


Posted by: mistymae53

27th Feb 2011 01:04am

The Mayans, and Nostradamus prophesized the end of the world in December 2012. I have been surprized that this theory is gaining momentum. Who out there believes in these prophecies? Disasters all over the world certainly are beginning to make people give these theories credibility! What do you think!

Comments 68

  • 13th Oct 2014 12:44pm

I watch a television show about 15 - 20 years ago and they said it was so controversial they may go off the air and they did.

Basically what I can remember is that Albert Einstein had invented some thing in a box and somebody has it and takes it around with them and it causes natural or unnatural disasters. Sounds farfetched doesn't it but I have never seen the show since and this will require some research to prove it either way.!!!

  • 14th Sep 2012 01:50am

hi doomsday theorists,' tis an extremely timely discussion,as the end of the year draws closer. i , myself am inclined to think that there will be some coming drama played out in some kind of cosmically influenced event. not especially on the exact solstice.[that date could be a metaphore for change, as in the seasons] professor mochio kaku is of the opinion, and i agree, that the thing we have to worry about in com ing months, is the possible[and almost certain ] event of solar flares, which happen within a cycle of 11-12 years. the last one was due in year 2000 when we all expected communication blackouts that largely didn't happen. professor michio kaku expects the next cyclic event to be a HUGE one due to the build up of energy that was not released last time. this is due between NOW and. 20013. i think we should start to prepare for that event. i wonder if the satelites have solar shields as has been recommended?i sure hope so!

  • 15th Jan 2012 07:36pm

there has been so many doomsday prophecies that haven't come to frution, I dont know what to think nowadays. Why did the Mayans stop planning and recording the calender in Dec 2012? There appears far more disasters happening in todays world. I see it as 'mother nature is not at all happy with what we have done to the earth' Lets start to clean up the mess for the generations to come.

  • 11th Jan 2012 11:46am

theyre not the only ones the chinese, egyptians, hindus, aztecs, maya, and the bible plus more i cant remember at the moment. almost every culture believes it in a different way some believe theres going to be an asteroid[has been spotted recently]some believe its going to be the fall of religion, the bible says death and destruction mostly by natural disaster[but thats going to happen anyway] and some people think we are going to meet the aliens and be saved. i think everything will happen as well as new minds that you people couldnt comprehend. it wont happen instantly for some.

  • 14th Sep 2012 02:14am
theyre not the only ones the chinese, egyptians, hindus, aztecs, maya, and the bible plus more i cant remember at the moment. almost every culture believes it in a different way some believe theres...

hi mell, its not all that way -out.the eminent professor michio kaku, said in an interview that we should be prepared to meet the aliens, and that he hopes they will be friendly, but we shouldn't assume anything. we should avoid contact if possible, and not advertise where our planet is in the solar system. -cheers,Simla

  • 22nd Nov 2011 09:34pm

all these prophosies are crap.people scare-mongering trying to frighten people about there being a doomsday.piffle-piffle.the sad part is some people believe

  • 22nd Nov 2011 03:41pm

If it happens, it happens. I'm not particularly happy with living in this world so if it all ended tomorrow it wouldn't particularly bother me.
What does worry me is the thoughts my son presented to me on this so called doomsday. If enough people believe there could be rioting, looting and mayhem when the day dawns. Time to lock ourselves in our houses and throw away the key.

  • 19th Nov 2011 01:12pm

This quite an interesting subject as no one really knows but when you google the website it is just incredible how much comes up about 2012. As we have all seen on the news there are increases in the natural disasters and they are much bigger and more catastrophic than ever been recorded in the worlds history. But we all have to admit that all the nuclear bombs tested around the world has got to do something to the earth sooner or later. I see that man is his own worst enemy and in the end it will catch up with him one way or another.

  • 17th Aug 2011 11:17pm

the only being that will ever know the end is our holy father not any doomsday groups

  • 10th Jul 2011 01:55pm

The end of the great cycle of the planets is not Doomsday. The last time that the planets lined up was 3500 years ago. The next time that they line up will be 2000 odd years hence. The combined gravitational pull of the lined up planets acts on the Sun to create massive solar flares, which in turn, heats up the center of our planet. It all depends on how the sun reacts to the stimulus. If it stirs the sun up to any great degree, the sun will stay stirred up for some considerable time. In turn our planet will experience accelerated warming, more earthquakes, possibly more volcanic activity.

