Technology & Online

Should phones be allowed at school?

Technology & Online

Posted by: JS77

13th Aug 2019 11:10am

Do you think mobile phones should be banned in primary and high schools? Who’s responsibility should the decision be - The Principal’s, State govt or should parents decide what’s best for their children?

Comments 92

  • 31st May 2022 06:40pm

At the school our kids go to their phones are for emergency use only. They are signed in at the office when they arrive at the school and signed out at the end of the school day. It can be handy if the person picking the children from school can be contacted. There is a way of only certain numbers being accessed on Mobile Phones. I know of it being done on some phones, but not how it was done.

  • 8th Jun 2021 01:02pm

No never, but if kept in locker, until they go home OK

Andy Ho
  • 7th Nov 2019 12:44am

Definitely No, but I don't agree with Gladys that cyber bullying is the main reason for banning mobile phones at schools. IMHO, school is the place where the kids learn how to co-work with their peers (nothing to deal with electronic gadgets), they can use mobile phones after school. I have confidence in our teachers and believe they can handle any breaking events or safety issue with parents, the kids need not to have a phone to communicate with their parents during school time.

  • 4th Nov 2019 04:54pm

Yes mobile phones should be banned from all schools,colleges and universities and confiscated by teachers until the classes end. There should be a nationwide ban. The addiction to using mobiles phones should end and there is no place for them in centres of learning.

  • 1st Nov 2019 03:36pm

No they should not be allowed in open use in schools in any class. Too much distraction.

jules 1
  • 1st Nov 2019 02:52pm

I feel children should not have a phone at school (we never had this back in my day) having said that, looking at America with these 'nut cases' over there in the USA who have attacked schools/pupils with guns etc, so a phone for the pupils in the school, mobile phones certainly come in handy for the children to need HELP!!

  • 1st Nov 2019 12:33pm

Mobile phones should be banned during school hours. It is a time to study and not socialize during these hours. They cause too much distraction to students and teachers.

The Fat Man
  • 24th Oct 2019 03:32pm

To me this is an open question to which there is no real definitive answer, so let me begin by breaking it down to what I think about the issue.
The first thing that comes to mind is:
1) Does your child actually require a phone at school?
2) Are mobile phones part of the school curricular?
3) What type of mobile phone should your child have?
4) How old should a child be before having or needing a mobile phone?
5) Where at school should a mobile phone be used?

In answer to my first point, I believe that it is up to the parent to make that descission with the regard as to the environment that the child is in, and how responsible that the child is.It then also comes into question as to how accountable and sensible that the parents are in relation to a child's behaviour.

Let me begin by saying that it is a long time since I have been at school, but to my knowledge there is no part of any subject in the school curricular that deals with mobile phones as being a requirement.

This is where parents need to be sensible and accountable in relation as to what type of mobile phone is required by a child at school. What type of phone? A smart phone, or just a basic phone. Do you realise what a child can do with a smart phone? Will you be responsible for what they do and get up to? The counselling profession is now inundated with all sorts of problems with children who have free access to social media on line. I will not go into it here as it would fill a tome of information that each parent should take the time to investigate.

Finally, my last point that I would like to make is that it is of my opinion that there is no place for mobile phones to be in school at all. Students have all the technology that the require at the school. They have unlimited access to laptops and tablets usually supplied by the school, with free access to Wi-Fi services.

To sum up, I would like to say that mobile phones have no place at school at all, however in some cases there may be a need for a child to have access to a phone for security reasons.

  • 23rd Oct 2019 12:21pm

I think these days mobile phones are just something we have to live with, they are here to stay and have their positive and negative uses. I think High School kids should be allowed mobile phones but not during the day, their mobile phones should be handed in when arriving at school and picked up when leaving. I really think they are a major distraction for kids in the classroom and socially, kids never play in playgrounds with each other, kick a ball around, skip together, just play games together, I look at these kids at high School and their faces are always buried in their phones, at school, out of school, on the bus, on the train and just walking - gone are the days of walking and talking with your friends and looking around. I totally agree with Rob Stokes that banning phones in primary schools is age appropriate and may prevent cyberbullying.

  • 22nd Oct 2019 10:44pm

at school, maybe, but in classrooms, definitely not ! a classroom should be a place of learning , not communicating over the airwaves.

  • 22nd Oct 2019 08:08pm

I don't understand why phones are used during school hrs there is no need for it talk to each other when I was at school mobile phones weren't even out yet in the 80s we talked to each other

  • 22nd Oct 2019 08:07pm

I don't understand why phones are used during school hrs there is no need for it talk to each other when I was at school mobile phones weren't even out yet in the 80s we talked to each other

  • 22nd Oct 2019 05:29pm

No there is no need, not every child has one and its everyone or no one, leave them at home. My for would be for contacting parents or emergency only, then there kept in the school bag or locker and not turned on during the day, if the parent sends a text then the child gets it at lunch time or after school, but no phones in the play areas. They all have laptops etc for school and study and many of those can be used for contacting and or receiving. Nothing worse than seeing all the kids wondering around school with phones in their hands.

  • 18th Oct 2019 09:12pm

No, as they are a distraction to children.

  • 16th Oct 2019 06:33am

Only one answer, NO.

  • 3rd Oct 2019 10:57pm

Mobile phones should be handed in at the beginning of the day to home group teachers in Primary School for sure. When it comes to High School, it is a different story for use at break times and students should show respect by putting their phones on silent for classes.

