
Holiday Destinations


Posted by: Gregg

24th Oct 2022 10:44am

Now life is getting back to normal, and we can spread our wings and travel again. Where is the best destinations you have been to, or plan on going in the next year? I have always wanted to go to Alaska so doing a cruise next year to Vancouver and then a 7-night cruise around Alaska.

Comments 61

  • 5th Dec 2023 08:56am

My favourite place to go is Germany. I am hoping to do Fiji or Hawaii soon 🤞

  • 5th Dec 2023 08:53am

I would love to go to Fiji with my family next year.

  • 2nd Dec 2023 07:40pm

The best destination I have been to is Switzerland, more specifically Lucerne.
I am planning on going to Japan next year to ski.

  • 28th Nov 2023 09:57pm

Germany is the place ild like to visit late next year!

  • 17th Nov 2023 07:25pm

I like to visit indosian

  • 17th Nov 2023 07:25pm

I love Japan. The seafood there is delicious and scenery is beautiful. It is quite quiet and neat there. Few people will speak in public transportation. Everyone is so polite.

Sri Sharanya32309396
  • 16th Nov 2023 06:02pm

Dreaming of travelling Tasmania and Hobart.

Monica Mac
  • 15th Nov 2023 08:10pm

How amazing will that be! I, too, have always wanted to go to Alaska (and Canada). Have a great time :)

  • 15th Nov 2023 07:18pm

Cruising is a way to relax.You can do as much as you want or nothing.Your accommodation and meals are paid for.

  • 7th Nov 2023 04:55pm

I would love to travel all over Tasmania

  • 5th Dec 2023 08:54am
I would love to travel all over Tasmania

Tasmania is a beautiful state to visit. Lots to gmdo and see I recommend going.

  • 7th Nov 2023 04:45pm

travel strangely for us is more domestic currently given the high costs of overseas travel.

  • 6th Nov 2023 09:59am

Vietnam is a destination we want to go back to, we went in 2019 right before Covid destroyed everyone’s plans. It was the most fantastic holiday so we are planning on going back next year. We are also looking at a cruise through Japan to celebrate my 40th birthday. Can’t wait to get back on a plane.

  • 3rd Nov 2023 10:54am

Next year is going to be the year of holidays for me, starting with Christmas in Canberra, a new years cruise, Vietnam in March and then a big europe trip in June and then possibly Cairns in August

  • 3rd Nov 2023 09:39am

I have always wanted to travel through Sth America down to the south and then take a cruise to Antarctica. I think travelling from the tropical climates of Brazil and Columbia and making my way down to the South Pole would be an amazing experience.

  • 2nd Nov 2023 11:39am

You should definitely make time to visit Finland. I went on a family trip to England, Germany and Finland for the Christmas holidays. We spent Christmas in a wooden cabin with a fireplace, visited Santa's village, went to the Christmas markets and even went dogsledding. It was a magical experience, and so much fun especially if you have little ones.

Monica Mac
  • 15th Nov 2023 08:33pm
You should definitely make time to visit Finland. I went on a family trip to England, Germany and Finland for the Christmas holidays. We spent Christmas in a wooden cabin with a fireplace, visited...

I don't have little ones anymore, but I would still like to visit Santa's Village :) Sounds amazing!!!

  • 1st Nov 2023 05:01pm

I visited Malta and Portugal for the first time flowing end of lock down. Everybody should go at least once. Amazing.

  • 28th Oct 2023 05:00pm

Getting back into cruising. Did our first cruise and loved it so had two more booked, then Covid hit, cruises cancelled. Did one in April around the Pacific Islands, have another coming up end November to New Zealand. Have two booked for 2024, fingers crossed nothing happens and they go ahead.

  • 27th Oct 2023 12:07pm

I travelled to Japan for 3 weeks in May 23. Absolutely loved Japan. Everyone was super helpful. Would go back again.
I have a trip to Vietnam booked for next year and a Christmas cruise booked to Tasmania this year.

  • 18th Oct 2023 08:10pm

Not long back from a week on the Sunshine Coast which was warm & relaxing. Would love to return to Singapore and interested to see Tokyo too.

