Government & Politics

What does Anzac Day mean to you and your family?

Government & Politics

Posted by: Elizabeth 31231703

25th Apr 2022 07:55am

What is the meaning of Anzac Day to you from your perspective?
What do you and your family do on Anzac day?

Comments 3

  • 16th Jul 2022 06:18pm

its my wedding anniversary
So relaxing, dinner

  • 18th May 2022 11:11am

I used to live right next door to the army barracks - when we were there, every ANZAC day my dad and I, and a friend of mine, would get up and go to the dawn service on site. Unfortunately, with the terror threat level being what it is, we're no longer allowed to do that.
I still try and take a moment each ANZAC day to remember our soldiers, and will often go out for a meal as a kind of "we have the freedom to enjoy little luxuries because of our troops".

  • 30th Apr 2022 05:49pm

My family and I have a quiet day at home. It is an extra day to relax together and get jobs completed around the house. The day itself has no meaning to me or my family. I don't support war in any way and I don't think lying about your age to join as a young person is applaudable nor to fight and assist the British forces so they could capture Constantinople is fighting for Australia nor Australian's freedom.

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