  • 3rd Oct 2019 05:09pm

Mobile Phones should be banned at primary and high Schools as they are there to learn and not to be on there phones during school

  • 2nd Oct 2019 10:02am

Teach the kids how to use the gadget safely first. And maybe help combat reliance on the screens a bit? Encourage kids to run around and... BE KIDS? There are so many options aside from just simply "giving in", shrugging the collective shoulders and welcoming the screens onboard.

  • 25th Sep 2019 09:10am

I think mobiles should be allowed at high school but with strict rules in place. They should not be accessible in class unless being used for class work. They can be kept in lockers but not bought into the school yard at recess. I think they are handy for students going to and from school but not during school as kids and their parents can be reached in emergencies via the office. They shouldn't be at primary school except for the journey to and from for older kids.

  • 24th Sep 2019 04:50pm

They dont need to be banned. Mobiles are excellent tools of communication. What if a kid wants to call their parent they can call their parents right away.

They should be banned from being used in class but not banned from being used at school. During lunch a kid can spend some time on Facebook, Youtube...etc.

What should be banned is using them to source information instead of a book. Using them to teach class.

But to use on a general scale it should be okay.

  • 10th Sep 2019 10:12am

NO! how can kids concentrate or learn anything if they have phone at scchool in pockets. If they were handed in to teacher at start of class that would be ok. Kids should learn that the phone is addictive and the world wont stop if a text isnt answered as it is recieved

  • 31st Aug 2019 10:18am

Many tech options are used for education. I wonder if schools should not grab the bull by the horns and include mobiles as a learning opportunity, and include responsible and optimal use in the curriculum.
Schools should always think in terms of opportunities and not run from challenges.

  • 29th Aug 2019 11:03am

My understanding is simple. Mobile phones are good to connect the distance, only. Mobile phones with adults often lead to no communication with the people around and close, and unnecessary distractions. These considerations are the same with children, mobile phones are unncessary distractions -taking focus away from studies and close communication. We seem to live now in a very individualistic perspective, sometimes making us less sensitive and considerate of others around us. Mobile devices also has become a convenient device for parents, shoving these devices to keep the children's tantrums at bay - and becoming a comfort-tool for very innocent and absorbing minds. I am worried about children falling prey to lurking predators from the distance closing in because of an open door through mismanagement of mobile devices.

  • 27th Aug 2019 03:03pm

Victorian Government has just announced $12 million to be spent on telling kids not to use their phones at school, how the hell does it cost so much to tell kids that they can't use their phones during school hours??

  • 29th Aug 2019 11:07am
Victorian Government has just announced $12 million to be spent on telling kids not to use their phones at school, how the hell does it cost so much to tell kids that they can't use their phones...

I agree. Parents should still manage nad discipline children. Its not the government's first hand duty to educate our own, its ours.

  • 27th Aug 2019 10:10am

I think they should be banned during class time but at the end of the day when they may have extra curricular activities like my oldest boy does then they should be able to have them to contact parents.

Ellie 30656027
  • 24th Aug 2019 09:13pm

Ni I am a teacher and the students refuse to put their phones away in their bags and also refuse to stop looking at them. They are too absorbed in playing their video games and texting. Not interested st all in learning and listening to the teacher. Last week a teacher was filmed during class which was inappropriate. Mobiles should be banned from school and the parents should sign an agreement during enrolment otherwise should be confiscated. No need to have mobiles at school if someone needs to contact them they should ring the school and vice versus. It is not only about protecting students its about protecting teachers and also allowing us to do our job most effectively.

  • 24th Aug 2019 04:22pm

No, mobile phones are a part of our everyday lives, i have 2 daughters in high school , the year 7 has an ipad which the school has started rolling out this year ( we still have to pay for them ) and most school work is done on them, but my year 10 does not have ipads and their teachers rely on students using their phones to google items as needed, so do not see how banning mobiles will help my oldest daughter.

  • 22nd Aug 2019 08:13pm

Banning phones in schools will not accomplish anything except teach children and teens that phones, along with other things that aren't allowed at school, are inherently bad, and that they cannot be trusted to use them. Phones are so important to our society at the moment. It's also a lifeline for the child to their parents/carers. It's useful for children to be able to let their parents know, and vice versa, where they are and that they're safe.
Schools exist for the purpose of education. Why not teach the students responsible use of phones? This could include anything from using phones as study aids to classes aimed to prevent cyberbullying.
This said, students should be discouraged from using phones during class. How to do this could be at the school/teacher's discretion, but done in a way that is not a punishment. Why not have a secure container that students put their phones into at the beginning of the school day, and collect afterwards? Communication with parents during that time can be done through the school office, teachers and landlines.
It has been proven time and time again that banning things, especially when they're not incredibly harmful and can be quite useful, doesn't discourage people from using them. Educating children to make their own decisions is what would be an ideal outcome from the education system.

