
Consequences for 'litter bugs'


Posted by: Jim 007

27th Jan 2011 12:59pm

I find it so annoying when i see people throwing take away packages out there car! It is so disrespectful to our country!

Comments 37

  • 31st Jul 2015 09:23pm

Yes it is totally annoying. I hope people would stop doing it.

  • 31st Jul 2015 09:22pm

I second that

  • 21st May 2015 11:45am

Totally agree, not to mention the effects it can have on our wildlife.

  • 12th Oct 2014 09:39pm

I have seen people throw rubbish from car windows and also open their car doors and push the rubbish from the car floor into the gutter.

What can you do?
Just give them a nasty look maybe.
What else can you do?

  • 9th Jul 2015 03:43pm
I have seen people throw rubbish from car windows and also open their car doors and push the rubbish from the car floor into the gutter.

What can you do?
Just give them a nasty look...

I saw the best response ever to this terrible laziness recently. A motorcyclist was in front of me and a ute beside them threw a take-away bag of rubbish out the window. the rider picked up the bag, sped up and threw it back into the tray of the ute. Good karma in my opinion.

  • 20th Apr 2012 08:31pm

What really gets me is the school bus and the stuff that gets tossed out their windows. We're rural NZ and Im always picking up stuff thats been tossed out. Its the High School bus that ive seen do it, not primary.

  • 23rd Mar 2012 03:30pm

My personal hate is the people who leave used disposable nappies lying round. You can tell by where they are that they have decided they dont want to have it somewhere they can smell it yet leave it under a bush etc for other people to dispose of. Come on people, there are scented bags if you are so worried and usually a bin somewhere close by!

  • 23rd Mar 2012 03:28pm

My personal hate is the people who leave used disposable nappies lying round. You can tell by where they are that they have decided they dont want to have it somewhere they can smell it yet leave it under a bush etc for other people to dispose of. Come on people, there are scented bags if you are so worried and usually a bin somewhere close by!

  • 20th Mar 2012 09:54am

Yes, it REALLY upsets me when I see people litter. We all have to share this environment, and who wants to live in a rubbish heap? I get very upset with my son (he's only 4) if he throws anything on the ground.

  • 22nd Feb 2012 04:49pm

I go for a walk daily through bush and along the Waikato river and often see rubish, i pick it up and dispose of it, a pity people can't be clean.

  • 19th Feb 2012 10:46am

Agree 100% if you have any respect for your country, neighbourhood, or backyard you wouldn't pollute the place this way. You'll find litterbugs everywhere, even in NZ but I never saw so much rubbish by the roadside as I did until I came to Australia. Unless it's the crows that are picking out plastic containers and food wrap from rubbish bins and dropping it around the countryside. Personally I think it's mainly people. In NZ we were bought up to be TIDY KIWIS. Always put your rubbish in the bins, and keep it in your car or on your person until you find a bin, simple. Cigarette butts can take anything from 18months to 10 years to break down depending on the environment in which they are discarded. Smokers have a responsibility to not treat their country like a giant ashtray. It's also a fire hazard and causes many grass fires.

  • 18th Feb 2012 11:19am

We should have here just as in England a big fine 400 pounds or a three week jail sentence.

  • 17th Feb 2012 02:14pm

It's really not that difficult to throw rubbish in the bin! I love the bins that we have in town now (in Dunedin- I'm not sure who else has them). They're colour-coded and have different holes for different things (ie: glass and paper). it makes it quite fun... posting the rubbish into the right hole!

  • 15th Dec 2011 12:42pm

I really hate that so much! It is so disgusting, I do not know how they do it.
It really is yuck! And then, they are the ones who COMPLAIN about having dirty streets, like when I see someone that drops stuff to the ground I call their attention and make them pick it up, because I do not want to have a dirty city because of those people.

  • 28th Nov 2011 07:33am

I have found that even some of the better dressed litter as well as the silly age kids.

  • 29th Aug 2011 04:11pm

Babies dirty nappies are my pet hate. Driving around you see they have been thrown out of the car. Probably the smell has been too much whatever but how disgusting is that? How many years would that take to disappear if it would? I cannot stop and pick them up not that I would like to pr want to because I am disabled. If I am near my home or in and area I know the best I can do is ring the Council. They do go. collect and pick up anything else in the area but what will be the cost for that?

  • 24th Aug 2011 11:16am

Totally agree, why should we let litter bugs mess up our areas? I have on occasion rebuked people for littering and, of course, been abused. So, I agree, contact the No. and report them, if the threat of fines wont deter them, than maybe community service picking up litter would be appropriate.

  • 17th Mar 2012 12:29pm
Totally agree, why should we let litter bugs mess up our areas? I have on occasion rebuked people for littering and, of course, been abused. So, I agree, contact the No. and report them, if the...

I agree with the fact that litterers should be reported.Every time i put my garbage bin out I have to pick up rubbish on hte road ots a disgrace on us!

  • 17th May 2011 11:34am

I to get so annoyed with all the rubbish you see around and it breaks my heart to see the beaches with litter on them. I dont know what the answer is to stop this. People just have no respect for our beautiful world and for future generations. I am also amazed with the amount of litter on our beaches after severe storms or flooding. It is so sad to see what has been washed up on our beaches from the ocean. How the heck can we police that. I get so angry with smokers when I see them toss their butts out the car window or just drop it in the street. I am a smoker and these people give us a bad name. I am very responsible and have my own ashtray in my bag and wouldn't leave home without it. Its not hard to do. I have trained a few people in the past by nagging them and doing a little preaching and now they would never just throw them anywhere. Selfish people who dont think of others and future generations.