  • 18th Oct 2023 04:25pm

Anywhere that is SAFE and within my price range. I have a large list

  • 17th Oct 2023 02:09pm

would love to visit Norway

  • 9th Oct 2023 09:14pm

I really enjoyed a trip to Mexico. I spent just on a week there. The weather was great most is the time. There was only a small amount of rain.

  • 9th Oct 2023 10:48am

cant wait to get back to my favourite beach and golf resort in thailand

  • 6th Oct 2023 06:44pm

I have spent this year taking in those iconic Australian destinations I have always intended to go to but was tempted away from by overseas destinations. How glad I am that I have finally experienced Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Mona in Hobart and the Daintree.

  • 6th Oct 2023 08:31am

Any place that I have not been to before. Have just booked a trip to Samoa as it seems like a very laid-back place with a lot to see

  • 3rd Oct 2023 12:06am

I would love to travel more overseas. I have a cruise booked next year for 14 days .. to Norfolk Island (bucket list tick) and Fiji, Suva, L'autoka, Noumea.

  • 28th Sep 2023 10:00pm

I’m off to France to cruise on the Danube river.
I paid for this holiday before covid & it got cancelled twice.
I’m finally going after a long four year wait.

  • 13th Sep 2023 01:11pm

We need to really review how travel happens. We are killing travel destinations with our love of them. Back from 2 months in Canada - wildfires pretty much everywhere. Hoards of tourists in the Rockies - buses spewing diesel particulate, too many feet trampling nature, the rubbish, the consumerism………ironic I know as I was part of the problem.
There were too many tourists and the landscapes are getting crushed, the animals surrounded by badly behaved humans, the rubbish, the toilet paper with the detritus it comes with. It made me realise that travel was becoming just another form of consumerism.
Destinations in demand need to control visitor numbers or areas of natural beauty are just going to turn into grimy nature theme parks.
I don’t have any answers to how to do it, but conversations need to start.

  • 12th Sep 2023 10:38am

I've been enchanted by Iceland's natural beauty in the past. For next year, I'm aiming for the Amalfi Coast in Italy, a blend of coastal charm, gourmet delights, and history. Here's to exciting adventures ahead!

  • 10th Sep 2023 05:11pm

Ohh I would want to travel to Europe

  • 30th Aug 2023 07:33am

We were lucky enough to do that trip, it was sensational enjoy !!

  • 24th Aug 2023 06:21pm

Japan is one of my favourites! Super clean, safe and easy to get around. Plus it's different enough to be exciting and have a bit of a culture shock.

  • 24th Aug 2023 05:31pm

I've visited many spectacular places in my life. I cannot think of a holiday I haven't enjoyed. I think Antarctica is probably the most spectacular. I have been to the Peninsula twice and to the Ross Sea once. I am heading back there this year but round to the Weddell Sea to see the Emperor penguin chicks.
I enjoy small ship expeditions to remote places. One trip was sailing up the middle of the South Atlantic calling in at various remote volcanic islands including Tristan da Cunha, St Helena and Ascension Islands

Taumoor Ababakar
  • 24th Aug 2023 01:31pm

In future i want to visit northern Australia to spend my vication with my family member for the enjoymemt.

  • 20th Aug 2023 03:15pm

Not long back from Egypt, Jordan & Turkey, amazing trip which we were supposed to take in 2020 but had to postpone. Would love to travel to lots of places and as we aren't getting any younger need to get going.

  • 19th Aug 2023 12:05pm

I travelled to San Francisco. Went on the hop and off bus and managed to see San Francisco in a 2hour period.

  • 17th Aug 2023 11:25am

As much as I'd like to go back to Europe, I think most of mine for a while will be here or Asia.

  • 15th Aug 2023 02:25pm

I have started travelling to those places in Australia I always meant to go to and didn’t get there -Uluṟu, Mona, Daintree, Kimberleys, Wilpena Pound, Eyre Peninsula, SA Riverland

  • 15th Aug 2023 12:34pm

New Zealand, went on a cruise at wrong time but still enjoyed myself, would go again in summer if I could

  • 14th Aug 2023 06:00pm

Definitely do it. We’ve done something like this and was wonderful. We went with Scenic we did the Rocky Mountaineer stayed in great locations and the inside passage to Alaska on the Holland America cruise ship.