  • 21st Aug 2019 10:21pm

In today's classrooms more and more students are bringing phones to school and even primary school aged kids as young as 9 can have phones in their backpacks.
I can see both sides of the argument. In some instances I think unless it is for educational purposes, medical reasons, or as a support for students with special needs, I do support a ban as I think it does remove distractions so students can focus on foundational learning.
I read an article recently that said students who bring theirs phones to school can check their social media in the classroom an average of 20 times a day. So when looked at it from that perspective, that can add up to a lot of time spent distracted from schoolwork. If students spend up to twent percent of their in class texting, emailing, and checking social media, it’s no wonder teachers want them banned.
However, if properly managed, phones can actually be educational tools to help kids learn by using educational apps. Maybe as a way to keep kids engaged and even using their phones in class the school could incorporate digital platforms into lessons. So even using social media can keep students interested in class and encourage them to participate in the discussion. Teachers could create twitter hashtags or message boards students can use during class discussions to share ideas. This can even be a way for kids to be able to speak up digitally who might not be comfortable speaking in class. Teachers can take advantage of phones by providing students a way to research about a topic while in class, like finding news stories, online discussion etc to help encourage participation and discussions.
However, I understand the drawbacks. While phones can be used as learning tools, how is it possible to make sure kids are using them for school-related tasks? What starts as a classroom learning tool turns into classroom disruption tool. Poor impulse control from kids means they can't seem to help using their phones to check social media and text their friends in class. And of course there's cyberbullying. Plus, cyberbullying can be harder to detect than other forms of bullying, making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop when it is happening. And there's cheating. Phones can be used by students to access information while taking a test.
There’s no easy answer t the debate. There are both pros and cons to students having phones in school. I'd prefer my own kids to be without distractions so do support no phones in class.

  • 19th Aug 2019 10:29pm

No they should not be allowed in schools because its a clear piece of distraction for students from studies,sports and every activity they do in school.

  • 19th Aug 2019 09:10pm

I don’t think mobile phones should be banned for use after school. I think that phones should be dropped off into the school office in the morning, to be held securely until the end of the school day - can be picked up in waves of students.

echo 01
  • 19th Aug 2019 07:19am


  • 18th Aug 2019 10:19pm

Yes mobile phones should be ban during school. The children are at school to learn not to spend time on their mobile phones. Primary school aged children should not have a mobile phone at all as they are not mature enough to be responsible. When my children went to High school all mobile phones were handed into the office every morning and then the children picked them up at the end of the day.

  • 18th Aug 2019 01:02pm

My son is in Yr 12 and the mobile phone ban actually starts this week. I agree with a ban in primary school and the first half of high school, kids at that age really don't need phones, and if they need to contact parents they can do so after school, or a teacher can give special permission if requested by a parent for a special reason. I believe that it is also a status symbol in the younger years so to avoid any "bullying" they shouldn't be allowed- High school seniors are a different story; I think that yrs 10,11 and 12 are old enough to know what is acceptable and what isn't. My son doesn't wear a watch and uses his phone to check the time, as many do...I also like to be able to sms him, say if his tutoring time changes, or I am going to be late home. I totally agree that they shouldn't be looking at them in class, but I don't see the issue in recess. I believe that there should be a "3 strikes and you're out rule", I agree with the old saying, don't punish everyone for others mistakes, punish the culprit not the masses. As kids get older they use their phones for work shifts, organising their schedules, appointments etc and need to refer to them. if they are interfering with their school work them certainly take a stance, but I believe that we should make our kids responsible for their own actions, too many people blame everyone else, parents included, we need to take the kids out of cotton wool at some stage and make them aware of the consequences of doing the wrong thing.

  • 17th Aug 2019 10:37pm

My sons school has implemented it and its from start to end of school. I think its good and that phones are not necessary. In fact my son broke his phone when kids tried to grab it from his hand and run away with it so I think we can go without these distractions at school and let them concentrate on their studies

  • 17th Aug 2019 10:35pm

Most definitely yes. Has just happened in my sons school and I am happy as there tends to be bullying with kids filming it and also people grabbing phones to annoy others... Its a distraction that kids dont need.

  • 17th Aug 2019 08:50pm

Cyberbullying also often takes place outside school hours and premises. There is a danger banning phones from classrooms might distract education staff from having to continue with efforts to address the more immediate causes of cyberbullying.

Cell phones should not be allowed in school because children focus more on the phone than schoolwork, it will create more drama, and it promotes cheating. Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because kids are always wondering what their friends are doing and what is happening outside of school.

Jayne Collins
  • 17th Aug 2019 05:04pm

As a teacher, I understand that parents want their children to have a mobile phone so the kids can contact their parents to let them know when they're leaving school, or if they run into trouble on the way home. Beyond that purpose, I don't think phones should be allowed.
With students increasingly using mobile devices like phones and iPads in their school and leisure time, we teachers are seeing a significant drop in fine motor skills (no-one colours in any more and little children come to Prep unable to hold a pencil); a decrease in core strength as kids sit slumped while they're constantly on their devices; a breakdown in listening and communication skills, as they are mostly entertained by what's on a screen, rather than real-life engagement (and their parents do not encourage younger siblings to sit quietly during school assemblies, but keep them entertained with iPhones); and a significantly reduced ability to sustain focus for any length of time as their minds have grown up with constant distraction, and no requirement to use their imagination. My highest-achieving students are those whose parents strictly monitor their iPhone/iPad use, or who have no interest in technology, preferring to read and to make up their own written stories.
At our school, the children in the younger grades are required to hand in their mobile phones to the office at the beginning of the day, and collect them at the end. That works fine. In the older grades, the students need to put their phones in their lockers, and they cannot take them from class to class. I don't think that is a good idea - it still means the kids are using them at lunchtime, their faces stuck to the screens, instead of engaging in deeper conversation with their peers. I believe that phones could easily be handed in to the office in the morning and retrieved in the afternoon.

