to wear or not.

  • 16th Jun 2014 08:22pm

everyone to their own choice,for me i think it is would one apply for a job for instance with metal hanging out of their mouth and eary,tattoos all over the body.i do disrespect these people.they are probably good probably guesses i am againt these items

  • 16th Jun 2014 04:03am

i am a big fan of piercing and have several my self, including stretchers/tunnels. i have no problem seeing this around in stores but i am bias. I do however have a problem when i am asked to take them out for a number of reasons: 1- they look better in, as long as they don't show discriminatory designs they should be allowed to be worn, it looks much better than a hole in your ear/face. they also cost money and are easily lost if taken out regularly, i have spent big $$$ on piercings over a number of years as i have lost them when i was asked to take them out.

  • 15th Jun 2014 04:22pm

just like tattoo's body piercings make no difference to your ability to work.
people judging you on tattoo's, piercings, birth marks or any deformity is just wrong.

  • 11th Jun 2014 06:09pm

I think piercings like nose, ears and eye brows are fine and as long as they are in a plan colours and don't "scream" at you should be appropriate

  • 5th Jun 2014 07:45pm

They are nice

  • 3rd Jun 2014 12:57pm

I like piercings to an extent. A couple on the face and around your body is ok in my eye, but I guess its just preference. My mother can not stand them, and she gets that from her background.
Where I work we are allowed minimal visible piercings, as we serve people of all ages.

  • 31st May 2014 04:34pm

I think body piercings are distasteful, but that's just for me.

  • 25th May 2014 10:18pm

I have had piercings in both visible and non visible parts of my body. I worked as a baker making turkish bread we were allowed to wear piercings as long as they were fully covered with the blue colored band aids [ if piercing was to fall into product band aid would be more visible and the whole batch of bread would be thrown out ] or you were to remove all uncovered piercings and this was in the work policy. At present I still like piercings but on other people so yes I have removed due to having children.

  • 19th May 2014 05:02pm

I've come across people "in the public eye" with nose and tongue piercings. I think it all depends on how "out there" those piercings are.

  • 7th May 2014 09:20pm

Not into piercing myself, I got my ears pierced when I was eight but seldom wear earings now (though my holes have never closed despite not wearing earings for at least a year at a time). People can do what they like with their bodies but some piercings make me cringe as I think of the pain of the piercing and the continued discomfort they must endure for the sake of self expression - personally I'd perfer to find other ways to express my individuality. As for work I think that they are not professional, if you work in a call centre or out the back flipping burgers, work at a piecing and tattoo parlour, something where it doesn't matter if you have a face full of metal then who cares, but if you are in a job that required face to face contact and you are representing your company then it is important to, during work hours, conform to the image of the company you are working for.

  • 15th Apr 2014 01:26pm

I really dislike body piercings .i find them very ugly and unattractive and hopefully have discouraged my three daughters not to get any although I know it is there decision in the end if they want to get any

  • 14th Apr 2014 09:00pm

It's not professional in the workplace

  • 14th Apr 2014 08:57pm

I have body piercings, and tattoos, and I dye my hair different colours quite often just for a change. I am a representative for my workplace, and my boss loves sending me out to meet the new clients.
It's not all about what you look like, its about the general vibe you give off. I'm always smiling, warm and welcoming.

  • 27th Mar 2016 11:43am
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

Work for a tattoo parlour / piercing shop?

  • 21st May 2015 11:36am
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

I think that is awesome. But like mentioned in many other comments, too many people are judged on appearance. But too many get it wrong as well :-)

  • 26th Aug 2014 06:25am
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

I 100% agree with you

  • 3rd Jun 2014 10:39pm
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

You are absolutely right

  • 5th Apr 2014 04:35pm

i like them and dislike them to some degree. when someone has an excess amount of piercings then they dont look good! if its one or a couple they tend to look nice, its like an accessory. i have one. they can get addictive like a tattoo.

  • 4th Apr 2014 07:51pm

I think we feel uncomfortable seeing people with piercings (especially multiple piercings) as they are a deviation from the norm. The discomfort that we experience often triggers the need to reprimand or ban the use of them. I think we should be more accepting to other people's choices.

