Society & Culture

How do you tie your shoes?

Society & Culture

Posted by: Guzzler

16th Mar 2023 01:36am

"_Do you put your socks on first and then your shoes or do you put one sock on & then a shoe.?" Basically that is the topic.
Left-handed.? Which shoe do you put on first?
Right-handed? Which shoe do you put on first?
Don't think about it too much. Just do what you usually do, either physically now or mentally.

Comments 2

  • 2nd Feb 2024 02:53pm

I'm right-handed.

I know that I don't have a set pattern for putting on my socks and shoes. Sometimes, I put my left sock on first and then the left shoe, then the right sock followed by the right shoe. At other times, I start with my right sock and shoe then go to my left. At still other times, I will put on both socks before putting on my shoes. And I might start with the left or right sock. And if I do it this way, I might put on, for example, my left sock, right sock, right shoe, and finally my left shoe.

In all of the various combinations I've known myself to be putting on my socks and shoes, I don't ever recall trying to put on my socks after my shoes.

But your question was 'How do you tie your shoes?'. When I saw that in the list, I was wondering what exactly you were going to ask. I have been known to tie my children's shoes together when they're wearing them. And my brother has a completely different way to me to tie the knot in the shoelace. He's 9 years older than me and he tried for many years to teach me his method for tying laces. I never could get it right. I couldn't even get to the first step.

  • 16th Mar 2023 01:39am

I'm right handed & I seem to put one sock followed by my left shoe and then do the other.

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