  • 17th Aug 2019 03:35pm

I'd be interest to know what the government review came up with in banning phones. How did they obtain the info and what it entailed. You never read much about that. To keep schools safe from cyber bulling, is their main reason. I live in Victoria and mobile phones are to be banned from the first term next year. Both primary and secondary. They can be brought to school but not allowed to be used on school grounds during school hours. I find this fair enough. Laptops can be used instead. Goodness knows we've managed without phones before this.
Having said that, I do like my child having a phone with him in the school bag for on the way to and from school. I may need to contact him in an emergency as would he if the need arose. During school times, I can ring the school itself.
As for unfortunate cyber bulling, that happens most likely outside of school hours. I feel a bigger reason to ban, is kids sneakily texting or playing games whilst in class. Hiding the phone in books. Just boredom. (Us older parents used to just doodle. Remember?) This phone distraction can create serious learning problems in the long term. So, the ban will hopefully improve productivity outcomes for students. A good thing and sensible move. You'd think the students will appreciate this themselves. Time will tell.

  • 17th Aug 2019 08:57am

I believe the principal should be directed by State Government regarding Mobile Phones. Phones could be put in box at front of classroom each lesson and given back at end of lesson. It is distracting and impedes learning having mobile phones in class. My son when in year 11 would use his phone as would his peers during lessons. THerefore his mind was on the topic on his phone not what was going on in class. I believe this affected his concentration and ulmatrely when exam time came his results. I have seen online a box made with numerous slots for phones. The alternative is for schools with lockers that phones are left in lockers during the day and used only before school and after school. for safety reasons phones must be assessable at those times

  • 17th Aug 2019 06:51am

That's a big NO for me. Both students and teachers can last a few hours of the day without them. Phones are a major distraction to many people and their use is highly addictive. I know that I personally get more done when I put down the phone for a while. I was recently at my children's parade and noticed a teacher distracted by her phone.... not a great look from someone you want teaching and looking after your child.
I think phone addiction and usage is something we need to learn about...….perhaps school's not allowing them is education itself.

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:50pm

It should be banned at school for duration of school day,kids should get a brake from screen and get used to live without mobitels,it is affecting their imagination creativity and humanity,they become robots, I want to see kids communicate with each other face to face learn some human skills empathy and real friendships

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:49pm

It should be banned at school for duration of school day,kids should get a brake from screen and get used to live without mobitels,it is affecting their imagination creativity and humanity,they become robots, I want to see kids communicate with each other face to face learn some human skills empathy and real friendships

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:19pm

I don't think phones should be allowed in school or at least during classes. There isn't a need for them at that time, much as it is a common impression that they are an everyday part of everybody's lives. If there's an emergency, you can contact the school. The fact is many children are not using their phones wisely and safely and this is about their maturity. The brains of most primary school children have not reached a maturity level where they can be wise and exercise self control. Why should we expose them unnecessarily at this age to such a great temptation and not expect repercussions. For their safety and mental wellbeing, it is better to not allow phones in classrooms and they can have it after school (if their parents deem there is such a need).

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:09pm

No not at all needed for school children at classroom. But outside the campus it is necessary now a days. They should put their mobile phones while they are in classroom. That all.

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:09pm

No not at all needed for school children at classroom. But outside the campus it is necessary now a days. They should put their mobile phones while they are in classroom. That all.

  • 16th Aug 2019 10:24pm

Phones are a distraction for students. Considering most schools now have other devices connected to the internet I think if students left their phones at home it wouldn’t do them any harm to be without them for that period of time. Also we are yet to fully ascertain the impact of phones and earplugs on our wellbeing. In the future we may find more occurrences of early onset deafness from listening to music too loudly through the device, as well as inhibiting normal human interaction that would otherwise be happening if the student was phone free.

  • 16th Aug 2019 10:01pm

This is a hard one, as there are some grey areas.

I don't think children need phones in class as I can't see how they contribute to lessons. I understand it can be imperative for children to be contacted on occasion, but I don't think it should be the norm. In most instances a message via the school will suffice. Break times should be for interacting, not sitting on devices.

I think to and from school phones can be handy.

  • 16th Aug 2019 09:27pm

I can understand for family emergencies
But if they texting, facebook, music, netflix
That's Not School Stuff!!
Out The Mobile Goes

The Pres
  • 16th Aug 2019 09:07pm

The school will ultimately have their say in their policy, however as far as I am concerned, I believe that Mobile phones should be kept in the students locker or bag during classroom learning time. The distraction that comes along with Mobile phones are too high these days. You have to look at the daily use of phones these days, going back 30 years ago, family and learning time was just that, no distraction outside of a television, and possibly a gaming computer console, now we are all on our phones, and reading / playing / instagramming things on it, and our children see this as normal behaviour. Let our teachers teach, children learn, and if there is a specific need to get in touch with your child, then I am positive that the school has phones that you can call and communicate your needs accordingly.
If the schools want to get smarter, then simply set up a class that teaches children (at the right age level) how to use and get the best out of their mobile devices - and teach them responsibility in having them!

  • 16th Aug 2019 06:12pm

I would think a total ban during school hours would be good, but It should be up to the school to decide. They may or may not have the proper resources or staff available to make sure that the phones are kept securely.

  • 16th Aug 2019 06:02pm

  • 16th Aug 2019 05:03pm

#Mobile Phones Should Be In Schools :----------- 

I believe when you consider the rare school shootings that have happened over the last couple of decades, it is important to allow mobile phones on school property for emergency purposes. I think it is important to teach children how to be responsible with their electronic devices and school is the perfect setting to do that.