  • 30th Mar 2014 04:14pm

I personally like body piercings, though I don't have any myself because of sensitive skin. We aren't allowed to have any visible piercings except ears in at work, but we can have belly button piercings etc. as they are unseen

  • 21st Mar 2014 10:35pm

dislike body piercing
they are not usually allowed in the workplace

  • 21st Mar 2014 10:00pm

I like piercings but the is a limet to how many you should have
And really it depends on were you also
Works to how many a person should have

  • 21st Mar 2014 09:57pm

I like piercings but the is a limet to how many you should have
And really it depends on were you also
Works to how many a person should have

  • 20th Mar 2014 03:43pm

I like piercings, however they are not allowed in my workplace, with an exception of earlobe piercings. As I work with food, my managers believe that it appears unhygienic.

  • 19th Mar 2014 05:05pm

piercings do not define someones character, but being someone who judges others on how they appear does.
humans are constantly filtering into their response system the people who come into their environment, we learn how to respond to certain ques based on what knowledge we have and the thing is that those ques arnt always right, and can change. that's what cognitive behavioral therapy is for people who respond to certain ques incorrectly. there most definitely is a conservative ideal, but it had to come from somewhere.
i personally wouldn't be fussed about seeing someone with piercings in an office or public setting, but if that person with piercings was rude and inconsiderate and ignorant i would be complaining.

  • 17th Mar 2014 10:37pm

piercings are completely up to yourself I work at the coffee club and I have a nose ring it dose not seem to bother anyone I mean if your whole body was covered in them I can see why it would be a problem but if its just a little one here and there it really shouldn't matter

  • 15th Mar 2014 05:13pm

I personally have nothing against body piercings. In my workplace facial piercings are not aloud. In a customer service work place it is understandable, for the reason that your professionalism is often judged on your appearance. In a food handling work place it is a hygiene hazard.

  • 15th Mar 2014 07:27pm
Happily I work for myself and alone, so don't have to worry about staff. However, if the business was big enough to warrant staff, the appearance would be heavily considered. Reception / customer...

Pur receptionist was asked to remove facial ones during working hours. She understood the reasoning behind it and immediately agreed to do so.

  • 12th Mar 2014 11:20am

i think its a personal choice and we need to worrie less about what other peoople chose to do to their bodys because it judgemental of us

  • 11th Mar 2014 09:30pm

i don't really like piercings i think it changes your appearance immensely.
no face piercings are allowed at my workplace.

  • 8th Mar 2014 10:18pm

I have nothing against body piercings. However, I think it is only appropriate that at work, they are not worn. Most of the time, people's professionalism is is judged with their appearance.

  • 20th May 2014 10:06pm
I have nothing against body piercings. However, I think it is only appropriate that at work, they are not worn. Most of the time, people's professionalism is is judged with their appearance.

I have nothing against piercings, i dont see why the shouldnt be worn in the workplace, unless they are spacers.. The look abit horrible wih the huge hole.

  • 16th Mar 2014 12:12pm
I have nothing against body piercings. However, I think it is only appropriate that at work, they are not worn. Most of the time, people's professionalism is is judged with their appearance.

kathleenrae u are right on that i have nothing against them either

  • 12th Mar 2014 05:19pm
I have nothing against body piercings. However, I think it is only appropriate that at work, they are not worn. Most of the time, people's professionalism is is judged with their appearance.

Yes I agree. I also think the employers are just being careful on their hiring. There are so many shops that cater to body piercing (and tattoos) that have opened. There are some that have not gone through the appropriate business and health check. Some do not guarantee sterile practice, where one can get infectious diseases that can be transmitted through needles.

  • 11th Mar 2014 07:03pm
I have nothing against body piercings. However, I think it is only appropriate that at work, they are not worn. Most of the time, people's professionalism is is judged with their appearance.

Body piercings are optional. In the workplace visual body piercings are usually not acceptable because they can be hazardous depending on the job you have. In the hospitality industry it is practically 24/7 communication between customers/guests and staff, so it is an essential factor that professionalism Is kept to a high standard. Other jobs such as blue collar, mining, construction visual body piercing are looked upon less because there is less customer interaction.

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