  • 2nd Jul 2011 09:38am

well, I think that the people of ancient times ,had knowledge which has been lost over the centuries, and no they did not say the end of the world, but, rather that great changes would occur, most to do with Mother Nature and brought about by our lack of respect etc for the world.Could be that indeed events which are happening now will become more intense next year,but, at the same time disaster can happen at anytime,and we can not dwell on what may happen.

  • 29th Apr 2011 09:15pm


  • 29th Apr 2011 12:50pm

No Doomsday just an awakening to our true selves. Maybe that's what it's all about. It is my opinion anyway. Looking forward to 2012!!!!!!

  • 22nd Apr 2011 04:39pm

There will be an end of the earth but we won't be around to see it and maybe no human will be around either. We will either have vanished from the face of the earth or left to live on another planet(s) elsewhere in teh universe

  • 12th Sep 2012 10:47pm
There will be an end of the earth but we won't be around to see it and maybe no human will be around either. We will either have vanished from the face of the earth or left to live on another...

hi coversharvey, the latest discovery of the goldielocks planets might seem to imply that the escape-route to another world may be around the corner. glease581G[nasa headline news 29/3/2012]and kepler22b.[20 light years away] are being investigated. cheers-Simla

pete 9
  • 20th Apr 2011 11:03pm

No the world won't end. As an Astrologer I can tell you for certain.
It's just time for a change in the way people live.
Do you recall how many people thought this in teh 2000 New Year.
I had someone tell me thjey believed computers would all go astray and not work properly.
Well that was wrong.
Natural disasters happen eveyday and have been there forever.
Look forward to the so called Age of Aquarius dawning!

  • 12th Sep 2012 11:33pm
No the world won't end. As an Astrologer I can tell you for certain.
It's just time for a change in the way people live.
Do you recall how many people thought this in teh 2000 New...

hi pete. i do hope the new age of aquarius lives up to the expectations of all of us optimists. i think we will indeed see big changes. particularly in technology. it is just snowballing. on the subject of the computors not going hay-wire in year 2000, according to eminent physicist Michio Kaku that was s stroke of good luck, the solar flare activity that occurs every 11 or 12 years,due to the reversal of the suns magnetic field's reversal[has been a regular event] ,was minimal in that cycle , he says therefore we should expect the next period of solar flare activity [due between now and 2013] to be extremely violent, and if if happens to erupt on the side facing earth, we will loose a lot of of. comunications,unless solar shields are erected to protect them . this would mean we,as citizens, shouls have a supply of essentials, to last ?.....who knows how long it would take to fix things. everything these days depends upon electronic communication. they say this would not have effected us much in the past as not much depended on the technology then,however, we are more vulnerable now ..was it new york that had that huge blackout around 2000? said to be the result of solar activity. be prepared!-Simla

  • 20th Apr 2011 04:37pm

These predictions are very vaguely worded and open to all sorts of strange interpretations.

  • 21st Mar 2011 10:47am

i believe that there could be a doomsday. but we do not have the knowledge to know when it is coming and if it will in this lifetime or never!
all we can really do is live life to the fullest so that when our life is over we have no regrets and have made the most of all we can =)

  • 21st Mar 2011 08:49am

I think we should all live life to the fullest, and if we keep focussing on what is going to happen in the future we will be so caught up in that, that we will forget what is important in life Love, Family and happiness true happiness. So why prepare to die or for the world to end live your life upright and just and you will be ok peace

  • 19th Mar 2011 05:29am

I think we should be happy we are alive and be as prepared for any disaster.Be prepared to help anyone and everyone

  • 18th Mar 2011 12:20pm

You should have a bucket list anyway, after all life is tenuios , no one knows how long they are here for , so live each day as if it was your last day, surely that is a better way of looking at it rather than wondering about a doomsday...life your life.....