  • 16th Aug 2019 05:01pm

Mobile phones should be allowed in schools for cases of emergency, not entertainment.

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:51pm

I think there cannot be a blanket ban. really small children don't really need mobile phones at all during school hours, they are dropped off and picked up from school. Some upper primary school children walk to or from school and nowadays having a mobile phone is essential so that children are safe. Children should not be allowed to use their mobile phones at all during school hours, if parents need to send a message it can be done through the school office.

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:47pm

I think as long as they are used for Emergency purposes only then I believe they should have them, if someone needs to contact them urgently or if they feel unsafe for any reason they might need there phone, if a parent is late picking them up from school etc. There is plenty of instances where they might be needed, but they should not be allowed to use the phone to call, text, visit Facebook etc during classes, only after school.

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:29pm

If students were very responsible and well behaved and understood that phones were not to be used during school hours and that means on camps and excursions, then bring them along if the student wants or needs somehow to contact family after school hours about family business etc. However, the reality is that students are generally not mindful of rules or if they are then one of their friends will want to use their phone and peer pressure will be too much for them and they will (actually do) give their phone to someone else. And the office staff do not want nor sees it as their job to handle and log in and log out student phones - they are too busy and the morning before classes begin can be very hectic and so can the afternoons.
Is there any need for a parent to directly call their child? The answer is no! All it does is cause class disruption as the parent just does it and does not check if it is recess or lunch - have seen it so often and the child makes a big hullabaloo about talking to their parent and this escalates and escalates. And more trouble follows. All parents know that they can ring the office if they suddenly have to pick up their child and the child is sent a message through one of the student messengers and the teacher sees this and gets the child to go to the office with the other student.
And then there are the ratty students who play with their phones, send messages or watch movies or view pictures or use Facebook/Instagram or other sites at every opportunity. Not between classes because they might be seen but in class time. Their minds are not on the 3 R's and all they do is cause class trouble and hurl abusive language at the teacher who is in control of the learning environment.
Anyone who wants students to bring their phones to school should become a teacher for a day and see all the chaos and wasted time that these inanimate objects bring to school. The only time a phone was useful in a sense was during a lesson on radioactivity when a Geiger counter and radioactive sources were part of the learning process. The myth goes around about mobile phones producing radioactivity. Students were allowed to get them out and ring each other to see if using one to ring or listening to one produced alpha, beta or gamma radiation. The clear answer was NO. A good lesson with practical implications.
How did all this fuss about phones come about you might ask. Twenty years ago a principal said no phones and that was it. Students accepted their authority to regulate their use in the principal's school. But times changed and principals did not want to see themselves as the 'bad guy' but rather the pupil's 'friend.' And shortly thereafter we get a new Federal Labor Government and they wanted every student to have a computer because this would smarten up the Australian school population. And with these computers came outright chaos because the students could get them out in class and use them. But a greater part of the students thought this was lovely. They did not have to hide them away at the back of the class or under desks or behind other students as they did with their phones. And sadly the students learnt for a few years how to be sneaky and disobedient at a faster rate than previous generations.
And the repercussions are still with us, We are supposedly behind other countries in areas like Mathematics and Science. But hey, we don't teach the 3 R's anymore but rather technology in Primary class rooms. The question put to 7 & 8 years old students is "What will technology do for you in 59 years time? And you look around and see that they cannot even write words and hold the pencil or pen correctly. Sad, very sad and there is a social movement about phones in Primary and High Schools around the country. Shame Julia and Kevin (all on big fat pensions and not yet 65!).

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:23pm

I think phones should be allowed only with permission from headmaster at
Lunch time to make or receive a personal message from parents or guardian and to call parents if urgent but not Facebook or social interaction with other students

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:20pm

I don't think banning mobile phones from schools is going to address the cyber bullying issue. However, I do think mobile phones should not be allowed to be turned on during class times - only before school, recess, lunch and after school. Cyber bullying doesn't just occur while they are in school so I can't see how this is going to combat it - they'll just do it out of school hours.

There is no need for children to have their phones turned on in class times. Having my 2 children going through high school at the moment, it astounds me how much time children are allowed to spend on their phones when they should be learning. In my experience, Teachers encourage the use of the cameras on the phones to take snapshots of work on the whiteboard, to use the calculator function, to take notes/reminders and to use them as babysitters when they can't (or won't) give the class their full attention. I don't see why there can't be an across-the-board Education Department ban on mobile phone use in class time AND have the individual schools enforce it but no-one seems to want to do it. You can't have one school with a ban and another school that doesn't. It also doesn't help when the Teacher themselves sit on their phone while they should be teaching - not a good example.

  • 16th Aug 2019 04:06pm

This is certainly a contentious issue. I have children in both primary and secondary school. My older kids all have a mobile phone, which I consider a safety issue - as they catch school buses to / from school and I need to be able to contact them, or for them to contact me, if changes occur in scheduling or travel arrangements. My primary school child does not have a phone, as she does not need one - she is dropped to / picked up from school and I believe they can contact me if there are issues whilst she is in their care.

I certainly see the concern about cyberbullying when school children have phones - as any issues that occur at school can 'follow them home' with the phone. I've also heard reports of teens texting abuse to each other during class if they have access to their phones. I think schools should have the right, as determined by the principal (in consultation with families perhaps) to have phones secured during class time and only accessed during breaks or upon completion of the school day. Kids don't need the distraction of phones during class time and many find it too hard to resist the temptation if they are in their hand.

