
Fortnightly to weekly bins


Posted by: Stuart31314627

18th Jun 2022 11:11am

Our local council has proposed to switch our general waste bin from weekly to fortnightly - and our green bin from fortnightly to weekly.

If people do t like it they can opt out and revert to the old system.

A clean green switch right?!

Anyone would think they have proposed to switch off our water for a month judging by the social media response.

I'm certain this isn't in line with general community opinions... am I right??

Comments 2

  • 28th Aug 2022 02:28pm

My family (3) have just under two small shopping bags worth of rubbish in just 2 weeks. I'd actually love if the recycling bin went more often

Con D. Oriano
  • 14th Jul 2022 08:34pm

I suppose it does save the council on fuel.... will rates decrease along with it? :P

The most green solution is to have large underground bins at the end of each street. Each household can walk an extra 50m to put it in the shared bins like they do in Europe.
It will save hundreds of thousands in collection costs and there can be sensors in the underground chambers to only collect when they are getting full.

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