  • 17th Mar 2011 03:52pm

Look the world wont end next year it could any time but it wont maybe life will get very difficult but humans always will think there way out of problems.
people have said these things of past and been wrong. Just loosen up live life and be happy!
we always adapt that is the word shift from danger and adapt

  • 17th Mar 2011 01:37pm

I find it intriguing that man(kind) believes he is so important that he can influence everything on this planet , even though he is in reality just a minor player. Mother earth, when conditions become unbearable for her, gives a big sigh and rights the wrongs.

Weather patterns have been changing over geological time, with cycles within cycles, there are many explainable influences on weather patterns, though if we're inclined, we might put God at the top of this tree. Man made global warming is a nonsense, but is fostered by greedy governments increasingly looking for more ways to tax the voter out of existence.

Recent global disasters can be explained, and this page of a renowned weather forecaster does a better job than I ever could, so check it out.

  • 17th Mar 2011 12:50pm

From what I have read in the Bible, there are still a lot of prophecies to come to pass before the end of the world. But I agree, things are definitely gaining momentum and we can't just sit back and ignore it all. We are living in interesting times.

  • 17th Mar 2011 10:17am

It is so easy for us to be convinced of impending disasters, when there are real ones around us all the time. We cannot afford to worry about what MIGHT happen in the future, but live for the present and make the most of what we have with Family, Friends and our loved ones. Besides, who among us can change the future of things?

  • 17th Mar 2011 08:17am

They Mayans didn't prophesise (interesting: my spell checker doesn't even recognise that as a word) anything. There calendar ends in 2012, that's all. Given that their civilisation ended long before, for them it's a moot point.

Nostradamus was a grifter when alive and those who trade on his writings today are scam artists of the lowest variety.

Neither can be described as theories. The latter as vague assertions. Maybe.
I don't see either gaining in popularity. Once was the subject of of a truly awful movie even in a genre known for awful movies. Disasters make people believe all sorts of nonsense. It's human nature to see patterns where there are none.

  • 29th Mar 2011 04:55pm
English is referred to as a "Dynamic" language, this means it is continually changing. If you didn't find it in your spellchecker then this is why. You believe what you wish, your opinion!, I don't...

I think "varied" is a better word for this difference in spelling.

"You believe what you wish, your opinion!, I don't care what you think, as I said you are entitled to your opinion, more power to you, I am entitled to mine! Note!(End of discusssion)"

Paraphrase: don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up? I presume this is relating to the "Doomsday" topic rather than the etymology of the word "prophesise" (however you choose spell it) which was, to me at least, an interesting side show to your original topic. I tend to get side tracked by such details, it's probably a character flaw, but not, I hope, a serious one. :-)

If you ask a question or make an assertion in public, you really need to be willing to back it up and have the good grace not to throw your toys out of the pram when someone presents you with a counter argument.

  • 29th Mar 2011 04:43pm
A National Geographic documentary used widely in Ancient History Classes state the prediction by the Mayans of Doomday as December 2012. I did not make this prediction, but did find it interesting,...

It seems even NG are not immune to quoting total rubbish then. It's use in teaching ancient history is a failing on the part of the educators, at very least unless they pointed out the bits that were important to their students.

Reading more background, and I suggest you do, it's interesting stuff especially if you are studying ancient history, it seems that there is conjecture that the Maya were trying to make the roll over of their largest unit of time (Baktun) from 12 to 13 coincide with the an alignment with the galactic equator. If this is true, they missed by 14 years because it happened in May 1998.

I'll repeat the two links from above because they are very informative:


  • 29th Mar 2011 04:34pm
"The Mayans were ancient, not primitive" - Primitive was your word not mine, sorry if I misconstrued it. The word comes with a whole lot of cultural baggage.

""Prophesize" like my...

Well it seems my numbers for the accuracy of the Mayan calendar above are wrong. Since then I've spent some time reading about it and it would seem the claimed accuracy is complete rubbish. The Long Count, which is what the nut jobs and scam artists are talking about is accurate to a little less than 5 days per year. So much for 30 seconds. This should illustrate the dangers of quoting other people's analysis without fully understanding. :-)

There is an interesting analysis of the topic at:


  • 29th Mar 2011 04:23pm
The Mayans were ancient, not primitive. The word "Prophesize" like my statement is an ancient word! Google it! You rely on a spellchecker, how mundane! As I stated, the Mayans astrological chart to...