In terms of who makes the decision, I guess it depends on the type of school. I think State schools need to have a cohesive approach, so that it is the same across all schools in a district. Parents should definitely have some input, but teachers and principals are the ones trying to manage the children during class time so their input should probably carry somewhat more weight. Independent schools would probably make the decision in consultation with the Parents and Friends association.

  • 16th Aug 2019 03:51pm

No! Kids do not need any more distractions. School time is for learning, not for scrolling.
Sign them in before school and out after.

AND parents need to also be present for their children. Quality time with kids, not with their screen. Be a role model - your children come first.

  • 16th Aug 2019 03:22pm

Mobile phones may be bought to school, but should be turned completely off during school hours.
Repeat offenders who break the rule should be required to leave their mobiles at Reception for collection after school.
Any student needing to contact someone not at the school, during school hours should do so via School Reception.
Anyone needing to contact a student during school hours should do so via School Reception.
Students may turn their phones back on at the end of the school day ...or if applicable, collect them from Reception.
Mobiles are too distracting and too tempting for a lot of students. For most students there is no practical reason or safety reason for them to be on during school hours.
IMPORTANT - Exceptions may be made for things like school excursions or for certain 'at risk' students.
e.g. My friend's anaphylactic daughter had a reaction to something whilst on a school excursion. When her friends could not immediately find the supervising teacher, they used her mobile to ring for medical help.

In general though, mobiles should not be turned on. My daughter's school banned them being on two years ago....and staff have noticed better socialising at breaks and focus during class also noticeably increased.

  • 16th Aug 2019 02:34pm

Our secondary school has banned mobile phones and the kids have survived quite well. In fact they actually have conversations with one another at recess and lunchtime. What a novel thought!!! Ban on phones has applied for two years now and there has been nothing negative about this.

  • 16th Aug 2019 02:23pm

In todays fast society it is almost impossible for everyone to not have a mobile phone. I think for peace of mind for parents it is a good idea to allow them to bring them to school , but have them hand over the phone into the office ,and then pick them back up after school. Which would be more work for the poor office staff, but this seems to be the easiest solution , everyone would be happy, parents, teachers and, well maybe not the children so much. I for one do not understand why they are allowed in the classrooms in the first place and there is absolutly no reason for them on the grounds at break times.

  • 16th Aug 2019 01:55pm

At our primary school children are allowed to have mobile phones but they have to be dropped off at the school office before classes and picked up at the end of the day. This means they can not be used during class time

  • 16th Aug 2019 01:30pm

School is where children needs to interact study and play with each other. It is obvious that mobile phones stop such interactions and often they become addictive to technology. I have lived a student life both post and pre mobile phones. I would say I had more friends and I was more emotionally stable during the pre era. Conversations were more legit and open. Relationships were more practical. School aged children are not matured enough to make best decisions and I think School authorities should ban the use of mobile phones because I believe children benefit more from its absence.

  • 16th Aug 2019 01:15pm

Mobile phones can prove very useful in case there is an emergency, so I think they should not be banned outright. However, at the risk of having screen addicted zombies roaming the school halls, I also believe that strict limits should be enforced regarding their use within the school premises.

. V
  • 16th Aug 2019 12:50pm

I think no. I like what my son's school does, they have to hand their phones into the office. They are given a special tag with their name and class details on them and they are kept in the office until school finishes and then the kids collect them. The system works well. I don't think they should be allowed in schools especially high schools because of cheating issues. I personally don't believe primary school children should even have a mobile phone. My daughter is 12 and only just got a phone a couple of weeks ago so she catch the bus home and be safe. My 13 year old doesn't have one.

I don't like the idea of phones being used with social media around videoing fights and abuse etc in schools.

Keep them out of schools in school hours I say. Let kids have them for on the way to and from school especially if they walk or catch public transport.

  • 16th Aug 2019 12:32pm

yes I think they should but within certain times such as recess and lunch but for lessons kids should be made to hand them over so they can concentrate on learning and get them back when the period is over!

Jade Simpson
  • 16th Aug 2019 12:18pm

I think just like at work you put it in your bag on silent and can use it in break times.

  • 16th Aug 2019 12:17pm

I think mobile phones should be handed into the office every morning. just as when driving a car the student needs to be paying attention to what is in front of them without being distracted by their mobile phones and without distracting other students as well.

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:38am

I think I agree with Queensland’s Education Minister - mobile phones are indeed a part of everyday life now and much like banning anything, a complete ban will be a failure and just end up with kids resenting school and their teachers. Ban them from being used in the classroom, sure, and I don't have an answer for how to manage that usage but I'm sure smarter minds than mine can work it out. Let kids on breaks and before/after school do what they want.
Cyber bullying is going to occur whether phones exist or not. If you took phones/tablets/laptops/everything digital away, ordinary run-of-the-mill bullying would replace it anyway.

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:28am

I feel more comfortable knowing that my kids had access to their phones whilst at school... unfortunately with all the mentally unstable people in the world that we have to contend with, I prefer that they carried their mobile with them at all times. I feel that its up to the parent to teach their children to be respectful whilst at school and only utilise the phone if absolutely necessary!