  • 13th May 2011 09:05pm

Yes, I totally agree, and I wished many others felt the same way. Unfortuntely they do not. I have even had my own family member litter in front of me and I tell them not to litter because it is our Mother Earth they are littering upon. To do such a thing is not only disrespectful to our planet, but disrespectful to themselves, others and any children they may have. We want to provide a healthy and clean environment for the many generations to come :) ! ! ! !

  • 9th May 2011 09:04am

I agree with you. Imagine if every person in the country threw a piece of paper or a a plastic item each what would this place look like! I suppose they don't look at it that way.

  • 22nd Feb 2011 02:33pm

I am more than annoyed with any kind of littering. I have difficulty tolerating it, and feel the same about graffitti or any kind of vandalism. I am nearly as annoyed with people who tolerate it by just ignoring it. If I see a loose plastic bag, or rubbish left on a casual cafe table, I will pick it up and bin it... takes about 2 seconds and helps everybody.
We traveled through Central Australia, across to and down the west coast. Even in the outback, every time we stopped, even remotely, there was always, always evidence of people having been there (mostly main roads). I was amazed ! The travel distances are so vast, and I know there are teams constantly cleaning up roadsides, but still... there it was. Sometimes it may have been something quite insignificant such as a half submerged drink bottle or an old metal bottle cap, a piece of decaying rag,etc.... not always noticeable from the road.... but there was always something!
I really cannot understand the selfish attitude of people who do any of this, who don't value tidyness, the environment, care nought about others or take responsibility for their own filth. I always pray they will be caught and fined, and am still hoping they remain are a minority!

  • 21st Feb 2011 06:46pm

Litter Bugs are a pest but then so are the manufacturers that put so much packaging around everything!!! What a waste!! I try to keep packaging to a minimum especially when shopping at the supermarket. Do we need so much packaging?

  • 17th Feb 2011 12:08pm

Yes, it is a shame to see a general lack of care for our natural environment. I will believe that there's a real interest in the environment when 1) there's no rubbish to pick up when I walk the beach (and how grateful I am for the beauty of the ocean and the surrounds while I'm doing my bit to clean up); and 2) "Clean Up Australia Day" (a wonderful initiative?) is cancelled as there is simply no rubbish to collect!

  • 1st Jun 2011 12:19pm
Yes, it is a shame to see a general lack of care for our natural environment. I will believe that there's a real interest in the environment when 1) there's no rubbish to pick up when I walk the...

Yes, you could not have said it any better!

  • 16th Feb 2011 05:48pm

I am amazed at the number of cigarette buts in outdoor venues where there are ashtrays on the table. Unfortunately I am a smoker. I carry my own ashtray in my handbag and always use the ashtray provided.
When in Surfers recently I asked the lifesavers for a plastic bag and collected rubbish left on the beach.mostly from McDonalds. I then filled the bag and took it to the nearest McDonalds cafe and handed it back to them, stating that it had their name on it so I was returning the product to its owner. Not very well received, but I felt better about the rubbish left on the beach and McDonalds did take the bag!.

  • 16th Feb 2011 05:10pm

We've just come back from Japan where it is bad manners to eat or drink on the street, consequently you don't find any bins around but there's no litter anyway. Japanese are hygiene freaks, we saw a worker mopping the station stairs! What an eye opener!

  • 16th Feb 2011 03:22pm

Jimbo, these people have no respect for anybody or anything. I don't know how to train them properly. Meanwhile, let's hang their parents up by their ankles, until their kids pay a hefty fine!!!

  • 16th Feb 2011 03:17pm

I agree. Smokers are the worst, but I am disturbed by the number of idiots who leave half-consumed food and drink on public transport, especially trains. Their mothers obviously didn't bother to train them.

  • 16th Feb 2011 10:15am

i agree, when you go driving, all you see is rubbish, especially fast food packets.

  • 16th Feb 2011 10:14am

i think it is absolutely disgusting the way people litter, ESPECIALLY smokers, everywhere you look, someone is throwing down their old cigs, all over our footpaths, anywhere, their should be a very heavy fine on this repulsive act, then they might think twice before doing it. xo

  • 20th Apr 2012 09:36pm
i think it is absolutely disgusting the way people litter, ESPECIALLY smokers, everywhere you look, someone is throwing down their old cigs, all over our footpaths, anywhere, their should be a very...

i think your right it would be alot if they dont smoke on the beach at all

  • 22nd Feb 2012 04:51pm
i think it is absolutely disgusting the way people litter, ESPECIALLY smokers, everywhere you look, someone is throwing down their old cigs, all over our footpaths, anywhere, their should be a very...

I"m an ex smoker and now realise how bad it is too litter areas with cigarette butts.

  • 9th May 2011 09:12am
i think it is absolutely disgusting the way people litter, ESPECIALLY smokers, everywhere you look, someone is throwing down their old cigs, all over our footpaths, anywhere, their should be a very...

Introducing a heavy fine on this problem could take a while but as a smoker myself I just make sure I have put out the cig completely and then dispose it in a nearby bin. It takes me only a few seconds!

  • 16th Feb 2011 10:56am
i think it is absolutely disgusting the way people litter, ESPECIALLY smokers, everywhere you look, someone is throwing down their old cigs, all over our footpaths, anywhere, their should be a very...

Littering from motor vehicles can be reported through the EPA's litter reporting program. Initially the litterers are warned. Do a favour for the environment and the critters that are unable to protect themselves. Being warned might make them think twice before littering.

  • 15th Feb 2011 07:55pm

I agree ! I walk the beach each day, and although there has been an improvement, people never seem to learn.

  • 17th Apr 2012 05:20pm
I agree ! I walk the beach each day, and although there has been an improvement, people never seem to learn.

I totally agree. Where are the health inspectors? Nowhere to be seen. I've yet to hear of anyone being issued a fine on the spot for littering.

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