"The Mayans were ancient, not primitive" - Primitive was your word not mine, sorry if I misconstrued it. The word comes with a whole lot of cultural baggage.

""Prophesize" like my statement is an ancient word! Google it!" - I did. Google asks me if I mean "prophetise" and Wikipedia (I don't believe I'm quoting Wikipedia!) says it's a "non standard" derivation of prophet. The Merriam-Webster site lists it (which cements my belief that is an Americanism) and lists it's first known use as 1848. I suspect the spelling difference is purely down to whether you use American or let's call it Commonwealth spelling.

"You rely on a spellchecker, how mundane" - It is a very useful tool that helps prevent me from producing the sort of unreadable garbage I see on internet forums every day. The fact that I noted that my spell checker didn't know a word should tell you that I don't rely on it as final arbiter :-)

Accuracy: the Mayan calendar says the solar year is 365.2420 days, the Gregorian 365.2425. Modern astronomers say 365.2422 days. All those numbers are averages. That makes for an error in the Mayan calendar is ~17 seconds per year by my math, so I have my doubts about 30 seconds (over what period?). We insert "leap" periods to bring out calendar back into line with the reality of solar observation. Which is more accurate over time? Ours precisely because we are willing to insert a "fudge" factor to make it line up with reality.

As for who is more primitive, well someone needs to define primitive before I'll open that can of worms. Having grown up in Papua New Guinea and therefore met them, I see no reason that "primitive" people can't be very, very clever.

"[...]the things that are happening at present are not natural [...] are largely due to global warming" - Which has nothing to do with the Mayan Calendar or the famous French shyster. You said as much yourself in a previous post. The "things that are happening" are natural; their causes may not be depending on how you define "natural". The idea that we live on a static and unchanging world is romantic notion not reflected in reality. You have to remember that every average is the product (well, sum to be precise - math joke) of extremes and that it mayl change over time as more data points are added.

The important thing about opinions is that you are willing to articulate them and, when proved wrong, change them :-)

  • 29th Mar 2011 03:29pm
"The Mayans were ancient, not primitive" - Primitive was your word not mine, sorry if I misconstrued it. The word comes with a whole lot of cultural baggage.

""Prophesize" like my...

English is referred to as a "Dynamic" language, this means it is continually changing. If you didn't find it in your spellchecker then this is why. You believe what you wish, your opinion!, I don't care what you think, as I said you are entitled to your opinion, more power to you, I am entitled to mine! Note!(End of discusssion)

  • 29th Mar 2011 03:14pm
The Mayans were ancient, not primitive. The word "Prophesize" like my statement is an ancient word! Google it! You rely on a spellchecker, how mundane! As I stated, the Mayans astrological chart to...

"The Mayans were ancient, not primitive" - Primitive was your word not mine, sorry if I misconstrued it. The word comes with a whole lot of cultural baggage.

""Prophesize" like my statement is an ancient word! Google it!" - I did. Google asks me if I mean "prophetise" and Wikipedia (I don't believe I'm quoting Wikipedia!) says it's a "non standard" derivation of prophet. The Merriam-Webster site lists it (which cements my belief that is an Americanism) and lists it's first known use as 1848. I suspect the spelling difference is purely down to whether you use American or let's call it Commonwealth spelling.

"You rely on a spellchecker, how mundane" - It is a very useful tool that helps prevent me from producing the sort of unreadable garbage I see on internet forums every day. The fact that I noted that my spell checker didn't know a word should tell you that I don't rely on it as final arbiter :-)

Accuracy: the Mayan calendar says the solar year is 365.2420 days, the Gregorian 365.2425. Modern astronomers say 365.2422 days. All those numbers are averages. That makes for an error in the Mayan calendar is ~17 seconds per year by my math, so I have my doubts about 30 seconds (over what period?). We insert "leap" periods to bring out calendar back into line with the reality of solar observation. Which is more accurate over time? Ours precisely because we are willing to insert a "fudge" factor to make it line up with reality.

As for who is more primitive, well someone needs to define primitive before I'll open that can of worms. Having grown up in Papua New Guinea and therefore met them, I see no reason that "primitive" people can't be very, very clever.

