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Technology & Online

Posted by: Daddo

23rd Nov 2021 06:49pm

Who chooses Ebook over Paperback?

Comments 10

  • 14th Nov 2022 10:40am

I quite enjoy my ereader I received as a gift as I can switch between books on the go without pre-planning. I like that I can enlarge the font size which helps improve my reading speed, also I like the integrated dictionary and it's one handed operation makes it easier to read standing on public transportation etc.
I've heard that it has virtually no environmental footprint from production and delivery of additional books. I can also tweet or highlight favourite passages or post them on social media
Best of all I can shop anywhere and gets books delivered in seconds with added bonus of downloading a sample chapter from any book for free. Also my ereader gives me opportunity to download any public domain book for free.

  • 15th May 2022 02:41pm

I resisted getting an eBook for years - I love books and reading, and I love sharing books I have read with others. However, during lockdown it was difficult to get books quickly enough, so I caved and bought a Kindle. I now love it - so many advantages: I can download a book as soon as I finish one, I can read at night in the dark, I can take heaps of books with me wherever I go, and I don't need to find space for more books which I don't have! There are downsides though - you can't share with others, you can't see images in colour, and it's impossible to read any maps (though I can sometimes access them separately through my iPad).

  • 25th Apr 2022 10:39am

Paperbacks will forever be my favourite, but lately have been using more books. Main factor is the difference in price. For a unistudent like myself to need save money where I can. Sometimes if I really like the book I will buy a paperback copy, other times if there is a book l truly am excited to read, I will treat myself.

  • 25th Apr 2022 10:38am

Paperbacks will forever be my favourite, but lately have been using more books. Main factor is the difference in price. For a unistudent like myself to need save money where I can. Sometimes if I really like the book I will buy a paperback copy, other times if there is a book l truly am excited to read, I will treat myself.

  • 22nd Mar 2022 10:10pm

Paperback, reading ebooks on a screen hurts my eyes after a short timeframe I don't know how ppl do it

  • 9th Dec 2021 03:03pm

Ebooks are great for "vacation" novels - the kinds of books I'm going to read while on holiday and don't wanna fill up my suitcase, but nothing beats the smell and feel of a real book!

  • 1st Dec 2021 04:23am

I would always prefer Paperback ones:)

  • 26th Nov 2021 11:08am

I don't read either. If I was to read a book it would have to be paper, as an ebook would seem foreign, too clinical and unease me, for me to be able to enjoy what I am reading.

  • 24th Nov 2021 10:12pm

Whist I like printed books, and still buy them, eBooks are very convenient both in obtaining new titles and taking zero shelf space 😉

  • 23rd Nov 2021 07:28pm

Ebooks are good especially now that we have audio books too. However, I prefer to choose Paperback if I am going to read a book. This is purely because we spend far too much time on electronics these days that we need the occasional time out from them. Thus, picking up a good 'ol Paperback book always is a good way to get away from electronics and have some time out.

This said, I still prefer Ebooks mainly if I'm a passenger whilst traveling over a long distance as I get headaches trying to read a Paperback in a vehicle. Also, if I am sleeping or need something to listen to in the background, I love a good Audio book.

Overall, it depends on the situation for me. All three, Ebooks, Paperbacks and Audio Books all have there time and place. Paperbacks to get away from electronics, Ebooks when traveling as a passenger in a vehicle and Audio Books when about to sleep or as background noise.

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