  • 20th Aug 2023 02:39am
Definitely do it. We’ve done something like this and was wonderful. We went with Scenic we did the Rocky Mountaineer stayed in great locations and the inside passage to Alaska on the Holland...

Hi Mae going in 3 weeks to Canada and doing the Alaska, Rockies and so on can't wait, we should have done this trip in 2021 when it was cancelled.

  • 10th Aug 2023 11:35am

By the way the date you posted this is my birthday, 24th October, born at 10 minutes past 10, which is very close, but no cigar!

  • 10th Aug 2023 11:34am

I have always wanted to visit Greece and see all those houses cobbled into the side of the mountain. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if there was an Earthquake. Wondering about them doesn’t cause them thank goodness.

  • 7th Aug 2023 12:33pm

My husband and I cruised from Hamburg to Spitsbergen (Longbean) Norway a few years ago. It was magical and we were closer to the Artic Circle than the distance between Adelaide and Sydney. The fiords were breathtaking and needing a rifle to protect from polar beers if leaving the small town limits was also breathtaking. Would love to repeat the experience.

  • 14th Jul 2023 03:40pm

have done that,what a great experience,ice glaciers everywhere,whales following us,stop in Junoe,a wild west town,well worth the travel time to get there

  • 11th Jul 2023 05:14pm

New Zealand cruising twice,just loved it people scenery and Singapore also beautiful,but not planning future travel,I lost my husband last year and now staying home.

  • 7th Aug 2023 12:35pm
New Zealand cruising twice,just loved it people scenery and Singapore also beautiful,but not planning future travel,I lost my husband last year and now staying home.

Great that you have nice memories of your New Zealand trips. It is another special place. Stay strong

  • 27th Jun 2023 08:28pm

I just came back from the Gold Coast, very nice weather and the tourist spots clean and inviting. I had to cancel my trip to Melbourne so I have credit for a plane trip.

  • 20th Jun 2023 07:11pm

Hard to decide and getting better deals

  • 18th Jun 2023 10:33am

I don't think we are getting back to normal nor will we ever. I am planning a trip to Surfers Paradise Queensland for our 50th Wedding Anniversary.

  • 16th Jun 2023 10:50am

Just came back from a cruise to New Zealand in March, wrong time of year but enjoyed myself.... only disappointment is I came home with the Flu

  • 15th Jun 2023 06:00pm

Life is not getting back to Normal.

  • 17th Aug 2023 11:21am
Life is not getting back to Normal.

My 'normal' is similar to organised chaos - hasn't changed much.

  • 14th Jun 2023 02:59pm

I just returned from London and am planning to go to the US in September. I'm also going interstate next month and I cannot wait!

Brittany 32382508
  • 7th Jun 2023 02:57pm

My partner and I currently have 1 month trip booked around Europe (who wouldn't be up for going away to Europe) in 2 months. The ideal time at the peak of European Summer with friends and endless eating. With the days flying by I will be on the flight in no time.

  • 7th Jun 2023 02:47pm

I would love to go to Canada, I am planning on going after school is all finished. I might travel alone or with friends that would be interested. My plan is to work in the snow mountains there and spend the season snowboarding and skiing.

  • 8th Dec 2023 03:34pm
I would love to go to Canada, I am planning on going after school is all finished. I might travel alone or with friends that would be interested. My plan is to work in the snow mountains there and...

That sounds awesome Magbags.

  • 2nd Jun 2023 01:13pm

I would love to go to Fiji - or any pacific island to be honest. Warm water and lots of swimming and snorkelling etc.

  • 17th Aug 2023 11:23am
I would love to go to Fiji - or any pacific island to be honest. Warm water and lots of swimming and snorkelling etc.

I was going to Fiji about 2 decades back. Tried 3 times.

1st try: military coup. cancelled.
2nd try: military coup. cancelled.
3rd try: cyclone.

decided it was better for the Fijians if I didn't try again.

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