"[...]the things that are happening at present are not natural [...] are largely due to global warming" - Which has nothing to do with the Mayan Calendar or the famous French shyster. You said as much yourself in a previous post. The "things that are happening" are natural; their causes may not be depending on how you define "natural". The idea that we live on a static and unchanging world is romantic notion not reflected in reality. You have to remember that every average is the product (well, sum to be precise - math joke) of extremes and that it mayl change over time as more data points are added.

The important thing about opinions is that you are willing to articulate them and, when proved wrong, change them :-)

  • 29th Mar 2011 12:24pm
Prophesize is also rejected by my spell checker. Besides, that looks like an Americanism and when I did look it up, it seems my spelling was correct. I suggest YOU get a new spell checker and...

A National Geographic documentary used widely in Ancient History Classes state the prediction by the Mayans of Doomday as December 2012. I did not make this prediction, but did find it interesting, and was seeking feedback only. Many false predictions have been made! The times prophesized have come and gone, this will happen again no doubt, my objective in mentioning this prediction was purely to gain an insight to the thoughts of others, certainly not to cause worry or fear to any individual!

  • 29th Mar 2011 10:34am
Prophesize is also rejected by my spell checker. Besides, that looks like an Americanism and when I did look it up, it seems my spelling was correct. I suggest YOU get a new spell checker and...

The Mayans were ancient, not primitive. The word "Prophesize" like my statement is an ancient word! Google it! You rely on a spellchecker, how mundane! As I stated, the Mayans astrological chart to this day is out by 30 seconds, tell me who is more primitive, us or them. I never commented that I was a scientist, or of superior intelligence, but the things that are happening at present are not natural, and in my opinion, which I am entitled to, are largely due to global warming. I do respect your opinion though, you are entitled to it, as am I!

  • 29th Mar 2011 12:43am
Prophesize! - And who can't spell! Look it up! Time for a new spellchecker, or use the dictionary! The Mayans and Nostradamus did not predict that we would be silly enough to destroy our own...

Prophesize is also rejected by my spell checker. Besides, that looks like an Americanism and when I did look it up, it seems my spelling was correct. I suggest YOU get a new spell checker and dictionary, friend.

Neither the Mayans nor Nostradamus predicted anything so I guess your next sentence is correct. From there on I'm afraid it's all downhill.

You see, deforestation was going on in both their times. Some scholars think it may have been the root cause of the fall of the Mayan civilisation (note spelling).

Nuclear fission has been going on since the beginning of the universe. Indeed, it's quite impossible to stop.

Neither the Mayans nor Nostradamus were primitive, regardless of your level of understanding of their culture.

The oil drilling I'll give you

  • 28th Mar 2011 11:00pm
They Mayans didn't prophesise (interesting: my spell checker doesn't even recognise that as a word) anything. There calendar ends in 2012, that's all. Given that their civilisation ended long...

Prophesize! - And who can't spell! Look it up! Time for a new spellchecker, or use the dictionary! The Mayans and Nostradamus did not predict that we would be silly enough to destroy our own world! Nuclear reactors! you're right! They never would have imagined people in the future would have been silly enough to drill for oil in our oceans, cut down all own beautiful trees, wreck our own environment, they may have been primitive, they were by no means stupid from what I understand of their ancient culture.

  • 17th Mar 2011 04:14am

In all honesty you don't have to be a prophet to realize what man has done to upset the balance of mother nature. We have caused so much damage to this planet and for what reason greed, power, money?
I really don't get it, you would think those out there, that are filthy rich including movie stars and the governments could get together with all their might and focus on saving our planet and for once forget about lining there pockets.
Greed, power, money will mean nothing if it all came to an end.

  • 16th Mar 2011 09:45pm

Contrary to panic merchants' press, the Maya did not predict the end of the world in Dec 2012. It is sim[ply the end of their long count calendar. It had to end sometime considering it was started many millennia ago.

Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. It is simply the day that the calendar will go to the next 'baktun'.

In the mid-1990s, esoteric author John Major Jenkins asserted that the ancient Maya intended to tie the end of their calendar to the winter solstice in 2012, which falls on December 21. This date was in line with an idea he terms the galactic alignment in the Milky Way.