  • 16th Aug 2019 11:26am

Allowed during breaks but not in classes

  • 16th Aug 2019 01:22am

No issue with phones at school. Kids travel home alone, plans change, kids get LOCKED in classes by forgetful teachers, school buses break down.
We will be getting our 9 yr old one soon due to recent events like the bus breaking down and her being locked in a class cos a teacher didnt do a head count. I do accept a no using in class rule but they should be allowed to carry them on themselves. For me its a safety thing

  • 15th Aug 2019 11:28pm

I think mobile phones should be with students because incase we parents need to call them to make sure they are safe and incase of any emergency that they need to contact us on their way home from school and it gives us a peace of mind

  • 16th Aug 2019 01:23am
I think mobile phones should be with students because incase we parents need to call them to make sure they are safe and incase of any emergency that they need to contact us on their way home from...

Yep, I agree.
Our kid was locked in a classroom due to a forgetful teacher not doing a headcount, she should have been able to call me. Or like when her school bus broke down

  • 15th Aug 2019 08:34pm

I am looking forward to the Victorian Government banning mobile phones in schools next year. I work in a high school and mobile phones are a distraction that students do not need. I imagine it would be the same in primary schools. The students claim that mobile phones are part of the modern world but, as children, most cannot be relied on to manage their own use of phones. They also claim that they need to be able to be in constant contact with parents or caregivers but, as in the past, people can always ring the school and messages can be passed on as needed. If students forget their sports' uniform or lunch perhaps they need to accept the consequences rather than ringing home for assistance. I'm sure that their organisational skills will quickly improve.
Once in class students should be focusing on their learning rather than scrolling through social media or doing a bit of online shopping or playing the latest game. Phones can be used for educational purposes but this should only be allowed only when it is essential or the only option available. Once students have a phone in their hands it is extremely hard for them to resist using it for entertainment rather than education. It will initially be difficult for students to be deprived of their phones for the whole school day but it shouldn't take too long for students to learn how to play and interact with fellow students in real life rather than through technology. A mobile phone ban cannot come quick enough for me! I think if parents realised how much time their children waste on their phones they would support the ban as well.

  • 15th Aug 2019 08:30pm

I do think mobile's should be allowed in primary school/high school. Students may need the phone's for safety reasons

  • 15th Aug 2019 06:21pm

Bear in mind that I never had this technology when I went to school and even if it was available I'm sure my parents wouldn't have been able to afford to give it to me. Also, I do not have children, so take my comments for what they are worth.

IMHO banning mobile phones is a knee jerk reaction and will do little but delay the cyber bullying until they child gets fact, lets just drop the cyber and call this what it is, bullying.

Instead of attacking the technology, address the behaviour. Address the behaviour and the problem is solved not only through childhood but into adult and business life.

I think bullying is a learned behaviour and it must be unlearned...don't ask me how. As for mobiles at school, they are distraction, that children don't need while they should be learning. I can already hear some parents arguing they need to be able to contact their children...has life changed so much that what they have to say can't wait until they get home? Anyway that's a whole different subject, but that's my two cents.

  • 15th Aug 2019 05:42pm

I think we should give this idea a chance. It might just be a great idea. There is nothing worse than standing in front of a class helping them through a really important section of the course than to see someone surreptitiously checking their mobile phone. And that message could message could well be from another student in the same class. With mobile phones in bags in the classroom or in a student's pocket there is the threat of distraction the full school day. So, firstly, they are an unnecessary distraction and they draw students into checking them even if they say to themselves they will only look at recess time etc. Just doesn't work. Secondly they allow people to be a bit casual about arrangements thinking that they can always text or contact the person. The phone goes flat and is a child to be left stranded because a parent can't reach them? Reliance of last minute arrangements through mobile phones doesn't make for good communication strategies. Thirdly they make cyber bullying so easy and so immediate. The latest TV program The Hunting on SBS gives a graphic picture of what can happen and the catastrophic impact on the victim and on the perpetrator and their families and, in this, case, the teachers etc. It is so easy to click the button and off goes a picture that changes someone's lives almost instantly. Time out from phones is a great idea - it gives "victims" some relief and perhaps the opportunity to think through what is happening to them. Constantly receiving taunting messages doesn't let the victims calm down and look at things logically. Mobile phones have become part of everyday life but that doesn't mean we have to accept that they are a part of every minute of our every day. Very recently I was in a position where I was interviewing a student for a place in a very special program. The student was new to me and surely wanted to create a good impression. His phone rang! He answered it. No one had helped him learn that there are times when you give priority to something other than your phone and that this very important interview was one of those times. Perhaps we could have some mind of trial where we analyse the purpose of the students' phone calls/messages. If the data shows that very little contact if important/necessary then perhaps we ban them in secondary as well as primary school.

  • 15th Aug 2019 05:09pm

Mobile phone technology is wonderful for keeping in touch with kids for emergency purposes/change of plans etc... however I don't believe they need them at school. Mobile phones should be handed in at the start of the day and collected at the end. Our high school has a mobile ban on school grounds. The kids actually talk to each other at breaks. In contrast our other local high school does not have a ban and the kids sit and 'game' at recess and lunch. There is no communication at all between them. My child has been given a "dumb" phone for emergencies. She can text and phone but it is pretty antiquated so limited in data capability. She's happy with it.

  • 15th Aug 2019 05:06pm

I have been a school cleaner for 10 years, until my recent retirement, due to ill health. I definitely think mobile phones should not be allowed in school, when their is bullying or fights in school, mobile phones make it worse, kids will film it and put it on Facebook. Phones are too distracting, kids are on them the minute they arrive at school, and every chance they can. They are in school to learn and distractions should be minimal.

  • 15th Aug 2019 03:13pm

I think unless mobile phones are being used for a specific technology task they should be signed in at reception and stored for the day. They do not help promote social skills and end up causing more problems than anything.

