Food & Drink

Palm oil

Food & Drink

Posted by: Caity1999

16th Mar 2014 03:33pm

What are your opinions on Palm oil?

Do you think it is fair what is happening the orangutans in the forrest?

Give me your opinion.

Comments 20

  • 26th Jul 2014 12:00am

You're right - absolutely terrible. But habitat destruction pales in comparison to the lifetime of suffering & torture we directly inflict on domesticated animals like cows & sheep. Indonesia's rainforests have been destroyed at the rate of 1 football field sized area each year since the 1970s due to meat consumption ... cattle & their feed crops need that land. Likewise in South America. Just look at the videos of the Live Export Trade of Cattle to Indonesia & Sheep to the Middle East. This is consumer-driven... corporations would cease to exist if there were no consumer demand for their products.

  • 16th Apr 2014 08:15pm

Not only is it not fair on the orangutans, it's not fair on our health.

Palm oil is a saturated fat ... i.e. ... one of the baddies .... unlike olive oil, sesame oil, the nut oils, canola etc.

While it's killing off the orangutans via them losing their homes, it's also killing us off by clogging our arteries.

It's everywhere .... check your home brand noodles packs ... betchya it has palm oil as an ingredient.


  • 16th Apr 2014 07:14am

I don't see why people use palm oil or palm sugar is used when there are alternative, like sugar cane and sugar beat and altenative oils to use that do not destroy the homes of endangered animals, Obviuosly many people do not care about any life forms on the planet. Look at what is happening globally so many stupid people are destroying the planet because they are too lazy to stop for a few seconds and make the right choices. Oh well there is always Mars, yeah right. If we can't get it right here in sure a beautiful planet why would we be any different else where.

  • 15th Apr 2014 04:53pm

no, but also not going to kick up a stink and carry on about it like most, who get rather abusive to others.

  • 15th Apr 2014 04:52pm

Palm oil is not an unhealthy oil, it's only when it's hydrogenated. Any oil that is hydrogenated then contains trans fats, and it's these that are incredibly bad for us. If they could find a way to commercially produce it without disturbing orangutans and their habitat I see nothing wrong with it. Same for coconut oil. Demonised in the past but now they know it is really good for us.

Clint Marchant
  • 10th Apr 2014 07:06pm

Avoid at all costs due to deforestation and health reasons

  • 10th Apr 2014 08:32am

No I don't think it is fair what is happening to the orangutans.
Did you know that 50% of all products on the supermarket shelves contain palm oil. And it is predicted that this percentage will increase over the next decade unless we the consumer does something about it.
If you buy bread, biscuits, chocolate, chips, some spreads, shampoo or soaps, you are supporting the palm oil industry.
There are products out there that don't contain palm oil, but you have to look for them.
Check the labels on all the products you buy and change to those that don't contain it.
It may mean spending more time shopping for a while as you find products that you like without palm oil, but at least you will be doing something.
If you really feel strongly about it, start emailing your local politician and the manufacturer of the products. Tell the manufacturers that you won't buy their products because of the inclusion of palm oil, and that you are going to email all your friends to do the same. Make a fuss, draw media attention to the problem. Their are some manufacturers who are actively stating on their products that they don't use palm oil, so they are aware of the impact on the consumer.
I know that most people won't be bothered to do anything, but if we do that the practice of using palm oil will go on.

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:30pm

This really grinds my gears. Its my poster child for how well intentioned people who have no real knowledge of the world screw everything up for the rest of us and why a "sustainable" label means absolutely nothing.

Look for tallow 'cause no one needs low fat soap.

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:13pm

My opinion is that palm oil is not sustainable and a bad thing for orangutans and other things in the rainforest.
For me personally though, I am aware of the issue when it's brought up here or a random post comes up on facebook BUT I don't seem to think about it when doing my shopping... I probably buy a lot of products that use this oil :-(

  • 9th Apr 2014 05:43pm

As usual the guilty parties are the Corporations who produce consumables using palm oil. It's always corporations first, nature/ fauna last. We need to demonstrate to the corporations that this situation is unacceptable. I don't think that there is anyone who doesn't deplore the orangutans' situation.

  • 10th Apr 2014 08:36am
You don't seem to realise that soap is only one of an interminable list of products made using palm oil: we are eating the stuff! Just one example of this is biscuits.xx

Oh I fully realise, but soap is where it started and all because western consumers got squeemish about animal fats in the products they buy.

If you want to talk about food, check the ingredients for anything claiming to be low fat or low cholesterol.

  • 10th Apr 2014 12:39am
Corporations supply a demand. People demanded soap free from animal products. In practice that meant substituting palm oil for beef tallow. Thank you to the world's militant vegetarians.

You don't seem to realise that soap is only one of an interminable list of products made using palm oil: we are eating the stuff! Just one example of this is biscuits.xx

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:13pm
As usual the guilty parties are the Corporations who produce consumables using palm oil. It's always corporations first, nature/ fauna last. We need to demonstrate to the corporations that this...

Corporations supply a demand. People demanded soap free from animal products. In practice that meant substituting palm oil for beef tallow. Thank you to the world's militant vegetarians.

  • 9th Apr 2014 04:39pm

I think humans can be so cruel we're supposed to be the superior species but if that were true we wouldn't act this way. The poor orangutans in borneo never did anything to deserve wats being done to them and they're supposed to be our ancestors. No animal deserves wat humans think is ok to impose on them even the animals know who the bad guys are. Humans can be so selfish and to quote national geographic channel "only one species has the power to save all other species."

Jayne Collins
  • 9th Apr 2014 04:15pm

It's unnecessary. Until the 1980s we survived quite well without it - now demand continues to increase at an exponential rate. This should not be happening at the expense of the forests and orang-utan habitat.

  • 8th Apr 2014 04:16pm


There is nothing inherently wrong with palm oil as a product but the damage caused to the virgin forests and the inhabitants, including orangutans, by its cultivation is very servere and must be stopped.

Archie 999

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:42pm

There is nothing inherently wrong with palm oil as a product but the damage caused to the virgin forests and the inhabitants, including orangutans, by its cultivation is very...

I agree with you wholeheartedly.
I think I have also read that it is used in some foods and is not good for us.

  • 7th Apr 2014 04:34pm

keep away from it, Indonesian rain forests are going because of the demand of palm oil. I also believe it is found in a lot of foods like ie chips, that cannot be good for ones cholesterol. I would look for other alternatives

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:31pm
keep away from it, Indonesian rain forests are going because of the demand of palm oil. I also believe it is found in a lot of foods like ie chips, that cannot be good for ones cholesterol. I would...

Never mind chips. Its in your soap, shampoo and body wash. Anywhere they used to use animal fats.

  • 7th Apr 2014 04:31pm

it is the worst thing for the deforestation and the animals especially orang-utans it is ugly. laurie

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