Disasters worldwide are definitely not new, earth changes have been happening since the big bang.
2012 should be seen as a new era, not the end.

  • 29th Mar 2011 12:44am
Contrary to panic merchants' press, the Maya did not predict the end of the world in Dec 2012. It is sim[ply the end of their long count calendar. It had to end sometime considering it was started...

Thank you for that explanation. It's rather more in depth than my own understanding

  • 17th Mar 2011 10:27am
Contrary to panic merchants' press, the Maya did not predict the end of the world in Dec 2012. It is sim[ply the end of their long count calendar. It had to end sometime considering it was started...

You've got it right grandmahawk. Lets hope that the new era is one of understanding, compassion, and enlightenment.

  • 17th Mar 2011 09:29am
Contrary to panic merchants' press, the Maya did not predict the end of the world in Dec 2012. It is sim[ply the end of their long count calendar. It had to end sometime considering it was started...

Yes..I agree

  • 16th Mar 2011 01:25am

Does anyone know anything about the nuclear disaster in Japan with now 4 explosions. That has to be doing more damage to the atmosphere than we know. Yet the news is telling us the radiation is only impacting people as far as tokyo. I find that hard to believe. Do you think they just don't want to panic people? What about the impact on the world let alone humans. Humans are partly to blame for using this power or any other dangerous substance that could be volitile under presure.

  • 10th Mar 2011 11:54am

I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are beginning to happen. As for the exact year none of us know just what that will be and I personally don't believe that either Nostradamus or the Mayans could predict when things will end.

  • 13th Sep 2012 02:58pm
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

Sorry Trendygran, there is only one source of creation and noone knows who or what it is. We all got here by chance and we all will leave this earth earlier than we all would like. Some things may well be preordaned, like Death. but then again this earth we live on will die too one day and that is preordaned. One should just live life one day at a time, respecting others in all aspects, helping those that are less fortunate where one can, ensuring those who wish to take from us which is not rightfully their's to take are stopped from doing so or brought to justice.

  • 15th Jan 2012 08:01pm
The world could go bang anytime,one thing we cant stop is an astroid,volcanoes and melting of our icecaps.If the ring of fire errupted that would be it,the ash cloud would cover the planet for...

think you got that one right jimbo. There are facts in your statement, where other comments lack facts for emotional snapshots of the world 'they' live in. This has nothing (ZERO) to do with religion, the world has always had disasters, we are just noticing them more now that we can watch them on the TV. We have become desensitized and 'dumbed down' The BIBLE is the biggest book of chinese whispers, but I'm not getting onto that..cheers

  • 28th Dec 2011 01:41pm
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

Hi trendygran, God be with you. I too believe that God is the only One Who knows. After all, did He not say in Revelations, that no man shall know the exact time of the end?

  • 21st Oct 2011 10:48am
Don't put yourself down mistymae53 :-) ... You're more intelligent than you think, and I would like to apologise, because if you think I was debating - I wasn't... I was merely presenting not only...

Thankyou for your kind reply, it is very appreciated!

  • 21st Oct 2011 08:33am
I am not particularly intelligent, my teacher quoted the percentage of Christains there are that live in the world. I studied ancient history, statistics stated were on handouts received in class,...

Don't put yourself down mistymae53 :-) ... You're more intelligent than you think, and I would like to apologise, because if you think I was debating - I wasn't... I was merely presenting not only my view, but, facts as well...

WE, on this Thread (by the way, looks like it's attracted a few people), like me, wanted to provide our opinions...

No Power to me! Power to you for encouraging US all to contribute :-)

  • 20th Oct 2011 05:32pm
In terms of your six percent measurement on Christians, and your inference of us being a 'minority' has me smiling at the moment...Having an awareness of the next 5 major World Religions, atheism...

I am not particularly intelligent, my teacher quoted the percentage of Christains there are that live in the world. I studied ancient history, statistics stated were on handouts received in class, I have no strong opinion either way, I simply requested other people's views. I have no intention of debating a simple hyperthetical theory in heated terms, you have your opinion, more power to you!