  • 15th Aug 2019 02:34pm

Yes but with strict rules.. must be left in bags during class set on vibrate only..not to be answeted in class but can asl for permission to recall the person that had called.. only selected people can call while in clasd... parents family members only...having medical problems i can end up in hospital at any time . My wife aleays goes in with me so there is mo one home so in this type of situation we need to be able to contact our children directly instead of trusting that a message will get all of them..this way ee knowour children will be safe leaving school and being at home alone untill a person over 18 can look after them.. but as this is not the case for everyone the real strong argument is not value but still could happen.. The schools would havr to come up with a contract that the students and family members must all sign listing who is alllowed to call and receive calls.. any breaking of these comditions eould result in the phone of that person not being allowed in school and or put in the school principles office at the begining and end of i said there must be strict ruled and breaking the rules should be strongly enforced.. to think that kids won't bring phones to school if they are banned is sticking your head in the sand.. all you can do is to try to control when and where they can be used..

  • 15th Aug 2019 02:31pm

As a parent of 4 children (2 in Primary School, 2 in High School), I believe that there is no single answer to cover both primary and high school as a 5 year old Kindy student has much different needs to a 17/18 year old Year 12 student.

In Primary school, Yes, BAN PHONES. I think a NO PHONES policy is a great idea as most of the children attending these schools are 5-12 years old and should not need to use a personal mobile phone during school hours (if at all, but that is a completely different debate again). A parent can easily get a message to their child by ringing the school office and a message will be passed on to their child in a timely manner, the reverse is the same- if a child needs to contact their parents, they can do so via the school. The child's teacher will organise for the school to contact the parents and pass on any important messages that cannot wait until after school. Neither of my primary school children have phones and they won't be getting one for quite a few years yet.

For high school i believe it should be up to the individual school/Principal to make the decision of if phones should be allowed or not. Either way, I think phone use should be LIMITED. I know my teenagers are given the option in class to access certain websites or apps. This is all well and good for those students who do have phones, but i know i am not the only parent whose children do not have phones. My eldest has a phone, but not the younger teen (as yet). I believe that phones should be turned to silent or off during school hours and only turned on/used if really needed. My teens' school allows contactless payments in the office and canteen so this is often done via the students banking app on their phone or watch. I know students take photos and video of other students without their knowledge or permission and some of this will ultimately be posted on Social media or other places online and this is where trouble can happen.

So, while i do believe a phone ban is a good thing, it has to work for both the school and school population (both teachers/staff and the students.) If classes allow or require phones to be used to access certain apps to complete a task, then having a phone ban would not make sense.

  • 15th Aug 2019 02:20pm

Mobile phones have no place in a primary or secondary school environment. Students have access to technology through their tablet or laptop devices and the schools Wi-Fi.
The requirement for a phone is not necessary inside school hours. If a student requires a phone for safety during travel to and from school that's fine. But during school hours they should be handed in and collected at the end of the day.
While I agree students should be taught how to handle themselves appropriately and conduct themselves in a manner that is safe while using them. It's also a fairly adequate assumption that the school play a role in this education process. However, It's not the schools job to police this use!
We place to much power or implied power on schools and teachers. We also expect too much from schools and teachers through this implied power. It's inappropriate to expect schools to manage the conduct of students where staff are outnumbered to students fairly significantly, on correct mobile phone use. It makes more sense from a behaviour management perspective to remove the liability from teachers to control conduct and usage and ensure it's not an issue. Or at least an issue that can be renwided quickly by removal of the device.

The school is still able to perform it's role from a duty of care perspective towards it students.
Some may argue that if we remove them during school how will they learn to conduct themselves when in university. I think it would be safe to assume that conduct with mobile phones should not be an issue when dealing with an age group that has learned how to treat mobile phone use in a educational or professional setting and would likely lead to better productivity longterm.

  • 15th Aug 2019 01:38pm

I think kids should be allowed to take their phones to school but not use them in the school grounds - that includes recess and lunch. Kids need to feel safe when going to and from school but I think they don't need to use them while they are at school for anything. If parents need to contact them then ring the school. I think this will be harder and harder to police though once wearable watches/phones become more and more cheaper and popular.

  • 15th Aug 2019 01:04pm

Mobile phones are so integrated into their lives that I'd struggle to justify a total ban in every school. Yes - kids tend to be too much on their screens, and yes - cyber-safety or bullying are real issues. But kids also know how to make a good use of their smartphones (learning, sharing, socialising).
So maybe the responsibility of the government is to give more capacity to the schools to educate and prevent around the risks of online use and too much screen time. Then I think it's the Principal's responsibility to adapt the rules and prevention/education to its school. And obviously, parents should always guide their kids about healthy mobile phone use.

  • 15th Aug 2019 12:52pm

I think that while in school 0900-1500 or whatever phones should be locked up somewhere safe. Although it would provide more work for our already overworked teachers the distraction of phones during school hours must be reduced. Parents can still contact the child through the office during school hours and the child can still have their phone on the way home. To do this it must be done on a no exception basis so I think it should be applied via Government action. Having phones during school hours could even be a way for estranged partners to contact a child. This should not be allowed as part of a school's duty of care.

  • 14th Aug 2019 11:23am

I think it is up to the school. They should set the rules as they see fit but I would hope that both primary and high schools act responsibly encourage kids not to sit around staring at their devices during break times. Breaks my heart to see so many kids glued to their devices not running around or socialising with their mates.

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