  • 20th Oct 2011 01:41pm
Only six percent of people in the entire world are Christians!In fact there are indeed numerous other religions who have their own Gods. As Christianity is a minority religion, I can't help...

In terms of your six percent measurement on Christians, and your inference of us being a 'minority' has me smiling at the moment...Having an awareness of the next 5 major World Religions, atheism ironically stand to a great understanding to themselves, that they believe in nothing...Funny! funny, that looks like Faith!

"Drastic alterations to the Weather" as you state, are directly imposed by everyone on this Earth (Christians included) - World Leaders talk about it, and that's all that happens...

I would like to inform you that the 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters in the World, based on Numbers of Deaths were from the following: 5 were from China (1556 - 1976) = Predominantly Buddhism; 1 from Bangladesh (1970) = Hinduism; 1 from Haiti (2010) = Voodooism/Creole; India (1839) = Hinduism; Indonesia (2004) Buddhism and Turkey = Muslim..

Now, I can go on and map all the recent Disasters, but, do you get the picture? These are facts! By the way, there are over 1300 prophecies in the Bible, and most have true....I stress the word, "most" because the outstanding ones at the moment all point towards the fulfillment of the Day in question...

As my learned Brother, that you threaded to, it's not about QUANTITY.....It's QUALITY....WE have no reason to believe it's going to be December 2012, so much so for me, I've booked to leave from NZ to Brisbane on the 14th...I don't know any of my Friends (Christians or otherwise) who have freaked out in front of me about this Doomsday Date you go on about...

....and even if it does happen....my learned Brother and I know where we're going? Do you?

Jim 007
  • 19th Oct 2011 02:19pm
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

The world could go bang anytime,one thing we cant stop is an astroid,volcanoes and melting of our icecaps.If the ring of fire errupted that would be it,the ash cloud would cover the planet for years! Cheers jim

  • 16th Aug 2011 07:48pm
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

I don't understand why according to scientific research this "book of fiction" is the oldest written text and still in production. I thought it was only non-fiction that will stand the test of time! Molly if you read this "fiction book" you will find that it is predicting doomsday but doesn't link it to a date. I think the reason you regard the Bible as fiction is because you don't understand what you are reading.

  • 16th Aug 2011 07:31pm
Only six percent of people in the entire world are Christians!In fact there are indeed numerous other religions who have their own Gods. As Christianity is a minority religion, I can't help...

What scares me the most is that only 6% of people in the world are Christians but the oldest written text or book in the world known to man and still in production, is the Bible that the Christians are using. The end of the world is described in the Bible but it stated clearly that only God knows when the world will come to an end. If the world does not come to an end in December 2012, I suppose then the other 94% will start thinking why the Bible is the oldest book in the world!

  • 4th Jul 2011 10:38am
Agreed, I don't respect your beliefs. I do however respect your right to hold them, but not to preach. I don't push my beliefs at you, I simply ask you to extend to me the same curtesy.

I'm not sure how someone who doesn't believe in GOD would find comfort from your sentiments. You are entitled to your beliefs. But, do not presume others will appreciate them or find them comforting.
I think things will change or come to an end as we know it. Earths history already shows how life on earth has changed due to certain events that happen.

pete 9
  • 20th Apr 2011 10:53pm
there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like...

Yes, it is very interesting how so many people deal with natural disaters. I was myself a victim of the flood in Qld Aust, I lost my home and almost all of my possessions.
Tragic as the world problems are, it isoften the media coverage which controls people's thoughts.
Fear the greatest controller in the world today.
No the world won't be ending, perhaps some big changes in stucture and some more education of peoples minds might help.

  • 29th Mar 2011 09:58pm
there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like...

How interesting in what you say. Where is the Ark today, that saved our people of all race,I do't see it in museum's, you mention "The Earth Will Be Cleanse" yes I agree like every other billions,trillion year's ago. It is not Gods doing. It is you,me like every1 else on this earth.

  • 19th Mar 2011 06:13am
you poor,deluded thing.The book you quote is a collection of campfire stories started by tribal elders to keep the increasingly rowdy young ones in line. "Ooh, hear that noise in the sky? That is...

Agree with you 100% codge. I consider the bible a work of fiction.

  • 18th Mar 2011 11:44am
there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like...

Hi codge,

I totally agree with you, if there is a god, why is it that good people are taken from us?

Everyone is to their beliefs, but sorry not me.
I dont understand why good people are taken from us to early,
Why does he let people suffer?

But each to their own.

Will defo provide some interesting comments!


  • 18th Mar 2011 08:05am
there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like...

you poor,deluded thing.The book you quote is a collection of campfire stories started by tribal elders to keep the increasingly rowdy young ones in line. "Ooh, hear that noise in the sky? That is (insert relevant name here) and he is angry with you. He can see all from up there". Then, that collection was seen to be a way to control everyone who is uneducated. And so we have organised religion. Why will everyone be destroyed? Even the nuns? Even the newborns? Hardly fair.

  • 17th Mar 2011 11:52am
Auntychel: you are most welcome to your beliefs, but you are now evangelising. Please stop before someone takes offence.

why are you on a discussion board if you have no respect for others opinions, I was answering questions asked by people who are worried about their future, showing someone there is hope and a positive future is known as showing compassion!

  • 17th Mar 2011 08:24am
Auntychel: you are most welcome to your beliefs, but you are now evangelising. Please stop before someone takes offence.

Agreed, I don't respect your beliefs. I do however respect your right to hold them, but not to preach. I don't push my beliefs at you, I simply ask you to extend to me the same curtesy.

  • 17th Mar 2011 08:15am
Auntychel: you are most welcome to your beliefs, but you are now evangelising. Please stop before someone takes offence.

why are you on a discussion board if you have no respect for others opinions, I was answering questions asked by people who are worried about their future, showing someone there is hope and a positive future is known as showing compassion!

  • 17th Mar 2011 08:08am
Only six percent of people in the entire world are Christians!In fact there are indeed numerous other religions who have their own Gods. As Christianity is a minority religion, I can't help...

Agreed, I believe the most numerous are either Hindus or Buddhists. Both of whom believe in a never ending cycle. The popular vote says no doomsday :-)

  • 17th Mar 2011 08:05am
Only six percent of people in the entire world are Christians!In fact there are indeed numerous other religions who have their own Gods. As Christianity is a minority religion, I can't help...

Auntychel: you are most welcome to your beliefs, but you are now evangelising. Please stop before someone takes offence.

  • 17th Mar 2011 07:44am
there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like...

we would not have any hope if God didnt exist. and the reason he is going to "end the world" is to end the suffering that he didnt create! The Bible prophecy says the wicked system of things that we live in will end, and all wickedness with it, including sickness death and pain. Then the earth will be cleansed and be returned to the paradise conditions it was created like in the beginning.
If you seriously want to know more about this and the blessings that will follow, then listen to the JW's when they knock on your door (their work is prophecied in the Bible too).
One more point to consider: A Judgement came upon the earth several thousand years ago and one man and his family warned people over many years as he and his sons built a vessel to save righteous men and collected species of animals to restart populating the earth. The people laughed at and ridiculed him, he had offered them a place on the ark to be saved and they scoffed and called him mad, a religious fanatic, but who survived?

  • 17th Mar 2011 06:41am
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

there is no god. If there was, why would he end the world? These "current disasters" have been happening forever. It is only today's instant and world-wide communication that makes it seem like there is so much happening. The news of the Thailand/Indonesia tsunami would have taken weeks to reach us in Oz if it had happened even 50 years ago

  • 10th Mar 2011 10:31pm
I believe there will be a Doomsday but, the only one who knows when, is God. In the bible it has been predicted in Revelations and with all the current disasters, I believe that things are...

Only six percent of people in the entire world are Christians!In fact there are indeed numerous other religions who have their own Gods. As Christianity is a minority religion, I can't help wondering what other people think. Over and above this, many people these days, in Western Countries in particular, are indeed Atheists. All over the world climate change is causing drastic alterations to the weather we have been used to for such a very long time. I don't know if the prophecies of the Mayans are true or not, I do understand that their grasp on astrology in Ancient times was truly incredible. I find it fascinating that, to this very day, the Mayans astrological chart is only 30 seconds out. I don't know about anyone else, but I find this fact absolutely fascinating, and a little scary.

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